General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

Obamacare is guaranteed catastrophic care which is the way it was going and the cost is 43% up which is less than it would have been without it. That's right guaranteed. If you lose your job you're still covered. Dupe.
And of course once again a thoughtless selfish freebie loving lib thinks nothing about the small business owner. Thousands of which were forced into costly worthless health plans just to be soaked by the lazy masses bringing bankruptcy to many in the process. It was never a catastrophic plan... it was a welfare plan you stupid dupe! That is why it failed!!!
Obamacare is guaranteed catastrophic care which is the way it was going and the cost is 43% up which is less than it would have been without it. That's right guaranteed. If you lose your job you're still covered. Dupe.
And of course once again a thoughtless selfish freebie loving lib thinks nothing about the small business owner. Thousands of which were forced into costly worthless health plans just to be soaked by the lazy masses bringing bankruptcy to many in the process. It was never a catastrophic plan... it was a welfare plan you stupid dupe! That is why it failed!!!
What does this have to do with Gen. Kelly disgracing the Marine Corp by exposing himself as a liar and a bum?
Trump should be forced to name everyone who was listening in at the White House. He's already said it was Kelly and others.

I salute this proud black woman! You go, girl. Fuck all the racist haters.
Knowing how the liberals operate, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out the congresswoman twisted his words. That is just a part of their tactics. We see it here on the forum for goodness sake!

So three people in the car were all lying?
You do know the congresswoman was invited, she is a mentor of the family?.
Just a bit ironic that a five time draft dodger (said avoiding STDs was his Vietnam) should be so patriotic.
What a guy
It might help if you knew the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov
No Latin in college?

Unfortunately, the term "classical liberal" has been grossly twisted since back when there were such things as "classical liberals." I've been told the correct term for today's liberal is a "progressive." Mac1958 :D Tell him, Mac!

Only in your mind.
Many big corporatists like myself prefer to be known as classical liberals.
It's been twisted by knees news and others and the uneducated cult just bleats, have no idea of the origin

You aren't any "classic liberal." You're a plain old lying commie douche bag.
Nice foul mouth.
Actually I'm one of the 1% who never voted for a dem in his life.
Just like reading the uneducated
I'm still waiting for your college
Surprise surprise
Classical liberalism looks pretty clear to me.
I'm not smart enough to know what's in everyone else's head
Doesn't need at thome to explain it.
As the French philosopher said at the end of his letter
"Apologies, I didn't have time to make it shorter"
Knowing how the liberals operate, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out the congresswoman twisted his words. That is just a part of their tactics. We see it here on the forum for goodness sake!

So three people in the car were all lying?
You do know the congresswoman was invited, she is a mentor of the family?.
Just a bit ironic that a five time draft dodger (said avoiding STDs was his Vietnam) should be so patriotic.
What a guy
It might help if you knew the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov
No Latin in college?

Unfortunately, the term "classical liberal" has been grossly twisted since back when there were such things as "classical liberals." I've been told the correct term for today's liberal is a "progressive." Mac1958 :D Tell him, Mac!

Only in your mind.
Many big corporatists like myself prefer to be known as classical liberals.
It's been twisted by knees news and others and the uneducated cult just bleats, have no idea of the origin

WTF, I've heard of classical liberalism, classic liberals, classical music, but never classical liberals. So please enlighten us.
Just look a few previous posts, or google wiki
Even our brightbart fan lists classical
Obamacare is guaranteed catastrophic care which is the way it was going and the cost is 43% up which is less than it would have been without it. That's right guaranteed. If you lose your job you're still covered. Dupe.
And of course once again a thoughtless selfish freebie loving lib thinks nothing about the small business owner. Thousands of which were forced into costly worthless health plans just to be soaked by the lazy masses bringing bankruptcy to many in the process. It was never a catastrophic plan... it was a welfare plan you stupid dupe! That is why it failed!!!
What does this have to do with Gen. Kelly disgracing the Marine Corp by exposing himself as a liar and a bum?
He did no such thing, you lying piece of shit.
Classical liberalism looks pretty clear to me.
I'm not smart enough to know what's in everyone else's head
Doesn't need at thome to explain it.
As the French philosopher said at the end of his letter
"Apologies, I didn't have time to make it shorter"
classic liberals are horrified at the prospect of socialized medicine. How about you?
Knowing how the liberals operate, it wouldn't surprise me one bit to find out the congresswoman twisted his words. That is just a part of their tactics. We see it here on the forum for goodness sake!

So three people in the car were all lying?
You do know the congresswoman was invited, she is a mentor of the family?.
Just a bit ironic that a five time draft dodger (said avoiding STDs was his Vietnam) should be so patriotic.
What a guy
It might help if you knew the def of liberal?
For the individual and small gov
No Latin in college?

Unfortunately, the term "classical liberal" has been grossly twisted since back when there were such things as "classical liberals." I've been told the correct term for today's liberal is a "progressive." Mac1958 :D Tell him, Mac!

Only in your mind.
Many big corporatists like myself prefer to be known as classical liberals.
It's been twisted by knees news and others and the uneducated cult just bleats, have no idea of the origin

You aren't any "classic liberal." You're a plain old lying commie douche bag.
Nice foul mouth.
Actually I'm one of the 1% who never voted for a dem in his life.
Just like reading the uneducated
I'm still waiting for your college
Surprise surprise

Considering your English skills, or lack thereof, you are in no place to be demanding that I tell you where I got my degree.
Considering your English skills, or lack thereof, you are in no place to be demanding that I tell you where I got my degree.

Based on your resorting to foul mouthed retorts when you run out of things to say, I would doubt you have one.
"Foul" is the best descriptor for DJT.

"The Foulness" is the best descriptor for his supporters.
John Kelly: The Facts
  • As the General in charge of the Guantanamo Bay Detention facility, Kelly publicly criticized efforts to close Guantanamo (Source) and was accused by Obama Administration officials of working to undermine the President’s efforts to close the facility. (Source)
  • Opposed and publicly criticized the integration of women into military ground combat units, arguing it would lead to lower standards. (Source)
  • Defended the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”, such as waterboarding and rectal feeding. Kelly went on to dismiss the criticisms of human rights groups as “foolishness”. (Source)
  • Testified in support of an officer caught urinating on talibani corpses. (Source)
  • Supports the imprisonment of terror suspects without trial. (Source)
  • Criticised by Amnesty International for his “unsafe and inhumane” treatment (Source) of Guantanamo detainees on hunger strike to protest their imprisonment. (Source)
  • Supports the war on drugs and opposes legalization or decriminalization of any drugs, including marijuana. (Source)
  • A proponent of border security, Kelly believes that “no wall will work by itself” and has warned about the “existential threat” that unchecked migration poses for the nation. (Source)
John Kelly = Oliver North

‘Facts do matter’: Don Lemon blasts ‘lying White House’ in brutal shredding of John Kelly falsehoods

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