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George Will quits the Republican party

And you're a fascinating little study, Joe.

And by the way, I have interesting and stimulating conversations with normal people here quite often who disagree with me. Of course, those people aren't angry and hateful and miserable like you, constantly on the attack like a -- rottweiler!

Whoa! See what I did there?

People like you represent a little, wet, wormy thing wiggling around in my mental Petri dish. Poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

Right... I do enjoy the space I occupy in your head.

Meanwhile, we still laugh at your notion the PC police are ruining America because someone called HR on you once for that joke about the two blondes....
Okie dokie Mr. Rottweiler!

Grrr! Grrr!

You're very, very scary!
christiantoday fully recognizes that Trump will betray the white nationalists who are supporting because of his previous immigration policy.

Trump's campaign denies claims he is backtracking on Muslim ban | Christian News on Christian Today

"White nationalists"?

And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.

Please do.

Have you had a chance to look at Righteous Minds:Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion yet?
Well, they definitely get something out of it, even if it's temporary.

The question to me is whether this stuff is just a quick catharsis for them, or if they're like this in real life.

In real life, racists like you and Correll are quickly dragged down to HR and dispensed with.

Except that we are not actual racists.

And the fact that you would celebrate innocent people having their lives fucked up, is you being a vile person.

HOw can you be like you are? Have you no concept of right and wrong?
"We allowed foreign countries to subsidize their goods, devalue their currencies, violate their agreements and cheat in every way imaginable, and our politicians did nothing about it. Trillions of our dollars and millions of our jobs flowed overseas as a result.

I have visited cities and towns across this country where one-third or even half of manufacturing jobs have been wiped out in the last 20 years.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it puts all the blame on free trade (which I actually think is a bad thing). It isn't. A large part of that problem is Automation. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing WORLD WIDE, not just in the United States.

But FuckingNaziTrump blames brown people and you eat that shit up. .

What the fuck is wrong with you?

YOu make a valid point about automation, which I am completely prepared to answer, and then you go full godwin.

Automation is certainly part of the problem.

BUT so is "Free Trade".

Germany has TWICE the percentage of manufacturing we do in their workforce. So there are a lot of jobs that we are missing out on, not because of automation, but because of bad trade policy.

When you dismiss good people who have a Just Grievance about their interests being greatly harmed, when you go futher than dismissing them to calling the racist and fucking nazis,

you are being a complete asshole.

Today, we import nearly $800 billion more in goods than we export. We can’t continue to do that.

Well, yeah, we kind of can. 800 Billion might sound like a lot, but it's less than 5% of the GDP. .[/QUOTE]

The difference between a recession and a booming economy is less than 5% of GDP.

You are talking millions, no tens of millions of lives being seriously harmed by economic woes, with real suffering and real loss.

Have you ever been to the Rust Belt?

This is not some natural disaster, it’s a political and politician-made disaster. Very simple.

And it can be corrected and we can correct it fast when we have people with the right thinking. Right up here. It is the consequence…

It is the consequence of a leadership class that worships globalism over Americanism."

Uh, guy, a lot of the disaster is us. If US Manufacturing has fallen behind, it is largely the fault of US manufacturers and US Consumers. .[/QUOTE]

1. US consumers are not responsible for Trade Policy or Corporate decisions. Blaming them is bullshit.

2. Corporate leadership might be part of the problem. But we haven't addressed their incompetence, all we've done is allow them to hide the cost of their incompetence from their shareholders with the profits from cheap Third World labor.

I've worked in manufacturing for the last 20 years. Do you know who I see out in the plants? Not the poor white guys you think are so put upon. Nope. Mostly I see Hispanic and Asian women. .

THat's funny. If you saw mostly white guys, you would assume discrimination in hiring. But flip it, and you assume something is wrong with the "poor white guys".

The thing was, US Manufacturers are the ones who didn't keep up with innovation and efficiency. So not surprisingly, they lost out tothose who did. Protecting them from competition isn't going to fix that..

