General Kelly was witness to the condolence call. And others in the room.

So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and he lied about the Congress woman... just like the orange sociopath always does.

he also never said the conversation didn't happen. he said the orange idiot "meant to say".

but thanks for playing.

Trump has no trouble denying something and calling all concerned "liars!" It's more than a little pathetic that after all this time, he still thinks he can act so boorishly and get away with it! So far Republicans have backed him for the most part and not harangued him with much needed investigations into his dealings as he runs Trump Co. from the West Wing! It's hard to have any respect for what they're allowing to go on, but what else is to be expected? When you sleep with dogs, you should expect to wake up with flees! I don't know how they're supposed to do to cleanse their party of these hateful people who think it's ok for Trump to do the things he does and says!

Trump's taken down another one! Trying to defend this reprobate, Kelly has maligned and ruined his own name! Shame really, but he had to know this was inevitable being the C. of S. who's job it is to streamline info and keep Trump on some kind of course! He shamed himself for all time going after that woman with fake and false info supplied by sleazebags "on the right" who will say or write anything to undermine someone that's giving them trouble! I'm surprised Kelly hasn't tendered his resignation but for his duty thinking he's saving us from a lot worse situation! :beer: :rolleyes:
Frederica Wilson has ALWAYS been a liar. To just assume, that Trump and Kelly are lying, especially now that we actually have a tape of another condolence call, is idiotic and blindly partisan.... Liberal... all the same.

Seek serious help! :321: :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :fu:
Do you actually think a bunch of emojis and a personal attack constitute a reply?
Look Fiero! (wasn't Fiero a failed attempt by Pontiac to make a mid engine American sports car?) I lived in South Florida for about 10 years and watched Fredrika Wilson melt down when caught in a lie, dozens of times. I posted another condolence call that WAS recorded. You can actually hear with your own ears how he conducts himself. Given that, you have no reason to doubt the account of General Kelly and Donald Trump, unless of course you believe the President would completely change his demeanor when calling a widow that is riding in a car with US Congressman. Or did he supposedly act different because THIS fallen hero was black. Go ahead! use your partisan hackery to call Trump racist.
You have a choice here. I don't believe you have anything of value to say and I am tempted to do what I have done with about a half dozen of other helplessly partisan idiots. I'll wait on an intelligent reply, likely forever, but more hackery will earn you a place in purgatory.
John Kelly: The Facts

  • As the General in charge of the Guantanamo Bay Detention facility, Kelly publicly criticized efforts to close Guantanamo (Source) and was accused by Obama Administration officials of working to undermine the President’s efforts to close the facility. (Source)
  • Opposed and publicly criticized the integration of women into military ground combat units, arguing it would lead to lower standards. (Source)
  • Defended the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”, such as waterboarding and rectal feeding. Kelly went on to dismiss the criticisms of human rights groups as “foolishness”. (Source)
  • Testified in support of an officer caught urinating on talibani corpses. (Source)
  • Supports the imprisonment of terror suspects without trial. (Source)
  • Criticised by Amnesty International for his “unsafe and inhumane” treatment (Source) of Guantanamo detainees on hunger strike to protest their imprisonment. (Source)
  • Supports the war on drugs and opposes legalization or decriminalization of any drugs, including marijuana. (Source)
  • A proponent of border security, Kelly believes that “no wall will work by itself” and has warned about the “existential threat” that unchecked migration poses for the nation. (Source)
John Kelly = Oliver North

‘Facts do matter’: Don Lemon blasts ‘lying White House’ in brutal shredding of John Kelly falsehoods
I'd make the man King if I could.
Gen. Kelly has been hacked by the president

Gen. Kelly’s comments in a vacuum were not off target. His frustration regarding the disgusting state of our civil discourse is shared by most Americans — and the rest of the world. Many would also agree that things that used to be sacred no longer are — women, religion, Gold-Star families.

But what was so jaw-dropping about Kelly’s comments was that they were not made in a vacuum. They were made from the press room of a White House whose current occupant was the perpetrator of the vile actions that violently stripped the sacredness out of the very things — and people — Kelly was talking about.

