Genital Mutilation Now a Reality in America: Coming soon to your Neighborhood

How about looking at it rationally instead of hysterically.

The OP article states this:

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.​

According to the articles link to the bill it is already against the law for doctors to do this, so that is one law in place

While Minnesota law makes it illegal for a doctor to perform FGM, current law says nothing on parents subjecting their girls to this practice. Franson’s bill would identify Female Genital Mutilation as child abuse.

I would think most in America would recognize FGM as child is there a need for an extra law to state the obvious?
Nothing like cutting out a little girl's labia, cutting off her clitoris, cutting out the labia minor, then scrapping all the top layers of skin off, and destroying as many nerve endings as you can so that a woman can never enjoy sex once they are at the age of consent.

There are Muslim countries where 98% of women are forced to have this procedure and it has Zero Health Benefits.

There is nothing more degrading to women than Islam.

Welcome to the new Democrat Party.

And you wonder why OMAR is so angry.
She voted for the bill. Did
Trust an anti-semite to claim that we have to allow female genital mutilation..which is not religious....because we allow circumcision. Way to toss the female babies out with the buckets of blood for the purpose of attacking a religious group.

It's not religious, but it is cultural, which is the same thing. Even people who read the same Bible, don't follows the same beliefs structure. What one Christian sect believes is often seen as blasphemy by another.
So we can't ban beheadings in America....cuz.....Cultural.

FGM has already been banned in the United States, asshats. It's also illegal under child endangerment laws. Additional laws isn't what is needed. Enforcement of existing laws will do the trick.

FGM is banned in only 28 states and it is federally banned for females under the age of 18, otherwise, it is legal. The federal ban in 1996 was ruled unconstitutional.
Ok, so here is a some point......there is a limit to what is permissible in religion. And I am all about religious freedom but running a little girls vagina through a Ronco vegematic is not an expression of religion. So how did the F'n Supreme Court decide the ban on it was Unconstitutional? I realize the Court has leaned Left for some time, but seriously?

Where in the Quran is FGM mandated?
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.


I'm with the bill maher and sam Harris types on Islam. Insitutionally, they need to evolve on a lot of issues. A good majority of individuals have already done so and morphed into more of a western sect that is more compatible. It's a similar transition that christian sects have made. A wedge needs to be driven between the followers and the older dogmatic and sometimes ruthless writings and teachings.

and there exist no such "teachings" advocating FGM. Or "honor" killings. In *ANY* religion.
How about circumcision? It's also mutilation and is still big in judeo christian circles.

Male circumcision serves a health need. It's easier to keep your unit clean if the foreskin is removed, as well as being circumcised makes it harder for you to catch STDs.

Female circumcision serves no viable health reasoning, nor does it do anything to benefit the female. Male circumcision benefits the male (and keeps the females from freaking out when they see you naked).
That's how they sell it. It also reduces pleasure from sex - which is one of the reasons for FGM. And it has been shown that dudes can keep their tools clean just fine since the modern inventions of indoor plumbing and condoms.

Got anything better? Imo, you have not presented an acceptable argument exempting circumcision.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.


I'm with the bill maher and sam Harris types on Islam. Insitutionally, they need to evolve on a lot of issues. A good majority of individuals have already done so and morphed into more of a western sect that is more compatible. It's a similar transition that christian sects have made. A wedge needs to be driven between the followers and the older dogmatic and sometimes ruthless writings and teachings.

and there exist no such "teachings" advocating FGM. Or "honor" killings. In *ANY* religion.
How about circumcision? It's also mutilation and is still big in judeo christian circles.

Male circumcision serves a health need. It's easier to keep your unit clean if the foreskin is removed, as well as being circumcised makes it harder for you to catch STDs.

Female circumcision serves no viable health reasoning, nor does it do anything to benefit the female. Male circumcision benefits the male (and keeps the females from freaking out when they see you naked).
That's how they sell it. It also reduces pleasure from sex - which is one of the reasons for FGM. And it has been shown that dudes can keep their tools clean just fine since the modern inventions of indoor plumbing and condoms.

