General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today

The FBI and DOJ is infiltrated with Globalist Scum. Take for instance the case of Bob Moscow Mueller.

Mueller? The career criminal who helped Whitely Bulger murder and kill off all of his competition? Mueller, the crooked cop who knowingly prosecuted and had convicted a number of innocent men in The Enron case even when he knew they were innocent? Mueller who knowingly railroaded an innocent man and had him falsely convicted in The Anthrax case?

Mueller cost the taxpayers millions in restitution for those cases alone. He is a dishonest agenda driven ideologue.

Mueller, the lying sniveling Russian Mole who wiped Strozk and Paige's phones despite being ordered not to then lied about it?

Mueller? The Dirty Cop who just happened to have Seth Rich die practically on his door step?

Mueller, who knew Russian Collusion was a lie and a hoax, and who assembled a hit squad to go after President Trump in a witch hunt because Comey, Clinton, Biden and Obama told him to? And he was told to do that because it was the only way to suppress to truth that Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden conspired with Putin to rig the 2016 election and then mount a bureaucratic COUP when that failed using a falsified paid for by The DNC, Obama, Clinton Biden KGB made Dirty Dossier.

You are just as much of a lying scumbag as all the people involved in that and more.

Thats the funniest thing you've said since the "I eat danger for breakfast" post you made.

Russian collusion with the 2016 Trump campaign was proven both by Mueller and the republican controlled senate.
Uh huh, or it's exactly as I said.
You're FOS.
Trump wanted James Comey fired, Sessions back his decision.
Trump wanted the Justice Department to stop prosecuting companies for liability, Attorney General Sessions made that happen.

In 2017 Attorney General Matt Whitaker went on TV and radio shows declaring there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump regime.
Just like Trump wanted

Attorney General blob #2, Barr released his 'summary' of Robert Muellers report, lying about interference in that investigation.
Repeated Trump's lies, about spying on Trump, refused congressional subpoenas and refused to give congress a complete unredacted version of the Mueller report.

Barr met with Rupert Murdoch on behalf of Trump.
Barr ordered the Justice Department to investigate voter fraud before the votes were even certified.
Just like Trump wanted.

Jeff Rosen who never prosecuted a case.
Pressured the NY state prosecutors to not hold Paul Manafort in Rikers Island, prison officials carried out his request, instead giving him house arrest.
Just like Trump wanted.
FYI- That's just another one of the never ending, made up, Republican lies. Mueller had nothing to do with the Whitey Bulger case. The division he ran in Boston was not a part of it....fact check it!
Another regurgitated Hannity claim, Trumptards cling to.

First, regarding Hannity’s claims about Robert Mueller’s connection to Whitey Bulger: Mueller’s office wasn’t even involved.
Mueller served in the U.S. attorney’s office in Boston from 1982 to 1988, but it was the FBI and the New England Organized Crime Strike Force (prosecuting attorneys who worked independently of the U.S. attorney’s office and reported directly to the Department of Justice) that were responsible for the Bulger scandal.
The FBI and the Strike Force used Bulger to help them uncover Mafia crimes, all the while not doing a thing about the crimes Bulger himself had committed.
Long story short: Mueller could not have been involved with Bulger because he wasn’t even involved with the FBI or the Strike Force.
You're FOS.
Trump wanted James Comey fired, Sessions back his decision.
Trump wanted the Justice Department to stop prosecuting companies for liability, Attorney General Sessions made that happen.

In 2017 Attorney General Matt Whitaker went on TV and radio shows declaring there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump regime.
Just like Trump wanted

Attorney General blob #2, Barr released his 'summary' of Robert Muellers report, lying about interference in that investigation.
Repeated Trump's lies, about spying on Trump, refused congressional subpoenas and refused to give congress a complete unredacted version of the Mueller report.

Barr met with Rupert Murdoch on behalf of Trump.
Barr ordered the Justice Department to investigate voter fraud before the votes were even certified.
Just like Trump wanted.

Jeff Rosen who never prosecuted a case.
Pressured the NY state prosecutors to not hold Paul Manafort in Rikers Island, prison officials carried out his request, instead giving him house arrest.
Just like Trump wanted.
Did Trump control Muller too? Because HE said no collusion.
FYI- That's just another one of the never ending, made up, Republican lies. Mueller had nothing to do with the Whitey Bulger case. The division he ran in Boston was not a part of it....fact check it!
Our whole nation now is about lies, innuendo, smearing and destroying people. those who control the media and airwaves is near all prog. They have a much bigger footprint on the gullibility of people. We are now suffering because of it. No matter how much you blur the truth. Your interference with people is causing more and more to have a harder time surviving.
Did Trump control Muller too? Because HE said no collusion.
BS no, he didn't, that what blob #2 said.

Mueller said “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”
Our whole nation now is about lies, innuendo, smearing and destroying people. those who control the media and airwaves is near all prog. They have a much bigger footprint on the gullibility of people. We are now suffering because of it. No matter how much you blur the truth. Your interference with people is causing more and more to have a harder time surviving.
I disagree with you on that.... Republicans utilize the internet to get out their news and have owned and dominated radio for 35 years. Then in cable news, they have the number 1 watched station with FOX News....

add Newsmax, OAN, Glen Beck, Steve Bannon show, FOX Nation,

then the NY POST, Washington Examiner, Wall Street Journal, Briebart, The Washington Beacon, The Epoch Times, Drudge Report, National Review, Townhall, Red State, etc etc etc, along with all the nut bars like Alex Jones, Infowars, the Gateway Pundant, True Pundant... Etc etc etc....

