Genital Mutilation Now a Reality in America: Coming soon to your Neighborhood

As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

AND YET today --- feminists and genital mutators are sitting in the SAME SEATS in Congress together. Funny how your sense of right and wrong can get bargained away when it's more important to create identity politics and alliances to "win"....
As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

AND YET today --- feminists and genital mutators are sitting in the SAME SEATS in Congress together. Funny how your sense of right and wrong can get bargained away when it's more important to create identity politics and alliances to "win"....
I am pretty positive that OMAR is Genitally Mutilated. That is why she is angry all the time.
As far as the OP's whiny-little-bitch special pleading about "where is the left's outrage", the existence of FGM was first brought to Western attention in the 1970s by Gloria Steinem. While OP-boi was asleep.

AND YET today --- feminists and genital mutators are sitting in the SAME SEATS in Congress together. Funny how your sense of right and wrong can get bargained away when it's more important to create identity politics and alliances to "win"....

WTF are you even babbling about here? Where are these "genital mutators" in Congress then, and how are they remotely related to the post I quoted here?

The OP posted some of his BULLSHIT and I cleaned it up. You're welcome. And I did that because the lying-ass PUNK doesn't have the balls to clean up after himself.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

The left cheers on far greater mutilation just because the person "feelz" that she should be a man. Why would you expect them to care about mutilation because she "feelz" Allah wants her to do it?

No little girl wants to be mutilated by a Heathen Godless Barabarian. They are all forced to do it. They do it to infants, little girls 3-5 years old. It's barbaric.

Well, again, the left also cheers "progressive" parents transitioning their "transgender" kids before they even start puberty, so . . .
feminists and genital mutators are sitting in the SAME SEATS in Congress together.
Weird! Don't they have enough chairs?????

Oh, and please direct us to where you learned that congresspeople currently in office support female genital mutilation . Remember, support the legalization of something is not the same as advocacy for it.
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It was a way of preventing disease. If men properly bathed and washed the thing, it wouldn't be a problem. It started for sanitary reasons, to reduce infections and infant mortality.

Unless it's being done for religious reasons, and the Bible does call for it, most parents today are not getting their sons circumcised, because parents today share your belief. None of my grandsons have been circumcized, and I know because I changed all of their diapers.

I'm willing to bet if you tried to ban circumcision in the USA, both the Jews, and the right wing Christians would howl about the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. The "Christian right" will scream "war on Christianity" at the drop of a hat. Why don't you give it a go!
I am not proposing that,nor did I state a "belief". Circumcision is,indeed, male genital mutilation, which is a fact. And since it is widespread and legal, one would have a tough time banning female genital mutilation in the same code of law.

Trust an anti-semite to claim that we have to allow female genital mutilation..which is not religious....because we allow circumcision. Way to toss the female babies out with the buckets of blood for the purpose of attacking a religious group.

It's not religious, but it is cultural, which is the same thing. Even people who read the same Bible, don't follows the same beliefs structure. What one Christian sect believes is often seen as blasphemy by another.

No, it really isn't.Like I said, you fools keep trying to assert it is, and this is one way you do that. By claiming that since female circumcision is bad and harmful, then male circumcision is exactly the same thing.
They are not the same. Circumcision has absolutely zero long-term negative medical effects on males.It is less traumatic than ear piercing and not only is the procedure negligible, the objective isn't to destroy enjoyment of anything. People don't circumcise boys in order to cause them pain all their lives. And it doesn't cause pain all their lives.

You're in no position to know what it does to men.

Circumcision Basics
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

The left cheers on far greater mutilation just because the person "feelz" that she should be a man. Why would you expect them to care about mutilation because she "feelz" Allah wants her to do it?

No little girl wants to be mutilated by a Heathen Godless Barabarian. They are all forced to do it. They do it to infants, little girls 3-5 years old. It's barbaric.

Well, again, the left also cheers "progressive" parents transitioning their "transgender" kids before they even start puberty, so . . .
So Democrats also Advocate Genetic Mutilation, in addition to Genital Mutilation
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

The left cheers on far greater mutilation just because the person "feelz" that she should be a man. Why would you expect them to care about mutilation because she "feelz" Allah wants her to do it?

