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George Will says W 2003 decision is worst foreign policy decision in U.S. history

br 10204998
It most certainly was true.

It can't be true when Saddam Hussein made this offer:

In December 2002 Saddam Husseon offered just that and idiot Bush turned him down. US military boots and CIA shoes were invited in - peaceably - in order to work with UN inspectors to verify that no WMD stockpiles existed in Iraq

There were no actual WMD to play cat and mouse with. That is why SH could invite thousands of CIA and US military into Iraq because there was nothing to find. I have this concrete fact that was reported by Fox News and all the rest, what facts do you have to support your imagined claim.
2006 status for Iraq's Christians who lived a peaceful religious life in Iraq until March 2003 turned their lives into this:

The "beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul, the crucifixion of a Christian teenager in Albasra, the frequent kidnappings for ransom of Christians including four priests–one of whom was the secretary of Patriarch Delly, the rape of Christian women and teenage girls, and the bombings of churches"

Excerpt is text from Bishop Wenski’s 2006 letter to Condoleeza Rice posted more fully below.

And the far left would much rather see the world burn....

That makes no sense what-so-ever since conservatives reap the most benefit from their mad dog crazed exaggeration of the 'world burning' as you are trying to do in the first part of your statement.

The world right now is no where's near as much 'burning' as it was from September 11, 2001 on US soil through 2007 in the peak of the violence and turmoil that came from the US invasion of Iraq. You know when a thousand Americans and ten times that Iraqi souls perished each yea and this was the sort of 'world burning' that went on every day;

The June 2006 abduction of U.S. soldiers in Iraq occurred when Iraqi insurgents attacked a United States Army checkpoint near Yusufiyah, Iraq, twelve miles south of Baghdad, within the Triangle of Death. On 16 June 2006, insurgents killed Specialist David J. Babineau and captured Private First Class Kristian Menchaca and Private First Class Thomas L. Tucker. An unsuccessful search operation was conducted by 8,000 American and Iraqi soldiers in an attempt to recover Menchaca and Tucker. On 19 June, a few miles from where they were initially captured, the corpses of Menchaca and Tucker were found, booby trapped with an improvised explosive device, and according to a senior Iraqi military official, the soldiers' corpses showed clear signs of having been tortured significantly before eventually being executed.[1] The soldiers were members of 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky

June 2006 abduction of U.S. soldiers in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Bush let the terrorists kill thousands of Americans on a field in Pennsylvania, in the WTC in NYC, and at the Symbol of American military might and power - the Pentagon. Did Democrats attack Bush when that field and that tower and the Pentagon were on fire? No. Bush's approval rating went up to over 90% as the world burned early after nearly a year of Bush in charge.

Even with the horrific onslaught of Daesh into Iraq this year - there is no 'burning' world' today as hot as it was in 2006 in Iraq. Syria is hot but that civil war was not ignited by a US invasion to topple the regime. And Obama had nothing to do with the start if the civil war in Syria, No US troops have been killed fighting in Syria. But 4485 US troops were killed in Iraq.

Did you think the world was burning, Kosh, on September 11, 2001 or in Iraq in 2006 when insurgents and terrorists blew up the ancient Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra?

What about beheaded Christians in Iraq ten years ago? Did you blame that burning world on the US President who actually started the Iraq War?

U.S. Bishops Call for Protection of Iraq’s Christians
Robert Spencer Oct 31, 2006 at 7:35am

The complete text of Bishop Wenski’s letter follows.

The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State

Dear Madame Secretary:

On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I am writing to you to express our deep concern and growing alarm at the rapidly deteriorating situation of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq.

We deplore the sectarian violence engulfing the Shia and Sunni communities in Iraq. We are especially and acutely aware of the deliberate violence perpetrated against Christians and other vulnerable minorities. Christians continue to decline from a pre-war population of over 1.2 million to a current estimate of about 600,000. The growing and deliberate targeting of Christians is an ominous sign of the breakdown in Iraqi society of civil order and inter-religious respect and represents a grave violation of human rights and religious liberty.

The recent beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul, the crucifixion of a Christian teenager in Albasra, the frequent kidnappings for ransom of Christians including four priests–one of whom was the secretary of Patriarch Delly, the rape of Christian women and teenage girls, and the bombings of churches are all indicators that the situation has reached a crisis point. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees estimates that approximately 44% of Iraqi refugees are Christian, even though they represent only about 4% of the total population of Iraq.
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2006 status for Iraq's Christians who lived a peaceful religious life in Iraq until March 2003 turned their lives into this:

The "beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul, the crucifixion of a Christian teenager in Albasra, the frequent kidnappings for ransom of Christians including four priests–one of whom was the secretary of Patriarch Delly, the rape of Christian women and teenage girls, and the bombings of churches"

Excerpt is text from Bishop Wenski’s 2006 letter to Condoleeza Rice posted more fully below.

