General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Again, a silly lie with little consequence unlike the lies of some others. I think the dem politicians were fully exposed from the Wikileaks documents. Lol. A truly AWFUL group of people is what they are.

Lying about the actions of previous Presidents to try and boost himself up is not of little consequence, especially when it comes to families of fallen soldiers. Funny you will demonize NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem saying it is disrespect, but when Trump lies about something dealing with the families of fallen soldiers it is no big deal. At this point there is no more discussing this with you. You have your head so far up your ass, you will let Trump slide on everything and anything that he does.

Did you know for example the tax cut he is looking at, the people in his cabinet will save a total of $1.5 BILLION dollars. You think he is looking out for your best interest? Or the 1% that he said is the swamp he said he was trying to get rid of?

Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Who cares? Don't do crack and you don't have to worry about it. Am I supposed to feel sorry for some crack heads or some crack dealers or something?
He got fact checked and caught in a lie in a LIVE press conference. :rofl:

How about... he Tweeted that Climate Change was a made up thing by China... and in a Presidential debate said he never said that. He has been caught lying over and over and over again... and you deny he lies?

You have serious issues. It's like a battered women syndrome type of issue but only in politics with Trump's lies.

Again, a silly lie with little consequence unlike the lies of some others. I think the dem politicians were fully exposed from the Wikileaks documents. Lol. A truly AWFUL group of people is what they are.

Lying about the actions of previous Presidents to try and boost himself up is not of little consequence, especially when it comes to families of fallen soldiers. Funny you will demonize NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem saying it is disrespect, but when Trump lies about something dealing with the families of fallen soldiers it is no big deal. At this point there is no more discussing this with you. You have your head so far up your ass, you will let Trump slide on everything and anything that he does.

Did you know for example the tax cut he is looking at, the people in his cabinet will save a total of $1.5 BILLION dollars. You think he is looking out for your best interest? Or the 1% that he said is the swamp he said he was trying to get rid of?

Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

I believe that most of the military backed Trump. I guess they don't feel as "disrespected" by Trump as you feel they should.

I guess you've suddenly forgotten this?

Lying about the actions of previous Presidents to try and boost himself up is not of little consequence, especially when it comes to families of fallen soldiers. Funny you will demonize NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem saying it is disrespect, but when Trump lies about something dealing with the families of fallen soldiers it is no big deal. At this point there is no more discussing this with you. You have your head so far up your ass, you will let Trump slide on everything and anything that he does.

Did you know for example the tax cut he is looking at, the people in his cabinet will save a total of $1.5 BILLION dollars. You think he is looking out for your best interest? Or the 1% that he said is the swamp he said he was trying to get rid of?

Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Who cares? Don't do crack and you don't have to worry about it. Am I supposed to feel sorry for some crack heads or some crack dealers or something?

That's the problem, you think coke heads are better people than crack heads. That's what you've been indoctrinated to believe. They're both drugs, that are both illegal... a person that sells or uses crack in no way should receive a harsher punishment than someone that does or sells cocaine.
My English is my fifth lqnguage i got higher grades than most US born students, also scored a 98% in placement test for college, and I have almost no accent according to most, and I'm not here to write and essay.

Back to the subject, how can you lie to yourself constantly?

I put your numerous errors in red. Your English sucks.

You had Improper use of an ellipsis, spelling error, capitalization error, and wrong word choice in one huge run-on sentence.

Again, your English sucks!

Keep lying to yourself about everything.
Lol if it makes you sleep at night. Yes my English is mediocre.

I didn't know you were such a snowflake :). Your covfefe president is a pathological liar, i can write to you in 4 other languages, If you still didn't get it. Although I'm sure you don't know any other languages, you just don't have the mental capacity nor the intelligence to learn a foreign language.

No, I lived in a country where learning another language was optional so I can understand several languages but would never try to convince someone I was better at it than I am.

I just want to know where you got your degree in psychology and when you had the opportunity to properly diagnose the President as a pathological liar. Didn't the Secret Service have a problem with a foreign born doctor getting so close?

I didn't know one needs a degree in anything to fact-check the lies that Trump has been spewing since he came to existence. Besides why can't accept the mere reality that he lies even now and then?

He lied about Obama Being born overseas, didn't he? Is simple as 1+1=2, he presented no proof means a lie.
He lied about the fact that we are the highest taxed nation, didn't he? You see being open minded, travel the world and speak different languages and meeting people from other developed nation, you would know that they are taxed to their teeth and we are no where taxed higher than them.
He lied about having the most electoral college win since Reagan, didn't he?

Now I can easily post dozens of lies, but I selected 3 of them and i'll give you enough time to spin around and come up with an excuse or a bullshit explanation. Like my English sucks or I have problems with punctuation and so forth. Allez Mr Admira, vamosl!!!

That is not a pathological liar. It means he got it wrong.

You still have not provided information on your training. If you would have had training you would know that is not the sign of a pathological liar. I guess that means you are lying about knowing those languages, plus everything else you posted, according to your definition.