No little girl wants to be mutilated by a Heathen Godless Barabarian. They are all forced to do it. They do it to infants, little girls 3-5 years old. It's barbaric.

Well, again, the left also cheers "progressive" parents transitioning their "transgender" kids before they even start puberty, so . . .

Well again two hours later we're STILL waiting for this specious "allah" post of yours to explain itself.

Doesn't seem to be happening. Coward.
So if one took a Pussy Hat, and performed a Genital Mutilation on it, would there even be enough of it left to wear it?

I don't think so.

Yet Democrats do not even speak out against this crime against children.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

The left cheers on far greater mutilation just because the person "feelz" that she should be a man. Why would you expect them to care about mutilation because she "feelz" Allah wants her to do it?

No little girl wants to be mutilated by a Heathen Godless Barabarian. They are all forced to do it. They do it to infants, little girls 3-5 years old. It's barbaric.

Well, again, the left also cheers "progressive" parents transitioning their "transgender" kids before they even start puberty, so . . .
So Democrats also Advocate Genetic Mutilation, in addition to Genital Mutilation

And yet you still have .... let's add 'em up..... ZERO evidence thereto.

Well at least you're consistent.
Trust an anti-semite to claim that we have to allow female genital mutilation..which is not religious....because we allow circumcision. Way to toss the female babies out with the buckets of blood for the purpose of attacking a religious group.

It's not religious, but it is cultural, which is the same thing. Even people who read the same Bible, don't follows the same beliefs structure. What one Christian sect believes is often seen as blasphemy by another.

No, it really isn't.Like I said, you fools keep trying to assert it is, and this is one way you do that. By claiming that since female circumcision is bad and harmful, then male circumcision is exactly the same thing.
They are not the same. Circumcision has absolutely zero long-term negative medical effects on males.It is less traumatic than ear piercing and not only is the procedure negligible, the objective isn't to destroy enjoyment of anything. People don't circumcise boys in order to cause them pain all their lives. And it doesn't cause pain all their lives.

The Fact that these LEFTIST DemNazi Assholes even attempt to defend Genital Mutilation says more about their political beliefs and their Wicked Godless Party than anything. Of course they also defend Baby there's that.

Nobody attempted to defend FGM you lying POS.

Another Russian attempting to gin up hysterial and hatred of Muslims, by posting slanders and lie

1.) Your Muslim Allies are asking their Muslim Brothers to take delivery trucks and kill Americans.

2.) That bitch of yours who went to fight for ISIS, should have her genitals removed and her Vag hole sewn shut like they do in most Islamic Shit Hole Countries until "breeding time". She just had her citizenship revoked...too bad...cuz I'd like to see that Satan Worshipping Whore suffer like she made others suffer.

3.) Equating Genital Mutilation, you sick fuck, with Circumcision is defending Genital Mutilation.

4.) The Only Thing Russian about me is My Russian To Call You Out on Your Hideous Evil Words of Deceit that you Vomit Forth every day from your gaping cankerous pie hole.

Lastly, What Hatred? Fucking Factual Shit, that apparently you are down with....cuz......Political Power.... Am I Right? You need Muslims to help you dismantle America, because you hate America just as much as they do.

Instead of you being a traitorous slut bag trying to Fundamentally Change America, how about you Fundamentally change your Treasonous and Seditious bullshit?

Last question: So how much can one get for selling their soul to The Devil,.....and by devil, I mean allah.

Is it a lot of money or did you sell out for a few rubles like a cheap Russian Whore?

I'm not the one posting lies, hate, and trying to drive Americans to violence like you Russian pieces of shit.
And yet you still have .... let's add 'em up..... ZERO evidence thereto.
Well, he's a moron that uses the wrong words (advocate). But it does seem to be a fact that no democrats are joining the push to make FGM illegal.
The problem here is that genital mutilation of males is widespread and perfectly legal.

It was a way of preventing disease. If men properly bathed and washed the thing, it wouldn't be a problem. It started for sanitary reasons, to reduce infections and infant mortality.

Unless it's being done for religious reasons, and the Bible does call for it, most parents today are not getting their sons circumcised, because parents today share your belief. None of my grandsons have been circumcized, and I know because I changed all of their diapers.

