George Wallace 1964 speech Ball State

Long but great speech from the 1948 Democratic convention. Hubert Humphry s best speech on civil rights, His speech to the AFL-CIO
This is a real Liberal democrat folks listen to these speeches. Unlike what is called liberal today.
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He woulda been President in 72 if that Republican Nutjob in the black Turtleneck had not shot him
Bremer was a republican? He was a garden variety nut job wanting fame. He plotted to shoot Nixon prior to Wallace.
They did not allow Catholics into the Klan until the late 1960s
Whites Who Are Born Rich Deplore and Fear All Other White People

Reading about Arkansas Governor Faubus's 1957 defiance of integration, I had it confirmed that even the South's upper class followed the race treason of the Northern heiristocrats. Not only did they pressure Faubus to integrate, their class hatred targeted a high school that was predominately White working-class.
Long but great speech from the 1948 Democratic convention. Hubert Humphry s best speech on civil rights, His speech to the AFL-CIO
This is a real Liberal democrat folks listen to these speeches. Unlike what is called liberal today.

We Owe the Kenyan Everything

1948 was the beginning of Critical Race Theory. Race-traitor Humphrey's speech was what made the prescient Strom Thurmond reject the "Democratic" Party.

That's why the term "WOKE" doesn't make sense, as if the Afram predators and parasites haven't been aggressive these last 74 years. I hope it a sign of a desperate last stand. Like vampires, the Dindus see nothing if they ever look in the mirror.

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