Should Dr. Fauci go to Prison?

yes, he should be hanged

Here is an approved on YouTube analysis by an accountant youtuber where he lays out the case against Fauci.
Seems Fauci damaged far more people than did Trump. He mentions that the doctor who gave Michael Jackson drugs he went to prison for involuntary manslaughter. Watch the video for analysis.

Should Dr. Fauci go to Prison?​

How did Fauci damage anyone?
The angels applaud Dr. Fauci.

What good person would go into government after the way they treat Fauci? If I were the medical community, I wouldn't offer my help during the next pandemic. Just to have MTG yell at you and say you're not a doctor.

I wished so badly that she have a stroke right then and for someone to say "DR Fauci, help her" or for a Republican to say "is there a doctor in the house" and Dr. Fauci just sits there letting her foam at the mouth and die.
How did Fauci damage anyone?
Worse than the claims Trump damaged any of us.

Dr. Fauci Looks Back: ‘Something Clearly Went Wrong’​


  • PUBLISHED Apr 25, 2023
New York Times Magazine
In his most extensive interview yet, Anthony Fauci wrestles with the hard lessons of the pandemic — and the decisions that will define his legacy.
It was, perhaps, an impossible job. Make one man the face of public health amid an unprecedented pandemic, in a country as fractious as the United States, and there were bound to be disappointments and frustrations, and they were bound to get personal.
Still, in December, when Elon Musk joked on Twitter that his “pronouns” were “Prosecute/Fauci,” it felt like the cresting of a turning tide against the man who had played essentially that role for the first three years of the pandemic. At least 30 state legislatures have passed laws limiting public-health powers in pandemics. This January, the month after Anthony Fauci retired as the four-decade head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, barely half of Americans said they trusted the country’s public-health institutions to manage a future pandemic. The Wall Street Journal named that as his legacy — sowing distrust about public health and vaccines. Earlier in the pandemic, the leftist magazine The Drift mocked Fauci as “Doctor Do-Little,” and Representative Matt Gaetz, a Florida Republican, proposed that Fauci had “blood on his hands.” Upon the announcement of Fauci’s retirement, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, also a Republican, celebrated: “Grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.”
Of course, there were mistakes and missteps, including some by Fauci: describing the threat to the country as “minuscule” in February 2020, for instance; or first advising against wearing masks, and moving slowly on aerosol spread; or playing down the risk of what were first called “breakthrough infections” in the summer of 2021.


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