Genital Mutilation Now a Reality in America: Coming soon to your Neighborhood

Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.

It is Satanism repackaged as both religion and the state steeped in cultural fables and anchors. It is both a political ideology and a blueprint for cultural engineering and control of a people.

The Religion of Ishmael has nothing in common with The Religion of Isaac other than both claim Abraham as their genetic father, but only one claims him as their spiritual father.

The Koran is closer to Mein Kamf than My Bible, and the oppressions or Islam is incompatible with the freedoms of Christianity, The Law of Grace and Natural Law.

What a liar and ignorant illiterate fool a person has to be to claim Christianity has elements of Anti-Semitic in it, when The Bible itself declares that God will bless them that bless Israel.

Every Christian I know believes that.
Well, you are free to call the clerical class of the German and Italian Catholic churches in 1939 "ignorant, ililterate, foolish liars", if you like. Knock yourself out. Then you can contend with the congregations. Virtually all of them most certainly did take anti-semitism from within (and from without) the Bible. I would applaud you for doing it. That is what reform looks like. But you will have to travel back in time to do it, which presents a bit of a problem.
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Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.
Well, in your usual hamhanded, kind of wrong way, you touch on something important. Your declarations of divine truth and falsity aside (save them for someone else, shaman), I worry that Islam doesn't have the positive, redeeming "plot twist" that Christianity does. I wonder if it even can reform properly.
Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.

It is Satanism repackaged as both religion and state steeped in cultural fables and anchors.

The Koran is closer to Mein Kamf than My Bible.
There is no "corrective action" for Islam to take corrective action ON, shit-for-brains. Nothing in this thread is ABOUT "Islam".

You've had your ass corrected a hundred times in this thread, and probably elsewhere, yet you persist in being wrong.

Why is that exactly? Are you just retarded?
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

If you were concerned about women....why did you vote for a pussy grabber?

So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

If you were concerned about women....why did you vote for a pussy grabber?

So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.

It is Satanism repackaged as both religion and state steeped in cultural fables and anchors.

The Koran is closer to Mein Kamf than My Bible.
There is no "corrective action" for Islam to take corrective action ON, shit-for-brains. Nothing in this thread is ABOUT "Islam".

You've had your ass corrected a hundred times in this thread, and probably elsewhere, yet you persist in being wrong.

Why is that exactly? Are you just retarded?
I have not been corrected once. I can't be corrected, because what I speak is TRUE.

Jihad is immoral and Evil. The verses in the Koran calling for the subjugation of women, beating of women, beheading, torture, emulation of women and infidels is Immoral and Evil.

We are living under The Law of Grace. Even Judaism though they have not accepted the Messiah sans for The Messianic Jewish Church, realize we are living under Grace, and have moved on from enforcing The Law.

Salvation through The Law and Legalism is impossible. As the good book says, "All our righteousness is as Filthy Rags". Islam also Rejects Christ as The Son of God.

And as the good book says again, "He who denies The Son, denies The Father."
Islam denies The TRUE GOD, and instead accepts another, who is not God, but who seeks to sit upon God's throne as God. If you want me to go in to the Koran and show you how allah is called "the throne ascender" I can. The True God does not need to "ascend to the throne" He already sits upon it. But back to the topic..

Only through Grace can Oppression be broken and Freedom be Promoted.
Therefore believe in the salvation won for you, for by His grace are we saved, and nothing else.

Where is the "Grace" in be-headings, hanging gays, throwing them off of buildings, honor killings, Sharia Law, stoning women who have been raped, forced marriages, and many other Evil acts?

Female Genital Mutilation is nothing more than the result of Islam's subjugation and oppression of women. If it were not for Islam, there would be no Genital Mutilation.

The Oppression of Islam is Evidence of Islam's Wickedness. Female Genital Mutilation is just one symptom of many indicating the Error of Islam.

10 Reasons Islam Is Not From God

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Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.

It is Satanism repackaged as both religion and state steeped in cultural fables and anchors.

The Koran is closer to Mein Kamf than My Bible.
There is no "corrective action" for Islam to take corrective action ON, shit-for-brains. Nothing in this thread is ABOUT "Islam".

You've had your ass corrected a hundred times in this thread, and probably elsewhere, yet you persist in being wrong.

Why is that exactly? Are you just retarded?
I have not been corrected once. I can't be corrected, because what I speak is TRUE.

Jihad is immoral and Evil. The verses in the Koran calling for the subjugation of women, beating of women, beheading, torture, emulation of women and infidels is Immoral and Evil.

We are living under The Law of Grace. Even Judaism though they have not accepted the Messiah sans for The Messianic Jewish Church, realize we are living under Grace, and have moved on from enforcing The Law.

