Geologists On Global Climate Change

Real scientists don't call people "Deniers"
Hey genius, I'm not a real scientist, and neither are you, and neither is anyone else on this forum.
Once again you prove you are an idiot... You started off with letting us know you dont know crap about science or how your beloved global warming is happening and now you prove your an idiot by simply make false statements about other people whom you haven't a clue about who they are or what they are..

Are all alarmists this stupid? (come to think of it Mantooth and Old Fraud are close to the same way)
And once again you've shown that you are the undisputed expert of jack shit.
Dr. Richard Alley, one of the foremost glaciaologists in the world;

The AGW cult just keeps proving that they have nothing!


So in the grand scheme of things is the Earth warming or Cooling?

Sheesh, still insisting on proving yourself a really dumb fuck, aren't you. In the grand scheme of things, our species has only been around for about 200,000 years. And we know from evidence from the geological record, when there has been very rapid climate and temperature changes, there have been periods of extinction. And much it takes to push the planet into one of those periods we do not know, but there is the possibility we may find out.
I'm convinced that the childish conspiracy theories cooked up by the deniers are all obviously laughable horse shit.
And we're convinced of the opposite. The difference is, we have seen the emails that uncovered the conspiracy.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.

So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
Aren't you embarrassed to talk so much with no argument to support your alleged position? You should be.
I'm convinced that the childish conspiracy theories cooked up by the deniers are all obviously laughable horse shit.
And we're convinced of the opposite. The difference is, we have seen the emails that uncovered the conspiracy.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.

So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
I dismiss silly shit from obese junkies on the AM radio, and the rantings of a fake British Lord, as well as that of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman. Present me with real evidence for your position.
Dr. Richard Alley, one of the foremost glaciaologists in the world;

The AGW cult just keeps proving that they have nothing!


So in the grand scheme of things is the Earth warming or Cooling?

Sheesh, still insisting on proving yourself a really dumb fuck, aren't you. In the grand scheme of things, our species has only been around for about 200,000 years. And we know from evidence from the geological record, when there has been very rapid climate and temperature changes, there have been periods of extinction. And much it takes to push the planet into one of those periods we do not know, but there is the possibility we may find out.

So once again when real science is introduced into the equation, the AGW cult run from it like the plague..

In the grand scheme of things the human existence on this planet is finite anyway.
And we're convinced of the opposite. The difference is, we have seen the emails that uncovered the conspiracy.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.

So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
Aren't you embarrassed to talk so much with no argument to support your alleged position? You should be.

This coming from one that has admitted they know nothing on the subject, the irony of such comments..
I speak for me. You speak for yourself.

You have admitted that you lack knowledge and expertise on the subject. You vehemently express some very strong opinions for someone who is admittedly ignorant of the subject.
A subject on which neither you, nor anyone else on this forum, has ever demonstrated anything but Wikipedia level knowledge.
You are admittedly ignorant, so how the fuck would you know?
I don't have to be a genius to see how smart you are.

The odds of your IQ being within 50 points of mine are very slim.
So then you have a high IQ but you're still completely full of shit; congratulations.

Could you explain why you think I'm "full of shit", so to speak? Is it because I disagree with Al Gore?
Real scientists don't call people "Deniers"
Hey genius, I'm not a real scientist, and neither are you, and neither is anyone else on this forum.
Once again you prove you are an idiot... You started off with letting us know you dont know crap about science or how your beloved global warming is happening and now you prove your an idiot by simply make false statements about other people whom you haven't a clue about who they are or what they are..

Are all alarmists this stupid? (come to think of it Mantooth and Old Fraud are close to the same way)
And once again you've shown that you are the undisputed expert of jack shit.

WOW... such big words from a baby... Does mommy still change your diapers? You need to let her know that they need to be changed again.. There is shit pouring from your mouth that needs to be cleaned up..

You have successfully shown that you are 100% pure Bull Shit and a purposeless troll..

Dont feed the troll.JPG
And we're convinced of the opposite. The difference is, we have seen the emails that uncovered the conspiracy.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.

