General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today

All of that is factual...

he ran through cabinet officers at a prolific rate after saying "I hire the best people". Getting back to your absurd contention that he didn't pick his own cabinet officials...tell us...who did pick these people and why did your blob listen to them?
Where'd I say that liar?
Where'd I say that liar? said that none of his attorneys general were his "wingmen" (whatever the hell that was). Why didn't your bob pick his own "wingman"....why did he pick so many people who told him to fuck off?

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

So I assume he was innocent of lying which is why trump pardoned him.

Go it. It's all Obama's fault. Got it.

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

You gleaned this nonsense out of this so-called interview? Tuckums is good at retrieving alternative truths. A judge threw out a lawsuit against Tuckums because, as the judge said, any sane person knows that Carlson's show is entertainment and not factual.
... or like Garland is today to Biden?
Garland wants to kill mothers of parents who complain about what the schools are teaching. He wants to brutalize them. Many were derived from who were soccer moms and voted for promises and years later know they were deceived. We all were. Garland is a moderate to Progs. Garland is of tyranny. A monster just like many Prog judges are as they sell themselves in promoting for the people who have not been noticed. Now we are violating the old testament warnings as we demonize the asses who deserve it who used the Christian doctrines to achieve power.
At 43 minutes in, Flynn is whining about China's so called influence on government, education, Hollywood, media and real estate. Meanwhile ZOG has occupied those specialties for over century. Flynn is deep state but to a lessor degree than the "17" intelligence agencies and the entire State Department zionists. Tucker is brilliant and informative, but attacking China instead of ZOG is silly. Trump was deep state also obviously.

That's Anti-semetic racism. In any case 99% of them are Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.
All of that is factual...

he ran through cabinet officers at a prolific rate after saying "I hire the best people". Getting back to your absurd contention that he didn't pick his own cabinet officials...tell us...who did pick these people and why did your blob listen to them?

It is well that he continued to fire those that were the back stabbers and inflated their expertise. When they were found out Trump was right to fire them.

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

General Flynn is a seditious and traitorous piece of shit who wants to install a Russian style military dictatorship in the USA. He was in the pay of both the Russian government and the Turkish government when Trump hired him. He should be in jail for the rest of his life for promoting sedition.
That's Anti-semetic racism. In any case 99% of them are Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats.

It is well that he continued to fire those that were the back stabbers and inflated their expertise. When they were found out Trump was right to fire them.

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. That really worked well for you during the 4 years of debt, disease and death that Trump gave you.
All of the judges the blob appointed....liberals? The blob had what 4 Attorney Generals? Who were they?
The FBI and DOJ is infiltrated with Globalist Scum. Take for instance the case of Bob Moscow Mueller.

Mueller? The career criminal who helped Whitely Bulger murder and kill off all of his competition? Mueller, the crooked cop who knowingly prosecuted and had convicted a number of innocent men in The Enron case even when he knew they were innocent? Mueller who knowingly railroaded an innocent man and had him falsely convicted in The Anthrax case?

Mueller cost the taxpayers millions in restitution for those cases alone. He is a dishonest agenda driven ideologue.

Mueller, the lying sniveling Russian Mole who wiped Strozk and Paige's phones despite being ordered not to then lied about it?

Mueller? The Dirty Cop who just happened to have Seth Rich die practically on his door step?

Mueller, who knew Russian Collusion was a lie and a hoax, and who assembled a hit squad to go after President Trump in a witch hunt because Comey, Clinton, Biden and Obama told him to? And he was told to do that because it was the only way to suppress to truth that Obama, Clinton and Joe Biden conspired with Putin to rig the 2016 election and then mount a bureaucratic COUP when that failed using a falsified paid for by The DNC, Obama, Clinton Biden KGB made Dirty Dossier.

You are just as much of a lying scumbag as all the people involved in that and more.
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General Flynn is a seditious and traitorous piece of shit who wants to install a Russian style military dictatorship in the USA. He was in the pay of both the Russian government and the Turkish government when Trump hired him. He should be in jail for the rest of his life for promoting sedition.

Did Flynn pay Putin for a Dirty Dossier manufactured by The KGB to try to take down Trump and interfere with and alter the 2016 Election?

Nope, but the Godless Marxist Heathens you worship, Biden, Clinton, and Obama did Collude with Russia and paid Putin $14 Million for a falsified Dirty Dossier and that is a fact No One Can Deny.
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General Flynn is a seditious and traitorous piece of shit who wants to install a Russian style military dictatorship in the USA. He was in the pay of both the Russian government and the Turkish government when Trump hired him. He should be in jail for the rest of his life for promoting sedition.

One the contrary, I would claim that Gen. Milley is the traitor that has sold out to this administration and the Chinese.
We'll soon see how correct Flynn is about China, when Joey Xi capitulates to the CCP and surrenders Taiwan without a shot fired.
Sure sounded like the truth, Then again how would you ever know, you live in the utopian never, never land.

Well that's the problem isn't it? If you think it "sounded like the truth".... then he's probably just playing up to your prejudices and misconceptions.

Well, if you don't know things, then you should keep an open mind.
One the contrary, I would claim that Gen. Milley is the traitor that has sold out to this administration and the Chinese.
We'll soon see how correct Flynn is about China, when Joey Xi capitulates to the CCP and surrenders Taiwan without a shot fired.

Biden has done a lot of things to anger the Chinese. The problem is that people come on here and spend their whole time saying that Biden is pro-Chinese because it's what they want to believe.

It's amazing really how all these people believe something that the facts show is contrary to what is actually happening.

General Michael Flynn's interview on Tucker Carlson Today​

I normally don’t watch interviews like this but I’m glad I did. The Flynn interview was astounding and informative.
No wonder Obama and his lackeys went after Gen. Flynn.
Comey framed Flynn on orders from Obama.
They were scared of Flynn and rightly so. Had he advised Trump a lot of people would have not been working in the Federal gov't.
Gen Flynn exposed at least one thing that got him gone and why they got President Trump gone.
The two of them were going to not only flip over the apple cart, it would appear they were going to smash it into pieces.
Lots of control, money, access and influence being lost in that process.

Flynn is a Q-tard. I haven't the slightest interest in any blather he spews.

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