I call bullshit. This is about cheap labor, lax regulations, and unfair trade.

Fucking China is not more innovative or efficient than US.

The other part of the problem is the US Consumer himself. Given a choice between a Toyota and a Ford, he chooses a Toyota because a Toyota is quality and a Ford is "Fix Or Repair Daily" (And, yes, I heard that joke when I was 10. THAT'S how long theres been a problem.)

1. Then why the fuck haven't we done something about it? The idea was that harsh competition would force improvements in quality from US manufacturers and thus we would become competitive again.

That policy has failed.

And the incompetent CEO's have covered their asses with outsourcing. So, tell me again why you are on their side?

2. Consumers don't set Trade or Industrial policy. This is not on them. This is a matter for policy. The previous policy has failed and we need a new one, yesterday.
And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.

while you're at it, why don't you find a study about guys who make claims on line, and then get all whiny when people don't agree with them. I'mm sure we ahve those, too.

I don't think that it is that you disagree with him.

I disagree with him a LOT on a LOT of things. Such as Trump.

The problem is that you are a dick about it.

You don't just disagree, you call him a racist, every single time.

WIthout any cause.
Except that we are not actual racists.

And the fact that you would celebrate innocent people having their lives fucked up, is you being a vile person.

HOw can you be like you are? Have you no concept of right and wrong?

If your co-workers are ratting you out to HR, you probably are well over the edge.

I know I had one creepy ass co-worker who told what he thought was a really funny joke with the punchline "Fuck the Japs". The nice Japanese lady we had working in our department didn't think it was all that funny.

He really, truly didn't understand how offensive his joke was.

I'm sure he understood it less when he was cleaning out his desk.
And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Holy crap, there's all kinds of information and theories on this. One thing I've seen a couple of times now is the "online disinhibition effect" - anonymity making people braver.

This one is interesting: Why Are People So Mean? Has The Internet Destroyed Empathy & Compassion?

In an article published on News.com titled, Troll Psychology: Why People Are So Mean on the Internet”, author Amanda Gardener alluded to a possible reason for the frankness,

“The majority of communication is non-verbal, composed of body language, eye contact, speech tone and language patterns. Without this information to help us process and categorize information, our minds are left to sort through the uncertain. And, thanks to a leftover prehistoric penchant for fight or flight, being unsure about another person’s intent often creates a negative reaction to a perceived threat [source: Gardner].

This lack of inhibition also may be connected to a physical distance from the people to whom comments are directed. Turns out, the closer physical proximity you have to someone, the less likely you are to be mean-spirited. For example, one recent study found game show contestants were less likely to vote off a contestant standing next to them than one standing further away [source: Dallas].”

But really, that doesn't answer our question: Why. What people get out of behaving this way.

I'll keep sniffing around. This stuff is fascinating to me, the motivations of behaviors.

Mmm, that is very good news. It undermines my fear that all the libs I have met in real life were as much assholes as the ones online, just afraid to be themselves to my face.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

YOu make a valid point about automation, which I am completely prepared to answer, and then you go full godwin.

Automation is certainly part of the problem.

BUT so is "Free Trade".

Yes, it is. But NaziTrump doesn't have the answers. Oh, by the way, I will never say the word "Trump" again without the word Nazi in front of it.

Germany has TWICE the percentage of manufacturing we do in their workforce. So there are a lot of jobs that we are missing out on, not because of automation, but because of bad trade policy.

I'm not sure Germany is exactly a good example. Germany has the advantage of being part of a European Free Trade pact that it has abused its position in. (Hense, Greek Crisis and Brexit). But Germany also does a lot of things rights right. However, protectionism isn't one of them.

When you dismiss good people who have a Just Grievance about their interests being greatly harmed, when you go futher than dismissing them to calling the racist and fucking nazis,

you are being a complete asshole.

Yes, I do blame dumb ass cracker rednecks who blame brown people who are a little worse off than them instead of the rich who are causing their misery. NaziTrump is playing your racism like a fiddle.

