Gentleman Robs Store (video)

He'll say she's a racist and expect to get away with it. How I would have loved to see him shot in the head and brains spattered all over the store. Oh well maybe next time. Black guy walks into the store BLAMMO.
My reply to this had nothing to do with race. I don't care what the humans' ethnicities were in the video, I'd have felt the same way if it was a white criminal and a black Mundane. All I saw was a human who decided he would not allow himself to be restricted by the law... who chose to exploit a weaker human being for personal gain, and did so in a way that I happened to find very fucking amusing.

Wow, you really do have some issues. there was nothing amusing about seeing someone attacked like that.
It's not as if these two were fighting and the stronger opponent got the best of the other. This was 100% a brutal attack.

Wouldn't you have found it amusing if someone on the scene had blown that guys head off. I would have. Happy ending.

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