George W. Bush Paintings.

They look like caricatures.


Here's the fun thing, deany.

You can't separate your hatred of the man for his talent.

These aren't 'caricatures'.

This is expressionism.

Expressionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a very talented artist.

Not true. Expressionism is an exaggerated artistic representation usually with an explosion of colors and forms that will create and heighten an emotional response. Look at the pictures on your link.

Now look at Bush's pictures. Every single portrait has the same blank expression as his animal pictures:







The only difference is that he can add enough that you can tell who it represents. But this is not very good art and certainly not "Expressionism". Because there simply isn't enough "expression". Get it? "Expression" and then "Expressionism".
Art is in the eye of the beholder. You want to see liberals froth at the mouth, try an art show. You can smell the inequality fermenting.

George Bush likes to paint. His paintings are worth money. Liberals can't destroy that. They should all have a stroke.

People will buy Bush's paintings because of who the painter is, not because of the quality of the art work -- same reason they pay money for a George Zimmerman painting.

It's not about art; it's about commerce.

All art is about commerce.

Very little art is about commerce. My beat Bush never sells a thing,nor want to.
Bush doesn't make his living as an artist, so he doesn't need to sell anything although he did sell a picture of a cardinal to be used as a Christmas ornament.

The greatest value paintings by the President has is the way they can drive liberals crazy.
It's just too bad that he didn't pursue his dream of being a painter and instead became president.

I looked through the photos and expected to see Tony Blair painted as a poodle.

Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

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According to some the art teacher is mighty pissed..............she taught him everything she knew...

Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

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According to some the art teacher is mighty pissed..............she taught him everything she knew...


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Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....

Lots of people who trained as pilots in the National Guard have never seen combat. Are you disparaging all of them? Lots of students get help from their parents in paying for college if they can. Are you disparaging all of them? President Bush has undoubtedly done more "real" and important work than you will ever do if you live to be 500. I don't recall him avoiding or denying the responsibilities of his office whether you agree with his performance of them or not.

You are obviously just being a mindless partisan douchebag. Maybe it's time for you to try something else.

My my my...don't u have ur panties in a bunch over ur fave prez W...
calling me a "mindless partisan douchebag" because I don't like ur boy W and the damage he's done to our country..taking no responsibility for the torture he authorized and the multitude of deaths caused by his asinine "pre-emptive war Bush doctrine"....
But Bet u have ur fill ridiculing our current prez, who worked his way up from bare existence...and works every day to prove the lives of ALL AMERICANS...not just the privileged.
Incidentally...most fighter pilots, whether deployed or not, do not quit in mid-assignment...that's known as being privileged. Otherwise..they're AWOL
U don't know me..and have no basis for determining how much "real important work" I've done relative to W...but I know that I've helped save human lives..whereas ur boy has not only wasted human lives...but does not seem to give a hoot about it.

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I don't like ur boy W and the damage he's done to our country..taking no responsibility for the torture he authorized and the multitude of deaths caused by his asinine "pre-emptive war Bush doctrine"....
Oh come on. You aren't fooling anyone. You're a Bushophobe. His manly unassuming stature has you all gooy inside. You are ashamed of your late night feelings for him. His touch. What would it be like? But you know you can't have him. Would your friends still accept you if they discovered the unbridled lust? Would they understand? Could they understand? Now this, he paints as well? Arggh....where's the meds??
Ah...a fighter pilot who never fought..ducked out of service to get another daddy paid for degree..and has ducked real work effort ...and responsibility for his actions throughout his presidency and ever since....

Lots of people who trained as pilots in the National Guard have never seen combat. Are you disparaging all of them? Lots of students get help from their parents in paying for college if they can. Are you disparaging all of them? President Bush has undoubtedly done more "real" and important work than you will ever do if you live to be 500. I don't recall him avoiding or denying the responsibilities of his office whether you agree with his performance of them or not.

You are obviously just being a mindless partisan douchebag. Maybe it's time for you to try something else.

Irony alert.

Do you still need help?
calling me a "mindless partisan douchebag" because I don't like ur boy W...

I call you a mindless partisan douchebag because that is exactly how you have presented yourself here. You have made no other indication about your character, or lack thereof. You don't like it? Then stop being a mindless partisan douchebag. Pretty simple.
U don't know me..and have no basis for determining how much "real important work" I've done relative to W...but I know that I've helped save human lives..whereas ur boy has not only wasted human lives...