Did Gen. Kelly forget that it was Trump who callously attacked a Gold-Star family — the Khans — during the summer political conventions of 2016? Did he forget that it was Trump who viciously insulted a war hero — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — when he said that he likes heroes who weren’t captured?
Getting captured doesn't make you a hero. Calling Fredrika Wilson a liar, doesn't make me a racist. WORDS MEAN SOMETHING!
Gen. Kelly has been hacked by the president

Gen. Kelly’s comments in a vacuum were not off target. His frustration regarding the disgusting state of our civil discourse is shared by most Americans — and the rest of the world. Many would also agree that things that used to be sacred no longer are — women, religion, Gold-Star families.

But what was so jaw-dropping about Kelly’s comments was that they were not made in a vacuum. They were made from the press room of a White House whose current occupant was the perpetrator of the vile actions that violently stripped the sacredness out of the very things — and people — Kelly was talking about.

Did Gen. Kelly forget that it was Trump who callously attacked a Gold-Star family — the Khans — during the summer political conventions of 2016? Did he forget that it was Trump who viciously insulted a war hero — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) — when he said that he likes heroes who weren’t captured?
Getting captured doesn't make you a hero. Calling Fredrika Wilson a liar, doesn't make me a racist. WORDS MEAN SOMETHING!

Yeah, but we have proof that she isn't lying. Trump and Kelly are the liars - and there is plenty of proof. BTW, McCain was shot down over enemy territory in North Vietnam and held for five years as a POW. I'd call that a hero. McCain has brain cancer - but he's still saner and smarter than Trump.
John Kelly: The Facts

  • As the General in charge of the Guantanamo Bay Detention facility, Kelly publicly criticized efforts to close Guantanamo (Source) and was accused by Obama Administration officials of working to undermine the President’s efforts to close the facility. (Source)
  • Opposed and publicly criticized the integration of women into military ground combat units, arguing it would lead to lower standards. (Source)
  • Defended the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques”, such as waterboarding and rectal feeding. Kelly went on to dismiss the criticisms of human rights groups as “foolishness”. (Source)
  • Testified in support of an officer caught urinating on talibani corpses. (Source)
  • Supports the imprisonment of terror suspects without trial. (Source)
  • Criticised by Amnesty International for his “unsafe and inhumane” treatment (Source) of Guantanamo detainees on hunger strike to protest their imprisonment. (Source)
  • Supports the war on drugs and opposes legalization or decriminalization of any drugs, including marijuana. (Source)
  • A proponent of border security, Kelly believes that “no wall will work by itself” and has warned about the “existential threat” that unchecked migration poses for the nation. (Source)
John Kelly = Oliver North

‘Facts do matter’: Don Lemon blasts ‘lying White House’ in brutal shredding of John Kelly falsehoods
I'd make the man King if I could.

Well, that pretty much unzips your racist fly.
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter. Or the President and his staff? As far as the mother goes NOW she's claiming Trump not only insulted her son, his widow BUT now the soldier's father was insulted as well. That's just plain crazy.

"She said the president was 'respectful' during the condolence call, then went after Wilson and added: 'To try to create something from that, that the congresswoman is doing, is frankly appalling and disgusting.'

Kelly's name had already surfaced in the flap over Trump's statements about the ambush in Niger that killed four servicemen Oct. 4 – after he said President Obama 'didn't make calls' and encouraged people to ask Kelly if Obama called him.

Sanders indicated that Kelly would vouch for Trump, after Wilson said several people were also monitoring the president's call, which was put on speakerphone in a limo as Johnson's widow, Myeshia, rode to receive his remains."

Read more: White House says there are NO tapes of condolence call | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

and he lied about the Congress woman... just like the orange sociopath always does.

he also never said the conversation didn't happen. he said the orange idiot "meant to say".

but thanks for playing.

Trump has no trouble denying something and calling all concerned "liars!" It's more than a little pathetic that after all this time, he still thinks he can act so boorishly and get away with it! So far Republicans have backed him for the most part and not harangued him with much needed investigations into his dealings as he runs Trump Co. from the West Wing! It's hard to have any respect for what they're allowing to go on, but what else is to be expected? When you sleep with dogs, you should expect to wake up with flees! I don't know how they're supposed to do to cleanse their party of these hateful people who think it's ok for Trump to do the things he does and says!

