General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

Lock the medicine cabinets in the WH.

I really think the stress will put the most healthiest president ever..EVER!.
Into the hospital. Or worse it has a stroke. Which is worse. As the Great Douche over the next
weeks will be screaming. I hope they
get this on digital media.

btw. Any notice IT's eyes are getting really puffy.
Flynn says Trump transition team directed him

"As part of a plea deal, former national security adviser Michael Flynn has admitted that a senior member of the Trump transition team directed him to make contact with Russian officials in December 2016."

That is deliberate interference with the Obama administration in office.
It was the Great Douche, by way of VP Dence.


Really. If all of this was legal. Why lie about it?

Finally we got these Putin´s spies , the Putin´s useful idiots are the next in the line

"Flynn pleads guilty on Russia, reportedly ready to testify against Trump

Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. national security adviser Michael Flynn pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia’s ambassador, and prosecutors said he consulted with a senior official in Donald Trump’s presidential transition team before speaking to the envoy."
Flynn pleads guilty on Russia, reportedly ready to testify against Trump
No they denied any such meetings LOL
They did no such thing...the admitted to meetings with many foreign leaders...A natural act for the president elect.

huh? are you saying that didn't happen? are you also saying obummer didn't do that when he came into office? huh?
At least try to follow a convesation.
Open the nested quotes, dope.
I did, I asked you what was a lie. and you didn't answer. instead you went off on the style of the quotes I posted.

If you had read it, you wouldn't need to ask, dope.
BOMBSHELL: Mike Flynn to plead guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia

Breaking story being reported everywhere.

Trump must be sh!tting his depends. Remember, Trump said to Comey to go easy on Flynn. Trump loves criminals.

Can you imagine, all these idiots crying 'lock her up' are now found guilty of crimes and are criminals. Lying Trump sees the writing on the wall now. Even if the soulless Republicans in Congress don't remove him the 2018 election is less than a year away and the Congress will go to the Democrats who are going to show what investigations and impeachments are all about.
Maxine Waters @RepMaxineWaters
Trump: Flynn admitted lying to the FBI. Sally Yates warned you that Flynn had been compromised by your friend Putin. You should've listened. Thank you Sally Yates!

11:56 AM - Dec 1, 2017

Obama also warned Trump about Flynn. Obama, the Nostradamus of our time, haha
Weird how Obama knew what Flynn was up to but Trump didn't.

Yeah, it almost seems unbelievable, right? Like, one would have to be a moron to think Trump didn't know. Especially, you know, after being explicitly told. Wow, you just said something almost truthful ...blind squirrel, meet nut...
That assumes that Trump was up to something when in fact it was Obama that was up to something. Obama was behind the setup and Hillary has been running the conspiracy.

That's it. Retreat back to the safety of your conspiracy.

Between yesterday's verdict and Mueller's shit-show, anyone who places any faith at all in Mueler's politically-fueled so-called "investigation" is a complete fool.

Meanwhile, these are headlines you'll never see the lying media report:

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged with lying to the FBI.....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton implicated in...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lied when they claimed "a video" caused the deaths of Americans in Benghazi....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton's son in law's hedge funds collapse when investors pulled out their money after her election loss...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged in Uranium One scandal...
Between yesterday's verdict and Mueller's shit-show, anyone who places any faith at all in Mueler's politically-fueled so-called "investigation" is a complete fool.

Meanwhile, these are headlines you'll never see the lying media report:

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged with lying to the FBI.....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton implicated in...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lied when they claimed "a video" caused the deaths of Americans in Benghazi....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton's son in law's hedge funds collapse when investors pulled out their money after her election loss...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged in Uranium One scandal...

The entirely predictable response when the noose tightens around Donnie Dotard

But But But But ...

But HILLARY!!! :cool-45:
Between yesterday's verdict and Mueller's shit-show, anyone who places any faith at all in Mueler's politically-fueled so-called "investigation" is a complete fool.

Meanwhile, these are headlines you'll never see the lying media report:

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged with lying to the FBI.....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton implicated in...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama lied when they claimed "a video" caused the deaths of Americans in Benghazi....

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton's son in law's hedge funds collapse when investors pulled out their money after her election loss...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton charged in Uranium One scandal...

