George W. Bush Paintings.

He gets perspective but his paintings aren't pleasant to look at. I hate that he is trying to pretend it is artistic expression when they really are caricatures. He always has been a joker, I can almost see him cackling as he was drawing.

Not for me but because he's an ex president, people will want them.
Except, no, these aren't "amateurish".

The first time I heard about Bush painting was something he did of himself in the shower.

I wanted to have a laugh and had a look at it.

And it showed remarkable talent.

I'll agree as a president Bush was terrible. But not everything he did as President was terrible.

He saved a great deal of people in Africa from AIDS.

He deployed the US military on life saving missions in Iran and Thailand.

He was the most colorblind President in history.

He created an underwater sanctuary near Hawaii.

He got the Israelis to give up Gaza.

He was the author of the Road to citizenship and cap and trade.

On the whole, I view the guy as a good person that got into the wrong crowd and made some very bad decisions.

I agree on all of these points. I've actually always thought that I'd get along very well with Bush. I've never thought he was a bad person.

As an artist, I'm still on the fence though.

That's fine.

Basically, the point of the thread was just to show another side to a rather complicated fellow.

Seems there is more depth to the man, than many, including myself, gave him.

Funny how folks view the same items in a different light...I for one, think W's paintings r shallow..and show no depth or true comprehension of the subject.
Shallow...Just like the painter...who seldom went beyond the superficial and pretentious in his utterances and decisions. "Good Man Brownie"...etc.
He still does not appear to comprehend the magnitude of his errors which resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths...and morally bankrupted our nation.

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They look like caricatures.


No, caricatures take real talent. Seriously. The shrub's paintings are clumsy and heavy handed, very amateurish. If he were not the ex-prez, we would never see them, never know about them.

The terrible tragedy is that his name is Bush and bin Laden's money bought him the presidency. If he had just churned out his childish paintings, he would not now be a war criminal and the shame of our country.


yep. Painting a few impressionist picktures doesn't make up for the war-of-choice at Kristol's (he works at Fox now :) ) behest plus all the other "stuff" his admin did.
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The man likes to paint so what you either like them or you don't.

gee willekers. a reasonable reply to the actual topic. im shocked and amazed. thank you.:eusa_clap:

the rest of yall are just bitching at each to bitch. same shit, different day.
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The man likes to paint so what you either like them or you don't.

gee willekers. a reasonable reply to the actual topic. im shocked and amazed. thank you.:eusa_clap:

the rest of yall are just bitching at each to bitch. same shit, different day.
I think most libs will not pass up any opportunity to Bush bash. It's like sex for them, only better. 100,000 deaths? Please.

I'm an artist and caricatures are my favorite. I would put them a bit more in the caricature department, I don't think he was going for an exact likeness but trying to capture the personality. I think his Putin one was revealing, like a machine or android. They are what they are, I don't think he was hoping for the Guggenheim.
Absolutely not. That is not true. People who know nothing about true artistic value might think so, but it is not true at all.

You need a pin in your bubble. Art is about commerce. If you can't sell your shit, you are a worthless artist. Rent a storage space. Decorate that.

Van Gogh sold one painting during his lifetime - to his brother.

And you're an idiot.

You proved her point, idiot

They're not bad. He did especially well with his father (not a surprise) but also with Putin. Angie's eyes are uneven.

I think it's pretty neat that former Pres. Bush has taken up painting.

I do too. I like when anyone gets creative with the human spirit. That's never a bad thing.

Are they "good" art? I dunno, not for me, but art isn't about competition, it's about expression.

Did I like what he did in office? Not at all, no way. But that's not related here. His failings as a politician have nothing to do with putting brush to canvas. I'm not going to find fault with artistic expression just because he sucked as a leader. If that were a legitimate way to analyze nobody would ever get credit for anything. It's the same reason I put up a music thread featuring politicians playing instruments -- it gives us a chance to see them as real people connected to the human Spirit, rather than monsters out to kill us all.

It's art, not politics. Lighten up, folks.

What do all you Lefties think of this? Amateurish?

You argument is fallacious.

Winston Churchill was a politician
GW Bush was a politician
Therefore they are either equally talented, or untalented, as artists

It doesn't work that way.

Anyway, though Churchill has more talent than Bush, he is still not a great artist. People would not pay large sums of money for his paintings if he were not Churchill.

Some people just like to politicize anything.

So, I think it's pretty neat that former President Bush has taken up painting, and as Ilar mentioned, his stuff probably won't hang in the Louvre, but it's not bad, either.

Sallow also made a very good note that Pres. Bush, or rather, his presidency, was complicated. There are a number of his policies, esp. Iraq, that I didn't like, but I never disliked the man, not even once. And Righties can scour all of USMB and will not see even one cross word from me about either former Pres. Bush or former Vice-Pres. Cheney, because, unlike some batshit crazy, ODS infected Righties, I don't go around trashing Presidents of the other party, never have, never will.

I also don't agree with Esmeralda about the quality of his works. For the short number of years he has invested into painting, the stuff really isn't bad. I enjoyed looking at it.
So was John Wayne Gacy.

And Gacy didn't kill near as many people as Bush did. Gacy couldn't profit from his "art" and Bush can. Not that Bush needs the money since he and his family sacked the treasury of the United States. Not to mention the money they get from the bin Laden's.

The only place his paintings are hanging is in his own library. If he had not bought his own "gallery", they'd be stacked up in a spare room where they belong.

I think he still thinks Boooosh lied about WMDs.

^^^ Still drinking the Kool-Aid. :lol:
"still think they blame Booooosh for the economy crumbling under Booooosh even though the democrats took over the power in 2007. Cause until 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent."

Sent the silliness above to friends of mine at UT, A&M, UofU, BYU, and Rice to demonstrate a false statement used as propaganda.
"still think they blame Booooosh for the economy crumbling under Booooosh even though the democrats took over the power in 2007. Cause until 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent."

Sent the silliness above to friends of mine at UT, A&M, UofU, BYU, and Rice to demonstrate a false statement used as propaganda.

"I'm a republican"
Hitler was a good artist too.

Good in what way?

I've seen Hitler's art.

It's pretty juvenile.

Yes this is one of Hitler's works. He was a mediocre artist, someone who wanted to be an artist and applied for art school. He was far more able as an artist than GW. None of this has to do with politics; it has to do with ability. Compared to Churchill and Hitler, GW's work is not very good at all. And none of them would garner any attention for their talent if they were not well known political leaders. No one would ever pay attention. I'd wager GW could not even sell anything of his at a garage sale, if it were done by an ordinary person with no public reputation. You could get a paint by number kit and paint your own picture of one of those political leaders, or pay a couple of dollars for one of GW's. My opinion of his work has nothing to do with politics. He just isn't any good.
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