Genital Mutilation Now a Reality in America: Coming soon to your Neighborhood

Somalia is Africa, with is OWN African traditions, customs, and habits, which have nothing at all to do with Islam.
Thats nice. But today, somalis are doing it for islam. And they have a hadith verse on which to fall back. That's a simple fact. So whining to the wrong people.. Go whine to them.
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But genital mutilation most definitely and absolutely is NOT Islamic.
Great! And the protestants say worshipping mary is unchristian. But the Catholics say it is doctrine.

Your deficit here is that I think they are both full of shit,but both christians. The same goes for the Somali Muslims and those who call their practices unislamic, from my perspective. So, when you say "it's unislamic", I am never, not ever, going to respond by telling you that you are correct, and they are wrong. But I applaud any effort you make to reform them from this practice, which includes convincing them that it is unislamic.
Mohammad never said or wrote to remove the clitoris.
I said he expressed approval and then showed someone how to do it the best way. Which is a fact, according to the hadiths. So no, you didn't address anything I said, there.

The only accepted female circumcisions is to split the prepuce hood, and that is all.
Which is your opinion. In reality,others do not agree, and do plenty more. When you said they don't, you were wrong, and I gave you the information to indicate your error. You ignored it. But I noticed you changed your language from "only this happens" to "only this is acceptable", without acknowledging this lane change. That's quackery. But lie by me stated or addressed, there. You're not even 0 for're 0 for 0....

there clearly is NOT a tradition of female circumcision other than the prepuce.
Now that is a shameless, stupid lie . The tradition exists, it exists today, and you have been given the information to realize this.

And you still didn't state one single thing i said. Like I said...quackery...

That is totally and completely a lie.
Mohammad never even remotely suggest or approved of the removal of the clitoris.
That is one of the most absurd and reprehensible lies I have ever heard.
Nor would Mohammad ever have been involved in showing how any medical procedure was to be done.

You gave no information at all.
You copied someone else's lie, that was totally based on opinion, not history, observation, or fact.

And you lie when you claim I changed anything.
I clearly stated that in Africa, there are older traditions and cultural traits that did not at all come from Islam.
That is still exactly what my opinions are based on, the truth.
You are just making up lies and propagating obvious propaganda.

If Mohammad said something, then you would easily be able to prove it by quoting the Quran.
If you can not quote it from the Quran, then clearly you are lying.
There is no other source of quotes from Mohammad other than the Quran.
You are lying.
Name one, then. I am not going to to read your self soothing little word salads. Name one lie . State it clearly. State why it is a lie, in a sentence or two. Then I will address it.

I have said it already in every post.
The whole point of Islam was for Mohammed to show his appreciation to his wife, and implement the reforms to Judaism that she wanted.
So that would NEVER include genital mutilation, like clitorectomy.
No Muslim would ever do that.
All Muslims do is slit the prepuce if the hood is too thick and long, preventing stimulation of the clitoris.

So when you say that Muslims mutilate women, you are lying.
The Quran says otherwise.
Says you. A lot of Muslims say otherwise. Don't cry to me for pointing that.out...go cry to them for doing it!

As the clerics in Somalia are doing right now. Sack up and join them. To deny what they are fighting and to whine to me accomplishes less than nothing..

Somalis have their own traditions.
They likely do not follow other Islamic traditions as well.
They are going to do what their culture demanded long before Mohammad existed.
But blaming Mohammad for that which he had absolutely nothing to do with, would make you a liar.
Somalia is Africa, with is OWN African traditions, customs, and habits, which have nothing at all to do with Islam.
Thats nice. But today, somalis are doing it for islam. And they have a hadith verse on which to fall back. That's a simple fact. So whining to the wrong people.. Go whine to them.

Somalis do what they want to do for themselves, not for Islam.
And if anyone knew anything about Islam, they would know a hadith is not the words of Mohammad.
Only the Quran is.
So quote the Quran or shut up.

