General Flynn goes FULL TRAITOR on America

General Flynn is right. :thup:
Well yes, Putin bombing Ukranian civilians is an ethnic problem. The issue was never about ethnic Russian ukranians having some sort of federalism in local govt or even being free to attend school or do biz in Russia, if they chose. This is about Putin wanting to reclaim a portion of the Tsarist/Soviet Empire. And if he kills thousands of Ukrainians along the way ... he doesn't care

Is he a Russian asset? I say...maybe. But make no mistake he is absolutely WRONG.

He says there are ''legitimate ethnic problems'' -- what a psycho. He is supporting Russian WAR

Any 'ethnic problems' are a sideshow. Russia is paranoid concerning their security and wants to reestablish the protective "iron curtain". Can you blame them based on their history with Western Europe? What everyone should fear is the militarization of Germany in response to Russian aggression in the region.
*directly from the federal government

An effort at diplomacy. He explained it, if you care to go read his explanation.
Diplomacy? LOL! Small, sneaky, indirect, and highly kickbackable. Trump went big, bold, public, and official. That's setting up diplomacy.

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