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George Will quits the Republican party

OK, you are getting paid for this.

No wonder you are be silly.

I hope you are getting as much me, but that's not possible.

The GOP will be better when you are gone from it.
Correll, stop the blathering and deal with the issue

Trump and his supporters do not support the values and ideals of America

And thus he will be blocked by the electorate from the presidency

You keep lying, and you will keep crying...

My point was not blather.

You are such a partisan hack that you don't even realize that your partisan spew contains vile insults to those you are throwing up at.

So, you are shocked when people insult you back.

But now that I've pointed it out to you, you really should stop being like that.

Trump's primary issues are to deport illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs.

Nothing about that is a violation of American ideals or values.

You are the one lying. Constantly.
Correll is the


defending why the scabs took over the party and drove the George Wills out.

The republican voters are not "Scabs".

We are the Party.

I've discussed at length why I think Will was wrong.

You of course, had nothing substantial to add to the conversation.
OK, you are getting paid for this.

No wonder you are be silly.

I hope you are getting as much me, but that's not possible.

The GOP will be better when you are gone from it.

Mmm, this post of your is empty of any meaning.
You and your ilk pretending to be Republicans are indeed scabs trying to take away the party from the rightful Republicans.

Yeah, you are scabs, and you will always be treated as such
Correll cut the image because it hurts.

Yes, Correll etc are the scabs that will be removed from the party after the election. We mainstream are the party and a trump after his ignominious defeat will never happen again.

And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.
"We allowed foreign countries to subsidize their goods, devalue their currencies, violate their agreements and cheat in every way imaginable, and our politicians did nothing about it. Trillions of our dollars and millions of our jobs flowed overseas as a result.

I have visited cities and towns across this country where one-third or even half of manufacturing jobs have been wiped out in the last 20 years.

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it puts all the blame on free trade (which I actually think is a bad thing). It isn't. A large part of that problem is Automation. Manufacturing jobs have been disappearing WORLD WIDE, not just in the United States.

But FuckingNaziTrump blames brown people and you eat that shit up.

Today, we import nearly $800 billion more in goods than we export. We can’t continue to do that.

Well, yeah, we kind of can. 800 Billion might sound like a lot, but it's less than 5% of the GDP.

This is not some natural disaster, it’s a political and politician-made disaster. Very simple.

And it can be corrected and we can correct it fast when we have people with the right thinking. Right up here. It is the consequence…

It is the consequence of a leadership class that worships globalism over Americanism."

Uh, guy, a lot of the disaster is us. If US Manufacturing has fallen behind, it is largely the fault of US manufacturers and US Consumers.

I've worked in manufacturing for the last 20 years. Do you know who I see out in the plants? Not the poor white guys you think are so put upon. Nope. Mostly I see Hispanic and Asian women.

The thing was, US Manufacturers are the ones who didn't keep up with innovation and efficiency. So not surprisingly, they lost out tothose who did. Protecting them from competition isn't going to fix that.

The other part of the problem is the US Consumer himself. Given a choice between a Toyota and a Ford, he chooses a Toyota because a Toyota is quality and a Ford is "Fix Or Repair Daily" (And, yes, I heard that joke when I was 10. THAT'S how long theres been a problem.)
And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.

while you're at it, why don't you find a study about guys who make claims on line, and then get all whiny when people don't agree with them. I'mm sure we ahve those, too.
And again nothing but unsupported personal attacks.

Attacks, insults, misrepresentations. All day, every day.

They're a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study. I'm gonna sniff around online and see if I can find any theories on the behaviors of people like this. I'd swear I've seen something in the past. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Holy crap, there's all kinds of information and theories on this. One thing I've seen a couple of times now is the "online disinhibition effect" - anonymity making people braver.

This one is interesting: Why Are People So Mean? Has The Internet Destroyed Empathy & Compassion?

In an article published on News.com titled, Troll Psychology: Why People Are So Mean on the Internet”, author Amanda Gardener alluded to a possible reason for the frankness,

“The majority of communication is non-verbal, composed of body language, eye contact, speech tone and language patterns. Without this information to help us process and categorize information, our minds are left to sort through the uncertain. And, thanks to a leftover prehistoric penchant for fight or flight, being unsure about another person’s intent often creates a negative reaction to a perceived threat [source: Gardner].