What you are saying is like blaming the Pope for the massacre at JonesTown by Jimmy Jones.
But genital mutilation most definitely and absolutely is NOT Islamic.
Great! And the protestants say worshipping mary is unchristian. But the Catholics say it is doctrine.

Your deficit here is that I think they are both full of shit,but both christians. The same goes for the Somali Muslims and those who call their practices unislamic, from my perspective. So, when you say "it's unislamic", I am never, not ever, going to respond by telling you that you are correct, and they are wrong. But I applaud any effort you make to reform them from this practice, which includes convincing them that it is unislamic.

But you KNOW that it is only an African minority that are doing these incorrect medical procedures, and that Muslims in the Mideast are not, so then you are deliberately lying when you attempt to use those African atrocities to condemn all Muslims and try to commit genocide against them, even though you know they are innocent.
So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.
But you abused and oppressed your women in other ways, and THAT is GUARANTEED to be TRUE.
We are not who voted for a president who brags about grabbing womens pussies.
So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.

You don't care? So you wouldn't mind if your wife and daughter had it done? Interesting.
If your wife or daughter decided to do it, you gonna disowned them ?
But genital mutilation most definitely and absolutely is NOT Islamic.
Great! And the protestants say worshipping mary is unchristian. But the Catholics say it is doctrine.

Your deficit here is that I think they are both full of shit,but both christians. The same goes for the Somali Muslims and those who call their practices unislamic, from my perspective. So, when you say "it's unislamic", I am never, not ever, going to respond by telling you that you are correct, and they are wrong. But I applaud any effort you make to reform them from this practice, which includes convincing them that it is unislamic.

But you KNOW that it is only an African minority that are doing these incorrect medical procedures, and that Muslims in the Mideast are not, so then you are deliberately lying when you attempt to use those African atrocities to condemn all Muslims and try to commit genocide against them, even though you know they are innocent.

Bullshit. Colombia has an "African minority'? India has an "African minority"?

Then there's this --- again ---:

>> During the 19th century, FGM was frequently performed by doctors [in the US] as a treatment for many sexual and psychological conditions. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the clitoris was considered the center of female sexuality.[4] In addition, Victorian concepts of female sexuality resulted in a widely-held belief that women were less sexual than men.[20]Female sexuality was typically thought of only within the constructs of heterosexual marriage, and behaviors that strayed from this schema, such as masturbation, were deemed symptomatic, and often resulted in operation on the clitoris.[21][4]

... From the 1880s to 1950s, excision was often performed to prevent and treat lesbianism, masturbation, depression, hysteria, and nymphomania.[22][23] These procedures continued well into the 1970s, and were covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance until 1977.[9]

Dr. James Burt, a physician from Ohio, performed a so-called "surgery of love" on over 170 women throughout the 1960s and 1970s.[24] During the nonconsensual procedure, Burt would cut around, move, and reshape the clitoris of women who had been admitted for other operations.[24] This continued well into the 1970s, when a former coworker served witness to several of Burt's victims, and he was fired and cast out of the medical community.[24] << Wiki: FGM in the United States: History

FGM, once AGAIN, however bizarre it is, is a worldwide and ancient sociocultural tradition that LOOOOOOONG predtes Islam, predates Christianims, predates Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other contemporary religion that coincides with it. It's at minimum 2400 years old and has been evidenced in freaking Egyptian mummies --- LOOOONG before there was a Mohammed or a Jesus or a Buddha. It was, again for the literarily deaf, ALREADY THERE. The fact that Islam at one point swept through Sudan, or that Chrisitanism swept through Uganda, or that various indigenous animist religions developed in the same place, in NO WAY makes the latecomer 'responsible" for something that was long established before they were even developed, let alone arrived, as a custom that has no religious function in the first place. That's absurd.

The purpose of FGM is, like so many other things, to control women as a kind of 'property'. It was, and still is, contrived for social status in the community. However perverted that logic is, that's what it's there for. In other words Patriarchy contrived FGM, not any "religion".

