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George Conway and Under Trump The GOP is History

The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

I don't have to claim anything. I can see it with my own eyes. Undermine institutions that can place him in check. Ignore the rule of law. Making the press an enemy. Touting conspiracy theories, and dividing the country with rhetoric. So yeah. He's more like Chavez than any Democrat. Trump doesn't have to get rid of the Constitution. He's just made a mockery it. Venezuela is what you get when you have autocratic dictator who bleeds his country dry consolidating wealth into the hands of the elites. Funny how Republicans seem to follow a lot of that mantra, making sure that money always gets into the hands of the 1%, huh?
What institutions has Trump "undermined"? Oh wait...you mean his demanding that the higher ups at the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA be held responsible for their illegal actions both before the election and after? I'm sorry, Jack but that doesn't undermine ANY of those agencies! It goes to restoring their reputations! Reputations that were sullied by the likes of Comey, Clapper, Page, Strozk and Brennan!

Trump doesn't make an enemy of the "press"...he simply points out that the Main Stream Media IS his enemy and has been since before he was elected! Chavez totally controlled the Press in Venezuela! They wouldn't DARE to write what the media writes about Trump here!

As for your claim that Trump has only helped the "1%"? Simple question...under which Presidency...the Barack Obama Administration...or the Donald Trump Administration did we see the biggest increases in income inequality?

Let's see, in no particular order. The DOJ, The Supreme Court (but McConnell gets an assist here), The FEC, The CDC, the entire Legislative branch....I could go on but you get the idea. Trump makes an enemy of the press. You can see it in the bottled blonde's Fox News press conference style. He doesn't like getting asked tough questions so he goes on the attack. He screws up constantly, he goes on the attack. He puts his entire leg in his mouth and gets whacked when he tries to walk it back, he goes on the attack. That is the textbook definition of a strongman (wannabe). It's never about taking responsibility. Or the buck stops here. I believe he even said several months ago, "I don't take responsibility for anything".

Trump only helped the 1%? Well yeah, but I was referring to Republicans. Specifically the latest tax gift in 2017. But Trump had little or nothing to do with that. That was Ryan and McConnell's baby. They just told Trump to sign and he could hold a nice press conference with lots of photo ops, smiling and waving. And unless you've been hiding under a rock, income inequality has been an issue since Reagan. What's that? Four Republicans vs Two Democrats.
I ask you which President saw income inequality increase more during his Presidency...Trump or Obama and you totally tried to dodge the question, Jack! Why is that? Because you know as well as I do that it grew far more during Barry's Administration than during Trumps?

Kind of sucks when someone blows up one of your talking points like that...doesn't it?

You're the one who brought up income inequality. I just pointed out that there are no conservative policies that have been successes. The answer to your question is Reagan. I don't know what you think is being "blown up"..but I think you need to start consuming some alcohol.
How do you explain the Trump economy BEFORE Covid 19 then, Jack? How are some of the best economic numbers ever recorded not a "success"?

Again. All Trump had to do was not screw it up. Barack Obama handed off to him a booming, growing economy. It was already a success. I know you can't give Obama any credit because that blows your narrative up.
Let's face it. Trump got handed the baton..and then proceeded to not only drop it, but throw it into the fire to melt it.

So I gotta ask. Given the absolute bloodbath on the horizon for the GOP, when do you cut bait with a guy that is going to lead your party to ruin in November?

Barack Obama didn't "hand off" anything, Jack! He was about as bad with the economy as any President we've ever had! You can see just how bad he was in the first two years of his Administration when Democrats could pass whatever they wanted. The only think that saved his ass from having the worst economic numbers EVER is the Republicans taking away control of Congress from the Democrats in the 2010 midterms!

Or did you want to tell us all the wonderful economic policies of Barry's that grew the economy and created jobs, Jack? I could use a laugh!

Oh jeez just stop. Bush Jr handed off the worst economic situation we saw in our lifetime. Obama was elected and you righties lost..your..shit. Sorry Oldstyle. I know you're a true believer. And I fault the Democrats for not standing up and punching Republicans and Conservatives in the gut over the passage of Obamacare (the reason for Republicans taking Congress in 2010) and the whole rise of the Tea Party abortion. If you're that disingenuous that you won't even give Obama credit for the economic growth he handed off to your savior then by all means, sip that grape Kool-Aid...can you just let me know quickly if it tastes funny? :)
I'd be more than happy to give Obama credit or economic growth, Jack if you can just tell me what economic policies of HIS made that happen!
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

I'm not going to get into the specifics here because for one thing I do not care and two the GOP is in nowhere near the trouble it was in in 76...it was an anvil with concrete shoes and a sandbag hat being dropped into the Marianis abyss by the democratic party never to be seen or heard from again, and in 4 years [1980 for public school gang] jimmy carter was ceding the election to ronald reagan around 8pm election night [a record that I believe still stands] and went on to become the bane of every breath drawing white liberal that hates America by winning 49 states in re-election...to understand what happened here you need to understand just how bad things were for the GOP back then...or just keep pretending and everything will be OK, I promise...lol
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!
The GOP preaches, then refuses to follow through....Notice I said "refuses" and not fails.