This lack of inhibition also may be connected to a physical distance from the people to whom comments are directed. Turns out, the closer physical proximity you have to someone, the less likely you are to be mean-spirited. For example, one recent study found game show contestants were less likely to vote off a contestant standing next to them than one standing further away [source: Dallas].”

But really, that doesn't answer our question: Why. What people get out of behaving this way.

I'll keep sniffing around. This stuff is fascinating to me, the motivations of behaviors.
Joe. Just because you think that that is what he should do, does not mean that he thinks the same.

He could honestly believe what he said is true, but be afraid that he could not prove it in court.


For you to pretend that your way is the only way, is you being a dishonest.

You right. Mine actually makes sense. If he had a case, he should have his lawyers argue it in court. Instead, he made these idiotic racists statements which don't change ONE THING Judge Curiel did, and makes Trump look worse as even his ALLIES like Gingrich had to distance themselves from it.

Are you claiming that a man who was ruled against might be wrong in thinking that the ruling was unfair and based on the fact that the judge hates him?

OMG. Thank god I was sitting when I read that. I nearly swooned.

I'm saying Trump should be a big enough boy torealize that the ruling was completely just, and his lawyers should have explained it to him if he didn't understand that.

That is a real possibility you raised there. IT would be very normal and human of Trump to make such a mistake.

What it would NOT be would be racist.

What it would NOT be would be something that you lefties could use to smear Trump with.

SO, hence the odd position you lefties find yourself in, where you claim Trump is racist for saying what you have been saying for over a year.

ie that "hispanics" hate him.

Uh, sorry, us pointing out why he is hated is not the same thing as him claiming a completely legal and valid ruling against him was because "that mexican hates me".

Mmm, My point was against the white people in question and their failure to protect children from being raped.
I said nothing about Islam.

The rapists did happen to be islamic, and that was why the police and social workers allowed the Rape Ring to go on for another 11 years.

During which time at least a thousand children were raped and/or tortured and/or enslaved.

The only reason why you give a fuck is because they were Muslims running this criminal enterprise. I promise you, white people are doing the same thing in this country.
But really, that doesn't answer our question: Why. What people get out of behaving this way.

I'll keep sniffing around. This stuff is fascinating to me, the motivations of behaviors.

I get the pure enjoyment of making you look like a fool.

True, I wouldn't get that in real life. Nobody would be dumb enough to keep saying stupid stuff around me and knowing they will get corrected.
But really, that doesn't answer our question: Why. What people get out of behaving this way.

I'll keep sniffing around. This stuff is fascinating to me, the motivations of behaviors.

I get the pure enjoyment of making you look like a fool.

True, I wouldn't get that in real life. Nobody would be dumb enough to keep saying stupid stuff around me and knowing they will get corrected.
Jeez, Joe, get me out of your head.

Your behaviors are fascinating and worth studying, but this is getting embarrassing.
Hey Correll, bingo! Check this out:

Behind the online comments: the psychology of internet trolls

First, trolls are more likely to display noxious personality characteristics, that is, traits that impair one’s ability to build relations and function in a civilised or pro-social way. In a comprehensive examination of their psychological profile, trolls were found to be more Machiavellian (impulsive and charming manipulators), psychopathic (cold, fearless and antisocial), and especially sadist than the overall population. Trolls enjoy harming and intimidating others, so much so that the authors of this study concluded that trolls are “prototypical everyday sadists”, and that trolling should be regarded as online sadism.

Second, trolling – like other forms of computer-mediated communication – unleashes people’s impulses by providing anonymity and temporary identity loss. This phenomenon, called deindividuation, is well known to psychologists and has been found to emerge in several areas of interpersonal relations, such as gaming, role-playing and crowd behaviours, particularly hooliganism. Thus even when we are not naturally sadistic, trolling may bring out the worst side in us, by lifting the moral constrains and social etiquette that regulates our behaviour in normal situations, and by fuelling dissent and triggering abrasive reactions.

Third, trolling is a status-enhancing activity: by attracting readers’ attention, upsetting people, sparking heated debates, and even gaining approval from others, trolls can feel important, perhaps much more than they are in their real lives. Thus trolling is yet another internet activity that promotes narcissistic motives, since trolls may be expected to be far less successful in attracting people’s attention in the physical world.

Nothing terribly surprising there, but it does reinforce my theories.
Calling out a shitty judge for being a biased judge, is not racist. George Will is being a fool.

Trump is dead wrong on this, as are his supporters who parrot his argument.

