George Zimmerman banned from Tinder dating app

A real man doesn't need to shoot an unarmed, 160lb teenager in a fist fight.
A real man lets his opponent retreat when the threat is subdued. If not, said "man" gets shot.

Retreat, WTF r u talking about.

No fight is ever "over" until someone is dead, incapacitated, or stops the violence.

That sounds like some dumbshit young punks these days say.

It's not a competition where points are awarded.

There is NEVER a winner or loser. Only survivors.

Again if a grown man needs a gun for a 169lb teenager he is a straight bitch.

It is well know that Z was not a fighter....out of shape, overweight and thus unable to properly defend himself with his fists when up against a trained athlete, experienced fighter, football player and martial arts experienced fighter who bragged about his many fights.

Thus George had a choice to make....let the punk continue to pummel him and perhaps kill him as he claimed he would do. Or pull out his 'equalizer' and let it bark.....That is not a difficult choice chump.
Prove he was the one to initiate the physical confrontation.......

why dont you prove he didnt by posting TM's 911 call,,,,
I don't waste time proving things I don't assert.

And the fact that you're even asking me to prove that means you were full of shit when you asserted Trayvon started it.

well Z called 911 because he wasnt there to start a fight,,,so by that logic if TM didnt start it he would have called 911 because he felt threatened,,,
So? Trayvon was walking back to his residence with candy to watch an NBA game with a friend. He wasn't there to start a fight either.

Regardless, you already proved you were full of shit when you claimed Trayvon started the physical altercation.

Trayvon went out of his way to confront George. Then, Trayvon attacked him.

Exactly right....all the evidence and testimony supports that and of course the jury agreed after looking at all the evidence and listening to the testimony for hours and hours....once again proving our jury system works well in most cases....and especially well in this one when they were receieving death threats and knowing how unpopular they would be when they issued a verdict based on the law and not some popularity contest
why dont you prove he didnt by posting TM's 911 call,,,,
I don't waste time proving things I don't assert.

And the fact that you're even asking me to prove that means you were full of shit when you asserted Trayvon started it.

well Z called 911 because he wasnt there to start a fight,,,so by that logic if TM didnt start it he would have called 911 because he felt threatened,,,
So? Trayvon was walking back to his residence with candy to watch an NBA game with a friend. He wasn't there to start a fight either.

Regardless, you already proved you were full of shit when you claimed Trayvon started the physical altercation.

tha candy and drink were to get high not watch TV

and the fact that Z called 911 proves he wasnt there to fight and TM not calling but confronting Z proves he was

Really, how many folks jump out of their truck and chase someone in pitch black darkness if they aren't there for an altercation.

Ridiculous and quite childish observation....goes against George's entire history...he had gone through this type of scenario before boyo and his sop was always to observe and report to the police....which is what he did here...he only got out of his truck to try and help the dispatcher in her quest to find out where Trayvon might be and where to send the police.

Yet you and others who want to defend the indefensible (trayvon) called him a coward.....a coward would never have out of his truck in such a situation.

George had every right to get out of his was his neighborhood, he lived in the complex and he was trying to be of help to the police who he knew were on the way.

Who would call the police and then knowing they are on the way....start a fight? Ridiculous assumption on your part once pointed out.....a lack of proper deductive reasoning.
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Retreat, WTF r u talking about.

That sounds like some dumbshit young punks these days say.

Again if a grown man needs a gun for a 169lb teenager he is a straight bitch.
A grown man prepares himself for any danger,,,whether it be a 169lb thug or a 300lb thug

its pussies like you that get yourself killed by not preparing for the worst and hoping for the best,,,,

You call me a pussy, but you need a gun for a 160lb teenager. I would hate to see what you would do if you were slapped by a girl scout.
I need a gun for any threat that comes my way,,,

and a lot of people have been killed by small people,,,and a girl scout would just get a spanking and sent home,,,,

You would take an L that day, beat down by a girl scout with a box of cookies.

Hey Sambo.....weza dont undastand ghetto lingo. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Poke a conservative-- find a racist.
A grown man prepares himself for any danger,,,whether it be a 169lb thug or a 300lb thug

its pussies like you that get yourself killed by not preparing for the worst and hoping for the best,,,,

You call me a pussy, but you need a gun for a 160lb teenager. I would hate to see what you would do if you were slapped by a girl scout.
I need a gun for any threat that comes my way,,,

and a lot of people have been killed by small people,,,and a girl scout would just get a spanking and sent home,,,,

You would take an L that day, beat down by a girl scout with a box of cookies.

Hey Sambo.....weza dont undastand ghetto lingo. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Poke a conservative-- find a racist.

Dat all ya got?

Weak boyo.......very weak. Sounds like a signal for a retreat? You giving up?

Don't give up now we are approaching the 10,000 mark..who woulda thunk?

With a following liike that....maybe I should run for President....I can think of a dozen posters on here who are head and shoulders above anybody the democrats have fielded so far.