I have every basis to be all but CERTAIN you have not done a tiny fraction of the "real important work" President Bush has done, which includes saving MILLIONS of lives in Africa. Can you top that, mouthy? I didn't think so.

Stop being an empty partisan talking machine and try being a real person for a change.
U don't know me..and have no basis for determining how much "real important work" I've done relative to W...but I know that I've helped save human lives..whereas ur boy has not only wasted human lives...

I have every basis to be all but CERTAIN you have not done a tiny fraction of the "real important work" President Bush has done, which includes saving MILLIONS of lives in Africa. Can you top that, mouthy? I didn't think so.

Stop being an empty partisan talking machine and try being a real person for a change.

Bush saving millions of lives in Africa is an even bigger myth than Reagan shrinking government or Reagan bringing down the debt. This rewrite of history is terrible.

Bush sent aid to Africa but at a price. Any clinic that was involved with family planning, distributing condoms or abortion was denied any kind of monetary help. He sent medicine for an incurable disease that prolonged the life of those who had the disease at the cost of teaching people how not to get it except by saying "don't have sex". Because of what Bush did, following lousy conservative policies, probably many more got sick than if people were also given condoms and told how to use them.

Republicans are always trying to bring in their "pretend morals". Look at how they treat the poor in this country. And they call what they did to Africa "help".
Ah...but W did not have to be concerned about getting into art school...His daughter reported that he had an art instructor come out to the ranch...
Like everything else in his self indulgent life...W got that handed to him.

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He had an art teacher come to his house and teach him....So what.

The artist formally know as Mr. President had to do the leg work and use the brush himself , develop his technique and practice. I wonder how much of his work he threw in the trash can before he felt it was good enough to keep. It takes time and devotion for any artist in any genre to develop and hone true skills.

^^^As I remember, from reading a bio of Hitler many, many years ago: he was not accepted into art school (a major art school in Austria, probably Vienna), because his work had no soul. He may have had decent ability with the technical machinery of painting, but his work emanated no soul. Interesting. He probably could have had a normal career as a commercial artist.
Germany, particularly Berlin, the hub for art, music, writing, etc. was very much into intellectualism, called the Weimar Republic. It wasn't that Hitler's work had no soul, it was old school and frowned on by intellectuals, much like modern liberals today.

Out of your league. Adolph Hitler studied Art in Austria, not Germany.
Out of your league. Adolph Hitler studied Art in Austria, not Germany.
I didn't say so genius. I said there was a intellectual movement that didn't appreciate what he had to offer. He got revenge in a big way.

An intellectual movement years after his artwork would have even been "en vogue".

Like I said, out of your league.
Out of your league. Adolph Hitler studied Art in Austria, not Germany.
I didn't say so genius. I said there was a intellectual movement that didn't appreciate what he had to offer. He got revenge in a big way.

An intellectual movement years after his artwork would have even been "en vogue".

Like I said, out of your league.
The 1920s was years after? So you think the Nazis ushered in the Weimar "intellectual" years? You are out of your league posting anything anywhere.
I didn't say so genius. I said there was a intellectual movement that didn't appreciate what he had to offer. He got revenge in a big way.

An intellectual movement years after his artwork would have even been "en vogue".

Like I said, out of your league.
The 1920s was years after? So you think the Nazis ushered in the Weimar "intellectual" years? You are out of your league posting anything anywhere.

Hitler tried art from 1906-1911. The 1920's was indeed YEARS AFTER THAT. The Weimar Republic happened after that. Even if his stuff, produced mostly in Austria, had made it to Berlin, it would have been reviewed by an entirely different crowd than the one you mention. The problem is with both your logic and your timeline.

I never said that the Nazis ushered in the Weimar Republic. You just love to make stuff up, like a little kid.

Care to try again, like a real adult?
Lots of people who trained as pilots in the National Guard have never seen combat. Are you disparaging all of them? Lots of students get help from their parents in paying for college if they can. Are you disparaging all of them? President Bush has undoubtedly done more "real" and important work than you will ever do if you live to be 500. I don't recall him avoiding or denying the responsibilities of his office whether you agree with his performance of them or not.

You are obviously just being a mindless partisan douchebag. Maybe it's time for you to try something else.

Irony alert.

Do you still need help?

Obviously not. I'm not the one digging myself into a hole. With an irony shovel.

Stop being an empty partisan talking machine and try being a real person for a change.


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