George H.W. Bush has died

One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.

He was a globalist.

I don't have anything real nice to say about him. I don't believe he was an evil bastard though.

He led an incredible life no matter how you reflect on it.
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....
Your post is the perfect example of the new Republican party and one GHW Bush would no doubt have been ashamed of. Full of conspiratorial hate, hysteria and delusion.

Go fuck yourself, ya commie sack of shit. I know more than you by a factor of at least a thousand as it pertains to our real history and what we are facing. I don't belong to either bought and paid for political party, can't put me in one of your neat little categories. I have few peers.
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

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Go fuck yourself, ya commie sack of shit. I know more than you by a factor of at least a thousand as it pertains to our real history and what we are facing. I don't belong to either bought and paid for political party, can't put me in one of your neat little categories. I have few peers.

That's for sure Dale. You Make your own music and march your own way. I don't always care to hear the tune but at least you're not playing other people's shit and pretending it's your own shit.
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....
Your post is the perfect example of the new Republican party and one GHW Bush would no doubt have been ashamed of. Full of conspiratorial hate, hysteria and delusion.

Go fuck yourself, ya commie sack of shit. I know more than you by a factor of at least a thousand as it pertains to our real history and what we are facing. I don't belong to either bought and paid for political party, can't put me in one of your neat little categories. I have few peers.
Spare me your conspiratorial garbage. Oh, you have written, you have spent years studying the "deep state". Well dumb ass, people have spent years studying big foot, the lochness monster, and the Yeti. It doesn't make them real, does it? You are the perfect example of the new Republican party. Paranoia, conspiracy theories and alternate facts rule. Why deny it? Hold it up like a badge of honor.
folks dont know about him is he really loved baseball. he knew about it more than the actual managers!
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....
"America has lost a patriot and a humble servant. while our hearts are heavy, they are also filled with gratitude." - President Trump

One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....

Really, the only President I can think of who was sued for child rape was your man Trump. No need to speculate about it or make up facts. Read the complaint.

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....
Your post is the perfect example of the new Republican party and one GHW Bush would no doubt have been ashamed of. Full of conspiratorial hate, hysteria and delusion.

Go fuck yourself, ya commie sack of shit. I know more than you by a factor of at least a thousand as it pertains to our real history and what we are facing. I don't belong to either bought and paid for political party, can't put me in one of your neat little categories. I have few peers.
Spare me your conspiratorial garbage. Oh, you have written, you have spent years studying the "deep state". Well dumb ass, people have spent years studying big foot, the lochness monster, and the Yeti. It doesn't make them real, does it? You are the perfect example of the new Republican party. Paranoia, conspiracy theories and alternate facts rule. Why deny it? Hold it up like a badge of honor.

LMAO!!! I got out from under the UCC years ago and reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status thus no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC whose headquarters are in the city/state of Washington, D.C. I do not participate in the election process of this banana republic that is owned by the IMF that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 to provide the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution in a "for profit" venture where our sweat equity moves their fiat currency.

I know more than you, little man......INFINITELY more. You and "facts" don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other, "comrade".
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....

