George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With Loot

yeah, it doesn't bother any of you that this man has a hand in OUR politics

He is an American Citizen. He has just as much right to have a hand in our politics as does the Koch brothers.

Well fine then..don't let this mans PAST stop you all from him donating to YOUR all don't CARE as long as the MONEY is rolling in..

and you talk about Romney and his money

George Soros: Definition from

born Aug. 12, 1930, Budapest, Hung.) Hungarian-U.S. financier. He left his native Hungary in 1944 and settled in London in 1947, where he studied and joined a merchant bank. He moved to New York City in 1956 and initially worked as an analyst of European securities. By 1979 his daring investments and currency speculation brought large profits, some of which he used to found Soros Foundations, dedicated to creating open societies in many eastern European countries and Russia. Other Soros programs have been dedicated to enlarging public debate on a wide range of controversial issues. In 1992 he reached new heights of wealth, making a profit of about $1 billion when Britain devalued the pound sterling, but in 1998 he suffered large losses from currency speculation in Russia.

Read more: George Soros: Definition from
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.

The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.

The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.

Garbage. EVERYONE knows about the Koch Brothers, it's all over the mainstream media. If you think that Soros isn't in it for his own gain, you are way more ignorant that your name implies.
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.

The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.

Soros doesn't hide, Democrats hide.

Soros has a reputation and Democrats attempt to downplay it.

Soros is a destroyer of economies. He believes that countries should have open borders. He supports the pilliaging of wealth and resources. He bets on failing economies. He is not even remotely like the Koch Brothers. He is a criminal.
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.

The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.

Soros doesn't hide, Democrats hide.

Soros has a reputation and Democrats attempt to downplay it.

Soros is a destroyer of economies. He believes that countries should have open borders. He supports the pilliaging of wealth and resources. He bets on failing economies. He is not even remotely like the Koch Brothers. He is a criminal.

They are all the same, you don't get to be a billionaire without screwing people over in a big way, thing is, Soros and his money and whatever influence he actually has could disappear tomorrow and it would not make a bit of difference to policy or democrats getting elected or not. Many such as myself would welcome his absence from politics.
The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.

Soros doesn't hide, Democrats hide.

Soros has a reputation and Democrats attempt to downplay it.

Soros is a destroyer of economies. He believes that countries should have open borders. He supports the pilliaging of wealth and resources. He bets on failing economies. He is not even remotely like the Koch Brothers. He is a criminal.

They are all the same, you don't get to be a billionaire without screwing people over in a big way, thing is, Soros and his money and whatever influence he actually has could disappear tomorrow and it would not make a bit of difference to policy or democrats getting elected or not. Many such as myself would welcome his absence from politics.


You'll take the money in a microsecond just the same.

And not all billionares are the same.

That assumes that Sam Walton had the same goals as George Soros.

Walton brought affordable products to the market while Soros specializes in destroying productive societies that have dishonest politicians willing to sell out their country.
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Soros doesn't hide, Democrats hide.

Soros has a reputation and Democrats attempt to downplay it.

Soros is a destroyer of economies. He believes that countries should have open borders. He supports the pilliaging of wealth and resources. He bets on failing economies. He is not even remotely like the Koch Brothers. He is a criminal.

They are all the same, you don't get to be a billionaire without screwing people over in a big way, thing is, Soros and his money and whatever influence he actually has could disappear tomorrow and it would not make a bit of difference to policy or democrats getting elected or not. Many such as myself would welcome his absence from politics.


You'll take the money in a microsecond just the same.

And not all billionares are the same.

That assumes that Sam Walton had the same goals as George Soros.

Walton brought affordable products to the market while Soros specializes in destroying productive societies that have dishonest politicians willing to sell out their country.

They are all the same, Walmart had a big hand in forcing manufacturing off-shore, has a dismal labor relations record and has put local businesses out of business in a big way. There is not an ounce of altruism in Walmart's business model, they have not been a net benefit to our country.
Obama is getting set to run the first $Billion Presidential Campaign in History. Where do the Obamabots think he's gonna get all that cash? Here's a hint, he has received more money from Corporate Banks than any other Politician in the last 20yrs. 'Hope & Change' is such a scam. Obamabots are the biggest dupes in History.
They are all the same, you don't get to be a billionaire without screwing people over in a big way, thing is, Soros and his money and whatever influence he actually has could disappear tomorrow and it would not make a bit of difference to policy or democrats getting elected or not. Many such as myself would welcome his absence from politics.