I mean it sounds like a joke list............pathetic.

Anyhow what you hear from me and many others today is a reaction to all the b.s. the liberals and their running dogs have thrust upon the American people...whut dey call dat? Reactionary white rage...sumptin like dat.

You hear it most from the White Working Class who until Trump came in have gone for decades without any representation in Washington.

Provoked by such stuff as wildings in Central Park......defending the actions of a group of animals with the argument they were acting out because of white racism. You hear it when the media constantly defends or makes excuses for black crime.

Much of the white rage began back when the integration b.s. started..... judges and politicians forcing decent white kids to go to school with these animals whilst enrolling their own kids in private schools. I remember one judge saying he did not think black street gangs were any more dangerous than unions.

There is a war going on and it is America's secret dirty little war....It is fought on cement...not lawns....It is fought with pipes and bottles, and lately with automatic weapons. And as long as it doesn't push through the heavy oak doors where they fight with prep school educations and filibusters and two martini lunches, it will never actually exist.
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America's little war .....the longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted approx. 50 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let’s start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 50 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.

And the problem is getting worse, not better.

Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:

  • According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.
  • Most victims of race crime – about 90 per cent – are white, according to the survey “Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims,” published in 1993.
  • Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.
  • Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent crimes of whites.
  • According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.
These breathtaking disparities began to emerge in the mid-1960s, when there was a sharp increase in black crime against whites, an upsurge which, not coincidentally, corresponds exactly with the beginning the modern civil rights movement.

Over time, the cumulative effect has been staggering. Justice Department and FBI statistics indicate that between 1964 and 1994 more than 25 million violent inter-racial crimes were committed, overwhelmingly involving black offenders and white victims, and more than 45,000 people were killed in inter-racial murders. By comparison 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam, and 34,000 were killed in the Korean war.

When non-violent crimes (burglary, larceny, car theft and personal theft) are included, the cumulative totals become prodigious. The Bureau of Justice Statistics says 27 million non-violent crimes were committed in the US in 1992, and the survey found that 31 per cent of the robberies involved black offenders and white victims (while only 2 per cent in the reverse).

When all the crime figures are calculated, it appears that black Americans have commited at least 170 million crimes against white Americans in the past 30 years. It is the great defining disaster of American life and American ideals since World War II.

All these are facts, yet by simply writing this story, by assembling the facts in this way, I would be deemed a racist by the American news media. It prefers to maintain a paternalistic double-standard in its coverage of black America, a lower standard.

by Paul Sheehan....Australian Journalist
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Libs are down to their last “look at us victims” resort when they start recycling Zimmerman

Fuck Zimmerman and the racist, right wingers that defend this coward. Nuff said.

Again....which is it ....a coward or someone who put himself in harms way? You libtards speak out of both sides of your pieholes. hehheh

All you are doing is running that DS, this coward created the unsafe situation.

Or.....would a coward put himself in harms way?

Or ....would a coward volunteer to help protect his community?

What a fucking joke, this coward wasn't protecting no damn community. He was harassing a black teenager who was walking home minding his own business talking on his cellphone, but to punk ass rightwing, racist that is heroic.
What a fucking joke, this coward wasn't protecting no damn community. He was harassing a black teenager who was walking home minding his own business talking on his cellphone, but to punk ass rightwing, racist that is heroic
Peeking in windows as he trespassed on private property. Dont these crackers understand blacks can walk where they damn well please!
I am done with this Zimmerman thread, a racist jury as we have seen time and time again in this country allowed a coward ass punk get away with killing a unarmed, black, teenager and the racist celebrated. To all the weak ass men who are clapping and making their stupid ass comments about the world is better off without Trayvon Martin just remember your dumb ass comments when chicken come home to roost.
I am done with this Zimmerman thread, a racist jury as we have seen time and time again in this country allowed a coward ass punk get away with killing a unarmed, black, teenager and the racist celebrated. To all the weak ass men who are clapping and making their stupid ass comments about the world is better off without Trayvon Martin just remember your dumb ass comments when chicken come home to roost.

good riddance---

anytime I can run off a black waycist...I must be doing something right.

Don't let the screen door hit ya--where the Good Lord split ya. hehheh
Because you persist in posting stupid shit.

so youre just another troll,,,,

we already knew that,,,

Trying to get you to prove your claims means I'm a troll? Looks like you don't know what a troll is.

my opinion is based on the fact Z was found not guilty,
That only proves Zimmerman had a reasonable fear of death or great bodily injury at the moment he pulled the trigger. It offers zero insight as to who initiated the physical confrontation.

It has already been noted you lack the ability to engage in deductive reasoning ---I will ax you anyhow boyo....why on earth would Z initiate a confrontation with Trayvon? He knew the police were on the way in fact just a few short minutes away.
He could have tried to physically detain Trayvon, for all anyone knows, after expressing frustration at how "these assholes they always get away."
Dumbfuck, exactly how many times need I say the jury returned with the proper verdict until it gets through your impenetrable armor of ignorance? :eusa_doh:
Then, why the fuck do you keep arguing?

