General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today

it was a typo-he said the truth. He was railroaded----nothing that Flynn has ever said was ever untruthful. He isn't known to lie (with the exception when he plead guilty under duress to protect his son from our abusive FBI and Judge Sullivan).
He had top legal representation and you say he lied to put himself in jail...

Nice Conspiracy Theory... Where is the actual evidence?

You can exonerated after but by taking a pardon you are admitting to the crime...

Mike Flynn broke the law, he admitted to breaking the law, he gave evidence around breaking the law... Mike Flynn is a criminal...

The only reason there is people on his side is because he is a Trumpster.. If this was a Democrat the same people would be looking for the death penalty...

Mike Flynn didn't show remorse for his crime against America. He actually spread more lies and misinformation a large part put together in Russia..
1) un that is not true at all
2) he took a plea, then before it was accepted, withdrew it. Then the DOJ dismissed after the much sought after Brady evidence was released by the Mueller team

He was innocent, remained innocent, exonerated by the evidence, charges dismissed by DOJ, and finally Pardoned so that the Xiden cult could not drag it out any longer
Tucker Carlson interviewing Michael Flynn. As they masturbated each other, the truth had the same odds of a snowball in hell.
They only person I see jerking off is you to thoughts about Joeflation Xiden's hairy legs being rubbed by children at the pool.

That and you think Comey, Mueller and Strozk lying to the FISA court and serving as Russian agents of chaos serves as porn for you.

So go back to fap fap fap to thoughts of Joe and Hunter Biden raping the Child Chinese Sex slaves Xi sent them every time they were over there.

Hunter might let you borrow his crack pipe.
Wow... that is one deranged rant...

As for one TV station... Crap... Local TV is dominated by Right Wing news... They have at least parity in print and advantage online...

The reason is messaging... the present left message is more complicated than the Trump message.. The right and the left used to discuss on the same level, a great example of the right winning is on trade, the right correctly argued that everyone is better off if is no trade barriers and economy competes on general equal footing, Democrat resisted for decades and were wrong.
Populism (Trumpism) doesn't do such complexity and just points at anyone and says they are the problem... It is simple it is an easy message to get through the information load and it can be repeated. Conservatives used to like to think they had the high road intellectually, but they are now bottom barrel feeders.. Anything that is popular in a rally is the message, no pollsters, no consequences, just blab it out and see the reaction... This is not really the way to run a country, it is mob rule...
Spaghetti Logic

The Left tangles everything up into a confusing mess and claims that the alternative of being straightforward is simplistic. Your message is in that mess.
it was a typo-he said the truth. He was railroaded----nothing that Flynn has ever said was ever untruthful. He isn't known to lie (with the exception when he plead guilty under duress to protect his son from our abusive FBI and Judge Sullivan).

Oh, he isn't known to lie except when A) he says something untruthful and B) when it's inconvenient for the right.
Mueller's report, at no time says there was "no collusion". In fact, the numerous meetings between Trump's 2016 campaign and russian intel are documented.
Mueller's report, at no time says there was "no collusion". In fact, the numerous meetings between Trump's 2016 campaign and russian intel are documented.
My God, it’s the first damned sentence…

”Special counsel Robert Mueller found no proof that President Donald Trump criminally colluded with Russia…”
My God, it’s the first damned sentence…

”Special counsel Robert Mueller found no proof that President Donald Trump criminally colluded with Russia…”
Yeah, I'm asking you to quote Mueller....not a report that characterizes the report. You can't. You won't.
Yeah, I'm asking you to quote Mueller....not a report that characterizes the report. You can't. You won't.
During his congressional testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, former special counsel Robert Mueller admitted that his team found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia during his investigation.

My God, it’s the first damned sentence…

”Special counsel Robert Mueller found no proof that President Donald Trump criminally colluded with Russia…”
Well collusion isn't a crime... So pretty hard to have 'criminally colluded'...

Now did his Campaign Manager pass information to Russia? Yes

Did Russia help the Trump Campaign? Yes.