Trump's taken down another one! Trying to defend this reprobate, Kelly has maligned and ruined his own name! Shame really, but he had to know this was inevitable being the C. of S. who's job it is to streamline info and keep Trump on some kind of course! He shamed himself for all time going after that woman with fake and false info supplied by sleazebags "on the right" who will say or write anything to undermine someone that's giving them trouble! I'm surprised Kelly hasn't tendered his resignation but for his duty thinking he's saving us from a lot worse situation! :beer: :rolleyes:
Frederica Wilson has ALWAYS been a liar. To just assume, that Trump and Kelly are lying, especially now that we actually have a tape of another condolence call, is idiotic and blindly partisan.... Liberal... all the same.

Seek serious help! :321: :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :fu:
Do you actually think a bunch of emojis and a personal attack constitute a reply?
Look Fiero! (wasn't Fiero a failed attempt by Pontiac to make a mid engine American sports car?) I lived in South Florida for about 10 years and watched Fredrika Wilson melt down when caught in a lie, dozens of times. I posted another condolence call that WAS recorded. You can actually hear with your own ears how he conducts himself. Given that, you have no reason to doubt the account of General Kelly and Donald Trump, unless of course you believe the President would completely change his demeanor when calling a widow that is riding in a car with US Congressman. Or did he supposedly act different because THIS fallen hero was black. Go ahead! use your partisan hackery to call Trump racist.
You have a choice here. I don't believe you have anything of value to say and I am tempted to do what I have done with about a half dozen of other helplessly partisan idiots. I'll wait on an intelligent reply, likely forever, but more hackery will earn you a place in purgatory.

Regardless of what you know or think of Wilson, other people in the car backed up her statement! Kelly only compounded this disaster by assaulting her character when it had nothing to do with the situation! This was about Trump trying to get ahead of the questions to come having to do with calls to the "Fallen's" families! Anyone who believes anything that comes out of Trump or his White House is sniffing glue! :cuckoo: :dunno: :cheeky-smiley-018: :funnyface:
Regardless of what you know or think of Wilson, other people in the car backed up her statement! Kelly only compounded this disaster by assaulting her character when it had nothing to do with the situation! This was about Trump trying to get ahead of the questions to come having to do with calls to the "Fallen's" families! Anyone who believes anything that comes out of Trump or his White House is sniffing glue! :cuckoo: :dunno: :cheeky-smiley-018: :funnyface:
Somewhere in Washington DC Rex Tillerson is muttering " I told you he was Fucking Moron"
Putin says Americans don't show Trump enough respect

and Putin is Right we should treat Trump like a King

Here King Here King ...good boy ...sit ...fetch...
tinydancer, post: 18386750
So do we believe a whack job left wing Congress critter

Yes you positively must. And General Kelly has placed a medal of shame on his previously stellar military uniform and career by lying for Trump and attacking a black Congresswoman who he was proving to be correct in what she stated.

I have not looked beyond the OP but if you have continued to applaud your racist clown lying President you are now a black belt

Trump has at least a seven lie tally going on regarding the "calling Gold Star Family" issue:

1. & 2. Trump started the entire issue when he originally lied that he called "virtually" every Gold Star family and self aggrandized himself by claiming that his predecessors did not call. Gen Kelly told Trump not to call and do what presidents normally do e.g. write letters.

3. Trump lied when he told the entire world that the Congresswonan fabricated words he did not state to the Gold Star family he distressed.

4. Trump and Kelly lied by omission by never publically admitting that the Gold Star family members confirmed that the Congresswoman gave an accurate account of what Trump said to them.

5. Trump consents to Kelly's lie that the Congresswoman disgraced herself in a statement she never made at a dedication of a new FBI building in Florida. We have video of her statement there,

6. Trump lied that the Congresswoman "secretly" listened in to his phone call to the Gold Star family call. She was there as a long time friend of the family.

7. Fraud: dating a letter to a Gold Star Father weeks ahead before it was sent. This is atrocious conduct. "Timothy Eckels Sr., whose son Timothy Eckels Jr. was killed when the USS John S. McCain collided with a merchant ship in August, told the magazine he had not heard from Trump until Friday, Oct. 20. His letter from the White House was dated Oct. 18.". See link below.