The entirely predictable response when the noose tightens around Donnie Dotard

But But But But ...

But HILLARY!!! :cool-45:

You think that she's "immune"? When this whole "Mueller" thing is over, watch how fast she ends up in front of a Grand Jury.
You think that she's "immune"? When this whole "Mueller" thing is over, watch how fast she ends up in front of a Grand Jury.

30 years of Clinton investigations and ya still got bupkis. Uranium One is thoroughly debunked.

But Poor Dotard!

A close confidant told ABC News that Flynn felt abandoned by Trump in recent weeks, and told friends about the decision to make the plea deal within the last 24 hours as he grew increasingly concerned about crippling legal costs he would face if he continued to contest the charges.
Flynn has promised special counsel 'full cooperation' in Russia probe: Source

He prolly should have offered to pay Crooked Mike's legal fees ya THINK? :D
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Maxine Waters @RepMaxineWaters
Trump: Flynn admitted lying to the FBI. Sally Yates warned you that Flynn had been compromised by your friend Putin. You should've listened. Thank you Sally Yates!

11:56 AM - Dec 1, 2017

Obama also warned Trump about Flynn. Obama, the Nostradamus of our time, haha
Weird how Obama knew what Flynn was up to but Trump didn't.

Yeah, it almost seems unbelievable, right? Like, one would have to be a moron to think Trump didn't know. Especially, you know, after being explicitly told. Wow, you just said something almost truthful ...blind squirrel, meet nut...
That assumes that Trump was up to something when in fact it was Obama that was up to something. Obama was behind the setup and Hillary has been running the conspiracy.

That's it. Retreat back to the safety of your conspiracy.

That's rich.

First of all, name the laws broken.
You can't

Because as president-elect Trump has the right to contact foreign governments as part of the transition. If he didn't the press would claim he was criminally negligent in his duties.

Why is the press running with this story?
Because this is a criminal conspiracy to oust the president.

What are they saying Flynn admitted to?
Lying to the FBI.
Because they questioned him on numerous occasions and compared the transcripts and found inconsistencies.
Note that they never took any transcripts when Hillary was questioned, and she only was questioned there was no possible inconsistencies, BY DESIGN.
Meaning that her investigation was simply a farce.

This entire investigation is also a farce.

So is this story, because they're releasing this bogus BS periodically to a corrupt media to maximize any possible damage they can get from it.
Later this month it'll be something else and not one bit of it has anything to do with Russian Collusion.
You think that she's "immune"? When this whole "Mueller" thing is over, watch how fast she ends up in front of a Grand Jury.

30 years of Clinton investigations and ya still got bupkis. Uranium One is thoroughly debunked.

But Poor Dotard!

A close confidant told ABC News that Flynn felt abandoned by Trump in recent weeks, and told friends about the decision to make the plea deal within the last 24 hours as he grew increasingly concerned about crippling legal costs he would face if he continued to contest the charges.​

He prolly should have offered to pay Crooked Mike's legal fees ya THINK? :D

Flynn has promised special counsel 'full cooperation' in Russia probe: Source

Uranium One is "thoroughly debunked" because that's what Hillary Clinton said? Doubtful. This hasn't even began to open up and as long as FOX News keeps pushing this and the multiple other crimes Hillary could be prosecuted for, it's going to come to a boil until it bubbles over and makes a big fucking mess for you Democrats.

Meanwhile Mueller's Kabuki Theater continues, even though he hasn't found once single shred of evidence to support the leftard's claim of "Russia Russia Russia!"

Seriously mang, Putin is laughing his ass off at you liberal idiots. You've proven yourselves worthy of what the old-school Communists used to refer to as "Useful Idiots".

Maybe Putin will even order a new medal to be awarded to you leftists for assisting him in his plan to throw this country into disruption after the 2016 election.
Uranium One is "thoroughly debunked" because that's what Hillary Clinton said? Doubtful. This hasn't even began to open up and as long as FOX News keeps pushing this and the multiple other crimes Hillary could be prosecuted for, it's going to come to a boil until it bubbles over and makes a big fucking mess for you Democrats.

Fox-n-Friends, Hannity and Judge Jeanine can yammer about Hillary's many crimes all they wish - we'll keep laughing at them (and you).


You Foxtards should prolly pay attention to Shep!

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