Did Donald Trump when got elected say he believed Putin over his own Intelligence? Yes

Did Donald trump admit on TV that he fired Comey because he was investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election? Yes

There is definitely crimes there... This has been constant by the Trumpster, you try and say Trump has not been convicted of breaking a non existent law. There is laws his campaign broke and there smoking gun of him receiving help from Russia and him helping Russia...
During his congressional testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, former special counsel Robert Mueller admitted that his team found no evidence of collusion between President Donald Trump and Russia during his investigation.

Collusion again isn't a crime... How many fucking times must we explain this to you, Muller investigates crimes...
Well collusion isn't a crime... So pretty hard to have 'criminally colluded'...

Now did his Campaign Manager pass information to Russia? Yes

Did Russia help the Trump Campaign? Yes.

Did Donald Trump when got elected say he believed Putin over his own Intelligence? Yes

Did Donald trump admit on TV that he fired Comey because he was investigating Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Election? Yes

There is definitely crimes there... This has been constant by the Trumpster, you try and say Trump has not been convicted of breaking a non existent law. There is laws his campaign broke and there smoking gun of him receiving help from Russia and him helping Russia...
Well, Muller didn’t find any, and that was your best hope. Now you just sound like the JFK assassination conspirists, or those that believed 9/11 was an inside job…Maybe try watching something other than MSNBC or CNN…
Well, Muller didn’t find any, and that was your best hope. Now you just sound like the JFK assassination conspirists, or those that believed 9/11 was an inside job…Maybe try watching something other than MSNBC or CNN…

It is all clearly there... This was a GOP led Senate report... Clearly shows Trump Campaign giving information to Russia and Russia helping Trump Campaign...

You will find this highly annoying because means you have been fooled and fed false information... You probably didn't know this was all proven and confirmed by GOP investigators...

It is all clearly there... This was a GOP led Senate report... Clearly shows Trump Campaign giving information to Russia and Russia helping Trump Campaign...

You will find this highly annoying because means you have been fooled and fed false information... You probably didn't know this was all proven and confirmed by GOP investigators...
Well, we were talking about Trump not those in his orbit that he may or may not have known anything about...Now, if you are saying that Trump should be jailed because of bad actors in his orbit, then I disagree...For if that was the case then people around Teddy Kennedy when he ran would be in prision right now, and Teddy would have died there...

"Kennedy’s proposal was simple: The senator would help Andropov in dealing with Reagan, if the Soviet Union would help the Democratic Party in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election."

The Witch Hunt of Donald Trunp and his supporters is still ongoing and should tell you something.

Democracy is done when the New Resurrected Nazi Party is in charge in America, and around the globe.

The DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis.

The difference being is that The Dirty Humans they want to eliminate in a final solution are selected along ideological lines and beliefs and is not just limited to being a Jew or other undesirable!

Look at their policies:

Anti Life
Anti Freedom
Anti Christian
Anti Jew
Anti Free Speech
Pro Mandates and Suppressing The Legislative Branch
Pro Censorship
Spies on its citizens
Cancel Culture
Promotes Unity while destroying and attacking and punishing all dissent
Segregationists - Separating and Persecutes anyone who is an Anti Vaxxer, Pro Life, Pro Traditional Values
Weaponizes Government against its citizens
Tries to keep a nation in a perpetual state of Crisis to keep wielding unconstitutional Fascist Totalitarian power.
Promotes Propaganda 24-7-365
Strict adherence to PC Religion required to belong: Gender Fluidity, Political Cortectness, Critical Race Theory, Global Warming, Sexualization and indoctrination of Children, Social PC Purity
Attempts to constantly agitate fear of others utilizes labeling and mobilizes discriminatory practices against others who do not March lockstep with them
Blame shifting, Cixtimization and Scape Goating.
Criminalization or Social Ostracization of of Dissenters
Attempts to Nationalize and Centrally control Economies.
Gains power by any means even as far as manipulating elections, illegally changing election laws and inviting foreign powers to interfere in elections: Faux Russian Collusion (Russia) & Bioweapons attacks (China) in 2016 and 2020.
hahah it's the same thing...what do you think Counselors for the Govt do? They procecute dumbass

The Mueller team procecutors were the ones prosecuting Flynn, and hiding the Brady evidence.
No, it is NOT the same thing. Try again.

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