Got anything better? Imo, you have not presented an acceptable argument exempting circumcision.

Like I said, I've had friends over the years who weren't circumcised, and the majority of them said that they wished they had been circumcised as a kid, because keeping up with cleanliness was a bit of a hassle.

And, even though I'm circumcised, I'm happy with the pleasure I get out of sex. But like I said, I can't think of any reason other than cruelty to do it to women.
Where is The Lying Left's OUTRAGE at Genital Mutilations being performed on women in these Muslim Enclaves in America?

You won't hear it. The Left hates women, babies and children as much as Radical Islam does.

To think that we have to start writing laws in AMERICA forbidding Genital Mutilation of little girls is disgusting, vile and putrid.

The Left brought this Evil in to this Country, and The Left should bear the responsibility for such disgusting behavior.

Minnesota lawmaker's push for tougher female genital mutilation law faces opposition

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. – Republican state legislator Mary Franson has spent two years pushing for a new state law that would allow tougher prosecution of parents who facilitate or allow the genital mutilation of their daughters.

But Franson and supporters of those who want to punish more than just the practitioners of the horribly painful and widely condemned practice are finding opposition, both active and passive, to what its supporters believe should be a legislative no-brainer.

“The bill makes FGM (female genital mutilation) a felony, and it empowers social services to come in and take those children out of the home and remove the parental right from those parents,” Franson told Fox News in an interview. “This is completely on par with child endangerment such as criminal sexual conduct or assault with a dangerous weapon – anything that causes substantial bodily harm.”

Franson’s efforts have been far from smooth sailing. When her bill first hit the floor in 2017, it faced tough questioning from several lawmakers – among them then-state legislator and current U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, who suggested Franson was using the bill as a bid for press attention.

"What I don't want us to do is to create laws because we want to get in the media,” Omar stated in a committee at the time. "What I would like to have been done is to have (the parents) charged with laws that already exist.”

Despite Omar's concerns, she and another 123 House members voted for the bill to pass on. Four other representatives did not. The bill fell flat in the Minnesota Senate.

Franson said Omar should have done more. “Ilhan hasn’t mentioned it at all. She never spoke about it on the House floor. She was in the back room watching it on the TV until it became time to vote, and she had to come out and vote.”

Omar’s support would have been particularly important because she represented the large Somali community where girls are at higher risk of being forced into FGM. And Franson argues it was in fact pressure from that community that kept her bill from moving forward.

Franson pointed to one case in 2017 in which two girls belonging to a small Indian Muslim sect known as the Dawoodi Bohra, according to court documents, who were taken to Michigan to have FGM performed, which Franson said motivated her to examine the issue more carefully.

“If this wasn’t happening,” Franson asked, “then why is our own health department dedicating resources to this?”

The Minnesota Department of Health offers an FGM “cutting prevention and outreach program” that offers funding for the MDH Refugee and International Health Program and the International Institute of Minnesota (IIMN) to form and co-lead a working group dedicated to prevention and community engagement on the matter.

The custom is not only carried out by trained medical practitioners in some communities; but also community elders in non-safe settings - with sharp scissors as a tool of choice.

their is no out rage because they call it cultural enrichment
I’m not up to date with the genital mutilation thing. Is it any different than circumcision or are we talking about the same thing?
It reduces the women's enjoyment of intercourse by design.....its an anti infidelity surgical procedure.....

I'm with the bill maher and sam Harris types on Islam. Insitutionally, they need to evolve on a lot of issues. A good majority of individuals have already done so and morphed into more of a western sect that is more compatible. It's a similar transition that christian sects have made. A wedge needs to be driven between the followers and the older dogmatic and sometimes ruthless writings and teachings.

and there exist no such "teachings" advocating FGM. Or "honor" killings. In *ANY* religion.
How about circumcision? It's also mutilation and is still big in judeo christian circles.

Male circumcision serves a health need. It's easier to keep your unit clean if the foreskin is removed, as well as being circumcised makes it harder for you to catch STDs.