They'll bring us to Venezuela via the backroads, instead of on the interstate like the liberoidals will.

Fuck the GOP.
Unless you think you can somehow scrap both political parties...then you're pretty much stuck fixing what's broken! Saying that both parties need to go is kind of naive and way too easy!
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!
The GOP preaches, then refuses to follow through....Notice I said "refuses" and not fails.

They'll bring us to Venezuela via the backroads, instead of on the interstate like the liberoidals will.

Fuck the GOP.
Unless you think you can somehow scrap both political parties...then you're pretty much stuck fixing what's broken! Saying that both parties need to go is kind of naive and way too easy!
I'm not fixing diddly....Fix your own broken chunk of shit party and quit asking me to vote for them because they're a less smelly chunk of shit.
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

I don't have to claim anything. I can see it with my own eyes. Undermine institutions that can place him in check. Ignore the rule of law. Making the press an enemy. Touting conspiracy theories, and dividing the country with rhetoric. So yeah. He's more like Chavez than any Democrat. Trump doesn't have to get rid of the Constitution. He's just made a mockery it. Venezuela is what you get when you have autocratic dictator who bleeds his country dry consolidating wealth into the hands of the elites. Funny how Republicans seem to follow a lot of that mantra, making sure that money always gets into the hands of the 1%, huh?
What institutions has Trump "undermined"? Oh wait...you mean his demanding that the higher ups at the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA be held responsible for their illegal actions both before the election and after? I'm sorry, Jack but that doesn't undermine ANY of those agencies! It goes to restoring their reputations! Reputations that were sullied by the likes of Comey, Clapper, Page, Strozk and Brennan!

Trump doesn't make an enemy of the "press"...he simply points out that the Main Stream Media IS his enemy and has been since before he was elected! Chavez totally controlled the Press in Venezuela! They wouldn't DARE to write what the media writes about Trump here!

As for your claim that Trump has only helped the "1%"? Simple question...under which Presidency...the Barack Obama Administration...or the Donald Trump Administration did we see the biggest increases in income inequality?

Let's see, in no particular order. The DOJ, The Supreme Court (but McConnell gets an assist here), The FEC, The CDC, the entire Legislative branch....I could go on but you get the idea. Trump makes an enemy of the press. You can see it in the bottled blonde's Fox News press conference style. He doesn't like getting asked tough questions so he goes on the attack. He screws up constantly, he goes on the attack. He puts his entire leg in his mouth and gets whacked when he tries to walk it back, he goes on the attack. That is the textbook definition of a strongman (wannabe). It's never about taking responsibility. Or the buck stops here. I believe he even said several months ago, "I don't take responsibility for anything".

Trump only helped the 1%? Well yeah, but I was referring to Republicans. Specifically the latest tax gift in 2017. But Trump had little or nothing to do with that. That was Ryan and McConnell's baby. They just told Trump to sign and he could hold a nice press conference with lots of photo ops, smiling and waving. And unless you've been hiding under a rock, income inequality has been an issue since Reagan. What's that? Four Republicans vs Two Democrats.
I ask you which President saw income inequality increase more during his Presidency...Trump or Obama and you totally tried to dodge the question, Jack! Why is that? Because you know as well as I do that it grew far more during Barry's Administration than during Trumps?

Kind of sucks when someone blows up one of your talking points like that...doesn't it?

You're the one who brought up income inequality. I just pointed out that there are no conservative policies that have been successes. The answer to your question is Reagan. I don't know what you think is being "blown up"..but I think you need to start consuming some alcohol.
How do you explain the Trump economy BEFORE Covid 19 then, Jack? How are some of the best economic numbers ever recorded not a "success"?

Again. All Trump had to do was not screw it up. Barack Obama handed off to him a booming, growing economy. It was already a success. I know you can't give Obama any credit because that blows your narrative up.
Let's face it. Trump got handed the baton..and then proceeded to not only drop it, but throw it into the fire to melt it.

So I gotta ask. Given the absolute bloodbath on the horizon for the GOP, when do you cut bait with a guy that is going to lead your party to ruin in November?

Barack Obama didn't "hand off" anything, Jack! He was about as bad with the economy as any President we've ever had! You can see just how bad he was in the first two years of his Administration when Democrats could pass whatever they wanted. The only think that saved his ass from having the worst economic numbers EVER is the Republicans taking away control of Congress from the Democrats in the 2010 midterms!

