George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

I dunno what a "burglary tool" is, and the other stuff is just incidental, marijuana is legal in many states in this country.
It shows a pattern of unchecked behavior that should have been addressed, rather than ignored. A burglary tool coupled with stolen objects is the point.

THIS is what's justifiable, to you, for the murder of this young black boy?
No, the young black "boy" sitting on top of another person beating the shit out of him and not stopping until shot to death justifies the "murder" of this young black "boy".

The other stuff simply shows a pattern of behavior that Miami-Dade was stupidly willing to ignore.

Not necessarily. If someone attacks you and you beat the shit out of them, how does that make you a thug? No one but Zimmerman knows who started the fight between him and Trayvon.
Do you understand the concept of reasonable force?

Even if Zimmerman started the fight (highly unlikely), any defense that aggression gave TM went away when TM was on top of GZ beating the fuck out of him.



Beating someone up who starts a fight with you is not thuggery, it’s self defense. Not saying Zimmerman started the fight as no one knows who started it, but there is no proof Martin did. And Zimmerman’s injuries were so minor, he didn’t need to go to a hospital. Paramedics put a bandaid on his boo-boo and he went home.

Trayvon had gone home to where his father was staying....he was completely safe confirmed and testified to by the State's star witness trayvon's g/f who said Trayvon had returned to his father's place....that is indisputable. There can be no question about that.

By returning to confront George all the blame must be placed on Trayvon...he had no business going back....Trayvon returning to the area proves he was up to no good....that he was the other reason for him to go back but to confront George.
Why did Zimmerman had the right to do all that you stated previously?
I am not saying he did or didn't.

If I cut you off in traffic (illegal) that does not give you the right to beat the shit out of me, but that would give me the right to shot you if you don't stop.

Following a suspicious person into a dark area is putting oneself into harm's way. What he was trained by police not to do.

"Dispatch axed him which way Trayvon had run off to and George got out of his truck to observe and report back the answer to the question."

And Zimmerman didn't need to exit his car to answer....

Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?

Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.

That is the way Trayvon was headed when Z last saw him...when he lost sight of Trayvon Z got out of his truck so he could see better and walked in that direction a short ways to try and see better.

When the dispatcher axed Z if he was following the suspect George replied in the affirmative meaning he was just walking in the direction where he last saw trayvon.

One cannot follow anyone unless you can actually see them.

Trayvon only had a hundred yds. to go to get home...since he was running that would have taken him around 30 secs.
Wrong. He said Martin was running "towards the other entrance" as he exited his vehicle.

After getting out of his vehicle, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman, "which entrance is that that he's heading towards?" To which Zimmerman answered, "the back entrance," as he went running after Martin.

So no, you're full of shit when you falsely claim he only got out of his vehicle because he lost sight of him. Zimmerman saw the direction he took off in.

After exiting his vehicle and after informing the dispatcher the direction he observed Martin running, Zimmerman was asked if he was following Martin; and was told he needn't do so by the dispatcher. Then Zimmerman was asked his name, which he gave, and also informed the dispatcher Martin ran. By then he lost sight of him -- but that was after getting out of his truck.

And Martin had good reason not to run straight back to his father's apartment.... Being chased by a crazed guy, why would he lead a nut to where he was staying and to where 14 year old Chad Green was home alone?

The state's star witness...Trayvon's friend...testified Trayvon told her he had returned to his father's place.

It has been shown he had plenty of time to do that...more time than he needed actually as it was a very short distance away...between 80 and a hundred long does it take a football player to run 100 do the math.

Again...Z had lost sight of Trayvon very quickly after he took off raining it was a dark and rainy night...Z was simply walking in the direction he had seen Trayvon run off to...aka...attempting to follow or perhaps see if Trayvon was anywhere visible...he was not...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him if he was following Trayvon Z replied in the affirmative meaning he was attempting to follow cannot follow someone you cannot see. Simple stuff.
You claimed Zimmerman got out of his vehicle when he lost sight of Trayvon. Zimmerman’s own description of events proves that is false.

so now you claim Z is credible....hehheh

You cannot have it both ways....either he is credible or he is not...make up your mind.

Again....the best truth available on this case......................The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict
He said he could see where Trayvon ran off to and described it to 911. I find that believable as there’s no reason to lie about that.

You lied though. You said Zimmerman got out of his vehicle after losing sight of Trayvon.
Oh, so it wasn't anything he ACTUALLY did, it was based on something you THINK he MIGHT do.


BTW, got a brief list of the things you're referring to in your "based on everything we know" part of the statement?

