George H.W. Bush has died

one world government is sad tonight...

agreed deep state is sad too
George W. really isn't up to the task of taking over. . . .


So I guess that just leaves either Bill, Hillary, or. . . . Mueller? :ack-1:

that is quite the painting
Again...our greatest one term President. Only James Knox Polk compares. Navy pilot and war hero in Pacific during WWII. When Berlin Wall came down he could have went over there to be a part of it and gloated, but he had the good judgment not to as Gorbachev was struggling against hard liners in his country. When the coup attempt saw Gorbachev disappear for several days, he had a cool hand when nobody knew who controlled the Soviet nuclear arsenal. Put together an international coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. Had the good sense not to practice regime change in Iraq. Used Roosevelt Collary to protect U.S. interest in Central America with invasion of Panama. Lost to a liar and a draft dodger with no integrity in 1992. The cultural revolution of 1960’s and 1970’s had come home to roost. Too bad. If only he had another term.
George H. W. Bush was a kind and caring man who was a war hero and tried his best to be a good president. So show a little respect or shut the fuck up.

In what way was HW Bush a war hero? HW Bush was a fighter pilot who crashed his aircraft into the sea but was saved by a United States sewer pipe, submarine. HW Bush never engaged the enemy in battle.
HW Bush never engaged the enemy in battle.

Really makes me wonder why you need to make such pathetic lies.
A thousand points of Illuminati light! The Bush family is basically same family as the Clintons. Deep state. That said back when he was CIA he interviewed my Dad (OSS in WWII who worked for Robert McNamara at one time pre Viet Nam), for the Director of CIA job.
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Again...our greatest one term President. Only James Knox Polk compares. Navy pilot and war hero in Pacific during WWII. When Berlin Wall came down he could have went over there to be a part of it and gloated, but he had the good judgment not to as Gorbachev was struggling against hard liners in his country. When the coup attempt saw Gorbachev disappear for several days, he had a cool hand when nobody knew who controlled the Soviet nuclear arsenal. Put together an international coalition to kick Iraq out of Kuwait. Had the good sense not to practice regime change in Iraq. Used Roosevelt Collary to protect U.S. interest in Central America with invasion of Panama. Lost to a liar and a draft dodger with no integrity in 1992. The cultural revolution of 1960’s and 1970’s had come home to roost. Too bad. If only he had another term.

Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....

When he was questioned about his whereabouts on November 22, 1963, he said more than once that he couldn’t recall. LMFAO! I was six years old and still remember it clearly.

Hopefully some day all the heinous shit he was involved with will be known to all Americans.
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....

When he was questioned about his whereabouts on November 22, 1963, he said more than once that he couldn’t recall. LMFAO! I was six years old and still remember it clearly.

Hopefully some day all the heinous shit he was involved with will be known to all Americans.

giphy (18).gif
Bush, a "skull and bones" member was one of the major architects of the "deep state" infrastructure after the murder of JFK (of which he was involved with and was in Dallas that day). He was "CIA" all the way. A CFR and Trilateral Committee member that was a puppet of the Rockefellers. I have a lot more to say about George Herbert Walker Bush but will refrain from revealing more about this perverted POS. Am I sad that he is dead? No fucking way.....

When he was questioned about his whereabouts on November 22, 1963, he said more than once that he couldn’t recall. LMFAO! I was six years old and still remember it clearly.

Hopefully some day all the heinous shit he was involved with will be known to all Americans.

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That's all true. :dunno:
I guarantee that Bush orchestrated Reagan being shot. Be glad when his offspring kick off, too.

Corrupt, evil bastards all. I know it's not for man to judge, but I wouldn't bet on any of them going to heaven.

Just watch how the leftists put him on a pedestal. That's how you'll know he was a piece of shit.
Just saw a news alert on FOX that George H,W, Bush has passed away.
Former President George H.W. Bush Dies at 94
Read my lips "No more Bushes".. The liberal media was swooning over the Bush dynasty, yet every time a Bush was in, they attacked him for the Republican(not conservative) that he was. Establishment Republicans are liberal lites, tired of them. May he burn in hell with the Kennedy's.
He was incredibly corrupt

Every politician is corrupt.

George H.W. Bush was our last President that was actually a Patriot that served or Nation with Honor.

Love or hate his politics but he was the last of his kind in our political spectrum.

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