George W. Bush Paintings.

Good in what way?

I've seen Hitler's art.

It's pretty juvenile.

Yes this is one of Hitler's works. He was a mediocre artist, someone who wanted to be an artist and applied for art school. He was far more able as an artist than GW. None of this has to do with politics; it has to do with ability. Compared to Churchill and Hitler, GW's work is not very good at all. And none of them would garner any attention for their talent if they were not well known political leaders. No one would ever pay attention. I'd wager GW could not even sell anything of his at a garage sale, if it were done by an ordinary person with no public reputation. You could get a paint by number kit and paint your own picture of one of those political leaders, or pay a couple of dollars for one of GW's. My opinion of his work has nothing to do with politics. He just isn't any good.

How bizarre to e talking about how well various war criminals paint. (Obviously, I don't mean Churchill).

^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
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Yes this is one of Hitler's works. He was a mediocre artist, someone who wanted to be an artist and applied for art school. He was far more able as an artist than GW. None of this has to do with politics; it has to do with ability. Compared to Churchill and Hitler, GW's work is not very good at all. And none of them would garner any attention for their talent if they were not well known political leaders. No one would ever pay attention. I'd wager GW could not even sell anything of his at a garage sale, if it were done by an ordinary person with no public reputation. You could get a paint by number kit and paint your own picture of one of those political leaders, or pay a couple of dollars for one of GW's. My opinion of his work has nothing to do with politics. He just isn't any good.[/QUOTE]Yes he is, you're full of shit. Painting is new to him and looking at the work objectively, they're pretty good, especially for a newby. You can't look at it objectively, you've made that clear. We get it. Hitler studied art and was at it a while before painting the above, you have no idea what someone's ability or potential is. You don't know what you're talking about.
^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.
Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

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The man likes to paint so what you either like them or you don't.

gee willekers. a reasonable reply to the actual topic. im shocked and amazed. thank you.:eusa_clap:

the rest of yall are just bitching at each to bitch. same shit, different day.
I think most libs will not pass up any opportunity to Bush bash. It's like sex for them, only better. 100,000 deaths? Please.

I'm an artist and caricatures are my favorite. I would put them a bit more in the caricature department, I don't think he was going for an exact likeness but trying to capture the personality. I think his Putin one was revealing, like a machine or android. They are what they are, I don't think he was hoping for the Guggenheim.

WHAT? W's rendering of Putin looks like "a machine or android"? U mean U don't think W captured the "soul" that he once saw in Putin's eyes?...

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Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.
He was supposed to enroll in art school? WTF? He learned to be a fighter pilot while young. That takes some dedication with a much higher risk than painting. Sorry he hurt your feelings, are there no meds for that?
Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

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He had an art teacher come to his house and teach him....So what.

The artist formally know as Mr. President had to do the leg work and use the brush himself , develop his technique and practice. I wonder how much of his work he threw in the trash can before he felt it was good enough to keep. It takes time and devotion for any artist in any genre to develop and hone true skills.
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WHAT? W's rendering of Putin looks like "a machine or android"? U mean U don't think W captured the "soul" that he once saw in Putin's eyes?...
He was being diplomatic dr. littledick. You wouldn't know anything about that. I suppose he could be spending his time running around the net pretending to be a Dr. of psychology. But I'm sure he's be smart enough to make it look at least a little bit credible.
^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.

First, it wasn' Germany , he was in Austria, so the Weimar Republic has nothing to do with it. In addition, your assessment of why he wasn't admitted to art school is total BS. You don't have any idea about it, just spewing out BS.
^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.

First, it wasn' Germany , he was in Austria, so the Weimar Republic has nothing to do with it. In addition, your assessment of why he wasn't admitted to art school is total BS. You don't have any idea about it, just spewing out BS.
His family moved to Germany when he was three. He moved to Vienna when he was eighteen, I didn't say he lived in Berlin. Funny how a thread on Bush's paintings gets Hitler involved.

Berlin in the 1920s: Anything but calm before storm | The National
The German Empire had collapsed and was replaced by the Weimar Republic, which brought a short, fragile period of democracy.

For a brief few years - before the start of the global economic downturn in 1929 and before Adolf Hitler seized power - Berlin ranked alongside Paris as Europe's party capital.

The city was packed with bars, restaurants, dance halls, cabaret theatres offering risque shows and huge cinemas with full-sized symphony orchestras providing live musical accompaniment to the silent films.

The liberal Zeitgeist attracted many artists and writers to Berlin, including Christopher Isherwood, the British-American novelist whose work inspired the Hollywood musical Cabaret, which summed up the spirit of the era.
^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.

Guess somebody didn't get the memo from Revisionista Central that "Hitler was a liberal"... :eusa_shhh: :rofl:

Hear that? Somewhere on the internets, Buttsoiler just threw his laptop across the room.
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Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.

First, it wasn' Germany , he was in Austria, so the Weimar Republic has nothing to do with it. In addition, your assessment of why he wasn't admitted to art school is total BS. You don't have any idea about it, just spewing out BS.
His family moved to Germany when he was three. He moved to Vienna when he was eighteen, I didn't say he lived in Berlin. Funny how a thread on Bush's paintings gets Hitler involved.