Now look at what your deplorable orange faced clown is doing about the letters he did not write following the disclosure that he didn't call familes until AFTER he made the claim that he already had called virtually all of them.

Just in. Read it and weep for our county:

Report: White House Rushed Condolences To Gold Star Families
At least three families said they received express-shipped packages from the White House after Trump claimed he called “virtually everybody.”

By Carla Herreria


Multiple families of military service members killed in the line duty are now getting rush-delivered letters from President Donald Trump, days after Trump claimed he had called the immediate families of all service members who had been killed since he took office in January.

The Atlantic reported Saturday that their reporters had spoken to three Gold Star families who received condolence packages from the president this week.

Report: White House Rushed Condolences To Gold Star Families | HuffPost

Trump is a cold blooded liar. There is no excusing that.
Last edited:
Camp, post: 18386926
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

That's coming now that Trump and Gen Kelly have been caught lying.

Certainly the White House has already shamefully attacked the widow and family by declaring the "grieving" family must have misunderstood Trump's comments.

(2 days ago · The White House said Friday it is “unfortunate” if the family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson was offended by President Trump’s remarks during a condolence call with his widow. “If the spirit of which those comments were intended were misunderstood, that's very unfortunate ...)

White House: 'Unfortunate' if family offended by Trump remarks

What shame Trump has brought and brings to the White House. That's what is unfortunate,

The family understood exactly what the evil narcissistic orange clown was saying to them while driving to pick up their fallen soldier's body from the government.

It's unfortunate who that fallen soldiers Commander in Chief was when he died serving his country.

Trumpidiots have no recourse now but to follow the White House lead. Attack the family since they have demonized s long time family friend and black member of Congress.
You left wing wankers are insane to keep claiming the Rhinestone Cow Critter was telling the truth.

Camp, post: 18386926
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

That's coming now that Trump and Gen Kelly have been caught lying.

Certainly the White House has already shamefully attacked the widow and family by declaring the "grieving" family must have misunderstood Trump's comments.

(2 days ago · The White House said Friday it is “unfortunate” if the family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson was offended by President Trump’s remarks during a condolence call with his widow. “If the spirit of which those comments were intended were misunderstood, that's very unfortunate ...)

White House: 'Unfortunate' if family offended by Trump remarks

What shame Trump has brought and brings to the White House. That's what is unfortunate,

The family understood exactly what the evil narcissistic orange clown was saying to them while driving to pick up their fallen soldier's body from the government.

It's unfortunate who that fallen soldiers Commander in Chief was when he died serving his country.

Trumpidiots have no recourse now but to follow the White House lead. Attack the family since they have demonized s long time family friend and black member of Congress.

You are insane.
The orangoids know that Trump has crossed the inevitable line of no going back.
You left wing wankers are insane to keep claiming the Rhinestone Cow Critter was telling the truth.

Trump and Kelly are the ones that got caught lying. That is why you and your demonizing cult have nothing left except to name call and spew false talking points.
Camp, post: 18386926
That poor soldiers whole family will be getting demonized by USMB posters before this story is finished. All of them will become liars, communist, and probably Muslims.

That's coming now that Trump and Gen Kelly have been caught lying.

Certainly the White House has already shamefully attacked the widow and family by declaring the "grieving" family must have misunderstood Trump's comments.

(2 days ago · The White House said Friday it is “unfortunate” if the family of Army Sgt. La David Johnson was offended by President Trump’s remarks during a condolence call with his widow. “If the spirit of which those comments were intended were misunderstood, that's very unfortunate ...)

White House: 'Unfortunate' if family offended by Trump remarks

What shame Trump has brought and brings to the White House. That's what is unfortunate,

The family understood exactly what the evil narcissistic orange clown was saying to them while driving to pick up their fallen soldier's body from the government.

It's unfortunate who that fallen soldiers Commander in Chief was when he died serving his country.

Trumpidiots have no recourse now but to follow the White House lead. Attack the family since they have demonized s long time family friend and black member of Congress.

You are insane.
td, Trump lied. Again. End of story.

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