And the far left would much rather see the world burn....

That makes no sense what-so-ever since conservatives reap the most benefit from their mad dog crazed exaggeration of the 'world burning' as you are trying to do in the first part of your statement.

The world right now is no where's near as much 'burning' as it was from September 11, 2001 on US soil through 2007 in the peak of the violence and turmoil that came from the US invasion of Iraq. You know when a thousand Americans and ten times that Iraqi souls perished each yea and this was the sort of 'world burning' that went on every day;

The June 2006 abduction of U.S. soldiers in Iraq occurred when Iraqi insurgents attacked a United States Army checkpoint near Yusufiyah, Iraq, twelve miles south of Baghdad, within the Triangle of Death. On 16 June 2006, insurgents killed Specialist David J. Babineau and captured Private First Class Kristian Menchaca and Private First Class Thomas L. Tucker. An unsuccessful search operation was conducted by 8,000 American and Iraqi soldiers in an attempt to recover Menchaca and Tucker. On 19 June, a few miles from where they were initially captured, the corpses of Menchaca and Tucker were found, booby trapped with an improvised explosive device, and according to a senior Iraqi military official, the soldiers' corpses showed clear signs of having been tortured significantly before eventually being executed.[1] The soldiers were members of 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell, Kentucky

June 2006 abduction of U.S. soldiers in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Bush let the terrorists kill thousands of Americans on a field in Pennsylvania, in the WTC in NYC, and at the Symbol of American military might and power - the Pentagon. Did Democrats attack Bush when that field and that tower and the Pentagon were on fire? No. Bush's approval rating went up to over 90% as the world burned early after nearly a year of Bush in charge.

Even with the horrific onslaught of Daesh into Iraq this year - there is no 'burning' world' today as hot as it was in 2006 in Iraq. Syria is hot but that civil war was not ignited by a US invasion to topple the regime. And Obama had nothing to do with the start if the civil war in Syria, No US troops have been killed fighting in Syria. But 4485 US troops were killed in Iraq.

Did you think the world was burning, Kosh, on September 11, 2001 or in Iraq in 2006 when insurgents and terrorists blew up the ancient Golden Dome Mosque in Samarra?

What about beheaded Christians in Iraq ten years ago? Did you blame that burning world on the US President who actually started the Iraq War?

U.S. Bishops Call for Protection of Iraq’s Christians
Robert Spencer Oct 31, 2006 at 7:35am

The complete text of Bishop Wenski’s letter follows.

The Honorable Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of State

Dear Madame Secretary:

On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I am writing to you to express our deep concern and growing alarm at the rapidly deteriorating situation of Christians and other religious minorities in Iraq.

We deplore the sectarian violence engulfing the Shia and Sunni communities in Iraq. We are especially and acutely aware of the deliberate violence perpetrated against Christians and other vulnerable minorities. Christians continue to decline from a pre-war population of over 1.2 million to a current estimate of about 600,000. The growing and deliberate targeting of Christians is an ominous sign of the breakdown in Iraqi society of civil order and inter-religious respect and represents a grave violation of human rights and religious liberty.

The recent beheading of a Syriac Orthodox priest in Mosul, the crucifixion of a Christian teenager in Albasra, the frequent kidnappings for ransom of Christians including four priests–one of whom was the secretary of Patriarch Delly, the rape of Christian women and teenage girls, and the bombings of churches are all indicators that the situation has reached a crisis point. The United Nations High Commission for Refugees estimates that approximately 44% of Iraqi refugees are Christian, even though they represent only about 4% of the total population of Iraq.

"That makes no sense what-so-ever since conservatives reap the most benefit from their mad dog crazed exaggeration of the 'world burning' as you are trying to do in the first part of your statement."

Thanks for proving you are far left drone that would much rather watch the world burn than admit you are wrong!

Yes the far left believes that the history of Iraq started in 2003.

Yes the far left will ignore Obama decaling the war over as he cuts and runs to appease the far left base (like this poster).

Yes the far left supports Obama's illegal wars.
Thanks for proving you are far left drone that would much rather watch the world burn than admit you are wrong!

