Geologists On Global Climate Change


So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

Another irony laced posted from the AW cult members..

That is the temperature record done by geologists. so now you dispute actual science?

That is typical for an AGW cult member and proof who the real danger to science they really are.
No, I use simple logic. IPCC has been shown to be liars, have admittedly fudged data and purposefully excluded scholarly work, based on a predetermined agenda.
Why would any sane person "lap THAT up"?
So no idea how this global conspiracy works then huh? That is very surprising, particularly since that's part of the foundation of the deniers' premise.
The I in IPCC stands for "Intergovernmental". That's proof that the conspiracy is global in nature.
You have a very low standard for "proof".

So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

This is rich. This fuckknot who isn't a climate scientist and admits he hasn't a clue about the underlying science is taking everyone else to task for the same thing simply because he read on a bunch of liberal bedwetter sites somewhere that a bunch of scientists told him the science is settled. Unfuckingbelievable! Hey, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I think you might be interested in. You can trust me, I know ocean front property in Arizona. I'm an expert. I would mislead you or anything because I might make money off the deal. Climb back up on your turnip truck and stick your head back up your ass where we can't hear you. Asshat.
That must explain the massive, diabolical, international conspiracy of scientists and governments....all plotting together to subvert freedom, destroy democracy and individual liberties.

So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

Another irony laced posted from the AW cult members..

That is the temperature record done by geologists. so now you dispute actual science?

That is typical for an AGW cult member and proof who the real danger to science they really are.
I think it's ironic how often you use the word ironic inappropriately.

So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

Another irony laced posted from the AW cult members..

That is the temperature record done by geologists. so now you dispute actual science?

That is typical for an AGW cult member and proof who the real danger to science they really are.
I think it's ironic how often you use the word ironic inappropriately.

Says the irony impaired AGW cult member..

So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

This is rich. This fuckknot who isn't a climate scientist and admits he hasn't a clue about the underlying science is taking everyone else to task for the same thing simply because he read on a bunch of liberal bedwetter sites somewhere that a bunch of scientists told him the science is settled. Unfuckingbelievable! Hey, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I think you might be interested in. You can trust me, I know ocean front property in Arizona. I'm an expert. I would mislead you or anything because I might make money off the deal. Climb back up on your turnip truck and stick your head back up your ass where we can't hear you. Asshat.
That must explain the massive, diabolical, international conspiracy of scientists and governments....all plotting together to subvert freedom, destroy democracy and individual liberties.

Yes they want something like 47 Trillion (just about the entire economy of the world) to fight man made global climate change.

Yet there is absolutely no proof that humans are causing the climate to change..

So based on the actual science: Has the Earth been cooling or warming? or do you still want to cherry pick through a warming period?
More nearly relevant data, taken in isolation and out of context. The reason you do that is because you only know what you hear on FOX News.

This is rich. This fuckknot who isn't a climate scientist and admits he hasn't a clue about the underlying science is taking everyone else to task for the same thing simply because he read on a bunch of liberal bedwetter sites somewhere that a bunch of scientists told him the science is settled. Unfuckingbelievable! Hey, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona I think you might be interested in. You can trust me, I know ocean front property in Arizona. I'm an expert. I would mislead you or anything because I might make money off the deal. Climb back up on your turnip truck and stick your head back up your ass where we can't hear you. Asshat.
That must explain the massive, diabolical, international conspiracy of scientists and governments....all plotting together to subvert freedom, destroy democracy and individual liberties.

Yes they want something like 47 Trillion (just about the entire economy of the world) to fight man made global climate change.

Yet there is absolutely no proof that humans are causing the climate to change..
They? They who?
Feel free to explain how this diabolical global conspiracy of scientists and governments actually works. Let's explore the details of the denier myths.

Pull your head out of your ass and use Google. You'll be amazed when you learn that reality doesn't match up to the data models and that data has to be manipulated to make the models work. There is plenty more, but you seem to be a horse that doesn't drink when led to water.
All meaningless data for you because you don't know anything about any kind of science.