You'll take the money in a microsecond just the same.

And not all billionares are the same.

That assumes that Sam Walton had the same goals as George Soros.

Walton brought affordable products to the market while Soros specializes in destroying productive societies that have dishonest politicians willing to sell out their country.

They are all the same, Walmart had a big hand in forcing manufacturing off-shore, has a dismal labor relations record and has put local businesses out of business in a big way. There is not an ounce of altruism in Walmart's business model, they have not been a net benefit to our country.

High overhead forced Walton to look for other options. Products made in America are more expensive. You can thank the unions, the tree-huggers, and the EPA for that. If the cost per unit is X amount and you can buy it from China for a quarter of that price and you pass that on to the are lost in the process. Wages, taxes, environmental considerations are more cost effective in China. The consumer doesn't understand all of this. They just want what they can afford.

I'm just thinking about how many jobs Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi pissed away with their demands.
The liberal mind:

George Soros gives money to democrats=good
The Koch brothers give money to Republicans=bad

Result, the Koch Brothers are evil.

The Koch brothers are evil, if they had their way, they would own the republican party and you would not even know their name. Soros is making no attempts to hide his support from the public, and he is certainly not trying dismantle the regulatory structure for his own gain.

Yo brain is occupied with

Soros Opens the Spigot

May 9th, 2012 Posted by Matthew Vadum

George Soros is once again putting his money where his mouth is.

The Left’s favorite Wall Street billionaire and a cohort of his radical confederates are promising to contribute as much as $100 million to help the Democratic Party win this November so it can lay the groundwork for the destruction of what’s left of American civil society.

News of the trust fund tidal wave comes after the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance opted to drown Democrats and President Obama’s re-election campaign in an ocean of cash this year. The ultra-secretive group, founded in 2005, is a financial clearinghouse that recommends to its wealthy members projects and groups that aspire to dismantle America as we know it, transforming the nation into a European-style socialist state. The group has directed untold hundreds of millions of dollars to left-of-center causes.

Soros, a currency speculator and convicted inside-trader, is a practiced hand-wringer who frequently tells gullible reporters he is getting out of electoral politics altogether. This is his mantra between elections even though he never actually follows through on the threat.

The preeminent funder of the Left in the United States, Soros openly favors the collapse of the greenback and the decline of America in general. He has said European-style socialism “is exactly what we need now.” He praises Communist China effusively, saying the brutal totalitarian nation has “a better-functioning government than the United States.”

Soros and his billionaire buddies are going to give a king’s ransom to organizations that focus on grassroots organizing, vote manufacturing, and getting welfare recipients and illegal immigrants to the polls so they can vote themselves more taxpayer-funded benefits. The donors plan to take this approach because they are wary of competing directly with pro-Republican “super PACs,” which are independent political action committees without contribution limits. These left-wing fat cats dislike the Supreme Court’s freedom-affirming Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision that opened the door to unlimited campaign expenditures, the New York Times reports.

Soros Opens the Spigot | FrontPage Magazine

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Soros does it every election. It's probably a very bad investment for him this year though.
I don't know what anybody is bitching about. Every time I said Koch Brothers, I got "Soros" back - so nothing has changed.

Yet a thread has been dedicated on his behalf.


Soros could just be getting started with $2 million to boost to the left

5/11/12 By Dan Gainor

Occasionally, even George Soros steps out of the shadows. He did so in 2004 when he spent at least $32 million trying to prevent George W. Bush’s reelection. Now he’s come off the sidelines and is throwing his millions at Democratic grassroots groups to bail President Obama out of a jam.

Soros, the moneybags of the left, has spent $38 million in the last several years funding politicians and the left’s political machine. He also gave $550 million to liberal causes in 2000 through 2009 – covering a wide range of issues from abortion to gay rights to immigration. It's safe to say that pretty much anything conservatives support has an opposition group or several funded by Soros.

While he had made noises about not getting involved this election, no one really believed him. According to the May 8, New York Times, “Soros will contribute $1 million each to America Votes, a group that coordinates political activity for left-leaning environmental, abortion rights and civil rights groups, and American Bridge 21st Century, a super PAC that focuses on election-oriented research.”

This isn’t much of a shock.

Though Soros is disappointed in Obama, there’s no politician he likes better than our commander in chief.

The Democratic president has received more money from Soros and his kin than any other political candidate in the last 11 years – $16,000 and counting. They also gave an additional $250,000 to the inauguration fund, with five members of the family each giving the maximum contribution of $50,000.