He lies constantly about things even silly ones, and his followers like yourself come up with excuses such as "he just got it wrong" or "He didn't know"....When one gets fact-checked and we find that he is making false claims at Trump's rate.....that makes him a pathological liar. And I gave you three examples and you keep on dodging a straight answer that says yes he lied and we move on.
And if assume that your president is not a liar and he just doesn't know, that's even worse....that means we have a dumb ass leading the leader of the free world.

PS: Honey if you know, Spanish, French, Arabic or Italian be my guest we can chat here with no problem. Just so you can be at peace and make sure that I do in fact read and write them efficiently. I come from a country where being a multilingual isn't that impressive.
Again, a silly lie with little consequence unlike the lies of some others. I think the dem politicians were fully exposed from the Wikileaks documents. Lol. A truly AWFUL group of people is what they are.

Lying about the actions of previous Presidents to try and boost himself up is not of little consequence, especially when it comes to families of fallen soldiers. Funny you will demonize NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem saying it is disrespect, but when Trump lies about something dealing with the families of fallen soldiers it is no big deal. At this point there is no more discussing this with you. You have your head so far up your ass, you will let Trump slide on everything and anything that he does.

Did you know for example the tax cut he is looking at, the people in his cabinet will save a total of $1.5 BILLION dollars. You think he is looking out for your best interest? Or the 1% that he said is the swamp he said he was trying to get rid of?

Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

I believe that most of the military backed Trump. I guess they don't feel as "disrespected" by Trump as you feel they should.

I guess you've suddenly forgotten this?

What does this have to do with the FACT that most of the military supported Trump and NOT Hillary?
Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Who cares? Don't do crack and you don't have to worry about it. Am I supposed to feel sorry for some crack heads or some crack dealers or something?

That's the problem, you think coke heads are better people than crack heads. That's what you've been indoctrinated to believe. They're both drugs, that are both illegal... a person that sells or uses crack in no way should receive a harsher punishment than someone that does or sells cocaine.

What on earth are you talking about? I don't think either of them are "better people." I don't care what punishment they get. Don't do drugs, and it's not a problem for you.
Lying about the actions of previous Presidents to try and boost himself up is not of little consequence, especially when it comes to families of fallen soldiers. Funny you will demonize NFL players for kneeling for the national anthem saying it is disrespect, but when Trump lies about something dealing with the families of fallen soldiers it is no big deal. At this point there is no more discussing this with you. You have your head so far up your ass, you will let Trump slide on everything and anything that he does.

Did you know for example the tax cut he is looking at, the people in his cabinet will save a total of $1.5 BILLION dollars. You think he is looking out for your best interest? Or the 1% that he said is the swamp he said he was trying to get rid of?

Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Yeah, that happens when you take in thousands of third world "refugees" into your country. CRIME rates are going to rise. They send us boat loads of criminals. :rolleyes:

Oh for fuck's sake you have earned your way right up the chain of dumbest posters on this forum. How many times do you have to be proven wrong only to retreat back to some other issue?
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Very, VERY disrespectful to insinuate that OUR police are racist based on the actions of a very FEW. Very disrespectful to "disrespect" our flag, the flag of the country that has given them SO much opportunity and success. Millionaire football players disrespecting our police who don't make a QUARTER as much, yet risk their lives every DAY out there dealing with the scummiest of scums to keep you and THEM safe.

It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Yeah, that happens when you take in thousands of third world "refugees" into your country. CRIME rates are going to rise. They send us boat loads of criminals. :rolleyes:

Oh for fuck's sake you have earned you way right up the chain of dumbest posters on this forum. How many times do you have to be proven wrong only to retreat back to some other issue?

You have YET to "prove" anything at all, except that you are a rude jackass.
It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Who cares? Don't do crack and you don't have to worry about it. Am I supposed to feel sorry for some crack heads or some crack dealers or something?

That's the problem, you think coke heads are better people than crack heads. That's what you've been indoctrinated to believe. They're both drugs, that are both illegal... a person that sells or uses crack in no way should receive a harsher punishment than someone that does or sells cocaine.

What on earth are you talking about? I don't think either of them are "better people." I don't care what punishment they get. Don't do drugs, and it's not a problem for you.

I tell you that those that arrested for crack are given harsher punishments and your retort is you don't are about crack heads. That's totally not what a person with a sense of logic would say. Or course you also answered my initial question by saying crack heads committed more crime...

I'm done wasting my time with you. I might as well be trying to teach my cat how to do algebra. That would be easier than trying to get you to understand something really simple.
It's not about the police being racist, it's about the ENTIRE criminal justice system being racially biased. It is... and there are SEVERAL examples of how it is, but you wouldn't know two shits about it. I'll give you one, back in the 80's the federal government made crimes for crack cocaine tougher than those for cocaine. Do you have a clue why that is?

Trump is actually disrespecting the soldiers who've died, their families, current soldiers who served with those who've died, attacked Gold Star Families, and attacked a genuine war hero... and you're focused on a couple of guys that have knelt for a cause during the national anthem. I can definitely see where your priorities are. :uhoh3:

Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Yeah, that happens when you take in thousands of third world "refugees" into your country. CRIME rates are going to rise. They send us boat loads of criminals. :rolleyes:

Oh for fuck's sake you have earned you way right up the chain of dumbest posters on this forum. How many times do you have to be proven wrong only to retreat back to some other issue?