The difference between a recession and a booming economy is less than 5% of GDP.

You are talking millions, no tens of millions of lives being seriously harmed by economic woes, with real suffering and real loss.

Have you ever been to the Rust Belt?

I have been. But you don't get WHY it's a rust belt. When the Germans and Japanese were spending the money to upgrade their factories in partnership between government and industry, our government was giving tax breaks to guys like NaziTrump who were too busy building casinos than factories.

1. US consumers are not responsible for Trade Policy or Corporate decisions. Blaming them is bullshit.

When was the last time you checked a product to see where it was made? Yes, you are part of the problem.

2. Corporate leadership might be part of the problem. But we haven't addressed their incompetence, all we've done is allow them to hide the cost of their incompetence from their shareholders with the profits from cheap Third World labor.

I promise you, their shareholders were totally on board with it.

THat's funny. If you saw mostly white guys, you would assume discrimination in hiring. But flip it, and you assume something is wrong with the "poor white guys".

There's nothing wrong with the poor white guys. I wouldn't want to work a repetitive job at $25,000 a year. I much rather would have my nice job in the office making a lot more than that sitting behind a computer cutting purchase orders and yelling at vendors. The thing is, I got there because I spent a lifetime developing those skills.

However, I doubt I'd have gotten those opportunities if I wasn't born white and male.

The thing is, white guys who haven't made that effort think that if they do the boring repetitive job, they should be making what the guys in the office make. But they keep voting for guys like NaziTrump who make their goods overseas.

I call bullshit. This is about cheap labor, lax regulations, and unfair trade.

Fucking China is not more innovative or efficient than US.

Have you been to a Chinese factory?

1. Then why the fuck haven't we done something about it? The idea was that harsh competition would force improvements in quality from US manufacturers and thus we would become competitive again.

That policy has failed.

And the incompetent CEO's have covered their asses with outsourcing. So, tell me again why you are on their side?

Protectionism isn't going to help our industries. You want an example of protectionism, look at North Korea.

2. Consumers don't set Trade or Industrial policy. This is not on them. This is a matter for policy. The previous policy has failed and we need a new one, yesterday.

Again, I'd have no problem revisiting trade as an issue, but I'm not going to vote for a Nazi to get there.
George Will, conservative intellect, columnist, has quit the Republican party because of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has taken the Republican party away from conservative values.

The new "Republicans" probably do not know who George Will or William F Buckley are.

The new "Republican" is an uneducated white person who has no idea about true conservatism.
I don't think that it is that you disagree with him.

I disagree with him a LOT on a LOT of things. Such as Trump.

The problem is that you are a dick about it.

You don't just disagree, you call him a racist, every single time.

WIthout any cause.

Other than he's constantly whining bout PC. You know who whines about PC? Racists.
Mmm, that is very good news. It undermines my fear that all the libs I have met in real life were as much assholes as the ones online, just afraid to be themselves to my face.

I think you are a little confused. Most people can't construct a verbal argument like they can a written one.

Going all the way back to college, I've had people who read my writing who were amazed what a nice guy I was face to face. (And this was back in college when I was a right wing young dumb conservative). the point is, the written format is very different than the spoken one. YOu can bring the rhetorical heavy artillery in, think about your points, revise your sentences to make them more effective.

And of course, once I humiliate you in person, you aren't going to keep coming back for more for days and days. Like you and Mackie seem to like to do on this thread.
Joe. Just because you think that that is what he should do, does not mean that he thinks the same.

He could honestly believe what he said is true, but be afraid that he could not prove it in court.


For you to pretend that your way is the only way, is you being a dishonest.

You right. Mine actually makes sense. If he had a case, he should have his lawyers argue it in court. Instead, he made these idiotic racists statements which don't change ONE THING Judge Curiel did, and makes Trump look worse as even his ALLIES like Gingrich had to distance themselves from it.