I'm willing to bet if you tried to ban circumcision in the USA, both the Jews, and the right wing Christians would howl about the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. The "Christian right" will scream "war on Christianity" at the drop of a hat. Why don't you give it a go!

It is about 50% that get circumcised, and there are medical benefits. Why would you want to ban male circumcision?

The majority of Jews and Muslims get circumcised, Christians are a distant third.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

The left cheers on far greater mutilation just because the person "feelz" that she should be a man. Why would you expect them to care about mutilation because she "feelz" Allah wants her to do it?

No little girl wants to be mutilated by a Heathen Godless Barabarian. They are all forced to do it. They do it to infants, little girls 3-5 years old. It's barbaric.

Well, again, the left also cheers "progressive" parents transitioning their "transgender" kids before they even start puberty, so . . .

Well again two hours later we're STILL waiting for this specious "allah" post of yours to explain itself.

Doesn't seem to be happening. Coward.
allah is lucifer. The father of lies. allah commands muslims to abuse and dominate women. muslim nations all over the world are obedient to allah's word. They stone them for daring to get raped. They burn them alive. They throw acid in their faces, and they mutilate their pussies to be obedient to allah.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

so there's the right-wing garbage propaganda take on the situation, what is it actually going on, super duper?
The problem here is that genital mutilation of males is widespread and perfectly legal.

It was a way of preventing disease. If men properly bathed and washed the thing, it wouldn't be a problem. It started for sanitary reasons, to reduce infections and infant mortality.

Unless it's being done for religious reasons, and the Bible does call for it, most parents today are not getting their sons circumcised, because parents today share your belief. None of my grandsons have been circumcized, and I know because I changed all of their diapers.

I'm willing to bet if you tried to ban circumcision in the USA, both the Jews, and the right wing Christians would howl about the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. The "Christian right" will scream "war on Christianity" at the drop of a hat. Why don't you give it a go!

It is about 50% that get circumcised, and there are medical benefits. Why would you want to ban male circumcision?

The majority of Jews and Muslims get circumcised, Christians are a distant third.

Fewer Christians have been doing it since it became an elective surgery that isn't covered by many insurances.

But yes, there's a big difference between a foreskin and clitoris . . . not that you can expect biological imbeciles on the left to comprehend that.
The problem here is that genital mutilation of males is widespread and perfectly legal.

It was a way of preventing disease. If men properly bathed and washed the thing, it wouldn't be a problem. It started for sanitary reasons, to reduce infections and infant mortality.

Unless it's being done for religious reasons, and the Bible does call for it, most parents today are not getting their sons circumcised, because parents today share your belief. None of my grandsons have been circumcized, and I know because I changed all of their diapers.

I'm willing to bet if you tried to ban circumcision in the USA, both the Jews, and the right wing Christians would howl about the First Amendment and Freedom of Religion. The "Christian right" will scream "war on Christianity" at the drop of a hat. Why don't you give it a go!

It is about 50% that get circumcised, and there are medical benefits. Why would you want to ban male circumcision?

The majority of Jews and Muslims get circumcised, Christians are a distant third.
Male circumcision is not even remotely related to genital why would anyone even start down the path of banning it to see what "Christians and Jews" would do.

If Lefty thinks Genital Mutilation is anything like Circumcision, have them ask their girlfriend or wife to undergo the procedure.... I'd like to see how they'd respond even to the request.
Actually where FGM is practiced it's the mothers who insist on it the most. That's because, (AGAIN), it's a social custom that's supposed to render the unfortunate victim "socially acceptable" within that community's values. And they are led to believe girls "need" this shit.

That's been going on for literally thousands of years and neither Islam nor Christianism nor any other religion that subsequently came along, has been able to eradicate it completely. Efforts continue, and more power to them, but this is a deeply ingrained cultural artifact, and it's not easy to reach the cultural hinterlands.
You appear far more intent on giving Islam a free pass than decrying the mutilation of girls. But you keep saying this has nothing to do with Islam is a red herring at best. We do not care about Henry VIII either as though he represents Christian doctrine. We care about where it is now allowed and why in the world the U.S. should bow down and allow it. Pardon our meanness.

looks like Islam country to me.

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