It is clear that you cannot deny that Iraq and the world, Iraq, NYC, DC were burning much much worse (in terms of Americans and Iraqis killed by terrorists and insurgents ) than now. I am not 'far left' so your statement 'proves' nothing except that you can only repeat your same posts over and over again. But since you cannot deny the violence in the world from September 2001 when three thousand Americans and many from abroad were killed on US soil. and at the Pentagon, your statement makes less sense than whey you started. The anti-war left was vehemently opposed to the violent invasion and occupation of Iraq. So how on earth do you conclude that the far left is the side that would rather watch the world burn... to admit they were wrong about what? How was anyone 'wrong' who opposed the invasion and the incompetence at occupation that followed? All the far lefties I've ever read or seen on tv opposed Bush's intent of 'burning' Iraq down to find wmd that was not there.

Do you think the violence in Iraq did not begin until January 2009?
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How have average American's personally benefited from this war?

This war cost us over $6 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our economy, our reputation around the world and our American heritage, WTF did we get in return?
How have average American's personally benefited from this war?

This war cost us over $6 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our economy, our reputation around the world and our American heritage, WTF did we get in return?

Promoting the far left propaganda just goes to prove that the programmed propaganda rules over reality.

There were only 4 supplemental budgets passed to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all less than the Obama non-stimulus money.

Obama has done far more damage than the far left will care to admit to the American Image allowing Putin to become the world leader.

And yet not a peep from these people over Obama's illegal wars.

Can you imagine how much more quickly and decisively this could have been done if the far left was as silent then as they are now?
Thanks for proving you are far left drone that would much rather watch the world burn than admit you are wrong!

It is clear that you cannot deny that Iraq and the world, Iraq, NYC, DC were burning much much worse (in terms of Americans and Iraqis killed by terrorists and insurgents ) than now. I am not 'far left' so your statement 'proves' nothing except that you can only repeat your same posts over and over again. But since you cannot deny the violence in the world from September 2001 when three thousand Americans and many from abroad were killed on US soil. and at the Pentagon, your statement makes less sense than whey you started. The anti-war left was vehemently opposed to the violent invasion and occupation of Iraq. So how on earth do you conclude that the far left is the side that would rather watch the world burn... to admit they were wrong about what? How was anyone 'wrong' who opposed the invasion and the incompetence at occupation that followed? All the far lefties I've ever read or seen on tv opposed Bush's intent of 'burning' Iraq down to find wmd that was not there.

Do you think the violence in Iraq did not begin until January 2009?

Yes we know that the far left will promote their propaganda no matter how incorrect it is.

But to the far left they think the history of Iraq began in 2003.

They far left was anti war from 2003 - 2009..
How have average American's personally benefited from this war?

This war cost us over $6 trillion, over 4000 American lives, our economy, our reputation around the world and our American heritage, WTF did we get in return?

Promoting the far left propaganda just goes to prove that the programmed propaganda rules over reality.

There were only 4 supplemental budgets passed to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all less than the Obama non-stimulus money.

Obama has done far more damage than the far left will care to admit to the American Image allowing Putin to become the world leader.

And yet not a peep from these people over Obama's illegal wars.

Can you imagine how much more quickly and decisively this could have been done if the far left was as silent then as they are now?

As if Obama didn't have to deal with the legacy of the Iraq and Afghan wars.

You go to war, mess up the economy, then leave the bill for the next guy so you can pretend the spending is all his fault.
Kosh 10208290
Obama has done far more damage than the far left will care to admit to the American Image allowing Putin to become the world leader.

When did Putin become the world leader? What damage to America's image has transpired since Obama took the oath of office? America is the most recovered nation in the world since the Great Bush World Recession of 2008.

After Bush and Blair invaded Iraq the price of oil went from $40 to over a $100 per barrel - thus strapping governments and the global economy with massive costs and governmental debt.

For the US, a $trillion borrowed and spent on a needless war in Iraq instead of a $trillion spent fixing bridges and roads in fifty states etc was a shock that drove the US economy off the rails when Obama was inaugurated. We were losing close to a million jobs a month at that time. Now we have five years of positive job growth and you act as if that is bad news and invading Iraq was a great idea. There is something wrong with your thought process. Perhaps you have LIBD. Limbaugh Induced Brain Disease?
Promoting the far left propaganda just goes to prove that the programmed propaganda rules over reality.

There were only 4 supplemental budgets passed to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all less than the Obama non-stimulus money.

Obama has done far more damage than the far left will care to admit to the American Image allowing Putin to become the world leader.

And yet not a peep from these people over Obama's illegal wars.

Can you imagine how much more quickly and decisively this could have been done if the far left was as silent then as they are now?
So you're too pussy to answer the question?

I didn't think I'd get one, anyway.
Yes we know that the far left will promote their propaganda no matter how incorrect it is.

