George Zimmerman arrested in Florida

Reagan wasn't a hero. The way they talk about him, you'd think he went and tore down that wall all by himself. :lmao:
If it wasn't for him it wouldn't of come down.
Right. He was demented half the time he was in office.
Lol, believe what you want but Reagan didn't make Carter as happy as Obama has.

It's the truth....we all know he had Alzheimer's.
Well then what's Obama's excuse?

For being so eloquent and healthy? Eloquent because he went to Harvard.....healthy because he eats right.
Right. He was demented half the time he was in office.
Lol, believe what you want but Reagan didn't make Carter as happy as Obama has.

Carter kept us out of war and created more jobs than Bush and Reagan - combined.
Lol, with that one, you have lost all credibility.
You think you are the one to be dolling out credibility here? :lol:
When your right yes, Carter was a loser and your kind trying to rewrite history is appalling.

We're not the ones rewriting history.....we're trying to get it back to the way it was before right-wingers rewrote it. You're the ones that claim the FF were trying to get rid of slavery when history shows the majority of them had slaves. Keep trying
If Reagan was such a hero, why did they have to rewrite his history?

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Ha ha, You are an idiot.

Way more credible than Faux News.

No need to sign your posts.

Yeah Ravi that joke's old. And it was only clever the first time if you're 12 years old.

There's no real reason for you to post your condition.....:)
If Reagan was such a hero, why did they have to rewrite his history?

How Republicans created the myth of Ronald Reagan -

Ha ha, You are an idiot.

Way more credible than Faux News.


IOW, you can't refute her post.

Predictable as always.


I don't have to. No one believes it except you two. You're both idiots.

You have limited exposure......everyone knows that Faux News lies and is not I guess you're the idiot.....:badgrin:
Je suis Trayvon.





Ha ha, You are an idiot.

Way more credible than Faux News.


IOW, you can't refute her post.

Predictable as always.


I don't have to. No one believes it except you two. You're both idiots.

You have limited exposure......everyone knows that Faux News lies and is not I guess you're the idiot.....:badgrin:

No dumbass, no one believe that except far left wing nut jobs.
I never made that claim, I asked a question. That said, she recanted her initial complaints that got him arrested when an actual investigation happened.

She even admits she "may have misspoken."

Indeed, more evidence of an abused woman. She called 911 for a reason. She was very clearly in fear for her safety. She very clearly stated at the time that he had pointed a gun in her face and broke several of her things.

By recanting she went out of her way to protect him, to the point of risking significant consequences for herself. It would have been enough to simply say that she did not want to proceed further and wanted to try to repair their relationship privately. Instead she opened herself up to possible consequences for making a false report. Doing that did not serve any purpose, other than to protect an abuser and win back his affection.

Was she lying when she called 911? That is a very difficult claim to make. Why would she lie about suchs thing in the first place? You have to invent a completely new narrative that cannot be substantiated with any other external facts, in order to maintain a claim that she was lying in the first place.

On the other hand, trying to reconcile a subsequent recantation can be reconciled with external facts. In this case, such behavior is perfectly consistent with the known patterns and behaviors of people who are involved in abusive relationships. She is involved in a man who is demonstrably narcissistic. One of the primary indicators of an abusive relationship is when a person's sense of reality is assaulted by the abuser (George's "She's just gone crazy" statement to police). She protects his bad behavior and accepts responsibility for "misunderstanding" his behavior, or for "deserving" his behavior. Her own emotions are not recognized by her partner (Again, George's "She's just gone crazy" statement to police). Abusers often take on a "Jekyll and Hyde" persona (Zimmerman's demonstrated road rage and aggression toward ex-wife vs. public persona of being overly calm and superficially submissive). They also will often use violence towards possessions as a mode of intimidation (Samantha never recanted that Zimmerman broke her sunglasses or table), and may attempt to take ownership of the victim's possessions (Zimmerman forced Samantha out of her own house, and this again was not part of her recantation).
So true.
You people continue calling Trayvon a thug to somehow justify what that pig vigilante did to him that night when he had the nerve to walk to the store to buy Skittles. There are some of us who believe that kid was murdered by a violent and ruthless person that I personally see as a thug himself.

Go on and keep telling yourselves that the reason Trayvon is dead was because of something he did. I disagree vehemently.
Then why did you both to bring up the completely irrelevant stuff about pot and the screw diver? But yeah he should have been charged and convicted of manslaughter.

Because Trayvon was a thug.
Define thug.

thug - an aggressive and violent young criminal
Aggressive.. all males with sufficient testosterone are aggressive.

Violent criminal? Puleze. Wannabe thug maybe, but even that's a stretch.

Fair point - wannabe thug. I stand corrected.
Why were you so adamant and felt so free and compelled to refer to Trayvon as a #thug?
Any day now Eric Holder will be wrapping up his Civil Rights investigation into the Trayvon Martin case. The brutal slaying of an innocent 12 year old black kid who only went to the store for a bag of Skittles! Hunted down and murdered by a WHITE hispanic. Open and shut case of murder. Justice thwarted by an all WHITE jury full of hatred for anyone with colored skin. The vile scum who killed this innocent boy in cold blood should be getting arrested by Federal Authorities any moment now.

Any moment now......
Because Trayvon was a thug.
Define thug.

thug - an aggressive and violent young criminal
Aggressive.. all males with sufficient testosterone are aggressive.

Violent criminal? Puleze. Wannabe thug maybe, but even that's a stretch.

Fair point - wannabe thug. I stand corrected.
Why were you so adamant and felt so free and compelled to refer to Trayvon as a #thug?
It's a code word but asterism is too stupid to understand that.

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