General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!

Michael Flynn Expected to Plead Guilty

have I mentioned you are a mental cripple Mr Gravitas LOL
its weird as shit how mental cripples like this goof "willhavetowait" have a reflex reaction to any wrong doings by their Heroes ...they call on St Hillary a woman they have been hounding for more than a quarter century and have not been able to charge her with even jay walking
Just breaking
It was only a matter of time. There was so much there, they could have charged him months ago. But they wanted to build a case for plea bargaining. So they needed overwhelming.

General Flynn pleads - GUILTY! - Lock him up!... and Hillary laughs and laughs and laughs!
If he's guilty of treason lock him up. I don't care. Put him in a cell with Hillary
I agree.

Folks around here are so damn partisan.

They care more about politics than process.

The whole nation could turn into a police state as long as their party was in control of it.

Has anyone noticed the difference in how the Hillary email/server was handled and how the Trump/Russia investigation has been handled. Hillary -- no grand jury for issuing subpoenas and immunity deals cut right and left with her staff with no deals. Trump -- grand jury issued for subpoenas and searches and people associated with Trump are actually held to the standard of telling the truth.
Lying to the FBI? I thought it was your duty to lie to the FBI. If they charged everyone in politics with lying, Washington D.C. would be a vast empty lot. What happens when the FBI lies?
He was probably guilty of much more than lying but made a deal to plead guilty for the lesser charge.

You know what that means!!!!!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!

He's flipping on Trump.

I hope so. I hope Flynn brings the big orange motherfuckin' liar down to his fat knees.
read the charge, lying to the FBI. Not russia russia. what's wrong with you. I think your hate for trump is over the top there bubba. you need some help. I would love to see secret service show up at your door. You think you're safe behind a PC.
Flynn is being charged with one count of lying to the FBI.

But we know he took money from Turkey. Was possibly part of a kidnap plot. Didn't register as a foreign agent.

So they could plea bargain on that one point, lying to the FBI and if the FBI didn't get what they expected from plea bargain, they have a whole host of charges waiting in the wings. Flynn is toast.

And this is the first time someone who had been in the White House, has been charged and plead guilty.

See? It's a big deal.
Has anyone noticed the difference in how the Hillary email/server was handled and how the Trump/Russia investigation has been handled. Hillary -- no grand jury for issuing subpoenas and immunity deals cut right and left with her staff with no deals. Trump -- grand jury issued for subpoenas and searches and people associated with Trump are actually held to the standard of telling the truth.
there are no morals on the left.
They hate the rule of Law that says Hillary Clinton has to be charged with an offense ...and then has to be found guilty..
they want to skip all of that and go to this :

Well, it's almost certain Flynn flipped big time. One really BIG ramification not mentioned is the bullshit about Pence with the "three weeks" and the alleged "lie" Flynn told to the "Transition head"/VP. I would love to see Pence, who has been lying very low and off the radar for a number of months now, get his lying, duplicitous ass kicked to the curb right beside the Cheeto-in-Chief!

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......same as Flynn...

lying to the FBI


LOL Mr Gravitas I am calling you Mr Moron LOL 25years of fanatical Nut bags like you investigating and screeching about Hillary and not even an indictment...LOL

Here is Your Orange Pig's First National Security advisor then

and here he is now
Michael Flynn Expected to Plead Guilty

have I mentioned you are a mental cripple Mr Gravitas LOL


you really are a moron, aren't you.

I see you're only in second place for the month

Instead of posting 3-4 memes in a post, try one meme per post

could triple your output that way
(just a suggestion)
No.... they never go her for that.. but they did bust her for lying.

She went to prison for lying???


Another reason people are upset about HRC and the emails... different standards for different folks.

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