Or did you want to tell us all the wonderful economic policies of Barry's that grew the economy and created jobs, Jack? I could use a laugh!

Oh jeez just stop. Bush Jr handed off the worst economic situation we saw in our lifetime. Obama was elected and you righties lost..your..shit. Sorry Oldstyle. I know you're a true believer. And I fault the Democrats for not standing up and punching Republicans and Conservatives in the gut over the passage of Obamacare (the reason for Republicans taking Congress in 2010) and the whole rise of the Tea Party abortion. If you're that disingenuous that you won't even give Obama credit for the economic growth he handed off to your savior then by all means, sip that grape Kool-Aid...can you just let me know quickly if it tastes funny? :)
I'd be more than happy to give Obama credit or economic growth, Jack if you can just tell me what economic policies of HIS made that happen!

Oy...I get it. You're a true believer. Pray for Donnie. He needs every hand on his shoulder he can get. :)
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.

The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

I don't have to claim anything. I can see it with my own eyes. Undermine institutions that can place him in check. Ignore the rule of law. Making the press an enemy. Touting conspiracy theories, and dividing the country with rhetoric. So yeah. He's more like Chavez than any Democrat. Trump doesn't have to get rid of the Constitution. He's just made a mockery it. Venezuela is what you get when you have autocratic dictator who bleeds his country dry consolidating wealth into the hands of the elites. Funny how Republicans seem to follow a lot of that mantra, making sure that money always gets into the hands of the 1%, huh?
What institutions has Trump "undermined"? Oh wait...you mean his demanding that the higher ups at the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA be held responsible for their illegal actions both before the election and after? I'm sorry, Jack but that doesn't undermine ANY of those agencies! It goes to restoring their reputations! Reputations that were sullied by the likes of Comey, Clapper, Page, Strozk and Brennan!

Trump doesn't make an enemy of the "press"...he simply points out that the Main Stream Media IS his enemy and has been since before he was elected! Chavez totally controlled the Press in Venezuela! They wouldn't DARE to write what the media writes about Trump here!

As for your claim that Trump has only helped the "1%"? Simple question...under which Presidency...the Barack Obama Administration...or the Donald Trump Administration did we see the biggest increases in income inequality?

Let's see, in no particular order. The DOJ, The Supreme Court (but McConnell gets an assist here), The FEC, The CDC, the entire Legislative branch....I could go on but you get the idea. Trump makes an enemy of the press. You can see it in the bottled blonde's Fox News press conference style. He doesn't like getting asked tough questions so he goes on the attack. He screws up constantly, he goes on the attack. He puts his entire leg in his mouth and gets whacked when he tries to walk it back, he goes on the attack. That is the textbook definition of a strongman (wannabe). It's never about taking responsibility. Or the buck stops here. I believe he even said several months ago, "I don't take responsibility for anything".

Trump only helped the 1%? Well yeah, but I was referring to Republicans. Specifically the latest tax gift in 2017. But Trump had little or nothing to do with that. That was Ryan and McConnell's baby. They just told Trump to sign and he could hold a nice press conference with lots of photo ops, smiling and waving. And unless you've been hiding under a rock, income inequality has been an issue since Reagan. What's that? Four Republicans vs Two Democrats.
I ask you which President saw income inequality increase more during his Presidency...Trump or Obama and you totally tried to dodge the question, Jack! Why is that? Because you know as well as I do that it grew far more during Barry's Administration than during Trumps?

Kind of sucks when someone blows up one of your talking points like that...doesn't it?

You're the one who brought up income inequality. I just pointed out that there are no conservative policies that have been successes. The answer to your question is Reagan. I don't know what you think is being "blown up"..but I think you need to start consuming some alcohol.
How do you explain the Trump economy BEFORE Covid 19 then, Jack? How are some of the best economic numbers ever recorded not a "success"?

Again. All Trump had to do was not screw it up. Barack Obama handed off to him a booming, growing economy. It was already a success. I know you can't give Obama any credit because that blows your narrative up.
Let's face it. Trump got handed the baton..and then proceeded to not only drop it, but throw it into the fire to melt it.

So I gotta ask. Given the absolute bloodbath on the horizon for the GOP, when do you cut bait with a guy that is going to lead your party to ruin in November?

Barack Obama didn't "hand off" anything, Jack! He was about as bad with the economy as any President we've ever had! You can see just how bad he was in the first two years of his Administration when Democrats could pass whatever they wanted. The only think that saved his ass from having the worst economic numbers EVER is the Republicans taking away control of Congress from the Democrats in the 2010 midterms!

Or did you want to tell us all the wonderful economic policies of Barry's that grew the economy and created jobs, Jack? I could use a laugh!