But to the far left they think the history of Iraq began in 2003.

They far left was anti war from 2003 - 2009..
Regime change in Iraq began with the PNAC letters to Bill Clinton.
Ron Paul said the same thing, the only difference is that it didn't take Dr Paul eleven years to say it.
The last 11 years have been filled with hard learning. The 2003 invasion of Iraq, the worst foreign policy decision in U.S. history, coincided with mission creep (“nation building”) in Afghanistan.

George Will A Republican rethinking of foreign policy New Hampshire Columns

He ends this rebuke of Bush 43 with this "Obama is right that there is much to rethink."

The Obama haters on the USMB would be well advised to learn how to think.

Is Rand Paul really gong to replace McCain and Graham as the GOP's new face of foreign and military policy that veers closer to the isolationist policy of his father?

Many events (U.S. military misadventures since 2001, the Syrian civil war, the rise of the Islamic State, the spinning centrifuges of Iran’s nuclear weapons program) and one senator (Rand Paul) have reopened a Republican debate that essentially closed when Dwight Eisenhower won the 1952 Republican presidential nomination. One reason he sought it was to block Ohio’s Sen. Robert Taft..

This is more indication that it was not a failure or mistake to abide by the terms of the 2008 Bush Maliki SOFA when Obama presided over the end of the war that truly was the worst foreign policy decision in U.S. history.

Worst policy decision ever doesn't even begin to cover it. The Bush Administration proved to the whole world that the United States is no longer capable of conducting two major military campaigns at once; effectively ending a strategic policy that had been in place since the Second World War. Our rivals and potential enemies have all been sure to notice.
So now you're a George Will fan?
Who cares? Bush won the Iraq War, Obama lost it.
Obama lost in Afghanistan
Obama's foreign policy is the worst in history.

And yet not a single poster on the board actually believes that, and neither do you.

My god man....what would it cost you to actually be objective and a little honest?

He has a tendency to believe that the decisions of the Bush Administration have absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened after 2008.
So now you're a George Will fan?
Who cares? Bush won the Iraq War, Obama lost it.
Obama lost in Afghanistan
Obama's foreign policy is the worst in history.

And yet not a single poster on the board actually believes that, and neither do you.

My god man....what would it cost you to actually be objective and a little honest?

He has a tendency to believe that the decisions of the Bush Administration have absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened after 2008.
And you have a tendency to believe that nothing Obama has done has had any effect whatsoever.
BB 10209695
And you have a tendency to believe that nothing Obama has done has had any effect whatsoever.

Not me. I believe Bush's best move on Iraq was to set the 2011 deadline for all American troops to be withdrawn by a date certain. So Obama made the right move to follow Bush's timeline. Obama's best move was to pressure Maliki to change or leave office to a more inclusive head of state. Obama got Maliki to go. Iraq is still together and Baghdad will not fall. Bush was wrong when he predicted that pulling troops out too soon would mean terrorists like AQ or ISIS would take over Iraq. Bush was wrong. ISIS will never take over Iraq. They are being killed or driven out by the Iraqi Army, Peshmerga, Shiite militias, and US led coalition air strikes. Bush can't be right unless IS terrorist can take more populated territory in Shiite and Kurdish areas.
BB 10209695
And you have a tendency to believe that nothing Obama has done has had any effect whatsoever.

Not me. I believe Bush's best move on Iraq was to set the 2011 deadline for all American troops to be withdrawn by a date certain. So Obama made the right move to follow Bush's timeline. Obama's best move was to pressure Maliki to change or leave office to a more inclusive head of state. Obama got Maliki to go. Iraq is still together and Baghdad will not fall. Bush was wrong when he predicted that pulling troops out too soon would mean terrorists like AQ or ISIS would take over Iraq. Bush was wrong. ISIS will never take over Iraq. They are being killed or driven out by the Iraqi Army, Peshmerga, Shiite militias, and US led coalition air strikes. Bush can't be right unless IS terrorist can take more populated territory in Shiite and Kurdish areas.
ISIS is kicking ass there and Obama's policies have not only stopped them but allowed them to thrive.
So now you're a George Will fan?
Who cares? Bush won the Iraq War, Obama lost it.
Obama lost in Afghanistan
Obama's foreign policy is the worst in history.

And yet not a single poster on the board actually believes that, and neither do you.

My god man....what would it cost you to actually be objective and a little honest?

He has a tendency to believe that the decisions of the Bush Administration have absolutely nothing to do with anything that happened after 2008.
And you have a tendency to believe that nothing Obama has done has had any effect whatsoever.

Wrong as usual.

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