You need to stop posting bullshit. All it does is foment the same head-up-the-ass ignorance that the OP plopped in here. You also need to drop that Robert Johnson icon. You're not worthy of it. Robert Johnson had a lot of faults but he didn't post bullshit.
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That conclusion makes no sense. If this woman is performing FGMs *IN* Mohammed's lifetime, that just confirms that it was
What a terrible argument. That doesn't speak to the intent of people doing it today.

That is indeed a terrible argument. When Hitler wrote that by eradicating Jews he was "finishing the work of the Lord", his intent doesn't magically make Christianism responsible for his wackjob interpretation of it. Ditto Eric Rudolph or any example you want.

Your own post pointed out -- here I'll quote it directly:

Muslim leaders have to gather and tell their congregations it is, contrary to popular belief, not demanded by Islam.

CLEARLY to the extent they need to re-educate these people they're addressing mythologies, exactly like the ones promulgated here by the OP, by 2aguy just above, by Cecilie1200 -- by any number of knuckledragging ignorami. THAT is what that kind of ignorance leads to, so don't sit here feeding it. All that does is slow down the eradication of this bizarre ancient custom.

The fact remains, FGM has nothing to do with religion and never did. It's a social custom WAY older than Islam, Christianism, Judaism etc etc, which your own account of the woman meeting Mohammed, proves.

Hey, moron, I see I am living in your head, rent free....true, it is a tiny space, filled with junk, and dirty as hell......but you can't stop thinking about twit.

Oh look, it's the asscrack who posted a video that disproved his whole mythology because he didn't take the time to actually watch it.

Wanna see it again/ That should be fun.


I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with you but YOUR OWN LINK here confirms everything I've been saying.

1:58 -- "It's a cycle of SOCIAL PRESSURE that is hard to shake"

2:19 -- "FGM is NOT A RELIGIOUS EXERCISE. It HAPPENS in Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities* but there is NOTHING in ANY of their holy books that teaches it".

*as well as some tribal communities uninfiltrated by any major religion
So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.

You don't care? So you wouldn't mind if your wife and daughter had it done? Interesting.
If your wife or daughter decided to do it, you gonna disowned them ?
I would never force anyone female in my family to have female circumcisiin.. Why would my wife or daughter decide to it? I know of no woman that would decide to have their bodies mutilated like that. Do you? So are you for it or against it or is it you have no idea what it is?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.

You don't care? So you wouldn't mind if your wife and daughter had it done? Interesting.
If your wife or daughter decided to do it, you gonna disowned them ?
I would never force anyone female in my family to have female circumcisiin.. Why would my wife or daughter decide to it? I know of no woman that would decide to have their bodies mutilated like that. Do you? So are you for it or against it or is it you have no idea what it is?

They would choose to do it --- meaning the mother would choose to do it to the daughter --- because of cultural custom, that's why. Compare to our own culture where women punch holes in their earlobes. And more recently other body parts. Or compare the practice of intentionally paying somebody to embed inked images on your body parts.

There's no influence more powerful than entrenched social customs because that's the community's values Religion can't stop it. Governments can't stop it. That's exactly why I keep pointing out the answer to gun violence is not throwing laws at it but changing the culture.
FGM is child abuse, and there is no way around that. I don't give a shit what your culture is. You don't have the freedom to abuse your children. Many cultures marry off their children at 9 years old. Islam does this. Sorry buddy, but you can't marry a 9 year old in The US. It's illegal, and so is FGM in 28 states by my count.

That crime needs harsher penalties, and more states need to outlaw it, because it has gone underground. Not one single little girl should ever have this forced on her by her parents.
FGM is child abuse, and there is no way around that. I don't give a shit what your culture is. You don't have the freedom to abuse your children. Many cultures marry off their children at 9 years old. Islam does this. Sorry buddy, but you can't marry a 9 year old in The US. It's illegal, and so is FGM in 28 states by my count.