Berlin in the 1920s: Anything but calm before storm | The National
The German Empire had collapsed and was replaced by the Weimar Republic, which brought a short, fragile period of democracy.

For a brief few years - before the start of the global economic downturn in 1929 and before Adolf Hitler seized power - Berlin ranked alongside Paris as Europe's party capital.

The city was packed with bars, restaurants, dance halls, cabaret theatres offering risque shows and huge cinemas with full-sized symphony orchestras providing live musical accompaniment to the silent films.

The liberal Zeitgeist attracted many artists and writers to Berlin, including Christopher Isherwood, the British-American novelist whose work inspired the Hollywood musical Cabaret, which summed up the spirit of the era.

It was not Germany; it was Vienna.
In the Spring of 1906, at age seventeen, Hitler took his first trip to Vienna, capital city of the empire and one of the world's most important centers of art, music and old-world European culture. With money in his pocket provided by his mother, he went there intending to see operas and study the famous picture gallery in the Court Museum. Instead, he found himself enthralled by the city's magnificent architecture.

Hitler had developed a big interest in architecture. He could draw detailed pictures from memory of a building he had seen only once. He also liked to ponder how to improve existing buildings, making them grander, and streamlined city layouts. In Vienna, he stood for hours gazing at grand buildings such as the opera house and the Parliament building, and looking at Ring Boulevard.

As a young boy he had shown natural talent for drawing. His gift for drawing had also been recognized by his high school instructors. But things had gone poorly for him in high school. He was a lazy and uncooperative student, who essentially flunked out. To escape the reality of that failure and avoid the dreaded reality of a workaday existence, Hitler put all his hope in the dream of achieving greatness as an artist.

He decided to attend the prestigious Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. In October 1907, at age eighteen, he withdrew his inheritance money from the bank and went to live and study in Vienna. Hitler's mother was by now suffering from breast cancer and had been unsuccessfully operated on in January. But Hitler's driving ambition to be a great artist overcame his reluctance to leave her.

He took the two day entrance exam for the academy's school of painting. Confident and self assured, he awaited the result, quite sure he would get in. But failure struck him like a bolt of lightning. His test drawings were judged unsatisfactory and he was not admitted. Hitler was badly shaken by this rejection. He went back to the academy to get an explanation and was told his drawings showed a lack of talent for artistic painting, notably a lack of appreciation of the human form. He was told, however, that he had some ability for the field of architecture
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Hitler Fails Art Exam

Hitler was 18 when he applied to the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, planning to make his life as an artist. He flunked the drawing test and was rejected. He later wrote in Mein Kampf, "That gentleman [the rector] assured me that the drawings I had submitted incontrovertibly showed my unfitness for painting." Hitler's ability lay instead in architecture, the rector told the young man. By 1910 the 20-year-old Hitler was working in Vienna as a draftsman and painter of watercolors. William Shirer wrote in The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich that Hitler "sold hundreds of these pitiful pieces" to "petty traders to ornament a wall, to dealers who used them to fill empty picture frames on display and to furniture makers who sometimes tacked them to the backs of cheap sofas and chairs after a fashion in Vienna in those days."
Real History and Adolf Hitler, the Artist
Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

Lots of people interested in art take art instruction, you partisan douche.
Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.
He was supposed to enroll in art school? WTF? He learned to be a fighter pilot while young. That takes some dedication with a much higher risk than painting. Sorry he hurt your feelings, are there no meds for that?

Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....
Ur wrong...W never hurt my feelings..he just hurt America. Badly.No way is he going to paint himself out of that picture.

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Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....
Ur wrong...W never hurt my feelings..he just hurt America. Badly.No way is he going to paint himself out of that picture.
He hurt the libs, which is what I like most about him. I didn't like the spending but his policies did keep us safe after 9/11 so I don't agree with your opinion. Obama is hurting America now, look around. and FYI, the ANG was actively involved flying sorties in Vietnam at the time, his position there wasn't exactly ducking or safe harbor.
Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....

Lots of people who trained as pilots in the National Guard have never seen combat. Are you disparaging all of them? Lots of students get help from their parents in paying for college if they can. Are you disparaging all of them? President Bush has undoubtedly done more "real" and important work than you will ever do if you live to be 500. I don't recall him avoiding or denying the responsibilities of his office whether you agree with his performance of them or not.

You are obviously just being a mindless partisan douchebag. Maybe it's time for you to try something else.
Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....

Lots of people who trained as pilots in the National Guard have never seen combat. Are you disparaging all of them? Lots of students get help from their parents in paying for college if they can. Are you disparaging all of them? President Bush has undoubtedly done more "real" and important work than you will ever do if you live to be 500. I don't recall him avoiding or denying the responsibilities of his office whether you agree with his performance of them or not.

You are obviously just being a mindless partisan douchebag. Maybe it's time for you to try something else.

Irony alert.


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