Geologists On Global Climate Change

As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
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As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!
You first, professor. Demonstrate that 100 years of chemistry and physics is wrong, but you and all the other Imhofe/Koch lackeys are right. And since you are (allegedly) an earth scientist with an advanced degree, you can even write a peer reviewed paper, and perhaps even win a Nobel Prize for your efforts. Come on, grasshopper, put your money where your friggin mouth is. Or are you too cowardly?

I didn't make the claim. YOU made the claim, that means it is up to you to support that claim.

But you did make the claim. And I quote:

"Yes, CO2 is a GHG. There's no doubt of that. However, in the concentrations present in our atmosphere it has no power at all."

Your words, verbatum. I challenge you to support that claim with peer reviewed work. Otherwise, you should toss your degree because it is worthless.

Yes, my words. Which counter YOUR words which claim that vanishingly small amounts of CO2 control the global temperature and even a slight rise in CO2 will cause an "inexorable" rise in global temperature.

Over to you buckwheat.

So I will simply conclude here that you have no evidence to support your claim, and are nothing but a troll spouting ad hominem and straw man arguments, like all the other deniers. Congratulations.

Once again I refer you to the scientific method. You made the claim. I countered it. Learn how the system works or take your balls and go home. I don't have time to waste on children.

The weight of peer reviewed scientific knowledge supports the fact that ghgs warm the Earth. No amount of political wrangling on your part, or that of any other denier is going to change that fact. But you made the extraordinary claim that ghgs (particularly, CO2) does not warm the planet, and so the burden of proof is on your, humpty dumpty, to support that claim. So either be a man and support your claim with peer reviewed scientific evidence or admit that you have nothing, and are merely trolling this thread.
As you can vouch for yours.....

I'd rather put my money on the realists than on the liars.
IPCC has been discredited so often that a sane man wouldn't believe anything from them
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

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Agenda 21 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development

Yeah, what an evil conspiracy that one is. (facepalm)
View attachment 41217
And how would you know the difference without FOX News to tell you?
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.
HEY Warmers! I'll put it very simply. Would you trust bill clinton with your wife?
Why? Because he's proven time and again that he is not to be trusted. Then, why the hell do you trust IPCC?
Still, after 400+ posts, the AGW nutters have provided no evidence whatsoever that CO2 produced by humans is harming our environment.

They are nothing but brainwashed fools.

They're like the stubborn old lady who falls for a scam from some fake Nigerian prince promising to make them rich. The "prince" asks for some good faith money, say $10,000 and promises glorious riches in return. The mark sends the money but never gets the fortune promised. Then the prince asks for more money. At this point, deep inside the mark knows they've been conned out of $10,000. But then their ego overrides their common sense. Their inflated and fragile ego cannot admit that they've been scammed. After all, they are way to smart to be conned out of ten grand so easily. So the mark doubles down and sends the con even more money. Again and again. Until the mark is penniless and in debt.

It's a classic con known as the confidence game. For it to work the mark must be too full of greed and pride to see that they are being scammed.
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Still, after 400+ posts, the AGW nutters have provided no evidence whatsoever that CO2 produced by humans is harming our environment.

They are nothing but brainwashed fools.

They're like the stubborn old lady who falls for a scam from some fake Nigerian prince promising to make them rich. The "prince" asks for some good faith money, say $10,000 and promises glorious riches in return. The mark sends the money but never gets the fortune promised. Then the prince asks for more money. At this point, deep inside the mark knows they've been conned out of $10,000. But then their ego overrides their common sense. Their inflated and fragile ego cannot admit that they've been scammed. After all, they are way to smart to be conned out of ten grand so easily. So the mark doubles down and sends the con even more money. Again and again. Until the mark is penniless and in debt.

It's a classic con known as the confidence game. For it to work the mark must be too full of greed and pride to see that they are being scammed.

Let me ask you something. Do you think that the fact of AGW is going to be determined one way or another in this thread, in this forum, on USMB? If you truly believe that, you should seek counseling because, damn.
I didn't make the claim. YOU made the claim, that means it is up to you to support that claim.

But you did make the claim. And I quote:

"Yes, CO2 is a GHG. There's no doubt of that. However, in the concentrations present in our atmosphere it has no power at all."

Your words, verbatum. I challenge you to support that claim with peer reviewed work. Otherwise, you should toss your degree because it is worthless.

Yes, my words. Which counter YOUR words which claim that vanishingly small amounts of CO2 control the global temperature and even a slight rise in CO2 will cause an "inexorable" rise in global temperature.

Over to you buckwheat.

So I will simply conclude here that you have no evidence to support your claim, and are nothing but a troll spouting ad hominem and straw man arguments, like all the other deniers. Congratulations.

Once again I refer you to the scientific method. You made the claim. I countered it. Learn how the system works or take your balls and go home. I don't have time to waste on children.

The weight of peer reviewed scientific knowledge supports the fact that ghgs warm the Earth. No amount of political wrangling on your part, or that of any other denier is going to change that fact. But you made the extraordinary claim that ghgs (particularly, CO2) does not warm the planet, and so the burden of proof is on your, humpty dumpty, to support that claim. So either be a man and support your claim with peer reviewed scientific evidence or admit that you have nothing, and are merely trolling this thread.