That crime needs harsher penalties, and more states need to outlaw it, because it has gone underground. Not one single little girl should ever have this forced on her by her parents.

No Dumbass, "Islam" does NOT do this. Christianism does not do this. Judaism does not do this. *NO* religion does this.

Fucking moron.
But genital mutilation most definitely and absolutely is NOT Islamic.
Great! And the protestants say worshipping mary is unchristian. But the Catholics say it is doctrine.

Your deficit here is that I think they are both full of shit,but both christians. The same goes for the Somali Muslims and those who call their practices unislamic, from my perspective. So, when you say "it's unislamic", I am never, not ever, going to respond by telling you that you are correct, and they are wrong. But I applaud any effort you make to reform them from this practice, which includes convincing them that it is unislamic.

But you KNOW that it is only an African minority that are doing these incorrect medical procedures, and that Muslims in the Mideast are not, so then you are deliberately lying when you attempt to use those African atrocities to condemn all Muslims and try to commit genocide against them, even though you know they are innocent.

Bullshit. Colombia has an "African minority'? India has an "African minority"?

Then there's this --- again ---:

>> During the 19th century, FGM was frequently performed by doctors [in the US] as a treatment for many sexual and psychological conditions. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the clitoris was considered the center of female sexuality.[4] In addition, Victorian concepts of female sexuality resulted in a widely-held belief that women were less sexual than men.[20]Female sexuality was typically thought of only within the constructs of heterosexual marriage, and behaviors that strayed from this schema, such as masturbation, were deemed symptomatic, and often resulted in operation on the clitoris.[21][4]

... From the 1880s to 1950s, excision was often performed to prevent and treat lesbianism, masturbation, depression, hysteria, and nymphomania.[22][23] These procedures continued well into the 1970s, and were covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance until 1977.[9]

Dr. James Burt, a physician from Ohio, performed a so-called "surgery of love" on over 170 women throughout the 1960s and 1970s.[24] During the nonconsensual procedure, Burt would cut around, move, and reshape the clitoris of women who had been admitted for other operations.[24] This continued well into the 1970s, when a former coworker served witness to several of Burt's victims, and he was fired and cast out of the medical community.[24] << Wiki: FGM in the United States: History

FGM, once AGAIN, however bizarre it is, is a worldwide and ancient sociocultural tradition that LOOOOOOONG predtes Islam, predates Christianims, predates Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other contemporary religion that coincides with it. It's at minimum 2400 years old and has been evidenced in freaking Egyptian mummies --- LOOOONG before there was a Mohammed or a Jesus or a Buddha. It was, again for the literarily deaf, ALREADY THERE. The fact that Islam at one point swept through Sudan, or that Chrisitanism swept through Uganda, or that various indigenous animist religions developed in the same place, in NO WAY makes the latecomer 'responsible" for something that was long established before they were even developed, let alone arrived, as a custom that has no religious function in the first place. That's absurd.

The purpose of FGM is, like so many other things, to control women as a kind of 'property'. It was, and still is, contrived for social status in the community. However perverted that logic is, that's what it's there for. In other words Patriarchy contrived FGM, not any "religion".

You need to stop posting bullshit. All it does is foment the same head-up-the-ass ignorance that the OP plopped in here. You also need to drop that Robert Johnson icon. You're not worthy of it. Robert Johnson had a lot of faults but he didn't post bullshit.

While this part you said was true:
FGM, once AGAIN, however bizarre it is, is a worldwide and ancient sociocultural tradition that LOOOOOOONG predtes Islam, predates Christianims, predates Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other contemporary religion that coincides with it. It's at minimum 2400 years old and has been evidenced in freaking Egyptian mummies --- LOOOONG before there was a Mohammed or a Jesus or a Buddha.

The POINT is this thread and all of the propaganda in the world is lying and trying to imply that FGM is tied to Islam when in reality Islam is against FGM.

All articles, discussions, and organizations claiming to be against FGM actually are fakes intending to promote genocide against Muslims who do not even do FGM.