You have YET to "prove" anything at all, except that you are a rude jackass.

Yeah I'm rude to people like you...should we go back and see who made a rude comment first? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't me and there are only two people in this conversation. I bet you can't figure that one out.
And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.
Because crack addicts tend to be more violent and commit more violent crimes!

Nope... at the time cocaine was causing more deaths, through turf wars with rival drug gangs who were importing the drugs. The whole spot light on the drug war under Reagan came about because of the violence being seen on the streets of Miami.

What you probably didn't know, the war on drugs was actually started under Nixon several years before Reagan.

Yeah, that happens when you take in thousands of third world "refugees" into your country. CRIME rates are going to rise. They send us boat loads of criminals. :rolleyes:

Oh for fuck's sake you have earned you way right up the chain of dumbest posters on this forum. How many times do you have to be proven wrong only to retreat back to some other issue?

You have YET to "prove" anything at all, except that you are a rude jackass.

Yeah I'm rude to people like you...should we go back and see who made a rude comment first? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't me and there are only two people in this conversation. I bet you can't figure that one out.

Yeah, you, the jackass liberal, as per usual.
This thread is proof that the far left still spits on the troops even 50+ years later!
And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.


You going to tell me I dress funny? Tell me I smell like farts? I didn't know you spoke for all the people on the forum. Should I bring all my grievances to you?

You do have one thing right however... the person I voted for President in 2008 and 2012 lost their elections.
And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.


You going to tell me I dress funny? Tell me I smell like farts? I didn't know you spoke for all the people on the forum. Should I bring all my grievances to you?

You do have one thing right however... the person I voted for President in 2008 and 2012 lost their elections.

Go eat worms, that's what I'm going to tell you. I tried to give you an opportunity to act like a human, but you chose to act like a dummy, as usual. Learn some social skills, lib!

Oh and another thing, this is not the first time you insulted me in this thread. I just let it slide the first time. :eusa_hand:
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And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.


You going to tell me I dress funny? Tell me I smell like farts? I didn't know you spoke for all the people on the forum. Should I bring all my grievances to you?

You do have one thing right however... the person I voted for President in 2008 and 2012 lost their elections.

Go eat worms, that's what I'm going to tell you. I tried to give you an opportunity to act like a human, but you chose to act like a dummy, as usual. Learn some social skills, lib!

Oh and another thing, this is not the first time you insulted me in this thread. I just let it slide the first time. :eusa_hand:

Hey numbnuts you are the one that started the whole issue when you asked if I was Obama's PR person.

I'm sorry you are so used to being able to talk whatever way you want to people, because some people on here think you are pretty. I could care less what someone looks like in their avatar picture, or any pictures they post on a forum. If you post stupid shit, and you can't engage in intelligent conversation, you are going to get called out on it.
And then you will wonder why nobody likes you, you have no friends, your politicians suck and can't win elections. It's because you suck. That's why.


You going to tell me I dress funny? Tell me I smell like farts? I didn't know you spoke for all the people on the forum. Should I bring all my grievances to you?

You do have one thing right however... the person I voted for President in 2008 and 2012 lost their elections.

Go eat worms, that's what I'm going to tell you. I tried to give you an opportunity to act like a human, but you chose to act like a dummy, as usual. Learn some social skills, lib!

Oh and another thing, this is not the first time you insulted me in this thread. I just let it slide the first time. :eusa_hand:

Hey numbnuts you are the one that started the whole issue when you asked if I was Obama's PR person.

I'm sorry you are so used to being able to talk whatever way you want to people, because some people on here think you are pretty. I could care less what someone looks like in their avatar picture, or any pictures they post on a forum. If you post stupid shit, and you can't engage in intelligent conversation, you are going to get called out on it.

Oh, that's an insult? Asking you if you are Obama's PR person? Good grief! Don't you have a mirror? There is where you can see some stupid shit! Lol!
This thread is proof that the far left still spits on the troops even 50+ years later!
She hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, "He didnt even remember his name."
Trump disputes account of his call with soldier’s widow. But congresswoman who heard exchange says it was ‘horrible.’

Wilson told MSNBC on Wednesday that Johnson's widow, Myeshia, was shaken by the exchange.

“She was crying the whole time, and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name.’ That’s the hurting part.”

Wilson went on to say Trump “was almost like joking. He said, ‘Well, I guess you knew’ — something to the effect that ‘he knew what he was getting into when he signed up, but I guess it hurts anyway.’ You know, just matter-of-factly, that this is what happens, anyone who is signing up for military duty is signing up to die. That’s the way we interpreted it. It was horrible. It was insensitive. It was absolutely crazy, unnecessary. I was livid.”

“She was in tears. She was in tears. And she said, ‘He didn’t even remember his name.’”

Fallen soldier’s mother: ‘Trump did disrespect my son’

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