Should Dr. Fauci go to Prison?

Fauci helped save many millions. Opposition by slugs like you cost much suffering and lives.
I wasn't opposed to the fake doctor. I say fake because he was not treating patients. So why did he allow Trump to be blamed?
Here is an approved on YouTube analysis by an accountant youtuber where he lays out the case against Fauci.
Seems Fauci damaged far more people than did Trump. He mentions that the doctor who gave Michael Jackson drugs he went to prison for involuntary manslaughter. Watch the video for analysis.

Should Dr. Fauci go to Prison?​

Since Fauci CAUSED COVID ,he should go to Prison. Certain Scientific research should NEVER be done. "Gain of Function" is one of those areas.
Here is an approved on YouTube analysis by an accountant youtuber where he lays out the case against Fauci.
Seems Fauci damaged far more people than did Trump. He mentions that the doctor who gave Michael Jackson drugs he went to prison for involuntary manslaughter. Watch the video for analysis.

Should Dr. Fauci go to Prison?​


Basically, if ANY practicing REAL doctor did what Fauci did........they'd be in prison for using patients unethically and illegally, for guinea pigs.

Nobody else notices that the Pedocrats NEVER pay for THEIR heinous crimes against human beings and this country, while everybody ELSE is ran after and "ran thru the wringer"?

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