But those who claim Islam promotes FGM are intentionally wrong and spreading a lie.
The most common practice in the Mideast is simply a tiny vertical cut in the prepuce, which is useful for greater simulation of the clitoris. And there is no reason at all to lump that into FGM.
To do so can only be to deliberately cause harm to innocent Muslims, who simply are unwilling to explain the defense for their reasonable practices.
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FGM is child abuse, and there is no way around that. I don't give a shit what your culture is. You don't have the freedom to abuse your children. Many cultures marry off their children at 9 years old. Islam does this. Sorry buddy, but you can't marry a 9 year old in The US. It's illegal, and so is FGM in 28 states by my count.

That crime needs harsher penalties, and more states need to outlaw it, because it has gone underground. Not one single little girl should ever have this forced on her by her parents.

No, Islam does not promote FGM, a slit in the prepuce is NOT FGM, and Islam does not allow sex below 18, even in marriage.
You can marry a 9 year old in the US, depending on state laws. And the purpose of Islamic marriage is to ensure all children have an adult custodian.

You need to learn more before making general statements that are harmful.
FGM is child abuse, and there is no way around that. I don't give a shit what your culture is. You don't have the freedom to abuse your children. Many cultures marry off their children at 9 years old. Islam does this. Sorry buddy, but you can't marry a 9 year old in The US. It's illegal, and so is FGM in 28 states by my count.

That crime needs harsher penalties, and more states need to outlaw it, because it has gone underground. Not one single little girl should ever have this forced on her by her parents.

No Dumbass, "Islam" does NOT do this. Christianism does not do this. Judaism does not do this. *NO* religion does this.

Fucking moron.

Well I agree.
Sorry if I over reacted with earlier posts aimed at you.
Seems we do not disagree after all?
I assumed you were attempting to incorrectly use FGM as a means of attacking a particular religion.
And I agree that FGM is wrong.
My only intention was to point out before that a slit in the prepuce is not FGM, and intended to increase sensation to the clitoris, in women who have an inordinately thick or long prepuce, (clitoral hood).
First off FGM is not used to increase pleasure in a little girl. Why exactly is any person concerned with increasing pleasure in a a little girl 3-5 years old or a baby? IF FGM is so awesome, and is done to increase pleasure, then it should be voluntary, and not be done until one reaches the age of 18.

But you lie...

Everything I have read about FGM states that it is for PRECISELY THE OPPOSITE of what you say. FGM REMOVES the Clitoris. Again, why would you do this to a little girl? A baby? They don't even know what sex is yet.

What is female genital mutilation (FGM)?
Female genital mutilation is defined as the removal of part or all of the female genitalia for nonmedical reasons. It is also called female circumcision and cutting. The procedure is most often done to girls between birth and age 15.

What are the consequences of FGM?
Often carried out under primitive and unsanitary conditions without anesthetic, FGM can cause severe pain, bleeding, and swelling that may prevent passing urine or feces. In the long term, it leads to chronic pelvic infections, urinary tract infections, and birth complications for mothers and children. The horror of the event — including being physically restrained against their will — affects many women for years. There are no health benefits from the procedure, which is not medically necessary or condoned by the World Health Organization, most governments, and reputable medical associations.

Where is FGM practiced?
FGM is practiced in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, but Egypt, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Sudan account for about 42 percent of all cases. Migrants have carried the traditional practice with them to other countries in Europe and the Americas.
But genital mutilation most definitely and absolutely is NOT Islamic.
Great! And the protestants say worshipping mary is unchristian. But the Catholics say it is doctrine.

Your deficit here is that I think they are both full of shit,but both christians. The same goes for the Somali Muslims and those who call their practices unislamic, from my perspective. So, when you say "it's unislamic", I am never, not ever, going to respond by telling you that you are correct, and they are wrong. But I applaud any effort you make to reform them from this practice, which includes convincing them that it is unislamic.

