General Flynn goes FULL TRAITOR on America

General Flynn goes FULL TRAITOR on America​

Is he a Russian asset? I say...maybe. But make no mistake he is absolutely WRONG.

Tow the official line no matter how WRONG, eh? Was that your policy as well when Trump was in office?

General Flynn is absolutely right and it is refreshing to hear the TRUTH. Putin may be commanding the attack, but make NO MISTAKE that this incursion and those that will follow in coming months around the world, a total geopolitical shift, is all happening NOW because you assholes on the left stole an election and put a sick man knucklehead in the WH. This is

Hi Mac; of course Putin has no RIGHT to it and this war is on him and Neville Biden's weakness, but I agree UP TO A POINT that meaningful discussions about Russia's security concerns should have been a priority. However, would they have worked?? I guess we'll never know.

I revert to my first post on this thread and say I wish I knew more about the issue than I do

certainly obama dropped the ball and hung the ukraines out to dry
One of the first things Trump did as President was to approve lethal arms sales to Ukraine. That was an immediate thumb in the eye of Putin right out of the gate. Bama/Biden never did that in eight years, even after Russia took Crimea.
You have some pretty incomplete info.

The Obama administration authorized several sales and shipments of lethal weaponry to Ukraine by private parties.

Also, he didn't withold those weapons to extort ukraine for personal gain, like the orange pile did.
One of the first things Trump did as President was to approve lethal arms sales to Ukraine. That was an immediate thumb in the eye of Putin right out of the gate. Bama/Biden never did that in eight years, even after Russia took Crimea.
nope, obama and xiden had promised to be more flexible with putin in exchange for taking it easy on him during the 2012 election. so of course they didn’t help ukraine, and let’s not forget gave putin all sorts of cover in 2012 when the gop was rightfully calling him a great threat

Lethal Weapons to Ukraine: A Primer​

By Peter J. Marzalik and Aric Toler
That’s very interesting. Obama kept the policy prohibition on supplying lethal arms, even after Crimea, except for a couple of small private deal exceptions. 27M and 68M. Sounds like like an Obama deall. Now contrast that with Trump publicly changing US policy, removing the ban, and selling 400M rigjt out of the gate. Two completely different scenes.

Is he a Russian asset? I say...maybe. But make no mistake he is absolutely WRONG.

He says there are ''legitimate ethnic problems'' -- what a psycho. He is supporting Russian WAR

Crimea has always been 90% Russian since 1600 or so, because it is the only Russian warm water port.
And the only other province Putin listed was Donetsk, with is about 70% Russian.
So unless Putin goes further than these 2 provinces, there is no problem.
Crimea has always been 90% Russian since 1600 or so, because it is the only Russian warm water port.
And the only other province Putin listed was Donetsk, with is about 70% Russian.
So unless Putin goes further than these 2 provinces, there is no problem.
Not for you, since it is not your family being killed by Russian weapons in Putin's illegal invasion.
Not for you, since it is not your family being killed by Russian weapons in Putin's illegal invasion.

The Ukraine should never have had control of provinces like the Crimea, that were populated by Russians.
It was wrong for Khrushchev to ever give them away, and it was right for them to be returned.
If there is any fighting, it is the fault of the Ukraine for not returning them voluntarily, long ago.
Gen. Flynn is retired. That makes him a civilian. Does the left really think that free speech by a civilian that criticized the president constitutes treason? Only if the president is a democrat.
Retired? What the flying fuck are you high on?

You are extremely ignorant if you do not know there is ethnic tensions in Donbas.

You're a moron.
Hey watch the damn language! No reason to make it personal.

Putin is owed NO PART of Ukraine. As another poster in here said - not even an inch.

There are NO 'legitimate' ethnic concerns. None if this is legitimate. Putin has gone mad.
Hey watch the damn language! No reason to make it personal.

Putin is owed NO PART of Ukraine. As another poster in here said - not even an inch.

There are NO 'legitimate' ethnic concerns. None if this is legitimate. Putin has gone mad.
I take the ad homs as a compliment. Means their little minds are frustrated by a lack of subject knowledge and just call you names. Cause that makes you smart.

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