Oh jeez just stop. Bush Jr handed off the worst economic situation we saw in our lifetime. Obama was elected and you righties lost..your..shit. Sorry Oldstyle. I know you're a true believer. And I fault the Democrats for not standing up and punching Republicans and Conservatives in the gut over the passage of Obamacare (the reason for Republicans taking Congress in 2010) and the whole rise of the Tea Party abortion. If you're that disingenuous that you won't even give Obama credit for the economic growth he handed off to your savior then by all means, sip that grape Kool-Aid...can you just let me know quickly if it tastes funny? :)
I'd be more than happy to give Obama credit or economic growth, Jack if you can just tell me what economic policies of HIS made that happen!

Oy...I get it. You're a true believer. Pray for Donnie. He needs every hand on his shoulder he can get. :)

Come on, Jack! That silly list? That doesn't tell us what economic policy Obama put into place that grew the economy...it's simply an article that gives him credit for it happening! The reason that you on the left struggle so mightily to give me the economic policies that Barry put into place to grow the economy is that they don't really exist! The economy grew DESPITE him! Especially in the oil and natural gas industries! That fracking boom that drove a big part of the economy was something that Obama opposed!
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.

It's amusing that anyone is still trying to claim that the Obama Administration DIDN'T spy on the Trump campaign!
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

No, I'm an American and I will vote for Trump. He is in the Republican party for a reason, they are the closest party we have that represents the ideals of our country. Democrats have, sadly, become radical Marxists who constantly bleat about how "Democratic" they are. What a joke.
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.


Strozk, McCabe and Page are suing to protect their pensions. If they keep things tied up in court long enough one can only assume they're hoping for someone like Joe Biden...who was in on the whole thing...to come to their rescue if he's elected President! They're just part of the group that Hillary Clinton was referring to when she said that if Trump was elected "We'll all hang!"
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.


Strozk, McCabe and Page are suing to protect their pensions. If they keep things tied up in court long enough one can only assume they're hoping for someone like Joe Biden...who was in on the whole thing...to come to their rescue if he's elected President! They're just part of the group that Hillary Clinton was referring to when she said that if Trump was elected "We'll all hang!"

The same three (or four) people in each post. Why aren't any of them behind bars?..you know, with Roy Cohn on the job?
Sure. Michael Flynn..Roger Stone...others...just part of the group.
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.

It's amusing that anyone is still trying to claim that the Obama Administration DIDN'T spy on the Trump campaign!

And you have what evidence?
Just can't admit your savior is a fraud.
I don't get it. What does this man offer you that warrants your abject devotion?
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

I don't have to claim anything. I can see it with my own eyes. Undermine institutions that can place him in check. Ignore the rule of law. Making the press an enemy. Touting conspiracy theories, and dividing the country with rhetoric. So yeah. He's more like Chavez than any Democrat. Trump doesn't have to get rid of the Constitution. He's just made a mockery it. Venezuela is what you get when you have autocratic dictator who bleeds his country dry consolidating wealth into the hands of the elites. Funny how Republicans seem to follow a lot of that mantra, making sure that money always gets into the hands of the 1%, huh?
What institutions has Trump "undermined"? Oh wait...you mean his demanding that the higher ups at the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA be held responsible for their illegal actions both before the election and after? I'm sorry, Jack but that doesn't undermine ANY of those agencies! It goes to restoring their reputations! Reputations that were sullied by the likes of Comey, Clapper, Page, Strozk and Brennan!

Trump doesn't make an enemy of the "press"...he simply points out that the Main Stream Media IS his enemy and has been since before he was elected! Chavez totally controlled the Press in Venezuela! They wouldn't DARE to write what the media writes about Trump here!

As for your claim that Trump has only helped the "1%"? Simple question...under which Presidency...the Barack Obama Administration...or the Donald Trump Administration did we see the biggest increases in income inequality?

Let's see, in no particular order. The DOJ, The Supreme Court (but McConnell gets an assist here), The FEC, The CDC, the entire Legislative branch....I could go on but you get the idea. Trump makes an enemy of the press. You can see it in the bottled blonde's Fox News press conference style. He doesn't like getting asked tough questions so he goes on the attack. He screws up constantly, he goes on the attack. He puts his entire leg in his mouth and gets whacked when he tries to walk it back, he goes on the attack. That is the textbook definition of a strongman (wannabe). It's never about taking responsibility. Or the buck stops here. I believe he even said several months ago, "I don't take responsibility for anything".

Trump only helped the 1%? Well yeah, but I was referring to Republicans. Specifically the latest tax gift in 2017. But Trump had little or nothing to do with that. That was Ryan and McConnell's baby. They just told Trump to sign and he could hold a nice press conference with lots of photo ops, smiling and waving. And unless you've been hiding under a rock, income inequality has been an issue since Reagan. What's that? Four Republicans vs Two Democrats.
I ask you which President saw income inequality increase more during his Presidency...Trump or Obama and you totally tried to dodge the question, Jack! Why is that? Because you know as well as I do that it grew far more during Barry's Administration than during Trumps?

