General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

These are Trump's people so why should they be trusted? The fact is that getting in a spat with the mother of a dead soldier is a losing proposition. Independents will be alienated. Then you have another mother of a slain soldier who sys she heard nothing from Trump. Then you have the fact that Trump promised to send a $25,000 check which he only did after it became public.
Quiet. Moron at work...



Chris Baldridge’s Son Was Gunned Down In Afghanistan Earlier This Year
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And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.
There is nothing sadder weaker or more Bimbo like than to be a Trump apologist and a Trump submissive 24/7/365 Donald Trump is a Gross Burger of an unfit egotistical toxic Narcissist creep who screwed up a condolence call to a fallen soldier's family after ranting for weeks that Black Athletes were being unpatriotic ..

Looking forward to all the Troop Respecters boycotting the Republican party.

Bush ethics czar blasts Trump for having 'no empathy' for soldiers: He 'stayed home from Vietnam with a sore foot'
It's pretty great that both the Bushes and the Clintons hate Trump, if you ask me. That is a check PLUS in my book! :2up: Any more comments from political dynasty families?
yeah you are a real genius .....LOL there are 4000 law suits and six bankruptcies on what happens when you trust Donald Trump...if you have a daughter let her spend time with Trump those stories are all fake don't Trust political dynasty families Einstein Trust Donald Trump ...are you on crack?
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That sad submissive worship of Donald Trump is one weird fucking thing,,,its similar to those who believe that WWF theatrical wrestling is a real athletic contest....both phenomena deserve research,,

I mean to have trust like what was expressed; trust that amounts to Blind Faith in a man who had to repay $25 million he stole from others with a Flim Flam University is absolutely bizarre
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..... a rude jackass.
That describes Donald "you knew what you were getting into" Trump ....

I guess that would describe Obama too. Obama "But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job."

I don't mind that he said that. But hey if you on the left want to get so shitty about Trump we can turn the tables.
..... a rude jackass.
That describes Donald "you knew what you were getting into" Trump ....

I guess that would describe Obama too. Obama "But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job."

I don't mind that he said that. But hey if you on the left want to get so shitty about Trump we can turn the tables.
Except he said it in a speech to Soldiers not of a FUCKING CONDOLENCE call to a grieving widow ....I swear they are all Fucking mental
..... a rude jackass.
That describes Donald "you knew what you were getting into" Trump ....

I guess that would describe Obama too. Obama "But you knew all that when you joined the academy. You knew the risks involved, you knew the sacrifices required, and yet you stood up and said, ‘I’ll take that risk. I’ll make that sacrifice. I will do that job."

I don't mind that he said that. But hey if you on the left want to get so shitty about Trump we can turn the tables.
Except he said it in a speech to Soldiers not of a FUCKING CONDOLENCE call to a grieving widow ....I swear they are all Fucking mental

All the veterans I've heard and talked with on boards the past couple of days say the douche bag Congress woman doesn't have a clue what she is talking about. They are proud of their service and they all considered Trump's statement a great compliment.

Only left wing wankers wouldn't understand.
"He didn't even remember his name".
This man has been BOMBARDED since he took office...from the left AND the right. Non stop. He has NK fucking around with missiles. He has a wall to build. He has Iran to deal with. But he is supposed to remember a name so this woman is not "offended"? Gimme a break.

Anyone remember what Obama looked like after the first year? Then after the 4th year? Then after the 8th year? He went from black hair to white hair. He got bombarded too, but not as bad as Trump is and will be. So fucking what if he didn't remember the name. All he knew was it was a soldier that died that he probably did not send anywhere. That would be Obama, right?

So stuff the fake indignations.
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
I get it....
awwwww, you poor special snowflake baby, got his feelings hurt by my criticism of his idol? I'm so sorry! :D

Nope! You can't hurt my feelings. I just feel sorry for all of you snowflakes that persistently lie about Trump as though you had any training in psychology especially since most you apparently just barely made it out of high school.
My 20 year old when he first saw Trump on TV and it was mute, he told us word by word: why does he make bully faces.
Trump is a pathological liar.

You need to get that TV fixed if it is mute.

What is a bully face?

You seriously need work on your English there bud! That post makes no sense.
My English is fine...So you telling me that you didn't get It, that Trump is a bully and a liar?

Your English sucks because that is NOT what you said.

TVs are muted, not "mute". The phrase "he told us word by word" means nothing in the context you were trying to get across. The phase ": why does he make bully faces." sounds like something a 4 year-old would say, and it should be in quotes with capitalization and a question mark.

Yes, your English sucks!

phase? LOL. what a pedantic twat.
Sarah Sanders said in today's White House press briefing that Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly is "disgusted and frustrated" by the way his son's death has become politicized.

Why it matters: It was President Trump who first mentioned Kelly's son, when he told Brian Kilmeade on Fox News Radio to ask Gen. Kelly if he ever got a call from President Obama after his son was killed in Afghanistan in 2010.

Sanders: Kelly is 'disgusted' by politicization of his son's death

Kelly's silence is deafening... Kelly toured the country speaking to fallen soldiers families and never mentioned his son. The RWNJ have another thing coming if they believe Kelly is going to call a fallen soldiers family liars...
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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Considering the President has lied to us 100s of times since he took office, it is hard to believe anything he says. Why would anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
considering people make up all kinds of shit to throw at trump, why should we believe the next nugget you come up with to lob some hate at him?

always the other guys fault.

Wait, so you position is that we should belive the lies that Trump tells just because other people lie about him?

that is some crazy logic there buddy
wait - so i should believe you - a rabid trump hater - that everything you say he lied about, he did?

that is some crazy....

I do not hate anyone, but no you do not need to believe me, you just need to pay attention. The good thing about Trump is that he is not smart enough to remember he lies so he tends to contradict himself on a regular basis.

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