General Flynn goes FULL TRAITOR on America

You guys think Bidumb giving Russia instructions on what to do to avoid US military action, and then flat out saying no US troops would be deployed to the Ukraine means that it is BIDUMB that is in fact colluding with Russia?

Me thinks so.

And let's not forget, other left wing idiots like John Kerry are saying that he's concerned that the war in Russia will distract from the real threat to our world, climate change.

You really can't make this shit up.
Wrong ya fat little bitch

It's ALL on Putin

Who continues to take over nations under democrat presidents.

The child molester had plenty of time to avert this war. All he had to do was put 10,000 US troops on the ground in the Ukraine. Just sit them there. Putin wouldn't shoot at US troops because he knows short of nuclear holocaust, he can't beat us with conventional forces and once he kills one single American soldier, it's on.
What is pathetic is YOUR child molester did nothing to stop "mother Russia". Actions speak louder than words. YOUR party failed to stop a full blown invasion of yet ANOTHER country by Russia on your watch. Yet it's republicans that are pro Russia. Are you really this fucking stupid?
I think you are the stupid one. Out of touch, most likely.

Here you go. Read. It's printed in English.

A month ago:

And today:

That should get you started.
Newsflash...Putin was a KGB counterintel colonel. Then he was head of the KGB successor FSB.

He might as well be a Soviet dictator. There is no difference
No different than being in our weaponized FBI.
I think you are the stupid one. Out of touch, most likely.

Here you go. Read. It's printed in English.

A month ago:

And today:

That should get you started.

They wouldn't have needed a single Javelin had we put US troops in Ukraine.

We gave them a few dozen anti tank missiles as well as a few Stingers. That's not enough to stop the Russian army you dumbfuck.
They wouldn't have needed a single Javelin had we put US troops in Ukraine.

We gave them a few dozen anti tank missiles as well as a few Stingers. That's not enough to stop the Russian army you dumbfuck.
You obviously didn't read the articles. That's what I expected anyways. I will refrain from saying some bad words to you. It will just make you piss yourself.
They wouldn't have needed a single Javelin had we put US troops in Ukraine.

We gave them a few dozen anti tank missiles as well as a few Stingers. That's not enough to stop the Russian army you dumbfuck.

300 Javelins in December alone

That's a lot of blown up Russian tanks and a lot of body bags sent back to Russia

He is supporting Russian WAR
You need to check your reading comprehension skills.

Flynn said "there will never be justification for this invasion" yet somehow you come to the stupid conclusion that he supports it.

My 7 year old kid has vastly superior reading comprehension skills than you do.

You're a fucking moron.
You need to check your reading comprehension skills.

Flynn said "there will never be justification for this invasion" yet somehow you come to the stupid conclusion that he supports it.

My 7 year old kid has vastly superior reading comprehension skills than you do.

You're a fucking moron.
Zelensky has all the goods on "The Big Guy", Hunter, Mittens and his buddy Cofer Black, Peloski, and Lurch Kerry.

With all that leverage over people actually in power, why would Putin kill him?
Wrong again. Zelensky has the goods on Trump & his cabal who tried to blackmail him.

Thanks for playing.

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