But you KNOW that it is only an African minority that are doing these incorrect medical procedures, and that Muslims in the Mideast are not, so then you are deliberately lying when you attempt to use those African atrocities to condemn all Muslims and try to commit genocide against them, even though you know they are innocent.

Bullshit. Colombia has an "African minority'? India has an "African minority"?

Then there's this --- again ---:

>> During the 19th century, FGM was frequently performed by doctors [in the US] as a treatment for many sexual and psychological conditions. During the 19th and 20th centuries, the clitoris was considered the center of female sexuality.[4] In addition, Victorian concepts of female sexuality resulted in a widely-held belief that women were less sexual than men.[20]Female sexuality was typically thought of only within the constructs of heterosexual marriage, and behaviors that strayed from this schema, such as masturbation, were deemed symptomatic, and often resulted in operation on the clitoris.[21][4]

... From the 1880s to 1950s, excision was often performed to prevent and treat lesbianism, masturbation, depression, hysteria, and nymphomania.[22][23] These procedures continued well into the 1970s, and were covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance until 1977.[9]

Dr. James Burt, a physician from Ohio, performed a so-called "surgery of love" on over 170 women throughout the 1960s and 1970s.[24] During the nonconsensual procedure, Burt would cut around, move, and reshape the clitoris of women who had been admitted for other operations.[24] This continued well into the 1970s, when a former coworker served witness to several of Burt's victims, and he was fired and cast out of the medical community.[24] << Wiki: FGM in the United States: History

FGM, once AGAIN, however bizarre it is, is a worldwide and ancient sociocultural tradition that LOOOOOOONG predtes Islam, predates Christianims, predates Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other contemporary religion that coincides with it. It's at minimum 2400 years old and has been evidenced in freaking Egyptian mummies --- LOOOONG before there was a Mohammed or a Jesus or a Buddha. It was, again for the literarily deaf, ALREADY THERE. The fact that Islam at one point swept through Sudan, or that Chrisitanism swept through Uganda, or that various indigenous animist religions developed in the same place, in NO WAY makes the latecomer 'responsible" for something that was long established before they were even developed, let alone arrived, as a custom that has no religious function in the first place. That's absurd.

The purpose of FGM is, like so many other things, to control women as a kind of 'property'. It was, and still is, contrived for social status in the community. However perverted that logic is, that's what it's there for. In other words Patriarchy contrived FGM, not any "religion".

You need to stop posting bullshit. All it does is foment the same head-up-the-ass ignorance that the OP plopped in here. You also need to drop that Robert Johnson icon. You're not worthy of it. Robert Johnson had a lot of faults but he didn't post bullshit.

While this part you said was true:
FGM, once AGAIN, however bizarre it is, is a worldwide and ancient sociocultural tradition that LOOOOOOONG predtes Islam, predates Christianims, predates Sikhism, Hinduism, Judaism or any other contemporary religion that coincides with it. It's at minimum 2400 years old and has been evidenced in freaking Egyptian mummies --- LOOOONG before there was a Mohammed or a Jesus or a Buddha.

The POINT is this thread and all of the propaganda in the world is lying and trying to imply that FGM is tied to Islam when in reality Islam is against FGM.

All articles, discussions, and organizations claiming to be against FGM actually are fakes intending to promote genocide against Muslims who do not even do FGM.

Yeah, I've been pointing all this out to knuckledraggers like the OP, who obviously read the history and the links and the posts, and then go on posting the same shit all over again. I've noted repeatedly that in Mecca, which I think just miiiiiight have some slight relationship with Islam, FGM is considered barbaric, as it should be. I pointed out its appearance in far-flung areas such as Colombia and India. And Christian-majority countries such as Tanzania and Uganda.

Clearly their goal is to plop the turds of ignorance into the public discourse, which only serves to perpetuate even more ignorance. In other words everybody's gotta suffer just because they're too fucking lazy to break a brain sweat and admit they were posting bullshit.

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