The irony of that post is all telling!
There is no one on this forum with enough knowledge or expertise to interpret any kind of scientific data. Just some liars with a lot of opinions.
You speak for yourself.

In this case I speak for you.
Fucking psycho, nut job conspiracy theorists....that's what deniers are.

Yes those wacky AGW cult members are, glad you can finally admit that!
So tell everyone all about the insidious "they" who conspire against freedom.

The far left that you support!

That was easy! Also the those at the UN wish to do this to redistribute the worlds wealth to combat the non-existent human caused global climate change.

Trillions have been spent trying to push this agenda vs the billions that have been spent to actually figure out how our climate system actually works..
Pull your head out of your ass and use Google. You'll be amazed when you learn that reality doesn't match up to the data models and that data has to be manipulated to make the models work. There is plenty more, but you seem to be a horse that doesn't drink when led to water.
All meaningless data for you because you don't know anything about any kind of science.

The irony of that post is all telling!
There is no one on this forum with enough knowledge or expertise to interpret any kind of scientific data. Just some liars with a lot of opinions.
You speak for yourself.

In this case I speak for you.
I speak for me. You speak for yourself.

You have admitted that you lack knowledge and expertise on the subject. You vehemently express some very strong opinions for someone who is admittedly ignorant of the subject.
No, I use simple logic. IPCC has been shown to be liars, have admittedly fudged data and purposefully excluded scholarly work, based on a predetermined agenda.
Why would any sane person "lap THAT up"?
So no idea how this global conspiracy works then huh? That is very surprising, particularly since that's part of the foundation of the deniers' premise.
The post you quoted how the hoax works. Can you not read?
Yet you, with admittedly, no scientific knowledge, buy into the claims of a cult who's track record for being right is dismally poor, who's integrity has been proven non existent and who stand to become very wealthy if allowed to continue the scam.

But then, you are a Liberal. You bought into "If you like your plan, you can keep it", you want to replace one failure with a serial liar who has built a campaign chest with bribes for preferential treatment of foreign investors.

I expect little more.
Feel free to explain how this diabolical global conspiracy of scientists and governments actually works. Let's explore the details of the denier myths.

Pull your head out of your ass and use Google. You'll be amazed when you learn that reality doesn't match up to the data models and that data has to be manipulated to make the models work. There is plenty more, but you seem to be a horse that doesn't drink when led to water.
All meaningless data for you because you don't know anything about any kind of science.

The irony of that post is all telling!
There is no one on this forum with enough knowledge or expertise to interpret any kind of scientific data. Just some liars with a lot of opinions.
Yet you're convinced you are right..... How could you be? Did Al Gore explain it all to you?
I've had scientists I know, tell me, personally, in the climate field that the data is manipulated.
Can't comment on bogus research, huh?
I'm not a scientist, how would I know bogus research if I saw it?

Are you claiming you have to be a scientist to know bogus research when you see it? That is quite a claim, Liminal! I believe you are 100% wrong!
How would you know it was bogus without a scientist to interpret the data for you?
So Boys, all them thar pointy headed scientists are taking blow torches and melting the alpine glaciers. And the snuck off with all the winters snow this year in the Sierras, Cascades, and Blues.
Damned sneaky scientists keep melting the ice in the Arctic Ocean, and doing away with the permafrost.
No, I use simple logic. IPCC has been shown to be liars, have admittedly fudged data and purposefully excluded scholarly work, based on a predetermined agenda.
Why would any sane person "lap THAT up"?
So no idea how this global conspiracy works then huh? That is very surprising, particularly since that's part of the foundation of the deniers' premise.
The post you quoted how the hoax works. Can you not read?
Please elaborate on the global cooperation of governments on this issue. How did they all come to agree? Did Obama twist their arms?

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