George Washington’s Church to Remove Plaques Honoring Him

We need the government to intervene b/c an internal church matter wasn't handled to my liking. Who cares if I am not a member? Something needs to be done! lol

This is a historical site, and goes beyond what todays church members want. Fuck them, make it official, close it down, turn it into a site to be toured by Americans who wish to see and feel our history.

That's a terrifying thought. You're advocating the government stepping in and closing a church b/c you don't like the way it's members are running their own church. I take solace in knowing that is very unlikely to occur in this matter.

I don't want the government doing something like this unless there is a very special reason. In this case, this is a historical site that is very special.

Also, keep in mind, government takes over private property all the time against the will of the owner, for such things like government buildings, or freeways, etc.

I bet most people believe their reason is "special" when they want to use the power of the state to punish people they disagree with.

At the end of the day, it's an internal church matter and the final decision should rest with the actual members of the church. Not some people on the web or some government agency.

It frequently happens that the members of the community promote the influence of the central power without intending to. Democratic eras are periods of experiment, innovation, and adventure. There is always a multitude of men engaged in difficult or novel undertakings, which they follow by themselves without shackling themselves to their fellows. Such persons will admit, as a general principle, that the public authority ought not to interfere in private concerns; but, by an exception to that rule, each of them craves its assistance in the particular concern on which he is engaged and seeks to draw upon the influence of the government for his own benefit, although he would restrict it on all other occasions. If a large number of men applies this particular exception to a great variety of different purposes, the sphere of the central power extends itself imperceptibly in all directions, although everyone wishes it to be circumscribed.

Thus a democratic government increases its power simply by the fact of its permanence. Time is on its side, every incident befriends it, the passions of individuals unconsciously promote it; and it may be asserted that the older a democratic community is, the more centralized will its government become.
Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 1
We need the government to intervene b/c an internal church matter wasn't handled to my liking. Who cares if I am not a member? Something needs to be done! lol
The government intervenes in all kinds off matters from racial composition to building codes being met to preserving the historical homes of various beloved leaders of our past.

It is funny that you dont grasp this point. It's really fairly simple.

That isn't a very compelling argument for governmental intervention into an internal church matter. If the members of the church do not like the decision made they can remove those people from the leadership of the church and restore the monument. Rushing off to the government for a solution in a church matter is an overreach in my opinion.

I think it is a very compelling situation, though I did not make an argument.

The argument would be that the 1) reverence we hold our nations Founding Fathers is a recursive reflection of the respect we have for the nation, the Republic and the People of the United States of America.2) The weakening of our reverence for these symbols weakens the ties that bind us as a nation as having profound concepts, interests and virtues that tie us together. This in turn causes more polarization and alienation from those who support the idiots that show disrespect to Washington.

Therefore if we want to strengthen our nation, reduce polarization and shore up our sense of mutual community ties, then we should halt this act of stupidity before it is able tob e completed.

This is another case of deep seated disrespect being shown to our nation by Democrats, and it is simply amazing that Democrats do not grasp how the other 60% of the country feels about it.

This next election is going to be a blow out.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location. Get a grip.
I did some checking, and apparently this story is indeed true.
I don't know why I am surprised, but I'm pretty much speechless.
This is our nations father, this is our beginning. How dare they!
That's what you get when you import a significant percentage of your population with Turd Worlders who don't have any attachment to your history or culture.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

I have a grip on reality!
They are moving them for the same old bullshit reason we see everywhere today. Some find it offensive, well they can go fuck themselves. If they don't like it then go somewhere else, memoralizing and preserving our history is more important than they are.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

I have a grip on reality!
They are moving them for the same old bullshit reason we see everywhere today. Some find it offensive, well they can go fuck themselves. If they don't like it then go somewhere else, memoralizing and preserving our history is more important than they are.
More important than god?
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location. Get a grip.

It's the reason they are moving them is the problem, but I see it goes right over your head. If George Washington isn't good enough for them, then they should look for somewhere else to go.
Get a grip.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

It's Lonnnnnnnnng. Got a synopsis on it by any chance ? 20 words or less ?
You are a Fox viewer I see.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

I have a grip on reality!
They are moving them for the same old bullshit reason we see everywhere today. Some find it offensive, well they can go fuck themselves. If they don't like it then go somewhere else, memoralizing and preserving our history is more important than they are.
More important than god?

I don't believe in a god, and preserving our history is more important than the current worshippers.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.
Today, the legacy of slavery and of the Confederacy is understood differently than it was in 1870. For some, Lee symbolizes the attempt to overthrow the Union and to preserve slavery. Today our country is trying once again to come to grips with the history of slavery and the subsequent disenfranchisement of people of color.

In simple terms they are trying to appease the Marxists in their midst, and that probably includes some clergy there since they are Episcopalian, and so more of our nations history is being savaged, undermined and destroyed by ideological zealots with the fix on the inside.

And libtards like you will never fail to celebrate, affirm and defend those who wipe their ass with Americas traditions, symbols and history.
They are moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location. Get a grip.

It's the reason they are moving them is the problem, but I see it goes right over your head. If George Washington isn't good enough for them, then they should look for somewhere else to go.
Get a grip.
You didn't answer the question snowflake. What does the bible say about idols?
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

I have a grip on reality!
They are moving them for the same old bullshit reason we see everywhere today. Some find it offensive, well they can go fuck themselves. If they don't like it then go somewhere else, memoralizing and preserving our history is more important than they are.
More important than god?

I don't believe in a god, and preserving our history is more important than the current worshippers.
I see.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

It's Lonnnnnnnnng. Got a synopsis on it by any chance ? 20 words or less ?
You are a Fox viewer I see.
You are an ad hominem using CNN drone I see.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

I have a grip on reality!
They are moving them for the same old bullshit reason we see everywhere today. Some find it offensive, well they can go fuck themselves. If they don't like it then go somewhere else, memoralizing and preserving our history is more important than they are.
More important than god?

I don't believe in a god, and preserving our history is more important than the current worshippers.
And moving the plaques from the sanctuary to a different location destroys our history? I don't believe that.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

It's Lonnnnnnnnng. Got a synopsis on it by any chance ? 20 words or less ?
You are a Fox viewer I see.
You are an ad hominem using CNN drone I see.
I would attack the substance of his argument if there was any.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

It's Lonnnnnnnnng. Got a synopsis on it by any chance ? 20 words or less ?
You are a Fox viewer I see.
You are an ad hominem using CNN drone I see.
I would attack the substance of his argument if there was any.
He asked you for a summation which you couldnt give because you apparently didnt read it, maybe only skimmed it right?

But instead of giving the requested summary, you deflect with an irrelevant comment about FOX news.

That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
They are only moving the plaques from the sanctuary. Seems to make perfect sense to me. It is a place to worship your god, for god's sake. Some of you really need to turn off your media outlets for a while and get a grip on reality. Here is the statement from the church.

It's Lonnnnnnnnng. Got a synopsis on it by any chance ? 20 words or less ?
You are a Fox viewer I see.
You are an ad hominem using CNN drone I see.
I would attack the substance of his argument if there was any.
He asked you for a summation which you couldnt give because you apparently didnt read it, maybe only skimmed it right?

But instead of giving the requested summary, you deflect with an irrelevant comment about FOX news.

That is who a leftie tries to simulate thinking.
Yea, because it is up to me to stimulate your thinking. Dopes.
This PC idiocy is only going to get worse we are slowly becoming a nation of pathetic candy asses who won't be able to leave their home because they might see or hear something that upsets them.

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