So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
I dismiss silly shit from obese junkies on the AM radio, and the rantings of a fake British Lord, as well as that of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman. Present me with real evidence for your position.

You have yet to prove that CO2 "drives" climate and you demand proof from others? Now that is comedy!

Even James Hansen can not prove this, so your attempts just show what true tool to the AGW cult you are..
Now what real science did you introduce? The chart you present showed the earth cooling as the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere diminished. That is exactly what the scientists have been pointing out. That as GHGs diminish, the earth cools, as they increase, it warms. That is exactly what that chart shows. See the deep dip in the Ordivician? That represents a time when the Appalachians towered as high as the present Himalayas, and the weathering of the rock rapidly diminished the atmospheric CO2, creating a brief period of glaciation at that time.
Now what real science did you introduce? The chart you present showed the earth cooling as the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere diminished. That is exactly what the scientists have been pointing out. That as GHGs diminish, the earth cools, as they increase, it warms. That is exactly what that chart shows. See the deep dip in the Ordivician? That represents a time when the Appalachians towered as high as the present Himalayas, and the weathering of the rock rapidly diminished the atmospheric CO2, creating a brief period of glaciation at that time.

See how these AGW cult members are?

James Hansen the farther of this movement can NOT prove that CO2 "drives" climate. No datasets or source code has ever been presented to prove this AGW cult religious dogma.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.

So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
I dismiss silly shit from obese junkies on the AM radio, and the rantings of a fake British Lord, as well as that of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman. Present me with real evidence for your position.

You have yet to prove that CO2 "drives" climate and you demand proof from others? Now that is comedy!

Even James Hansen can not prove this, so your attempts just show what true tool to the AGW cult you are..
Once again, a whole shit pot full of unbacked assertations. Nothing but flap yap from an empty skull.
So that would be a NO! You can not prove it..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
I dismiss silly shit from obese junkies on the AM radio, and the rantings of a fake British Lord, as well as that of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman. Present me with real evidence for your position.

You have yet to prove that CO2 "drives" climate and you demand proof from others? Now that is comedy!

Even James Hansen can not prove this, so your attempts just show what true tool to the AGW cult you are..
Once again, a whole shit pot full of unbacked assertations. Nothing but flap yap from an empty skull.

Yes we know that is what you do and we call you out on it, are you claiming to finally accepting that now?
Now what real science did you introduce? The chart you present showed the earth cooling as the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere diminished. That is exactly what the scientists have been pointing out. That as GHGs diminish, the earth cools, as they increase, it warms. That is exactly what that chart shows. See the deep dip in the Ordivician? That represents a time when the Appalachians towered as high as the present Himalayas, and the weathering of the rock rapidly diminished the atmospheric CO2, creating a brief period of glaciation at that time.

You know full well that CO2 is NOT coupled with temperature and it does not drive it. You have been shown many times that CO2 rise LAGS warming by 200-800 years. We left the LIA some 200 years ago and all CO2 increase can be shown to correlate to it.

The Graph Kosh provided shows how CO2 lags the temp trend 100% of the time..
So where's the evidence of global conspiracy? Haven't seen any yet? Must be because you guys are so full of shit all the time.

Of course you haven't seen it as you dismiss anything the AGW cult tells you to dismiss.
I dismiss silly shit from obese junkies on the AM radio, and the rantings of a fake British Lord, as well as that of an undegreed ex-TV weatherman. Present me with real evidence for your position.

You have yet to prove that CO2 "drives" climate and you demand proof from others? Now that is comedy!

Even James Hansen can not prove this, so your attempts just show what true tool to the AGW cult you are..
Once again, a whole shit pot full of unbacked assertations. Nothing but flap yap from an empty skull.

Yes we know that is what you do and we call you out on it, are you claiming to finally accepting that now?
Call me out for what, you silly ass? For presenting what the scientists are saying? For presenting the evidence that they are finding?

