George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

President Trump said recently that soon they will be taking down memorials of Washington and Jefferson. Well, they're doing it. In the very church that the father of our country attended. The man who courageously and brilliantly commanded our revolutionary army in the 1770s and 1780s, against the most powerful military force in the world at that time (Great Britain), and created our nation, now isn't considered worthy to have his memorial stand in the church he once attended.

Churchgoers there now are removing statues in the church of Robert E. Lee and Washington both. Church leaders say this is intended to make the place of worship "more welcoming". I would see it as exactly the opposite. Any church that would remove a statue memorial of our first president and valiant war hero, would not deserve my patronage. I'd quit going there.

This is quite revealing. It's yet another example of how some blacks in our society define themselves. And that is of not BEING part of our society. While black civil rights leaders are always calling for acceptance, and integration with the mainstream society, they are consistently coming up with ways to separate themselves from it. They really don't seem to want to be a part of the society around them as it has always been, hw our ancestors brought it to be.

In addition to removal of statues and monuments that have stood for a century or more, current generation blacks (some of them) give names to their kids that sound foreign to most Americans. The act of being different is no accident. It's a deliberate act of separation. Likewise with rap "music", patterns of speech, and even the moronic low pants wearing custom.

Current day blacks no longer need to decide if they want to be part of mainstream America. They have clearly decided. They don't. And all the high and mighty derisions of white nationalism, might be viewed in conjunction with all the black nationalism we see, much more prevalently.

George Washington’s Virginia church taking down his memorial
We need the government to intervene b/c an internal church matter wasn't handled to my liking. Who cares if I am not a member? Something needs to be done! lol
The government intervenes in all kinds off matters from racial composition to building codes being met to preserving the historical homes of various beloved leaders of our past.

It is funny that you dont grasp this point. It's really fairly simple.
We need the government to intervene b/c an internal church matter wasn't handled to my liking. Who cares if I am not a member? Something needs to be done! lol

This is a historical site, and goes beyond what todays church members want. Fuck them, make it official, close it down, turn it into a site to be toured by Americans who wish to see and feel our history.

That's a terrifying thought. You're advocating the government stepping in and closing a church b/c you don't like the way it's members are running their own church. I take solace in knowing that is very unlikely to occur in this matter.

I don't want the government doing something like this unless there is a very special reason. In this case, this is a historical site that is very special.

Also, keep in mind, government takes over private property all the time against the will of the owner, for such things like government buildings, or freeways, etc.

I bet most people believe their reason is "special" when they want to use the power of the state to punish people they disagree with.

At the end of the day, it's an internal church matter and the final decision should rest with the actual members of the church. Not some people on the web or some government agency.

Of course this fine by me, since it is just another example of Democrats taking a shit on our nations beloved leaders and history.

I just wonder how long it will be until Democrats wake up and realize that this is not earning them net votes in the next elections.
What a bunch of PC assholes. Said they felt threatened because of plaques...well now you dumbass bastards just drew attention to yourselves.
George Washington's Church Says Plaque Honoring First President Must Come Down
You want to put a former President before God?
I want to put pride, patriotism, and sanity, above political correctness and stupidity.
You don’t go to that church, you never will, and you can’t possibly know what issues they have there.
All over the Glens Falls/ Lake George area in upstate New York you can stumble upon little metal signs saying "George Washington slept here," or crossed the crick here or whatever. I don't know why "George Washington sat here" is so much worse.
Anyone who got offended that George Washington sat in that church really NEEDS to go to another church. If hoity toity DAR types give you vertigo, just remember there are other places you can worship. Let the Hysterical Society have its little plaque though.

OK! Sound the alarm! Put out a Silver Alert!

Someone has stolen Old Lady and replaced her with someone having common sense!
America haters started with Confederates but will end with erasing all American history.
We need the government to intervene b/c an internal church matter wasn't handled to my liking. Who cares if I am not a member? Something needs to be done! lol
The government intervenes in all kinds off matters from racial composition to building codes being met to preserving the historical homes of various beloved leaders of our past.

It is funny that you dont grasp this point. It's really fairly simple.

That isn't a very compelling argument for governmental intervention into an internal church matter. If the members of the church do not like the decision made they can remove those people from the leadership of the church and restore the monument. Rushing off to the government for a solution in a church matter is an overreach in my opinion.
UN Hemisphere 1 has no patriots, no pride, no statues portraying greatness, no history.
Love of country has got to go for the snowflakes to turn us over to the UN. And they will, happily.
I did some checking, and apparently this story is indeed true.
I don't know why I am surprised, but I'm pretty much speechless.
This is our nations father, this is our beginning. How dare they!
They dare because they have no allegiance to the USA, they have no allegiance to anyone or anything other than their own race here in America, where they are lost culturally.

The thing they complain about the most (segregation), is what they are making for themselves, day in and day out. It's their # 1 choice.
It could be other churches saw an "unfair advantage", or some members felt visitors came to services only to gawk at the memorial.
That isn't a very compelling argument for governmental intervention into an internal church matter. If the members of the church do not like the decision made they can remove those people from the leadership of the church and restore the monument. Rushing off to the government for a solution in a church matter is an overreach in my opinion.
Actually it is the government rushing to the church. Hopefully, in a hurry.

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