George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?
Since when is shooting a bird, thug life?
Shooting the bird is not.

Beating the shit out of somebody IS thug life.

We still don’t know who started the fight.
We do know that one guy was getting his head bashed in and needed to use deadly force to stop it.

Doesn't sound like a case of self defense on TM's part to me.

No, this is just another bullshit attempt to blame whitey for this thug's uncontrolled violence and sub-human jungle behavior.

except the world is a better place without travon in it,,,,
What did Trayvon Martin do, in his young life, to make you want to make such a statement?
based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
.... things like saving his father’s life from a fire?

... or was it the candy he was taking back to his 14 year old friend?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
Oh, yeah.

That Miami-Dade County thing where police ignore thuggary of teens, that was responsible for the school shooting?

Leftists deserve the shit they get.

based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
What criminal history? He was never arrested.
It's almost comedy how bad the Trayvon Martin case has blown up in the face of all the ass clowns defending his bullshit thuggery.

If ever there were a group of people who should live in shame, it's those people.

We are laughing at you.


based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
What criminal history? He was never arrested.
lots of criminals havent been arrested,,,
based on everything we know about him he was destined to be a blight on humanity,,,
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?
He had a history of being a shit stain, it took an incredibly flawed individual to take out the fucked up little gang banger. In the End it benefited the community.
Neither of the two will be missed in that community
Since when is shooting a bird, thug life?
Shooting the bird is not.

Beating the shit out of somebody IS thug life.

We still don’t know who started the fight.
The guy who is taking a dirt nap
Great, prove it....
Well the court let Zimmermans free… Oh! and Trayvon Martin is taking a dirt nap.
Things worked out well for the community in the end… Neither of the two will be missed
He had a history of being a shit stain, it took an incredibly flawed individual to take out the fucked up little gang banger. In the End it benefited the community.
Neither of the two will be missed in that community
Like what?

You should have a list, right?

Identify all the S-stain things he did, in his young life, which warrants your rejoicing in his untimely demise.
so TM HAS to stand his ground

If you get the chance, please explain the legal definition of "stand his ground".

776.013 Home protection; use of deadly force; presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm.—
(1) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force was used was in the process of unlawfully and forcefully entering, or had unlawfully and forcibly entered, a dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle, or if that person had removed or was attempting to remove another against that person’s will from the dwelling, residence, or occupied vehicle; and
(b) The person who uses defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry or unlawful and forcible act was occurring or had occurred.
(2) The presumption set forth in subsection (1) does not apply if:
(a) The person against whom the defensive force is used has the right to be in or is a lawful resident of the dwelling, residence, or vehicle, such as an owner, lessee, or titleholder, and there is not an injunction for protection from domestic violence or a written pretrial supervision order of no contact against that person;

Thanks. Now everyone can see it had nothing to do with Trayvon.
That law also applied to Trayvon.

If he had gone home and GZ pounded on his door.....sure.....coming back to confront GZ....not so much.
If Zimmerman had not pursued Martin, Martin would still be alive and Zimmerman’s life wouldn’t have been flipped upside down.

Yup. And if the thug had gone home, or called 911, he'd have lived to thug another day.
if TM was scared then why didnt he go home and call 911,,,he didnt,,,

it was TM that created the situation not Z,,,Z was doing what he was supposed to do,,,

The neighborhood watch is supposed to carry a gun and pursue and confront people they think look suspicious? Really? I would be mortified if my neighborhood has someone doing this. That's a sure recipe for disaster. Furthermore, why does Martin have to go home? He has every right to be there. My guess is he didn't want the creepy guy following him to know where he was staying. If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

He could have called 911.

Thug life ain't easy. Or long.

That sure isn't a biased opinion. lol

You got me. I'm biased against thugs.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment. He is protected by the law just as you and I are. Just because you deem him a "thug" doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation while being armed.

Martin wasn't breaking the law at that moment.

Not until he started beating on GZ.

doesn't mean Zimmerman is allowed to pursue, confront and create a situation

Baloney. He can pursue, confront and create all he wants.
TM, stupidly, and fatally, escalated instead of going home or calling 911.
if TM was scared then why didnt he go home and call 911,,,he didnt,,,

it was TM that created the situation not Z,,,Z was doing what he was supposed to do,,,

The neighborhood watch is supposed to carry a gun and pursue and confront people they think look suspicious? Really? I would be mortified if my neighborhood has someone doing this. That's a sure recipe for disaster. Furthermore, why does Martin have to go home? He has every right to be there. My guess is he didn't want the creepy guy following him to know where he was staying. If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

He could have called 911.

Thug life ain't easy. Or long.

To the brain-dead, an unarmed teen carrying candy back to his friend is “thug life.” :eusa_doh:

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.

TM ain't doubling down any more.
If it were me I sure as hell would not lead a creepy person following me back to my house.

He could have called 911.

Thug life ain't easy. Or long.

To the brain-dead, an unarmed teen carrying candy back to his friend is “thug life.” :eusa_doh:

Yup. Dead thugs are dead.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
He had a history of being a shit stain, it took an incredibly flawed individual to take out the fucked up little gang banger. In the End it benefited the community.
Neither of the two will be missed in that community
Like what?

You should have a list, right?

Identify all the S-stain things he did, in his young life, which warrants your rejoicing in his untimely demise.
his ultimate demise was his doing,,,,
He had a history of being a shit stain, it took an incredibly flawed individual to take out the fucked up little gang banger. In the End it benefited the community.
Neither of the two will be missed in that community
Like what?

You should have a list, right?

Identify all the S-stain things he did, in his young life, which warrants your rejoicing in his untimely demise.
From the article:

"Oh, God, oh, my God, oh, God,” one major reportedly said when first looking at Martin’s data. He realized that Martin had been suspended twice already that school year for offenses that should have gotten him arrested – once for getting caught with a burglary tool and a dozen items of female jewelry, the second time for getting caught with marijuana and a marijuana pipe."

"In each case, the case file on Martin was fudged to make the crime less serious than it was. As one detective told IA, the arrest statistics coming out of Martin’s school, Michael Krop Senior, had been “quite high,” and the detectives “needed to find some way to lower the stats.” This directive allegedly came from Hurley."

“'Chief Hurley, for the past year, has been telling his command staff to lower the arrest rates,' confirmed another high-ranking detective."

"Once the top brass understood that the Martin case had the potential to expose the reason for the department’s stunning drop in crime, they told the detectives 'to make sure they start writing reports as is; don’t omit anything.'”

“'Oh, now, the chief wants us to write reports as is,' said a Hispanic detective sarcastically, 'and not omit anything, as we have been advised in the past?'”

"Serino was the Martin-friendly detective who had insisted that Martin 'has no criminal record whatsoever,' calling him, 'a good kid, a mild-mannered kid.'”

"In Hurley’s defense, school districts across the country had been feeling pressure from the nation’s race hustlers to think twice before disciplining black students. Last year, the White House formalized the pressure with an executive order warning school districts to avoid 'methods that result in disparate use of disciplinary tools.'”

"Jesse Jackson brought this nonsense home to Sanford during a large April 1, 2012, rally. He implied that Martin had been profiled by his high school for being a black male and suspended for the same reason. 'We must stop suspending our children,' Jackson told the crowd."

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND

I am all for giving a young black kid a fair shake, but ignoring warning signs does them ZERO favors, as was the case with TM.

It's almost comedy how bad the Trayvon Martin case has blown up in the face of all the ass clowns defending his bullshit thuggery.

If ever there were a group of people who should live in shame, it's those people.

We are laughing at you.


What thuggery? How is carrying candy back to his 14 year old friend, thuggery?

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