Police buried Trayvon's criminal history - WND - WND
What criminal history? He was never arrested.
lots of criminals havent been arrested,,,

Zimmerman has been arrested more than Martin.
but its TM thats dead because hes a dumbass thug
Still waiting for your evidence that Martin was a thug? I guess your evidence of that is somewhere lost with your evidence I claimed Zimmerman was guilty of murder. :dunno:
lots of criminals havent been arrested,,,

Zimmerman has been arrested more than Martin.
but its TM thats dead because hes a dumbass thug
Still waiting for your evidence that Martin was a thug? I guess your evidence of that is somewhere lost with your evidence I claimed Zimmerman was guilty of murder. :dunno:
alreeady presented it,,,just because you disagree ndoesnt mean its not true,,,
It shows a pattern of unchecked behavior that should have been addressed, rather than ignored. A burglary tool coupled with stolen objects is the point.
It shows a pattern of nothing. What is this "burglary tool?" It sounds made up.

The objects in his possession were not stolen, there's no proof of that, no where in the biased article states that.

No, the young black "boy" sitting on top of another person beating the shit out of him and not stopping until shot to death justifies the "murder" of this young black "boy".

The other stuff simply shows a pattern of behavior that Miami-Dade was stupidly willing to ignore.

Fact...Trayvon Martin had no criminal record. He's never been arrested.

George Zimmerman, on the other hand, had an extensive criminal record, and had been arrested numerous times, including for fighting a cop. Also a fact.

This is where your morality standard stands?

You're so anti-black that you support a murder of one of their youngsters by a common thug?
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Let me take this another direction for you DUMB FUCKS!!!

GZ shoots TM in the arm and TM stops his beating of GZ and lays on the ground moaning in agony from the gunshot wound.

Is GZ acting in self defense in going over to TM and putting a bullet in his head?

Flip it the other way.

Is TM acting in self defense if he is sitting on top of GZ, beating the shit out of his face and smashing his head?

I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO STARTED WHAT!!! Self defense ends when the alleged assailant (GZ) is prevented from fleeing and the "victim" continues to beat the fuck out of him.
It shows a pattern of unchecked behavior that should have been addressed, rather than ignored. A burglary tool coupled with stolen objects is the point.
It shows a pattern of nothing. What is this "burglary tool?" It sounds made up.

The objects in his possession were not stolen, there's no proof of that, no where in the biased article states that.

No, the young black "boy" sitting on top of another person beating the shit out of him and not stopping until shot to death justifies the "murder" of this young black "boy".

The other stuff simply shows a pattern of behavior that Miami-Dade was stupidly willing to ignore.

Fact...Trayvon Martin had no criminal record. He's never been arrested.

George Zimmerman, on the other hand, had an extensive criminal record, and had been arrested numerous times, including for fighting a cop. Also a fact.

This is where your moral standard stands?

You're so anti-black that you support a murder of one of their youngsters by a common thug?
when all else fails claim racism,,,,,
Only to the point where the violence is stopped.


Does that applies to cops who use the bogus excuse of some amalgamation of "I was afraid for my life?"

Does your clear standard apply to them too?
That is the way Trayvon was headed when Z last saw him...when he lost sight of Trayvon Z got out of his truck so he could see better and walked in that direction a short ways to try and see better.

When the dispatcher axed Z if he was following the suspect George replied in the affirmative meaning he was just walking in the direction where he last saw trayvon.

One cannot follow anyone unless you can actually see them.

Trayvon only had a hundred yds. to go to get home...since he was running that would have taken him around 30 secs.
Wrong. He said Martin was running "towards the other entrance" as he exited his vehicle.

After getting out of his vehicle, the dispatcher asked Zimmerman, "which entrance is that that he's heading towards?" To which Zimmerman answered, "the back entrance," as he went running after Martin.

So no, you're full of shit when you falsely claim he only got out of his vehicle because he lost sight of him. Zimmerman saw the direction he took off in.

After exiting his vehicle and after informing the dispatcher the direction he observed Martin running, Zimmerman was asked if he was following Martin; and was told he needn't do so by the dispatcher. Then Zimmerman was asked his name, which he gave, and also informed the dispatcher Martin ran. By then he lost sight of him -- but that was after getting out of his truck.

And Martin had good reason not to run straight back to his father's apartment.... Being chased by a crazed guy, why would he lead a nut to where he was staying and to where 14 year old Chad Green was home alone?

The state's star witness...Trayvon's friend...testified Trayvon told her he had returned to his father's place.

It has been shown he had plenty of time to do that...more time than he needed actually as it was a very short distance away...between 80 and a hundred long does it take a football player to run 100 do the math.

Again...Z had lost sight of Trayvon very quickly after he took off raining it was a dark and rainy night...Z was simply walking in the direction he had seen Trayvon run off to...aka...attempting to follow or perhaps see if Trayvon was anywhere visible...he was not...dispatch heard the wind in Z's phone and axed him if he was following Trayvon Z replied in the affirmative meaning he was attempting to follow cannot follow someone you cannot see. Simple stuff.
You claimed Zimmerman got out of his vehicle when he lost sight of Trayvon. Zimmerman’s own description of events proves that is false.

so now you claim Z is credible....hehheh

You cannot have it both ways....either he is credible or he is not...make up your mind.