You talking about the corrupt ones that are based solely on computer models? Those are the only "studies" that show that. The empirical data shows that CO2 has NO effect on global temps. The data shows us that the very theory is false. Long wave IR can't penetrate deep enough into the oceans to cause even the slightest bit of warming.

That is a fact. You talk about computer models but as any SCIENTIST will tell you, computer models are not data. Never have been, never will be.
View attachment 41217
What does Fox News have to do with anything here?
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.
But you did make the claim. And I quote:

"Yes, CO2 is a GHG. There's no doubt of that. However, in the concentrations present in our atmosphere it has no power at all."

Your words, verbatum. I challenge you to support that claim with peer reviewed work. Otherwise, you should toss your degree because it is worthless.

Yes, my words. Which counter YOUR words which claim that vanishingly small amounts of CO2 control the global temperature and even a slight rise in CO2 will cause an "inexorable" rise in global temperature.

Over to you buckwheat.

So I will simply conclude here that you have no evidence to support your claim, and are nothing but a troll spouting ad hominem and straw man arguments, like all the other deniers. Congratulations.

Once again I refer you to the scientific method. You made the claim. I countered it. Learn how the system works or take your balls and go home. I don't have time to waste on children.

The weight of peer reviewed scientific knowledge supports the fact that ghgs warm the Earth. No amount of political wrangling on your part, or that of any other denier is going to change that fact. But you made the extraordinary claim that ghgs (particularly, CO2) does not warm the planet, and so the burden of proof is on your, humpty dumpty, to support that claim. So either be a man and support your claim with peer reviewed scientific evidence or admit that you have nothing, and are merely trolling this thread.

You talking about the corrupt ones that are based solely on computer models? Those are the only "studies" that show that. The empirical data shows that CO2 has NO effect on global temps. The data shows us that the very theory is false. Long wave IR can't penetrate deep enough into the oceans to cause even the slightest bit of warming.

That is a fact. You talk about computer models but as any SCIENTIST will tell you, computer models are not data. Never have been, never will be.

Once again, you make the same claim and yet have provided zero evidence to support it. What data, where? You should burn your alleged degree because it is obviously not worth the paper it is printed on.
View attachment 41217
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.

You really should never go off your meds, dude, because, damn.
View attachment 41217
He doesn't know. He's just following orders.
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.
My, what a fucked up liar you are, Walleyes. I post only, here or anyplace else, under the screen name of Old Rocks. That you are a mod, and knowing that accusation is a lie, still make it, tells all there is to say about your character.
View attachment 41217
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.
My, what a fucked up liar you are, Walleyes. I post only, here or anyplace else, under the screen name of Old Rocks. That you are a mod, and knowing that accusation is a lie, still make it, tells all there is to say about your character.
He must be grasping at straws. A tried-&-true rw debating tactic

as to the OP, I suspect 96% of geologists agree that AGW is real.
At least that. I have yet to meet a real geologist that denies that the world is warming. And most can tell exactly how GHGs work. After all, a well founded base in Physics is one of the requirements for a degree in Geology.
At least that. I have yet to meet a real geologist that denies that the world is warming. And most can tell exactly how GHGs work. After all, a well founded base in Physics is one of the requirements for a degree in Geology.

Yeah....but they reject the whole "man-made" thing. And after all, the whole CO2 angle is not science but rather theory.
View attachment 41217 You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.
My, what a fucked up liar you are, Walleyes. I post only, here or anyplace else, under the screen name of Old Rocks. That you are a mod, and knowing that accusation is a lie, still make it, tells all there is to say about your character.
He must be grasping at straws. A tried-&-true rw debating tactic

as to the OP, I suspect 96% of geologists agree that AGW is real.

No need for those who dont embrace the AGW view to grasp at straws. When you are winning, its the other side taking to despearate measures. And lets face it......20 years of AGW bomb throwing and they havent moved the goalposts one single yard in terms of public policy. That means the science isnt mattering. might be on public forums in the nether-regions of the internet but thats nothing more than a hobby. In the real world, the science isnt mattering.........and thats all that matters s0n!! Carbon tax schemes died ouot years ago and renewable energy is still a joke = the science isnt mattering.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
View attachment 41217
Just part of the massive, diabolical, global conspiracy of scientists and governments.
You sure your not old crocks twin? Posting endless (and meaningless) stupid shit adhominem attacks.

If you can read..(heavy on the IF because it seams like your posting as a sock-puppet) why dont you Google UN AGENDA 21 and read it... Your ignorant ass might learn something... then again maybe NOT!

He's his socko more like. Olfraud has so many here he's almost a village all by hisself!

Wow, even more conspiracy theories. Take yer meds, Mr. Mod.

Why? I already KNOW you're one of olfrauds socks. You insulted me with an ofraud insult, that only he uses. You forgot which persona you were. Silly boy.
My, what a fucked up liar you are, Walleyes. I post only, here or anyplace else, under the screen name of Old Rocks. That you are a mod, and knowing that accusation is a lie, still make it, tells all there is to say about your character.
I agree, you are a f'd up liar.
At least that. I have yet to meet a real geologist that denies that the world is warming. And most can tell exactly how GHGs work. After all, a well founded base in Physics is one of the requirements for a degree in Geology.

Westwall is obviously a petroleum engineer, one who spent most of his career in management. That's why he has so little understanding of the real world.

It's common for petroleum engineers to try to fake being scientists. They're into denialism for the sake of their stock portfolio.

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