Kind of sucks when someone blows up one of your talking points like that...doesn't it?

You're the one who brought up income inequality. I just pointed out that there are no conservative policies that have been successes. The answer to your question is Reagan. I don't know what you think is being "blown up"..but I think you need to start consuming some alcohol.
How do you explain the Trump economy BEFORE Covid 19 then, Jack? How are some of the best economic numbers ever recorded not a "success"?

Again. All Trump had to do was not screw it up. Barack Obama handed off to him a booming, growing economy. It was already a success. I know you can't give Obama any credit because that blows your narrative up.
Let's face it. Trump got handed the baton..and then proceeded to not only drop it, but throw it into the fire to melt it.

So I gotta ask. Given the absolute bloodbath on the horizon for the GOP, when do you cut bait with a guy that is going to lead your party to ruin in November?

Barack Obama didn't "hand off" anything, Jack! He was about as bad with the economy as any President we've ever had! You can see just how bad he was in the first two years of his Administration when Democrats could pass whatever they wanted. The only think that saved his ass from having the worst economic numbers EVER is the Republicans taking away control of Congress from the Democrats in the 2010 midterms!

Or did you want to tell us all the wonderful economic policies of Barry's that grew the economy and created jobs, Jack? I could use a laugh!

Oh jeez just stop. Bush Jr handed off the worst economic situation we saw in our lifetime. Obama was elected and you righties lost..your..shit. Sorry Oldstyle. I know you're a true believer. And I fault the Democrats for not standing up and punching Republicans and Conservatives in the gut over the passage of Obamacare (the reason for Republicans taking Congress in 2010) and the whole rise of the Tea Party abortion. If you're that disingenuous that you won't even give Obama credit for the economic growth he handed off to your savior then by all means, sip that grape Kool-Aid...can you just let me know quickly if it tastes funny? :)
I'd be more than happy to give Obama credit or economic growth, Jack if you can just tell me what economic policies of HIS made that happen!

Oy...I get it. You're a true believer. Pray for Donnie. He needs every hand on his shoulder he can get. :)

Come on, Jack! That silly list? That doesn't tell us what economic policy Obama put into place that grew the economy...it's simply an article that gives him credit for it happening! The reason that you on the left struggle so mightily to give me the economic policies that Barry put into place to grow the economy is that they don't really exist! The economy grew DESPITE him! Especially in the oil and natural gas industries! That fracking boom that drove a big part of the economy was something that Obama opposed!

I get it. Trump is your guy....Fracking?? Are you kidding me?
Right now, you're lucky Oklahoma isn't a giant hole in the Earth. LOL.
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.

It's amusing that anyone is still trying to claim that the Obama Administration DIDN'T spy on the Trump campaign!

And you have what evidence?
Just can't admit your savior is a fraud.
I don't get it. What does this man offer you that warrants your abject devotion?
Abject devotion? Wouldn't that be what YOU have for a man who was clueless when it came to fixing the economy and creating jobs...spied on the media...spied on his political opponents...used the IRS against his political enemies...gave this country it's first downgrade of our credit rating...signed awful trade deals...signed an awful climate control deal...let the mullahs off the hook on embargoes...and who's signature piece of legislation was health care "reform" that was set up to fail by it's designers?
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

I don't have to claim anything. I can see it with my own eyes. Undermine institutions that can place him in check. Ignore the rule of law. Making the press an enemy. Touting conspiracy theories, and dividing the country with rhetoric. So yeah. He's more like Chavez than any Democrat. Trump doesn't have to get rid of the Constitution. He's just made a mockery it. Venezuela is what you get when you have autocratic dictator who bleeds his country dry consolidating wealth into the hands of the elites. Funny how Republicans seem to follow a lot of that mantra, making sure that money always gets into the hands of the 1%, huh?
What institutions has Trump "undermined"? Oh wait...you mean his demanding that the higher ups at the FBI, the Justice Department, the CIA and the NSA be held responsible for their illegal actions both before the election and after? I'm sorry, Jack but that doesn't undermine ANY of those agencies! It goes to restoring their reputations! Reputations that were sullied by the likes of Comey, Clapper, Page, Strozk and Brennan!

Trump doesn't make an enemy of the "press"...he simply points out that the Main Stream Media IS his enemy and has been since before he was elected! Chavez totally controlled the Press in Venezuela! They wouldn't DARE to write what the media writes about Trump here!

As for your claim that Trump has only helped the "1%"? Simple question...under which Presidency...the Barack Obama Administration...or the Donald Trump Administration did we see the biggest increases in income inequality?