No, mine made perfect sense. YOu certainly did not point out a single flaw in it's reasoning or logic.

All you did was CLAIM it did not make sense and then restated your original position with a number of personal attacks.

My point stands.

He could honestly believe what he said is true, but be afraid that he could not prove it in court.


For you to pretend that your way is the only way, is you being a dishonest.

Are you claiming that a man who was ruled against might be wrong in thinking that the ruling was unfair and based on the fact that the judge hates him?

OMG. Thank god I was sitting when I read that. I nearly swooned.

I'm saying Trump should be a big enough boy torealize that the ruling was completely just, and his lawyers should have explained it to him if he didn't understand that.

Suddenly you are of the opinion that Trump is mature? And just in time to avoid the possibility that Trump might be sincerely mistaken (if he is even wrong)?

Well, that's pretty self serving of you.

I think that no matter how "mature" someone is, it is very easy to conclude that someone who has ruled against you did so because of personal animosity.

And that the reason you refuse to admit that painfully obvious truth, is because it takes away as excuse to smear Trump.

That is a real possibility you raised there. IT would be very normal and human of Trump to make such a mistake.

What it would NOT be would be racist.

What it would NOT be would be something that you lefties could use to smear Trump with.

SO, hence the odd position you lefties find yourself in, where you claim Trump is racist for saying what you have been saying for over a year.

ie that "hispanics" hate him.

Uh, sorry, us pointing out why he is hated is not the same thing as him claiming a completely legal and valid ruling against him was because "that mexican hates me". .[/QUOTE]

Nice dodge. The why is irrelevant to this discussion.

You also did not address my point, at all.

That is a real possibility you raised there. IT would be very normal and human of Trump to make such a mistake.(re: the judge ruled against him out of personal malice)

What it would NOT be would be racist.

What it would NOT be would be something that you lefties could use to smear Trump with.

Mmm, My point was against the white people in question and their failure to protect children from being raped.
I said nothing about Islam.

The rapists did happen to be islamic, and that was why the police and social workers allowed the Rape Ring to go on for another 11 years.

During which time at least a thousand children were raped and/or tortured and/or enslaved.

The only reason why you give a fuck is because they were Muslims running this criminal enterprise. I promise you, white people are doing the same thing in this country.

If they were doing it, they wouldn't get a pass like these muslim rapists did in 2002 and be allowed to continue for another 11 years.

That is the point about Political Correctness being real, and causing real harm.

And I present this, not so much because it is such a huge example, but because it is such a clear cut example.

The fear of false accusations of racism, which is a major part of what Political Correctness is, was not limited to this one case.

It is always there.

It is just rarely exposed.
I don't think that it is that you disagree with him.

I disagree with him a LOT on a LOT of things. Such as Trump.

The problem is that you are a dick about it.

You don't just disagree, you call him a racist, every single time.

WIthout any cause.

Other than he's constantly whining bout PC. You know who whines about PC? Racists.
Take a good look at that, Correll.

That's the standard binary thought process of a zealot.

If you're this, then you must be that. And that's it.

This is why it's impossible to communicate with them.
Hey Correll, bingo! Check this out:

Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls

First, trolls are more likely to display noxious personality characteristics, that is, traits that impair one’s ability to build relations and function in a civilised or pro-social way. In a comprehensive examination of their psychological profile, trolls were found to be more Machiavellian (impulsive and charming manipulators), psychopathic (cold, fearless and antisocial), and especially sadist than the overall population. Trolls enjoy harming and intimidating others, so much so that the authors of this study concluded that trolls are “prototypical everyday sadists”, and that trolling should be regarded as online sadism.

Second, trolling – like other forms of computer-mediated communication – unleashes people’s impulses by providing anonymity and temporary identity loss. This phenomenon, called deindividuation, is well known to psychologists and has been found to emerge in several areas of interpersonal relations, such as gaming, role-playing and crowd behaviours, particularly hooliganism. Thus even when we are not naturally sadistic, trolling may bring out the worst side in us, by lifting the moral constrains and social etiquette that regulates our behaviour in normal situations, and by fuelling dissent and triggering abrasive reactions.