The skull and bones is a Pirate symbol. Black Beard' Ship was named Queen Anne's Revenge. Black Beard' Treasure is buried on Ocracoke Island. The Screaming Skull is the Hells Angel symbol.
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"dont ever let your first call to somebody be when you ask for something" - President George HW Bush
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....
According to who? One of Christine (the Liar) Blasey Ford's students? Good and loving people do not do such things. Lying scumbags, however, love to get famous people on everyone else's badmouth list usually after THEY do the blackmailing for a greedy sum, then fail to receive it, and in this case, it didn't happen. Ford teaches people to create out of nothing the scenario they want to destroy someone they want to get even with, and to tell the lie so many times that they will be believed. Some people believe the lies about someone who didn't do what they were accused of. Did Cathy O'Brien have her daughter tested in a hospital after the alleged occurrences? Where's the physician's report with the extent of the damage that was done and the DNA result?
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he took such a joy in his service. HE TOOK...calm down...he took a joy in his service.
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....
According to who? One of Christine (the Liar) Blasey Ford? Good and loving people do not do such things. Lying scumbags, however, love to get famous people on everyone else's badmouth list usually after THEY do the blackmailing. Ford teaches people to create out of nothing the scenario they want to destroy someone they want to get even with, and tell the lie so many times that they will be believed. Some people believe the lies about someone who didn't do what they were accused of. Did Cathy O'Brien have her daughter tested in a hospital after the alleged occurrences? Where's the physician's report with the extent of the damage that was done and the DNA result.
One of the most heinous warmongering families in Murican history......Fucks not given.
With all due respect, Mr. Oddball. I am sorry that you think President George H. W. Bush was anything but a warmonger, but he had one shining light about himself: his keeping of his pledge to provide for the common defense of the American people. I can't remember all the details of his service, because I read his biography years ago, and thankfully, Admiral Tory corrected me. I just know he suffered during WWII and after some passage of time, he was rescued. When he got home, the condition of foreign fighters was clear to him from his view as a loyal American who put himself in harm's way during that effort. He intended to go for peace in the world, but on his watch, there were such bullies in the world, that he did all he could to prevent them from further bloodbaths than those in Iraq in which stories, armed by pictorial evidence which he procured. Certain countries were harassing their neighbors, and there were rumors of entire villages being smitten and left for dead. The white house has a lot of information from good sources that are not available to us, and I know in my heart the Bush family were very thoughtful people, and were friends of my Uncle Neal, who was the family man of the law and a justice of the peace, when they lived in Houston, Texas, where my family lived. They didn't do anybody any harm, but involved themselves in projects that were far and away in the best of community spirit. I'm sorry when I hear someone tear them down over some misunderstanding or belief in something that was said but may not have had truth in its backbone. Because President Bush 41 intervened with some very nasty people in countries that were killing their own people, an attempt was made on his life for his intervention when he was called on to attend an appreciation affair of some sort over there. That's why it makes me so upset when I hear American pols wishing each other a painful death, or harass other politicians. That's not community spirit, it's just plain evil. And when a real man stands up in the face of evil and does something about it, it generally quits.

President GHW Bush didn't ever blow his own horn, and he was taken advantage of by what I can only describe as hateful and motivated people in the press who are pushing with all their might and main to get rid of the US Constitution and replace it with what boils down to communism. Please read a biography of President Bush that is not written by the well-poisoning lockstep press who bends with every lie that is supposed to do some kind of good, but always manages to fall short, because the funds find their way into the pockets of people who use their seats in Congress to scorch the earth under Republicans because they cannot get rich quick for selling America down the river with their seedy obsequious procurement of wealth from our nation's enemies.

And I have a gift for you to wash out your naughty little potty mouth:

Bush was a pedophile that liked getting fellatio by little black boys especially. We know this fact from abused children involved in the Franklin scandal where kids from Boystown, Nebraska were pimped out to high ranking politicians for the purpose of blackmailing them. Cathy O'Brien, a MK-ULTRA and presidential model victim wrote the book "Tranceformation Of America" goes into great detail about her handlers and how Bush raped and sodomized her daughter in front of her to keep her in compliance and docile. Bush was one disgusting piece of shit....
According to who? One of Christine (the Liar) Blasey Ford? Good and loving people do not do such things. Lying scumbags, however, love to get famous people on everyone else's badmouth list usually after THEY do the blackmailing. Ford teaches people to create out of nothing the scenario they want to destroy someone they want to get even with, and tell the lie so many times that they will be believed. Some people believe the lies about someone who didn't do what they were accused of. Did Cathy O'Brien have her daughter tested in a hospital after the alleged occurrences? Where's the physician's report with the extent of the damage that was done and the DNA result.

Why don't you do your own due diligence about Cathy O'Brien and her testimony? She tried to get a congressional hearing about the CIA trauma based MK-ULTRA program that was revealed during the Church committee hearings of the mid 70s that never stopped and continues to this day. Research the Franklin Scandal or watch the BBC documentary "Conspiracy of Silence" that was pulled from the Discovery Channel days before it was to be aired. You can watch it on youtube. Are you willing to take the "red pill" or do you wish to continue believing the bullshit you are fed? It's up to you.
"i am grateful for every minute i spent with him and i will always hold my friendship with him as one of my life's greatest gifts" - President Bill Clinton
"i am grateful for every minute i spent with him and i will always hold my friendship with him as one of my life's greatest gifts" - President Bill Clinton

Especially when they were coordinating the money laundering logistics under Operation Centaur Rose for the proceeds derives from cocaine being flown into the Mena Airport during the Iran/ Contra scandal era. They shared one special moment when Chip Tatum taped a conversation between Bill "drop trou" and Bush about the topic of someone "skimming" off the top.

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