Salvation through The Law and Legalism is impossible. As the good book says, "All our righteousness is as Filthy Rags". Islam also Rejects Christ as The Son of God.

And as the good book says again, "He who denies The Son, denies The Father."
Islam denies The TRUE GOD, and instead accepts another, who is not God, but who seeks to sit upon God's throne as God. If you want me to go in to the Koran and show you how allah is called "the throne ascender" I can. The True God does not need to "ascend to the throne" He already sits upon it. But back to the topic..

Only through Grace can Oppression be broken and Freedom be Promoted.
Therefore believe in the salvation won for you, for by His grace are we saved, and nothing else.

Where is the "Grace" in be-headings, hanging gays, throwing them off of buildings, honor killings, Sharia Law, stoning women who have been raped, forced marriages, and many other Evil acts?

Female Genital Mutilation is nothing more than the result of Islam's subjugation and oppression of women. If it were not for Islam, there would be no Genital Mutilation.

The Oppression of Islam is Evidence of Islam's Wickedness. Female Genital Mutilation is just one symptom of many indicating the Error of Islam.

10 Reasons Islam Is Not From God

You are truly a moron fueling on Ignorance. Which I guess is typical of religious freaks.
Your entire thread here is a sham built on mindless dead-end mythologies and your pigheaded obtusity keeps you recycling the same shit, over and over, as if different results are gonna happen. They're not. You're an idiot incapable of what the rest of us call "thought".
Reform means to acknowledge truth and take corrective action.

Islam has no truth to take corrective action on.

It is Satanism repackaged as both religion and state steeped in cultural fables and anchors.

The Koran is closer to Mein Kamf than My Bible.
There is no "corrective action" for Islam to take corrective action ON, shit-for-brains. Nothing in this thread is ABOUT "Islam".

You've had your ass corrected a hundred times in this thread, and probably elsewhere, yet you persist in being wrong.

Why is that exactly? Are you just retarded?
I have not been corrected once. I can't be corrected, because what I speak is TRUE.

Jihad is immoral and Evil. The verses in the Koran calling for the subjugation of women, beating of women, beheading, torture, emulation of women and infidels is Immoral and Evil.

We are living under The Law of Grace. Even Judaism though they have not accepted the Messiah sans for The Messianic Jewish Church, realize we are living under Grace, and have moved on from enforcing The Law.

Salvation through The Law and Legalism is impossible. As the good book says, "All our righteousness is as Filthy Rags". Islam also Rejects Christ as The Son of God.

And as the good book says again, "He who denies The Son, denies The Father."
Islam denies The TRUE GOD, and instead accepts another, who is not God, but who seeks to sit upon God's throne as God. If you want me to go in to the Koran and show you how allah is called "the throne ascender" I can. The True God does not need to "ascend to the throne" He already sits upon it. But back to the topic..

Only through Grace can Oppression be broken and Freedom be Promoted.
Therefore believe in the salvation won for you, for by His grace are we saved, and nothing else.

Where is the "Grace" in be-headings, hanging gays, throwing them off of buildings, honor killings, Sharia Law, stoning women who have been raped, forced marriages, and many other Evil acts?

Female Genital Mutilation is nothing more than the result of Islam's subjugation and oppression of women. If it were not for Islam, there would be no Genital Mutilation.

The Oppression of Islam is Evidence of Islam's Wickedness. Female Genital Mutilation is just one symptom of many indicating the Error of Islam.

10 Reasons Islam Is Not From God

You are truly a moron fueling on Ignorance. Which I guess is typical of religious freaks.
Your entire thread here is a sham built on mindless dead-end mythologies and your pigheaded obtusity keeps you recycling the same shit, over and over, as if different results are gonna happen. They're not. You're an idiot incapable of what the rest of us call "thought".

So providing information, and debating topics with facts, in your eyes is "fueling ignorance"?

Your reply just sounds like Word Vomit and you offer ZERO evidence to support your position. Here is another contradiction in The Koran with The New Testament:

Islam cannot be from God because it denies the crucifixion of Jesus.

The central figure of the New Testament is Jesus. From his temptations in the desert to the resurrection, the focus of Jesus is his death on the cross to provide a sacrifice for mankind's sin. The Qur'an denies that Jesus died on the cross and that would then preclude his resurrection. It is the contention of Islam that God took Jesus into heaven and transformed Judas to look like Jesus. They teach that it was actually Judas who died on the cross.

Qur'an 4:157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The apostle of Allah"; But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, But so it was made To appear to them, And those who differ Therein are full of doubts, With no (certain) knowledge, But only conjecture to follow, For of a surety, They killed him not.

The Bible clearly and plainly teaches that Jesus was crucified on the cross.

