General Flynn goes FULL TRAITOR on America

I'm sorry. They're a country our NATO allies want to defend against Russia. Which isn't a NATO ally.

Was that better worded for you, donkey fucker?
you have to excuse sunni man. he has big empathy with putin who is afraid of nato being close to russian borders. that's why it is completely plausible that he would understand Putin expanding Russian borders to be closer to nato.
Damn, now the dems are suffering from FDS......I pay about as much attention to Flynn as any other retired general.

That said I hope he's able to parlay that derangement into cash to make-up for the shabby way he was treated by the dems.
Damn, now the dems are suffering from FDS......I pay about as much attention to Flynn as any other retired general.

That said I hope he's able to parlay that derangement into cash to make-up for the shabby way he was treated by the dems.
As it turns out, our opinions do not rely on what some anonymous guy on a message board thinks.
Trump is jizzing all over himself because Zelensky if captured, will lose his life over this.

Makes ya proud don't it MAGATARD?

All of this is out of Trump's control. Nothing that the Trumpster says or doesn't say will change Zelensky's fate.

Although I'm sure that Trump wouldn't shed any tears over the fate of Zelensky, who didn't have any loyalty to the Trumpster.
Stop calling him retired. Trump and Pence had to fire him.
He was fired under Obama. He was no longer military when Trump hired him.

He had his own computer connection in his office that the military could not monitor. Not sure what all his wrongdoing consisted of, some may be classified.
LOL....And thank goodness for that.....It would be a hell of a world if it did when you figure it's just mere amusement for someone like myself. ;)
Yes, easy to say, when it is not your family being turned into a pink mist by a Russia Missile.;)

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