Third, trolling is a status-enhancing activity: by attracting readers’ attention, upsetting people, sparking heated debates, and even gaining approval from others, trolls can feel important, perhaps much more than they are in their real lives. Thus trolling is yet another internet activity that promotes narcissistic motives, since trolls may be expected to be far less successful in attracting people’s attention in the physical world.

Nothing terribly surprising there, but it does reinforce my theories.

From the linked study.

"Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."

Sadism. I'm surprised I didn't make that connection myself.

I've been discussing wtih Lonelaugher my analysis that he is a sociopath.

I will have to re-examine that and see if sadism fits better.

This probably deserves a thread of it's own, Mac.
Hey Correll, bingo! Check this out:

Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls

First, trolls are more likely to display noxious personality characteristics, that is, traits that impair one’s ability to build relations and function in a civilised or pro-social way. In a comprehensive examination of their psychological profile, trolls were found to be more Machiavellian (impulsive and charming manipulators), psychopathic (cold, fearless and antisocial), and especially sadist than the overall population. Trolls enjoy harming and intimidating others, so much so that the authors of this study concluded that trolls are “prototypical everyday sadists”, and that trolling should be regarded as online sadism.

Second, trolling – like other forms of computer-mediated communication – unleashes people’s impulses by providing anonymity and temporary identity loss. This phenomenon, called deindividuation, is well known to psychologists and has been found to emerge in several areas of interpersonal relations, such as gaming, role-playing and crowd behaviours, particularly hooliganism. Thus even when we are not naturally sadistic, trolling may bring out the worst side in us, by lifting the moral constrains and social etiquette that regulates our behaviour in normal situations, and by fuelling dissent and triggering abrasive reactions.

Third, trolling is a status-enhancing activity: by attracting readers’ attention, upsetting people, sparking heated debates, and even gaining approval from others, trolls can feel important, perhaps much more than they are in their real lives. Thus trolling is yet another internet activity that promotes narcissistic motives, since trolls may be expected to be far less successful in attracting people’s attention in the physical world.

Nothing terribly surprising there, but it does reinforce my theories.

From the linked study.

"Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism."

Sadism. I'm surprised I didn't make that connection myself.

I've been discussing wtih Lonelaugher my analysis that he is a sociopath.

I will have to re-examine that and see if sadism fits better.

This probably deserves a thread of it's own, Mac.
Yeah, I was thinking about that.

The problem is, we both know the thread would just turn into another nasty slap fight - they don't like self-examination.
No, mine made perfect sense. YOu certainly did not point out a single flaw in it's reasoning or logic.

All you did was CLAIM it did not make sense and then restated your original position with a number of personal attacks.

My point stands.

He could honestly believe what he said is true, but be afraid that he could not prove it in court.


For you to pretend that your way is the only way, is you being a dishonest.

NaziTrump can't prove it because it isn't true. Because BEFORE he went on a tirade about Curiel being a "Mexican", the judge had ruled his way on a lot of key points in the case. such as allowing it to be pushed back until AFTER the November election.

But more to the point, it shows why NaziTrump would be an AWFUL president. If he had kept his big mouth shut, people would not still be talking about how his own employees have broken bad on him. But they are still talking about how he slandered this "Mexican" judge. He took a slightly bad situation and turned it into a horrible situation.

Suddenly you are of the opinion that Trump is mature? And just in time to avoid the possibility that Trump might be sincerely mistaken (if he is even wrong)?

Well, that's pretty self serving of you.

I think that no matter how "mature" someone is, it is very easy to conclude that someone who has ruled against you did so because of personal animosity.

And that the reason you refuse to admit that painfully obvious truth, is because it takes away as excuse to smear Trump.

Again, most of us don't say out loud what we think. For instance, on my day job, I often have vendors who fuck up and deliver late or screw up the product. I don't get on the phone and berate them and call them names. I get on the phone, and then get the problem resolved.