I already answered that too. :eusa_doh:

Because the zimbots here keep posting stupid shit.

Me thinks it is because you know you have dug a hole for yourself but you lack the honesty to admit you keep posting drivel in a stupid attempt to avoid admitting your viewpoint was ridiculous ---hoping people will get bored and go you a out.

Oh? What hole have I dug?
I don't waste time proving things I don't assert.

And the fact that you're even asking me to prove that means you were full of shit when you asserted Trayvon started it.

well Z called 911 because he wasnt there to start a fight,,,so by that logic if TM didnt start it he would have called 911 because he felt threatened,,,
So? Trayvon was walking back to his residence with candy to watch an NBA game with a friend. He wasn't there to start a fight either.

Regardless, you already proved you were full of shit when you claimed Trayvon started the physical altercation.

tha candy and drink were to get high not watch TV

and the fact that Z called 911 proves he wasnt there to fight and TM not calling but confronting Z proves he was

Really, how many folks jump out of their truck and chase someone in pitch black darkness if they aren't there for an altercation.

Ridiculous and quite childish observation....goes against George's entire history...he had gone through this type of scenario before boyo and his sop was always to observe and report to the police....which is what he did here...he only got out of his truck to try and help the dispatcher in her quest to find out where Trayvon might be and where to send the police.

Yet you and others who want to defend the indefensible (trayvon) called him a coward.....a coward would never have out of his truck in such a situation.

George had every right to get out of his was his neighborhood, he lived in the complex and he was trying to be of help to the police who he knew were on the way.

Who would call the police and then knowing they are on the way....start a fight? Ridiculous assumption on your part once pointed out.....a lack of proper deductive reasoning.

SoP?? When other time did Zimmerman follow someone through the neighborhood?
You call me a pussy, but you need a gun for a 160lb teenager. I would hate to see what you would do if you were slapped by a girl scout.
I need a gun for any threat that comes my way,,,

and a lot of people have been killed by small people,,,and a girl scout would just get a spanking and sent home,,,,

You would take an L that day, beat down by a girl scout with a box of cookies.

Hey Sambo.....weza dont undastand ghetto lingo. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Poke a conservative-- find a racist.

Dat all ya got?

Weak boyo.......very weak. Sounds like a signal for a retreat? You giving up?

Don't give up now we are approaching the 10,000 mark..who woulda thunk?

With a following liike that....maybe I should run for President....I can think of a dozen posters on here who are head and shoulders above anybody the democrats have fielded so far.

I mean it sounds like a joke list............pathetic.

Anyhow what you hear from me and many others today is a reaction to all the b.s. the liberals and their running dogs have thrust upon the American people...whut dey call dat? Reactionary white rage...sumptin like dat.

You hear it most from the White Working Class who until Trump came in have gone for decades without any representation in Washington.

Provoked by such stuff as wildings in Central Park......defending the actions of a group of animals with the argument they were acting out because of white racism. You hear it when the media constantly defends or makes excuses for black crime.

Much of the white rage began back when the integration b.s. started..... judges and politicians forcing decent white kids to go to school with these animals whilst enrolling their own kids in private schools. I remember one judge saying he did not think black street gangs were any more dangerous than unions.

There is a war going on and it is America's secret dirty little war....It is fought on cement...not lawns....It is fought with pipes and bottles, and lately with automatic weapons. And as long as it doesn't push through the heavy oak doors where they fight with prep school educations and filibusters and two martini lunches, it will never actually exist.
What more do I need? All that was needed was time for you to reveal what you really are.
What a fucking joke, this coward wasn't protecting no damn community. He was harassing a black teenager who was walking home minding his own business talking on his cellphone, but to punk ass rightwing, racist that is heroic
Peeking in windows as he trespassed on private property. Dont these crackers understand blacks can walk where they damn well please!

I love how zimbots make up all sorts of bullshit. There's no evidence he was peeking in windows.
What a fucking joke, this coward wasn't protecting no damn community. He was harassing a black teenager who was walking home minding his own business talking on his cellphone, but to punk ass rightwing, racist that is heroic
Peeking in windows as he trespassed on private property. Dont these crackers understand blacks can walk where they damn well please!

I love how zimbots make up all sorts of bullshit. There's no evidence he was peeking in windows.

'We now know that George Zimmerman did not mouth the racial slurs claimed by mainstream media sources, nor did he target Martin because he was "black"; rather he found Martin's behavior - looking in windows, walking between houses - suspect in a gated community that had experienced an inordinate number of residential burglaries; and that, when asked by police dispatch for the race of the individual he was following, told them he thought Martin might be black. A long way from what the mainstream media spread across the airwaves'

Lynn Stuter -- The reality of the Trayvon Martin fiasco

NBC issues apology for edited Zimmerman 911 call
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