Again....the best truth available on this case......................The Aftermath of the George Zimmerman Case, Part 1: The Trial, the Evidence and the Verdict
He said he could see where Trayvon ran off to and described it to 911. I find that believable as there’s no reason to lie about that.

You lied though. You said Zimmerman got out of his vehicle after losing sight of Trayvon.

Have you ever tried to observe someone on a dark and rainy night? One second you can see them and the next you the truck one has to look out the windshield...of course your vision is better if you are out of the vehicle....Z...reported to dispatch several times he had lost sight of Trayon is documented on tape.

You can argue all you want about the exact moment Z lost sight...but reality dictates for a period of time in a situation like moment you can see and the next you cannot and it goes back and forth like that until the person you are trying to observe disappears completely....and that is what happened ....Trayvon disappeard completely....thus no way for Z to follow him.

All Z could do was to walk in the direction where Trayvon had disappeared order to see if was still in that area....but Trayvon was long gone...being a football player and a sprinter...he covered that 80 yards to his fathers house in around 20 secs. and thus completely safe whilst Z was looking for him out in the dark on that rainy night.

BTW was within Z's right to follow or more realistically to attempt to follow....nothing illegal about that at all. The dispatcher suggested they did not need for hm to do that...but it was his legal right to do so if he wanted....but the evidence shows he complied with the dispatchers suggestion.
It shows a pattern of nothing. What is this "burglary tool?" It sounds made up.
A burglary tool is anything that can be used to break and enter, but is ALWAYS accompanied by goods acquired via burglary. It is nothing more than evidence that the items discovered were, in fact, taken by use of said tool.

I am not going to sit here and educate you on this shit. You know good and fucking damn well that Martin was headed for a life of crime and the authorities ignored it, rather than taking measures to put him on the right path.
Trayvon Martin had no criminal record. He's never been arrested.
Which means jack shit, given the policy of Miami-Dade.

George Zimmerman, on the other hand, had an extensive criminal record, and had been arrested numerous times, including for fighting a cop.
Never said GZ was a "good guy" one time. NEVER.

You're so anti-black that you support a murder of one of their youngsters by a common thug?
Go fuck yourself.

A thug who will not let an alleged assailant flee is not acting in self defense. He is acting like a thug. Don't sit here and defend that bullshit.
You're so fucking anti-white, you think black kids should be allowed to beat the fuck out of "white" dudes and NOT get shot when they refuse to STOP beating the shit out of said "white" dude. (GZ is latino)
It shows a pattern of unchecked behavior that should have been addressed, rather than ignored. A burglary tool coupled with stolen objects is the point.
It shows a pattern of nothing. What is this "burglary tool?" It sounds made up.

The objects in his possession were not stolen, there's no proof of that, no where in the biased article states that.

No, the young black "boy" sitting on top of another person beating the shit out of him and not stopping until shot to death justifies the "murder" of this young black "boy".

The other stuff simply shows a pattern of behavior that Miami-Dade was stupidly willing to ignore.

Fact...Trayvon Martin had no criminal record. He's never been arrested.

George Zimmerman, on the other hand, had an extensive criminal record, and had been arrested numerous times, including for fighting a cop. Also a fact.

This is where your moral standard stands?

You're so anti-black that you support a murder of one of their youngsters by a common thug?
when all else fails claim racism,,,,,

The FBI issued a report saying Z was not a racist....that in fact he was of mixed race....his mother peruvian, his grandfather black...and it is overlooked that Z helped mentor black that time he was also a democrat and supported obama.
It shows a pattern of nothing. What is this "burglary tool?" It sounds made up.
A burglary tool is anything that can be used to break and enter, but is ALWAYS accompanied by goods acquired via burglary. It is nothing more than evidence that the items discovered were, in fact, taken by use of said tool.

I am not going to sit here and educate you on this shit. You know good and fucking damn well that Martin was headed for a life of crime and the authorities ignored it, rather than taking measures to put him on the right path.
Trayvon Martin had no criminal record. He's never been arrested.
Which means jack shit, given the policy of Miami-Dade.

George Zimmerman, on the other hand, had an extensive criminal record, and had been arrested numerous times, including for fighting a cop.
Never said GZ was a "good guy" one time. NEVER.

You're so anti-black that you support a murder of one of their youngsters by a common thug?
Go fuck yourself.

A thug who will not let an alleged assailant flee is not acting in self defense. He is acting like a thug. Don't sit here and defend that bullshit.
You're so fucking anti-white, you think black kids should be allowed to beat the fuck out of "white" dudes and NOT get shot when they refuse to STOP beating the shit out of said "white" dude. (GZ is latino)

hehheh The prosecution invented a new racial classification for Z....a white hispanic.
^^^ Doubling down on stupid.
yes you did,,,

Great, what’s thuggery about carrying candy back to a friend...?

Thuggery was beating on a creepy cracka instead of walking home.
Let’s see your proof Trayvon started the fight....

lets see yours that says Z did
I never said Zimmerman started the fight— you’re hallucinating again. <smh>

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