Let's see, in no particular order. The DOJ, The Supreme Court (but McConnell gets an assist here), The FEC, The CDC, the entire Legislative branch....I could go on but you get the idea. Trump makes an enemy of the press. You can see it in the bottled blonde's Fox News press conference style. He doesn't like getting asked tough questions so he goes on the attack. He screws up constantly, he goes on the attack. He puts his entire leg in his mouth and gets whacked when he tries to walk it back, he goes on the attack. That is the textbook definition of a strongman (wannabe). It's never about taking responsibility. Or the buck stops here. I believe he even said several months ago, "I don't take responsibility for anything".

Trump only helped the 1%? Well yeah, but I was referring to Republicans. Specifically the latest tax gift in 2017. But Trump had little or nothing to do with that. That was Ryan and McConnell's baby. They just told Trump to sign and he could hold a nice press conference with lots of photo ops, smiling and waving. And unless you've been hiding under a rock, income inequality has been an issue since Reagan. What's that? Four Republicans vs Two Democrats.
I ask you which President saw income inequality increase more during his Presidency...Trump or Obama and you totally tried to dodge the question, Jack! Why is that? Because you know as well as I do that it grew far more during Barry's Administration than during Trumps?

Kind of sucks when someone blows up one of your talking points like that...doesn't it?

You're the one who brought up income inequality. I just pointed out that there are no conservative policies that have been successes. The answer to your question is Reagan. I don't know what you think is being "blown up"..but I think you need to start consuming some alcohol.
How do you explain the Trump economy BEFORE Covid 19 then, Jack? How are some of the best economic numbers ever recorded not a "success"?

Again. All Trump had to do was not screw it up. Barack Obama handed off to him a booming, growing economy. It was already a success. I know you can't give Obama any credit because that blows your narrative up.
Let's face it. Trump got handed the baton..and then proceeded to not only drop it, but throw it into the fire to melt it.

So I gotta ask. Given the absolute bloodbath on the horizon for the GOP, when do you cut bait with a guy that is going to lead your party to ruin in November?

Barack Obama didn't "hand off" anything, Jack! He was about as bad with the economy as any President we've ever had! You can see just how bad he was in the first two years of his Administration when Democrats could pass whatever they wanted. The only think that saved his ass from having the worst economic numbers EVER is the Republicans taking away control of Congress from the Democrats in the 2010 midterms!

Or did you want to tell us all the wonderful economic policies of Barry's that grew the economy and created jobs, Jack? I could use a laugh!

Oh jeez just stop. Bush Jr handed off the worst economic situation we saw in our lifetime. Obama was elected and you righties lost..your..shit. Sorry Oldstyle. I know you're a true believer. And I fault the Democrats for not standing up and punching Republicans and Conservatives in the gut over the passage of Obamacare (the reason for Republicans taking Congress in 2010) and the whole rise of the Tea Party abortion. If you're that disingenuous that you won't even give Obama credit for the economic growth he handed off to your savior then by all means, sip that grape Kool-Aid...can you just let me know quickly if it tastes funny? :)
I'd be more than happy to give Obama credit or economic growth, Jack if you can just tell me what economic policies of HIS made that happen!

Oy...I get it. You're a true believer. Pray for Donnie. He needs every hand on his shoulder he can get. :)

Come on, Jack! That silly list? That doesn't tell us what economic policy Obama put into place that grew the economy...it's simply an article that gives him credit for it happening! The reason that you on the left struggle so mightily to give me the economic policies that Barry put into place to grow the economy is that they don't really exist! The economy grew DESPITE him! Especially in the oil and natural gas industries! That fracking boom that drove a big part of the economy was something that Obama opposed!

I get it. Trump is your guy....Fracking?? Are you kidding me?
Right now, you're lucky Oklahoma isn't a giant hole in the Earth. LOL.
Yeah, FRACKING! The thing that let us increase oil and natural gas to such an extent that we now have more reserves than Saudi Arabia? Have you noticed how gas prices have stayed remarkable low throughout the Trump Presidency? Did you notice how they spiked under Barry? That's what happens when your President deliberately tries to inflate the price of oil!
Did you need someone to explain to what Congressional subpoena powers are supposed to be used for, Care?

I gotta say, this is the funniest thing I've ever seen you post. How old are you? Nevermind. I don't care. Next question. Do you have short term selective memory disorder?
Remember the Republican controlled committee IRS scandal?..Benghazi?..Fast and Furious?..all of which resulted in how many indictments?..how many convictions?...at the cost of how many taxpayer dollars?
So tell the class. What are Congressional subpoena powers used for again? :auiqs.jpg:

Hard to get convictions when you're investigating an Administration as corrupt as the Obama Administration was, Jack! You had Comey, Page, Strozk, Brennan and Clapper all using their positions to break the law. Hard to indict when the people you need to indict run the Justice Department!