NaziTrump apparently can't hit that low standard, which is why he's been sued by his business partners hundreds of times.

That is a real possibility you raised there. IT would be very normal and human of Trump to make such a mistake.(re: the judge ruled against him out of personal malice)

What it would NOT be would be racist.

What it would NOT be would be something that you lefties could use to smear Trump with.

Uh, no... the fact his go-to answer to a ruling he didn't like was to scream about how this Judge was a 'Mexican!" (even though he was born in Indiana) kind of makes him a Racist.

If they were doing it, they wouldn't get a pass like these muslim rapists did in 2002 and be allowed to continue for another 11 years.

That is the point about Political Correctness being real, and causing real harm.

And I present this, not so much because it is such a huge example, but because it is such a clear cut example.

Except it wasn't.
No, mine made perfect sense. YOu certainly did not point out a single flaw in it's reasoning or logic.

All you did was CLAIM it did not make sense and then restated your original position with a number of personal attacks.

My point stands.

He could honestly believe what he said is true, but be afraid that he could not prove it in court.


For you to pretend that your way is the only way, is you being a dishonest.

NaziTrump can't prove it because it isn't true. Because BEFORE he went on a tirade about Curiel being a "Mexican", the judge had ruled his way on a lot of key points in the case. such as allowing it to be pushed back until AFTER the November election.

But more to the point, it shows why NaziTrump would be an AWFUL president. If he had kept his big mouth shut, people would not still be talking about how his own employees have broken bad on him. But they are still talking about how he slandered this "Mexican" judge. He took a slightly bad situation and turned it into a horrible situation.

Suddenly you are of the opinion that Trump is mature? And just in time to avoid the possibility that Trump might be sincerely mistaken (if he is even wrong)?

Well, that's pretty self serving of you.

I think that no matter how "mature" someone is, it is very easy to conclude that someone who has ruled against you did so because of personal animosity.

And that the reason you refuse to admit that painfully obvious truth, is because it takes away as excuse to smear Trump.

Again, most of us don't say out loud what we think. For instance, on my day job, I often have vendors who fuck up and deliver late or screw up the product. I don't get on the phone and berate them and call them names. I get on the phone, and then get the problem resolved.

NaziTrump apparently can't hit that low standard, which is why he's been sued by his business partners hundreds of times.

That is a real possibility you raised there. IT would be very normal and human of Trump to make such a mistake.(re: the judge ruled against him out of personal malice)

What it would NOT be would be racist.

What it would NOT be would be something that you lefties could use to smear Trump with.

Uh, no... the fact his go-to answer to a ruling he didn't like was to scream about how this Judge was a 'Mexican!" (even though he was born in Indiana) kind of makes him a Racist.

If they were doing it, they wouldn't get a pass like these muslim rapists did in 2002 and be allowed to continue for another 11 years.

That is the point about Political Correctness being real, and causing real harm.

And I present this, not so much because it is such a huge example, but because it is such a clear cut example.

Except it wasn't.

This Jew hating idiot Joey has the nerve to call anyone a Nazi.....He's not all there:cuckoo:

yes, the Fucking Jews started calling themselves "ZIonists" some time ago... probably because it tested better than "Fucking Jews".

Again, the Jews weren't going to Palestine. They were too busying "Jewing" European Christians. Until European Christians had quite enough of that shit and did something about it. Then the ones who didn't get turned into lampshades and bars of soap decided, "Hey, let's go to Palestine, the British already did the hard work of beating down the Arabs for us!"

And here we are 70 yeas later, and your Magic Sky Man hasn't won this for you yet. Because they are all fighting for their magic sky man.

You've been brainwashed by the Jewish media and are too stupid to realize it.

After the JEWS manipulated us into a war over a LIE.

You do get this, right? Those Americans would be alive today of the Jews hadn't lied about Iraq having WMD's to start with.

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