Female circumcision serves no viable health reasoning, nor does it do anything to benefit the female. Male circumcision benefits the male (and keeps the females from freaking out when they see you naked).
That's how they sell it. It also reduces pleasure from sex - which is one of the reasons for FGM. And it has been shown that dudes can keep their tools clean just fine since the modern inventions of indoor plumbing and condoms.

Got anything better? Imo, you have not presented an acceptable argument exempting circumcision.

Like I said, I've had friends over the years who weren't circumcised, and the majority of them said that they wished they had been circumcised as a kid, because keeping up with cleanliness was a bit of a hassle.

And, even though I'm circumcised, I'm happy with the pleasure I get out of sex. But like I said, I can't think of any reason other than cruelty to do it to women.
Is preventing a hassle worth mutilation? I dislike spending so much time clipping my nails. Should I have had them surgically removed as a baby like they do with cats? Does the baby not deserve a choice on it? There is a segment, I dont know how large, that wish they had not been circumcised.
Only some tribes practice that ritual.
I'm sure that's comforting to the 98% of Somali females who are mutilated for Allah.

That's kind of 98% impossible since nobody is "mutilated for Allah".

Fatter o' mact I'm still waiting on Cecilie1200 ---- six hours later --- to back that shit up when she posted the same thing.

Needles to say she ran away. To post more myths another day.
Nothing like cutting out a little girl's labia, cutting off her clitoris, cutting out the labia minor, then scrapping all the top layers of skin off, and destroying as many nerve endings as you can so that a woman can never enjoy sex once they are at the age of consent.

There are Muslim countries where 98% of women are forced to have this procedure and it has Zero Health Benefits.

There is nothing more degrading to women than Islam.

Welcome to the new Democrat Party.

And you wonder why OMAR is so angry.

Another lying incendiary post from an angry xenophobe.
Genital Mutilation Now a Reality in America: Coming soon to your Neighborhood
What do you mean, now? The majority of US males have had their genitals mutilated. About 60% I understand.
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We’ve been mutilating baby boys since forever. And not a peep out of anyone . Still.
So you favor 12 year old girl getting their clit cut out?

Fuck you, you're a dishonest fraud.

Where's my link?
You are a sick person...

I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong with you but YOUR OWN LINK here confirms everything I've been saying.

1:58 -- "It's a cycle of SOCIAL PRESSURE that is hard to shake"

2:19 -- "FGM is NOT A RELIGIOUS EXERCISE. It HAPPENS in Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities* but there is NOTHING in ANY of their holy books that teaches it".


*as well as some tribal communities uninfiltrated by any major religion

Not my links.
That's kind of 98% impossible since nobody is "mutilated for Allah".
Of course, that's false.

That is why Muslim leaders have to gather and tell their congregations it is, contrary to popular belief, not demanded by Islam.

As you can read here:

UNICEF Somalia - Child Protection - Religious leaders join the fight to end female circumcision in Somalia

And here:

Female genital mutilation banned under Somalia's new constitution
Sure...and they are not promoting terrorism either.
"While there is no mention of FGM in the Quran, a Hadith (saying about the life of the prophet) recounts a debate between Muhammed and Um Habibah (or Um ‘Atiyyah). This woman, known as an exciser of female slaves, was one of a group of women who had immigrated with Muhammed. Having seen her, Muhammad asked her if she kept practicing her profession. She answered affirmatively, adding: “unless it is forbidden, and you order me to stop doing it.” Muhammed replied: “Yes, it is allowed. Come closer so I can teach you: if you cut, do not overdo it, because it brings more radiance to the face, and it is more pleasant for the husband.” - WordPress

This is, indeed, the passage Muslim clerics cite when they say Islam demands this of women.
That's kind of 98% impossible since nobody is "mutilated for Allah".
Of course, that's false.

That is why Muslim leaders have to gather and tell their congregations it is, contrary to popular belief, not demanded by Islam.

As you can read here:

UNICEF Somalia - Child Protection - Religious leaders join the fight to end female circumcision in Somalia

And here:

Female genital mutilation banned under Somalia's new constitution

You ah, just confirmed what I said. And have been saying the entire thread.
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