All investigated. Still...nothing but crickets. You've had a Trump leaning, corrupt DOJ for almost 2 years now with Trump's personal Roy Cohn in charge. Why no indictments?..Why no convictions?
Probably because there's nothing there. And any attempt to manufacture evidence would be construed as abuse of power...a line that even Bill Barr won't cross.
Every layer of that "onion" that gets peeled back shows that the corruption goes higher and higher in the Obama Administration, Jack! I'm patient. Are you?

Every lawyer of that "onion" that gets peeled back shows that the Obama Administration handled the campaign of the lying corrupt Russian agent with kids gloves. The last "gotcha moment" was the Susan Rice emails - which when you peeled back that layer of the onion - you found a whole batch of emails and memos that proved that the Obama Administration DID NOT SPY ON YOUR PRECIOUS CRIMINAL.

Trump is incompetent, corrupt, and he's destroying the nation. Not one word to Putin about putting bounties on your military. Why are you still sitting there claiming that corrupt Democrats are the problem? Obama handed off a stable economy, and a government that was getting stronger every day.

Trump did say he was going to undo everything that Obama did, and Obama's greatest accomplishment was to rebuild the economy after W crashed it. Just like Bill Clinton rebuilt the economy after the mess Reagan and Bush 4I left him.

3 of the past 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the economy. Each crash has been worse than the last, and each time, working Americans have lost their jobs, their homes, and their money, while the rich get richer. It may not be possible to patch the economy up this time. The USA could very well end up a second tier nation when this is over.

At the very least, the country is done with this supply side bullshit that has impoverished working Americans and left them just as bad off as they were before WWI and the rise of the union movement. Reagan even admitted that supply side was a failure, but Republicans are stuck on this cut taxes and spend formula that has been so devastating.

This business of bailing out corporations has to end. Private profits and public losses are just not kosher. At the same time as the government is glad handing millions of dollars to the Catholic Church in a PPP grant, mom and pop stores on Main Street, the people this money was meant to help, are closing for lack of funds.

Publically traded corporations, airlines, hotels, and other big corporations should NOT be getting bailouts, while working people are being cut off unemployment to force them back to work.
The truth of the matter is that it's the GOP that has fresh young leaders emerging to lead the party!
The "fresh young leaders" are still under the thumbs of old guard establishment douchebags like McConnell, Graham, and McCarthy.....And even guys like Make Lee have been slowly selling out.

The GOP sucks worse than ever.

The GOP simply needs to continue preaching what works...and pointing out how the other guy's agenda DOESN'T work! That message isn't getting old because it's not bullshit. The Democrats are veering hard to the left with their party leaders like Pelosi and Schumer scared to death of people like AOC and the rest of her "squad"!

Now more than anytime I can think of...we need to think long and hard about what America is going to be going forward! Do you want to be Venezuela? That's what the Democrats are leading us towards. Use your common sense, folks! If you think America is a special place...you need to understand what made it that in the first place!

The GOP has had four decades to prove that their policies work. Multiple supply side economic policies that have made the economic situation worse, led to higher deficits, and led eventually to a recession...that a Democrat had to come in and bail the country out of. The only thing that's happened is we know Republicans can't govern. First two years of the Trump admin was a perfect example. Nothing gets done. Venezuela? You're closer to that with a wanna be strongman like Trump. And right wingers bleat like sheep that the left wants totalitarianism. But you guys do spend a lot of time working yourselves into a frenzy over a couple of first term congresswomen who probably aren't your representatives. As far as I can see, the moderates still guide the Democrat party. Unlike the whack-a-doodles that been allowed to take over the Republican party. If the GOP thinks this is what "works", they are in a huge amount of trouble.

What a crock, Jack! You're really going to come on here and claim that Donald Trump is the second coming of Hugo Chavez? Chavez is what you get when you let liberals take control of a country! He did away with the Constitution of Venezuela. His policies turned a wealthy nation into one that's now teetering on total collapse! Donald Trump is NOTHING like Hugo Chavez!

Trump is doing away with the American Constitution - undermining the authority of Congress at every turn. Refusing to allow Constitutionally mandated oversight.

In their recent ruling about Donald Trump's tax returns and the Grand Jury materials for the Mueller Report, Chief Justice Roberts castigated the Trump Administration for forcing Congress, yet again, to go the SC to get access to records and/or witnesses for effective Congressional oversight. He essentially told the Trump Administration that they are subject to Congressional oversight and Trump cannot just continue to refuse to allow investigation, witnesses or evidence to go to Congress.

He told both Bill Barr and Donald Trump that Donald Trump is not above the law. The nation was founded on the principle that no man is above the law. That includes the President. All claims of a Presidential immunity from investiation are based on fantasy. The Constitution REQUIRED both oversight and investigation.