Matthew 27:35, 35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.

1 Corinthians 1:23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
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Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

If you were concerned about women....why did you vote for a pussy grabber?

So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.
If you were concerned about women....why did you vote for a pussy grabber?

So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.
But you abused and oppressed your women in other ways, and THAT is GUARANTEED to be TRUE.
If you were concerned about women....why did you vote for a pussy grabber?

So you do or don’t support female circumcision?

So Issa do you or don't you?
It is a cultural thing and it is up to them. It has nothing to do with islam....hindus, Christian's, muslims and others in certain parts do it.
I am a male and I cant think my parents enough for the circumcision though. ;)

I already know it is s cultural and not religious. Do you support female circumcision or not?
I honestly dont care...I grow up in a Muslim country and we didnt have it and never heard of it till I came here.

You don't care? So you wouldn't mind if your wife and daughter had it done? Interesting.
Sharia authorizes Honor killings... And Minnesota is going down that path..

None of this crap surprises me any more...

Soon they will be able to enslave you and it will be all in the name of Islam.. Democrats are fools and its going to end in a war real soon.

Bullshit and Bullshit, respectively. Neither FGM nor "honor" killings have anything to do with Islam or with any religion at all. And we've done this thoroughly in the past, yet here y'all mythologists come with the same bullshit in hand expecting different results.

BOTH of these practices are ancient cultural artifacts dating from WAAAAY before Islam, or Chritstianism, or Hinduism, or any other religions y'all desperately try to "associate" with them, were ever dreamed up. It's literally ancient history.

As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

then why is it the musk I'll ms and people like Omar preventing the law?
It has nothing to do with islam...
Of course, that is utter nonsense,as they say Islam is why they do it. If they believed it was not Islamic, they would stop. That is why the Somalian clerics are trying to tell them it is not Islamic.
It has nothing to do with islam...
Of course, that is utter nonsense,as they say Islam is why they do it. If they believed it was not Islamic, they would stop. That is why the Somalian clerics are trying to tell them it is not Islamic.
It's true. I've never met a Muslim who didn't want to cut the clit off of women. Seriously. It's plain as the nose on their faces.
Sharia authorizes Honor killings... And Minnesota is going down that path..

None of this crap surprises me any more...

Soon they will be able to enslave you and it will be all in the name of Islam.. Democrats are fools and its going to end in a war real soon.

Bullshit and Bullshit, respectively. Neither FGM nor "honor" killings have anything to do with Islam or with any religion at all. And we've done this thoroughly in the past, yet here y'all mythologists come with the same bullshit in hand expecting different results.

BOTH of these practices are ancient cultural artifacts dating from WAAAAY before Islam, or Chritstianism, or Hinduism, or any other religions y'all desperately try to "associate" with them, were ever dreamed up. It's literally ancient history.

As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

then why is it the musk I'll ms and people like Omar preventing the law?

If that were English --- what would it say? :dunno:
Sharia authorizes Honor killings... And Minnesota is going down that path..

None of this crap surprises me any more...

Soon they will be able to enslave you and it will be all in the name of Islam.. Democrats are fools and its going to end in a war real soon.

Bullshit and Bullshit, respectively. Neither FGM nor "honor" killings have anything to do with Islam or with any religion at all. And we've done this thoroughly in the past, yet here y'all mythologists come with the same bullshit in hand expecting different results.

BOTH of these practices are ancient cultural artifacts dating from WAAAAY before Islam, or Chritstianism, or Hinduism, or any other religions y'all desperately try to "associate" with them, were ever dreamed up. It's literally ancient history.

As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

then why is it the musk I'll ms and people like Omar preventing the law?

If that were English --- what would it say? :dunno:

I'll type slower. Then why are the people defending this practice muslims like Omar?And why is is Democrats that always block this stuff?

Just let me know if you're too stupid to answer the question.
Muslims do NOT do female genital mutilation.
That is an African custom that does not happen in the Mideast at all.
The slit of the prepuce is NOT genital mutilation, and designed to increase female sexual stimulation.
That is an African custom that does not happen in the Mideast at all.

Totally and completely wrong.
Islam was created by Mohammad in order to repay his wife, a wealthy widow who was responsible for all of Mohammad's success in life.
Before Islam, women were subject to the Old Testament Judaism, which considered women to not have souls, unable to own property, unable to divorce or inherit, etc.
Mohammad changes all that at the request of his wife, whom he was eternally grateful to.
There is absulutely ZERO female genital mutilation under Islam, and there is no mention of it in the Quran at all.
The link you put up is just totally and completely made up lies.
Not even remotely true.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

Seems pretty harsh. Women should have to be adults before undergoing an extreme procedure for Religion.

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