George Santos shouldn't resign because Elizabeth Warren, Ilhan Omar, Dick Blumenthal set precedent

Your hysterical attempt to justify Santos perpetrating massive fraud upon the electorate is amusing.

It is as if a defense attorney for a murderer were to insist that what his client had done was okay because he could allege that somebody had harmed somebody somewhere else at some other time.

Most amusing.

Santos should resign for engaging in academic dishonesty - the day after Biden does.

You Nazis are nothing, if not hypocritical frauds...


If he didn't lie about them it would be the first time he didn't like about something, Trump brown noser. He threatened to sue the Wharton School if they released his grades. The same school where one of his professors said your boy was the stooooopidest student he ever had, Trump hack.

But continue to plant your face in the ass of a loser.

Focus fuckbucket - this is about Santos doing EXACTLY what Biden did and you Nazi twats demanding ONLY Santos be punished.

Would you agree that Santos should resign - the day after Biden does?
And it's really sad seeing the Republicans line up to defend this guy.
No one is defending Santos - you lying Nazi hypocrite.

Santos should resign for lying about his academic record.

The day after Biden resigns for lying about his academic record.

Oh, but that's rub, isn't it, you fucking Nazi hypocrite - you only want rules for Republicans - your Reich is too important to apply standards to - Seig Heil.
Santos should resign for engaging in academic dishonesty - the day after Biden does.

You Nazis are nothing, if not hypocritical frauds...



It is important to recognize that not all Republicans are moral cowards. They are the exception.

Republicans with integrity are honestly confronting the embarrassment.

The truth will be exposed.
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It is important to recognize that not all Republicans are moral cowards.

But all Nazi democrats are.

Will you agree that Santos should resign?

The day after Quid Pro does?

Or are you too much of a partisan hypocrite?

But all Nazi democrats are.
If you wish to fantasize that 81,283,501 Americans, 51.3% of the 2020 electorate, chose Nazi rule, I hope you eventually come to grips with reality.

Good luck with that.

Your problem is clearly more serious than your futile desire to defend a chronic liar who is being exposed.
Focus fuckbucket - this is about Santos doing EXACTLY what Biden did and you Nazi twats demanding ONLY Santos be punished.

Would you agree that Santos should resign - the day after Biden does?
Santos can resign, but not Biden & he won't.

Enjoy that shit sandwich right after you admit that Trump is a compulsive liar who is playing you brown noser's for fools.
Exactly. I don’t deny Santos lied. The Democrat rank and file deny all of their elected Democrats lying and then have the audacity to hold Republicans for one of their elected officials caught lying.

No one denies Santos lied.

And he should resign - the day after Quid Pro does.

The only hypocrites here are the Nazis - who call for Santos to resign but protect Bought and Paid For.
If you wish to fantasize that 81,283,501 Americans, 51.3% of the 2020 electorate, chose Nazi rule, I hope you eventually come to grips with reality.

One rule for Santos, non for Quid Pro.

You Nazi hypocrites are laughable.

Good luck with that.

Your problem is clearly more serious than your futile desire to defend a chronic liar who is being exposed.

That you Nazis are fucking hypocrites isn't my problem.

Y'all just need a 1945...
you can't have different standards for different parties. either they ALL resign, or they ALL stay!

Who cares? He's just another democrat scumbag. He just calls himself an r.

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