Given the financial limits on donations, that’s an impressive amount of support.

Obama leads a list of the most doctrinaire liberals running for office – all funded by Soros and his family. Those include former comic-turned Sen. Al Franken, lefty Calif. Sen. Barbara Boxer and new “progressive” darling and Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren.

Admitting Soros is an election power broker, of course, messes with the liberal ballot propaganda.

The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel delivered one recent rant complaining about the power of “the Koch brothers, Citizens United, and a right-wing activist Supreme Court ready to roll back decades of New Deal jurisprudence.”

That’s only one of an endless stream of such lunacy.

The Kochs aren’t an election problem, no matter how much the left tries to demonize them. If anyone’s money is impacting American politics, it’s George Soros’s.

Read more: Soros could just be getting started with $2 million to boost to the left | Fox News
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George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts

5/8/12 By Brett Smiley

Billionaire investor George Soros will be supplying $2 million to independent Democratic groups focused on grassroots election efforts as part of a greater donor initiative to enhance outreach and voter registration operations. Soros will divide his donation equally between America Votes, a group that provides coordination and campaign support to progressive organizations; and American Bridge 21st Century, a super-PAC that focuses on communications and election-oriented research. Soros's contribution will be part of a nearly $100 million boost from major liberal donors to like-minded causes and efforts. According to a New York Times report, Soros and others are pledging funds to grassroots-type groups in part because they don't believe they can match the massive Republican super-PAC-funded negative television ad bombs, but also as a symbolic rejection of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which gave birth to super-PACs that may spend on campaigns without limits.

Beneficiaries of the $100 million infusion from the major liberal donors include organizations like the Latino Engagement Fund (part of the Democracy Alliance), a group that works to register and turn out Latino voters for Democrats.

George Soros and Other Rich Guys to Infuse Democrats With $100 Million for Grassroots Efforts -- Daily Intel

"It's alive, it's alive"

Soros could just be getting started with $2 million to boost to the left

5/11/12 By Dan Gainor

Occasionally, even George Soros steps out of the shadows. He did so in 2004 when he spent at least $32 million trying to prevent George W. Bush’s reelection. Now he’s come off the sidelines and is throwing his millions at Democratic grassroots groups to bail President Obama out of a jam.

Soros, the moneybags of the left, has spent $38 million in the last several years funding politicians and the left’s political machine. He also gave $550 million to liberal causes in 2000 through 2009 – covering a wide range of issues from abortion to gay rights to immigration. It's safe to say that pretty much anything conservatives support has an opposition group or several funded by Soros.

While he had made noises about not getting involved this election, no one really believed him. According to the May 8, New York Times, “Soros will contribute $1 million each to America Votes, a group that coordinates political activity for left-leaning environmental, abortion rights and civil rights groups, and American Bridge 21st Century, a super PAC that focuses on election-oriented research.”

This isn’t much of a shock.

Though Soros is disappointed in Obama, there’s no politician he likes better than our commander in chief.

The Democratic president has received more money from Soros and his kin than any other political candidate in the last 11 years – $16,000 and counting. They also gave an additional $250,000 to the inauguration fund, with five members of the family each giving the maximum contribution of $50,000.

Given the financial limits on donations, that’s an impressive amount of support.

Obama leads a list of the most doctrinaire liberals running for office – all funded by Soros and his family. Those include former comic-turned Sen. Al Franken, lefty Calif. Sen. Barbara Boxer and new “progressive” darling and Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren.

Admitting Soros is an election power broker, of course, messes with the liberal ballot propaganda.

The Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel delivered one recent rant complaining about the power of “the Koch brothers, Citizens United, and a right-wing activist Supreme Court ready to roll back decades of New Deal jurisprudence.”

That’s only one of an endless stream of such lunacy.

The Kochs aren’t an election problem, no matter how much the left tries to demonize them. If anyone’s money is impacting American politics, it’s George Soros’s.

Read more: Soros could just be getting started with $2 million to boost to the left | Fox News

No, really; THAT is fine. Like I said. Every time I pointed out the Koch Brothers efforts, everybody pointed me back at Soros. Citizens United made that possible, Hoorah!

You can't demonize one and not the other, home skillet.
Every time I hear about George Soros I can't help but think about Saul Alinsky... always Jewish dudes.

[ame=]Maher: 'Who The F**k Is Saul Alinsky?' - YouTube[/ame]

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