Republicans can dance circles around the Dems on messaging...

And only people who are Democrats watch any of the so called mainstream media, republicans have been trained not to watch or read them, by, it matters a way...y'all watch your news, Dems watch theirs.

The problem is both sides can't agree on actual facts, before spinning their views....there are real facts, and so called alternative facts.... What a crock! There is no such thing as "alternative facts", and until that gets settled, there is no hope for the USA....divided, we fall.
Trump had to take in some from the swamp. He was fought on with tooth and nail by many people. He was being destroyed before he even took office. Few politicians go after the unelected power elite in D.C.
Trump was President... He could pick who he wanted... Who else was picking them...
Says you...still did better than your fake China stooge.
If you can't stay on the topic, your unfounded personal insults shows you can't seem be able to that...

If that is the case, Stick your tail between legs admit defeat..
I disagree with you on that.... Republicans utilize the internet to get out their news and have owned and dominated radio for 35 years. Then in cable news, they have the number 1 watched station with FOX News....

add Newsmax, OAN, Glen Beck, Steve Bannon show, FOX Nation,

then the NY POST, Washington Examiner, Wall Street Journal, Briebart, The Washington Beacon, The Epoch Times, Drudge Report, National Review, Townhall, Red State, etc etc etc, along with all the nut bars like Alex Jones, Infowars, the Gateway Pundant, True Pundant... Etc etc etc....

Republicans can dance circles around the Dems on messaging...

And only people who are Democrats watch any of the so called mainstream media, republicans have been trained not to watch or read them, by, it matters a way...y'all watch your news, Dems watch theirs.

The problem is both sides can't agree on actual facts, before spinning their views....there are real facts, and so called alternative facts.... What a crock! There is no such thing as "alternative facts", and until that gets settled, there is no hope for the USA....divided, we fall.
One TV station. You type several Repub agendists out of thousands that are Prog. Near every TV program has at least a slight Prog backing to total Prog backing. Real proof of reality is that there are no women in the top male sports. None! Baseball.. Basketball. Hockey.. Football! Where are they at? Tell me! Now in dangerous jobs it is different. And the men working these jobs are the ones who pay for the feminist hiring intrusions who are perhaps a third of the employment and two thirds the cost to the taxpayers. And the males in danger die at a greater percentage then the would if we use sense. Whatever Chauvin is, the costs help to make him the villain. Where was the Minneapolis responding people when after 18 minutes of Floyd screaming and not complying and 13 minutes on the neck not there. It is because of extreme feminism taxing people to hell because of hiring women who cost the taxpayers and local government massive amounts of money in dangerous jobs.
Special counsel....your source.

Special Prosecutor? Nope.
hahah it's the same thing...what do you think Counselors for the Govt do? They procecute dumbass

The Mueller team procecutors were the ones prosecuting Flynn, and hiding the Brady evidence.
One TV station. You type several Repub agendists out of thousands that are Prog. Near every TV program has at least a slight Prog backing to total Prog backing. Real proof of reality is that there are no women in the top male sports. None! Baseball.. Basketball. Hockey.. Football! Where are they at? Tell me! Now in dangerous jobs it is different. And the men working these jobs are the ones who pay for the feminist hiring intrusions who are perhaps a third of the employment and two thirds the cost to the taxpayers. And the males in danger die at a greater percentage then the would if we use sense. Whatever Chauvin is, the costs help to make him the villain. Where was the Minneapolis responding people when after 18 minutes of Floyd screaming and not complying and 13 minutes on the neck not there. It is because of extreme feminism taxing people to hell because of hiring women who cost the taxpayers and local government massive amounts of money in dangerous jobs.
I don't think you are thinking straight on this 22.... I don't really know your personal reasons for feeling so aggreived, or pushed aside.... So it's hard to respond to your continual negativity without understanding the root of your dismay.
hahah it's the same thing...what do you think Counselors for the Govt do? They procecute dumbass

The Mueller team procecutors were the ones prosecuting Flynn, and hiding the Brady evidence.
Nope! The DOJ prosecutors headed the court case against Flynn, and both DOJ prosecutors resigned out of disgust in Barr acting as Trump's personal lawyer and playing special favors to get Trump's friends off for crimes they committed for Trump, that they plead guilty to.... That's the definition of CROOKED in my book...
Nope! The DOJ prosecutors headed the court case against Flynn, and both DOJ prosecutors resigned out of disgust in Barr acting as Trump's personal lawyer and playing special favors to get Trump's friends off for crimes they committed for Trump, that they plead guilty to.... That's the definition of CROOKED in my book...
hahaha no they were part of the Mueller team dumbass, but yes, obviously paid by the they were employed there, but put on the Mueller team...which was independent

They resigned, and should have, and likely should have their Bar card revoked for hiding evidence that exonerated the defendant.

Gen Flynn withdrew his plea, and then the DOJ after, the Court forced the Brady evidence to be turned over, did the right thing and dismissed the case.

Flynn remains exonerated

The Mueller witch hunt, like so many other things the left is involved in, remains a dirty, dark chapter in our history

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