General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today

Nope! The DOJ prosecutors headed the court case against Flynn, and both DOJ prosecutors resigned out of disgust in Barr acting as Trump's personal lawyer and playing special favors to get Trump's friends off for crimes they committed for Trump, that they plead guilty to.... That's the definition of CROOKED in my book...
The prosecutors broke the laws, hid evidence of innocence, conspired to violate Flynns civil right by railroading him and trying to frame him, hid and and tampered with evidence, and perjured themselves. Both would have lost their law license and been sent to prison except that Judge Sullivan (along with Judge Bergman-jackson) is just as corrupt and full fledge member of the Obama marxist club abusing his power to railroad political foes. Sullivan's name has come often in these corrupt cases as the presiding judge.
That's Anti-semetic racism. In any case 99% of them are Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.

It is well that he continued to fire those that were the back stabbers and inflated their expertise. When they were found out Trump was right to fire them.
He fired those who spoke truth to power. He was wrong to fire some of these qualified people who realized that they were working for a moron. Tump wanted to hear advice that he wanted to hear and not what he needed to hear, unlike President Reagan, who knew what he didn't know and brought in great minds to advise him. Tumps advice was his "gut".

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

Trump fired Flynn, not Obama.

Now you can move on to your next conspiracy theory.

Did Flynn pay Putin for a Dirty Dossier manufactured by The KGB to try to take down Trump and interfere with and alter the 2016 Election?

Nope, but the Godless Marxist Heathens you worship, Biden, Clinton, and Obama did Collude with Russia and paid Putin $14 Million for a falsified Dirty Dossier and that is a fact No One Can Deny.
I deny it. Putin was a big fan of Tump, because Putin knew that Tump could be easily manipulated.
Everything he said was truth---I listen to the long interview----there was nothing in it that I caught that was truthful or already not known.

You just said two very different things.

1) He said the truth
2) It didn't sound like he wasn't saying the truth.

The problem with number one is, how do you know? He's had a long time to rehearse and get his story straight, and on Fox, no one's going to push him.
I deny it. Putin was a big fan of Tump, because Putin knew that Tump could be easily manipulated.
Well, then why didn't Putin create a Dirty Dossier on Hillary Clinton? She is a filthy political whore who has bought and sold her soul 1,000s of times over, so it's not like there wasn't enough material for Putin to do that.

No, instead Russian agents got paid $14 Million by Clinton, Obama, Biden, and The DNC wrote a Dirty Dossier full of lies to try to rig the 2016 election. Anyone who lies about Putin's collusion with The Clintons doesn't know The amount of money in bribes and influence peddling The Clintons have accepted from Putin.

Why do you lie?

You are either a hairy man butt loving liberal
A God hating fool
Or a Chinese, Russian, Iranian Troll.

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

Flynn should be hung for treason, same as Trump. Kissers of Putin's ass, both of them.
I disagree with you on that.... Republicans utilize the internet to get out their news and have owned and dominated radio for 35 years. Then in cable news, they have the number 1 watched station with FOX News....

add Newsmax, OAN, Glen Beck, Steve Bannon show, FOX Nation,

then the NY POST, Washington Examiner, Wall Street Journal, Briebart, The Washington Beacon, The Epoch Times, Drudge Report, National Review, Townhall, Red State, etc etc etc, along with all the nut bars like Alex Jones, Infowars, the Gateway Pundant, True Pundant... Etc etc etc....

Republicans can dance circles around the Dems on messaging...

And only people who are Democrats watch any of the so called mainstream media, republicans have been trained not to watch or read them, by, it matters a way...y'all watch your news, Dems watch theirs.

The problem is both sides can't agree on actual facts, before spinning their views....there are real facts, and so called alternative facts.... What a crock! There is no such thing as "alternative facts", and until that gets settled, there is no hope for the USA....divided, we fall.
Confusion About Conclusion

You don't understand that both sides can present the truth, but one side, or even both sides, won't emphasize what leads to the true story of what caused the result to happen. There are also facts that are never even brought up as part of either analysis.

On another embee, I accused the analysts of neglecting to point to the $147 a barrel OPEC price-gouging as the ultimate cause of the 2008 economic collapse, triggering everything else the punditeers blamed. And a dense poster thought he was refuting my assertion by stating that the media never tried to hide the fact that the price of oil had gone up.
Mueller is an asshole who should have faced a firing squad for helping to stage a treasonous COUP based on a Russian Collusion charge he knew was false and he knew was paid for by Obama, Clinton and Biden.
Why do you tell lies? Obama and Biden didn't pay for it. The inspector General already determined the investigation in to Russian interference and any Trump campaign involvement, was appropriate and justified. And Republicans in the Trump admin DOJ, hired Mueller, because they felt it was justified to continue the investigation after Trump fired Comey because he wanted to end the Russia investigation.
Why do you tell lies? Obama and Biden didn't pay for it. The inspector General already determined the investigation in to Russian interference and any Trump campaign involvement, was appropriate and justified. And Republicans in the Trump admin DOJ, hired Mueller, because they felt it was justified to continue the investigation after Trump fired Comey because he wanted to end the Russia investigation.
Nothing is more Boring than an Agent of The CCP, or Russia, or Iran, or just a mentally insane Tree Hugging, God Hating, Earth Worshipping Leftist Fascist Fanatic DemNazi who has spent their whole life lying, trying to tell other people that they are liars.

You prostituted yourself for Russian Collusion, now live with your itchy crotch and STFU. No one should ever listen to any of you leftist fools in this place again.

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

"...all these people were here to do nothing but hurt this president [Trump]"

That's exactly what had been happening.

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