General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

A good and obedient winger will always wholeheartedly believe any negative rumor about someone on the other end.

The only time solid proof is required on a negative rumor, is when the rumor is about someone on their end.

We all know this, right?

Seriously, is this all just a game, and no one told me? Is this like Pro Wrestling for political geeks?
Trump the Winger provides his own truth.

Just listen to him and compare what he says now to what he said back then.
Who cares? He didn't have to call at all. He called, and it's the thought that counts.
Trump the Winger provides his own truth.

Just listen to him and compare what he says now to what he said back then.

Trump spews streams of consciousness and then leaves it to his staff to find some element of truth to it

When challenged on why he had not responded to the Niger killings in 12 days, Trumps immediate impulse was to claim other Presidents did not console widows

It then becomes the job of his staff and rightwing propaganda media to somehow prove it to be true
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
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Whaaaaat? A lie by a democrat?

Whooda thunk it?
Who cares? He didn't have to call at all. He called, and it's the thought that counts.

Not really

A President is supposed to console a grieving widow, not try to minimize her loss

No he isn't. That is not a president's job at all.

Its a shame really

Obama was so good at it. He spoke to a nations grief, he hugged people, he consoled families

Trump's first impulse is to make it clear that it was not his fault, he is doing a great job and to minimize the loss of the grieving

Puerto Rico....You only had 16 people killed...that is not as bad as Katrina. Katrina was a REAL disaster
You son was killed....but that is what he signed up for
Who cares? He didn't have to call at all. He called, and it's the thought that counts.

Not really

A President is supposed to console a grieving widow, not try to minimize her loss

No he isn't. That is not a president's job at all.

Its a shame really

Obama was so good at it. He spoke to a nations grief, he hugged people, he consoled families

Trump's first impulse is to make it clear that it was not his fault, he is doing a great job and to minimize the loss of the grieving

Puerto Rico....You only had 16 people killed...that is not as bad as Katrina. Katrina was a REAL disaster
You son was killed....but that is what he signed up for

Fake. Obama wouldn't have sent them over there if he cared. If he cared at all, he would have just protected OUR borders by not "inviting" more third world refugees over here.
Instead of involving ourselves in the middle east and their messes, let's just keep them out of here. Then, it's not OUR problem anymore. Let somebody else deal with those loons for a change.
Who cares? He didn't have to call at all. He called, and it's the thought that counts.

Not really

A President is supposed to console a grieving widow, not try to minimize her loss

No he isn't. That is not a president's job at all.

Its a shame really

Obama was so good at it. He spoke to a nations grief, he hugged people, he consoled families

Trump's first impulse is to make it clear that it was not his fault, he is doing a great job and to minimize the loss of the grieving

Puerto Rico....You only had 16 people killed...that is not as bad as Katrina. Katrina was a REAL disaster
You son was killed....but that is what he signed up for

Fake. Obama wouldn't have sent them over there if he cared. If he cared at all, he would have just protected OUR borders by not "inviting" more third world refugees over here.

I have no idea what you are blabbering about....Illegal immigration declined while Obama was President

Those refugees that you hate were being massacred by the same terrorists that you fear
The thing you're missing?
You fools have attacked Trump at every turn for the most pathetic reasons all the while people across America have seen their lives improve.
My bank stocks have gone from six bucks a share under barry to a high of twenty five bucks and an average of 23.50!!!!

Keep whining and I'll keep not giving a fuck.....


You mostly lie and its likely you're lying now but even so, trump is working for the 1% so, of course, that would be reflected in the stock market but not bank stocks. FACT is, bank stocks fell in value, last quarter and this. You might want to diversify. Or not.

We lost a bundle with the bush crash and regained it under President Obama. No matter how bad trump makes it for the working class, its likely we wont be touched because we don't work for a wage. We live on investments and SS. Yes, its true that the Rs and trump want to gut SS but they cannot get that in effect for quite a few years. So yeah, we should be fine.

No, people's lives are not improving. Even if trump were a human being and actually working for the country, people would not be seeing things in their lives being any different than before.

Try to be more realistic in your lies next time.

Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

HereWeGoAgain must surely be one of the 1%.

Yeah, that's it. Otherwise, he would not vote for trump.

Not to mention, trumpanzees believe that if trump can lie every single day, they can too.

But, jeeez - fourfold???? FOURFOLD???????

tsk tsk tsk ... HereWeGoAgain - Shame on you.


You dont need to be part of the 1% to benefit from Trumps policies.
Fuck you and all liberals.
My net income has increased under Trump four fold.
If that hurts your feelings and your mattress stash I really dont give a rats ass.

But you lie so much that you saying your income went up 4 fold in 9 months is more than likely another bullshit lie you tell yourself.

No one believes you because when a bet is on the line you show you're full of shit

At one point he bragged about throwing away HUNDREDS of dollars worth of food out of his fridge EVERY month. So he is either one of those selfish bastards that could care less about starving people, and how wasteful he and his wife are being, or he is a liar. You decide.

He won't even make an Avatar bet so the only option is he's lying. Sad too, he spends a shit ton of time lying for no reasons.

Avatar bets are for those who lack distinction.
Prove to me you're worth my time and we can come up with a gentlemans bet.
I'll of course demand a second party to hold any monies.

Oh, you wont make an Avatar bet because youre a gentleman but you'll make a cash bet with a 3rd party to hold $$? LMAO...You're funny but again, another lie. You wont make a simple bet on a picture for your Message Board Profile. Stop it lol

What do I gain from an avatar bet?
The sickest part of all of this is Congresswoman Wilson has turned this into a fucking political circus so she personally can benefit from the exposure and padding her coffers for her re election next year.

Disgusting. Absolutely makes me want to throw up. She pulled all this bullshit to benefit herself.
^^^ Triggered Canadian ^^^
These are Trump's people so why should they be trusted? The fact is that getting in a spat with the mother of a dead soldier is a losing proposition. Independents will be alienated. Then you have another mother of a slain soldier who sys she heard nothing from Trump. Then you have the fact that Trump promised to send a $25,000 check which he only did after it became public.


Trump sends $25,000 check to fallen soldier's family on same day as ...

You are another member of Liars for Trump. He only sent the check after it had become public knowledge. He made the promise in June. Was his writing hand broken or was he too busy golfing? He did the same thing when he skipped a debate to supposedly attend a fund-raiser for veterans. He only sent the check months later when he was called on it. You should find links that support you not prove you are a liar.
"Earlier this week, Trump falsely claimed that former President Barack Obama didn't call families of fallen service members, later suggesting reporters contact his chief of staff, John Kelly, whose son was killed in Afghanistan, to ask if Obama reached out to him."

^ "Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly is "disgusted and frustrated" by the way his son's death has become politicized." BY TRUMP!
Obama only celebrated soldiers like berghdal. That was his respect for our troops.

Obama repeatedly showed up on the tarmac of airports when the bodies of dead soldiers were brought home when a lot were dying during the war on terror... Trump goes golfing when 4 die in a time when few are dying.
Link to Trump golfing. As I remember it Obama lied about the deaths of four in bengazi, then went to Vegas to fundraise and golf.

Obama was there to receive the bodies. Where was Trump?
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Whaaaaat? A lie by a democrat?

Whooda thunk it?

I suppose the mother is lying as well. Everyone lies except Trump. Trump is the biggest liar of them all. Just to show what kind of people Trump supporters are, the congresswoman has received threats of violence against her. These people need to be found and jailed.

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