No past President has pardoned his or "commuted their sentences" - ever. Richard Nixon wanted to pardon everyone and his advisors told him that would be very unwise. Trump has opened himself up for "obstruction of justice" charges once he leaves office in pardoning Roger Stone. Stone wasn't just convicted by a jury of his peers on all 7 charges, the charges of lying to Congress and lying to the FBI, which Stone has been convicted of doing, were to cover up the crimes of Donald Trump.

Trump's policies have the USA on the brink of economic collapse. Trump is EXACTLY like Hugo Chavez - corrupt, incompetent, and stupid.

I'm curious, DragonLady...you say that no man is about the law? Does that include Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page, Strozk, Biden and Obama? Or was their abuse of the Constitutional rights of their political opponent not a problem for you?

Donald Trump has been investigating all of these people, and others, for the past 4 years and he can't even find a REAL crime that any of the have committed. Just because Donald Trump says his campaign was "spied on" doesn't make it true. Not one charge has been laid. Not one indictment.

For years, Republicans have made up shit that they claim Democrats are doing, crimes they're committing, and Republicans have spent hundreds of millions of dollars investigating Democrats, over the past 30 years, but there are no charges. 7 Benghazi Investigations = no charges, no lies, no crimes.

Republicans make up shit. FOX News calls it a huge scandal. Talks about it night and day. An investigation ensues, and the report of the Republican Investigating Committeeb says the accused is fully exonerated.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page have all sued the Department of Justice. Justice will settle their cases for wrongful dismissal and civil rights violations, because it's not Donald Trump whose constitutional rights have been violated. It's all of those people you named, who have been fired, vilified, investigated, bullied and harassed in violation of their Constitutional rights.

It's amusing that anyone is still trying to claim that the Obama Administration DIDN'T spy on the Trump campaign!

And you have what evidence?
Just can't admit your savior is a fraud.
I don't get it. What does this man offer you that warrants your abject devotion?
Abject devotion? Wouldn't that be what YOU have for a man who was clueless when it came to fixing the economy and creating jobs...spied on the media...spied on his political opponents...used the IRS against his political enemies...gave this country it's first downgrade of our credit rating...signed awful trade deals...signed an awful climate control deal...let the mullahs off the hook on embargoes...and who's signature piece of legislation was health care "reform" that was set up to fail by it's designers?

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Trump has lied to you thousands of times and yet you continue to believe his lies. There is no excuse for your level of ignorance and gullibility. All you're doing is parroting Trump's lies and FOX New talking points, all of which have been debunked and proven false.

Obamacare was succeeding far beyond expectations. It's in trouble now because Trump has been hacking away at the taxes which paid for it, and the mandate that underpins it, in an effort to force the failure of a very popular program.

Keep drinking the Trump Kool-Aid. Consider a vacation in Florida, or Texas. Leave your mask at home.
When Republicans say Trump has destroyed the GOP does that mean it's a losing bet for Trump?
Are Trump supporters Republican posers?

Are you a Republican without a party?

“It’s destroyed by it having become essentially a personality cult,” he explained."

"The Republican Party may not ever be able to restore the party — even after Donald Trump leaves office."

"George Conway, the longtime GOP lawyer who is married to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, explained his thoughts on the future of the party to New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.
“I personally think that the Republican brand is probably destroyed,” Conway said."

The GOP after Trump will be one of the most fascinating political moments ever.

They don't have another cartoon character waiting in the wings.

They have more cartoon characters than they can shake a stick at. There is Donald Trump Jr, Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson to name a few.
I think Trump is in a "class" by himself. I've never seen anyone so desperate for acceptance, in or out of politics. And so unable to control themselves in a public setting.
Trump is not a moderate, he is an opportunist without any real ideology. His rallies are to placate his reactionary base. He rails against his fellow GOP members (violating the eleventh commandment). He vilifies the opposition and treats political discourse like a zero sum game. Sorry, not interested in supporting a demagogue.

Biden is just a return to normal. Which says a lot considering he is a corporate establishment hack. I don’t particularly like Biden, but GaryJohnson isn’t running this year.
Gary Johnson is even more stupid than Biden, and he doesn't have dementia to blame it on.

Ok, but you think everyone sucks.
Trump is not a moderate, he is an opportunist without any real ideology. His rallies are to placate his reactionary base. He rails against his fellow GOP members (violating the eleventh commandment). He vilifies the opposition and treats political discourse like a zero sum game. Sorry, not interested in supporting a demagogue.
I would only add that his rallies are also to support his profound self-esteem issues, this blatant need for adoration that he doesn't even try to hide.

This is a badly damaged individual who has somehow connected with millions. We've seen this before in world history.

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