Oh yes, Hansen was not the father of the idea of global warming. That title belongs to Svante Arrhenius. A Swedish chemist who wrote a rather priescent paper in 1896, in which he predicted the effect of doubling the CO2 in the atmosphere. Came very close to present numbers.
Now what real science did you introduce? The chart you present showed the earth cooling as the amount of GHGs in the atmosphere diminished. That is exactly what the scientists have been pointing out. That as GHGs diminish, the earth cools, as they increase, it warms. That is exactly what that chart shows. See the deep dip in the Ordivician? That represents a time when the Appalachians towered as high as the present Himalayas, and the weathering of the rock rapidly diminished the atmospheric CO2, creating a brief period of glaciation at that time.

You know full well that CO2 is NOT coupled with temperature and it does not drive it. You have been shown many times that CO2 rise LAGS warming by 200-800 years. We left the LIA some 200 years ago and all CO2 increase can be shown to correlate to it.

The Graph Kosh provided shows how CO2 lags the temp trend 100% of the time..
And you are totally full of shit.
CO2 was higher in the late Ordovician

An argument used against the warming effect of carbon dioxide is that millions of years ago, CO2 levels were higher during periods where large glaciers formed over the Earth's poles. This argument fails to take into account that solar output was also lower during these periods. The combined effect of sun and CO2 show good correlation with climate(Royer 2006). The one period that until recently puzzled paleoclimatologists was the late Ordovician, around 444 million years ago. At this time, CO2 levels were very high, around 5600 parts per million (in contrast, current CO2 levels are 389 parts per million). However,glaciers were so far-reaching during the late Ordovician, it coincided with one of the largest marine mass extinction events in Earth history. How did glaciation occur with such high CO2 levels? Recent data has revealed CO2 levels at the time of the late Ordovicianice age were not that high after all.

Past studies on the Ordovician period calculated CO2 levels at 10 million year intervals. The problem with such coarse data sampling is the Ordovician ice age lasted only half a million years. To fill in the gaps, a 2009 study examined strontium isotopes in the sediment record (Young 2009). Strontium is produced by rock weathering, the process that removesCO2 from the air. Consequently, the ratio of strontium isotopes can be used to determine how quickly rock weathering removed CO2 from the atmosphere in the past. Using strontium levels, Young determined that during the late Ordovician, rock weathering was at high levels while volcanic activity, which adds CO2 to the atmosphere, dropped. This led toCO2 levels falling below 3000 parts per million which was low enough to initiate glaciation - the growing of ice sheets.

What the scientists have found.
The irony of that post is all telling!
There is no one on this forum with enough knowledge or expertise to interpret any kind of scientific data. Just some liars with a lot of opinions.
Yet you're convinced you are right..... How could you be? Did Al Gore explain it all to you?
I'm convinced that the childish conspiracy theories cooked up by the deniers are all obviously laughable horse shit.
And we're convinced of the opposite. The difference is, we have seen the emails that uncovered the conspiracy.
You're convinced of nothing. You can't even be honest about your own opinions.....which aren't even really yours.
Were you staring into a mirror when you typed that?

Please! With a straight face, sit there and tell me you see no hypocrisy in that statement. If you do, I will simply put you on permanent ignore because you are too fucking stupid to waste any more time on.
So in other words you can not prove CO2 "drives" climate, just like all the AGW cult members.

Not even James Hansen can prove it..
Please feel free to show evidence of the global conspiracy of scientists and governments. And while you're at it, maybe you can prove the other part of the denier fable, you know, the one about how all the climate change scientists are working for the government. I'd love to see the evidence of that.

Please feel free to show how CO2 "drives" climate..
Rather, I will let scientists from the American Institute of Physics do that;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future.

Once again that does not prove CO2 "drives" climate..

This has been debunked already..
Really? By whom and with what evidence? Care to show a link? It would be best that it be to an article in a peer reviewed scientific journal.
The problem with peer review is that peers with an agenda get to decide what gets reviewed.

It's kind of like CBS reviewing NBC's fall line up.

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