Saying that an American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he is of Mexican descent is no different than saying a white American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he's white like Trump.

It's absolutely idiotic and offensive.

George Will is correct. Trump is being appalling.

Except he didn't say that "an American-born judge cannot be unbiased because he is of Mexican descent."

He said THIS American born judge is biased.

It is NOT idiotic or offensive.

Whoever told you he said that other thing was lying to you.

George Will is letting the Left define the Boundaries of Polite Discussion.

The problem with that is, that the Left is a bunch of hypocritical assholes, who will, and HAVE, set up a double standard where they are allowed to make statements that are celebrated, and when someone from the Right makes the same or similar statement they are lynched.

Hence, the way the Left has been screaming and gloating for a year about how HIspanics hate Trump and that is why he will lose the election, (and that's super duper cool)

and now that Trump has said that ONE SPECIFIC hispanic hates him and that is why he is losing his case,

(and that's super duper evul)

If we let the Left set the rules we are choosing to lose, all the time, forever.

Will is part of the bought out Corporate Crony Elite whose loyalty is to the corporate profit line and not the welfare of the American people, much less the advancement of the interests of the GOP, just like the rest of the GOP Whores within the beltway.

GOP Elite is More Hostile to Donald Trump Than to Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

“The G.O.P. Waits, and Waits, for Donald Trump to Grow Up,” was the uncomprehending headline in the New York Times. The article, written by Nicolle Wallace, laments that GOP donors should be writing big checks by now and that Republicans leaders are anxiously awaiting for the arrival of “statesman” Trump.

Wallace recognizes the economic disagreement, but can’t see the politics. According to Wallace, Trump’s economic policies are an accident, a sign of incompetence. When the presumptive nominee pushes those policies – like he did in Pennsylvania – he actually “veers off course with an unscripted utterance on a morning news program.” But to people outside the established media, it means that Trump will not become a political Stepford wife in the mold of Paul Ryan, and that spells trouble for the GOP puppeteers.

Some scoff and say this is just the New York Times being the New York Times, it echoes the puzzled confusion in the GOP’s ivory tower. Just on Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell echoed the sentiment of his boy wonder in the House – Speaker Ryan – and lobbed a passive aggressive jab at his party’s nominee.

When asked on ABC’s “This Week” whether Trump was qualified to be President – a softball question for a Republican Senate Majority Leader – McConnell meekly responded, “I’ll leave that to the American people to decide.” McConnell refused to say whether his party’s nominee was fit for the Oval Office.

Floundering Sen. Marco Rubio – Trump’s primary opponent who pledged to support the GOP nominee – also refused to say his nominee was qualified. When asked by CBS’s John Dickerson if Trump had the character and judgement to be Commander in Chief, Rubio responded, “That’s what I’m going to watch now.” Hardly a supportive comment.

Amid louder calls for the Trump campaign to become more establishment, and growing demands that Trump become more pliable to the Republican ruling class, we must remember the old guard of the GOP does not want Trump to win. They want Trump to crash and burn because only if Trump is humiliated then they can send Trump – and his movement – back to the gulags.

But wouldn’t a Hillary win likely mean a Democrat takeover of the House & Senate? Yes, but it is a calculated risk many in the GOP are willing to take.
Jeez, Joe, get me out of your head.

Your behaviors are fascinating and worth studying, but this is getting embarrassing.

Guy, you are barely a chew toy for a rottweiller.

I find it amusing your whole fucking world is crushed that someone challenges your nonsense. What a truly fragile creature you must be.
And you're a fascinating little study, Joe.

And by the way, I have interesting and stimulating conversations with normal people here quite often who disagree with me. Of course, those people aren't angry and hateful and miserable like you, constantly on the attack like a -- rottweiler!

Whoa! See what I did there?

People like you represent a little, wet, wormy thing wiggling around in my mental Petri dish. Poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.
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And you're a fascinating little study, Joe.

And by the way, I have interesting and stimulating conversations with normal people here quite often who disagree with me. Of course, those people aren't angry and hateful and miserable like you, constantly on the attack like a -- rottweiler!

Whoa! See what I did there?

People like you represent a little, wet, wormy thing wiggling around in my mental Petri dish. Poke, observe, poke, observe. Flush.

Right... I do enjoy the space I occupy in your head.

Meanwhile, we still laugh at your notion the PC police are ruining America because someone called HR on you once for that joke about the two blondes....

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