George Zimmerman calls out Obama

George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

Lol can that fat fuck sink any lower? Why won't Faux News give him a job already? :rofl:

He can't sink as low as our POTUS.

As big as that fat motherfucker is, sure he can sink lower than Obama.

Let me know when he does.
You know what I'm tired of all this poor George stuff. If He keeps going public like he is making himself a human target. So he has know right to complain. He needs to shut up and privately go on with his life. But he can't because he is addicted to the all the attention.
You still think that with all the evidence? I guess the liberal media has done a good job on you.

What evidence? The only "evidence" was that we only have Zimmerman's word for what happened, and if you ignore his obvious lies (like Trayvon sprang out from behind bushes that weren't there) you had a jury that just decided black lives weren't worth much.
so it's ok for the US Pres to help ruin an innocent mans life b/c he could now get a job at FOX.

leftist are such fucking filth, the depths you sink can still amaze me

Filth? Who the hell you calling filth, Mr. Used tissue paper? What ruined that murdering bastards life is his taking on the job of law enforcement and killing a unarmed black shut the fuck up and smoke your meth, you clown!!
Notice how Looney liberals can tell when someone is on drugs. Lol Look in the mirror.
You still think that with all the evidence? I guess the liberal media has done a good job on you.

What evidence? The only "evidence" was that we only have Zimmerman's word for what happened, and if you ignore his obvious lies (like Trayvon sprang out from behind bushes that weren't there) you had a jury that just decided black lives weren't worth much.
We have the 911 call that nbc edited. Oh that's right it was edited to fit your story.
That so-called child could've and would've beat the ____ out of you. He was playing a little game called Knockout, which is often fatal. Maybe, you've heard of it.

you mean the hysteria that Faux News created in 2013 was somethign that happened in 2012? Really?

I have no f'ing idea whether it was ever brought up on Fox News (and it doesn't matter). Either way, TM was playing knockout. Facts are overwhelming. GZ screaming on the 9/11 tapes. He's the one with the bashed head.
George Zimmerman called out for Barrack Hussein Obama for his role in inciting racial tensions in the Zimmerman/Martin case. He also rebuked him for using the DOJ to 'prosecute' (harass) and innocent American (himself).

George Zimmerman is 100% correct. Barack needed to keep his mouth shut and let the judicial system play out.
so it's ok for the US Pres to help ruin an innocent mans life b/c he could now get a job at FOX.

leftist are such fucking filth, the depths you sink can still amaze me

Filth? Who the hell you calling filth, Mr. Used tissue paper? What ruined that murdering bastards life is his taking on the job of law enforcement and killing a unarmed black shut the fuck up and smoke your meth, you clown!!
ok retard, in court he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers

so keep lying and fluffing obama, b/c learning is not something that filth like you know how to do
We have the 911 call that nbc edited. Oh that's right it was edited to fit your story.

Uh, a Court threw out Zimmerman's lawsuit against NBC. That's when his wife left him, because their was no payoff for the beatings.

Both Zimmy and his wife were nothing but white trash gone rouge. And the suckers that gave them all that money, fools
so it's ok for the US Pres to help ruin an innocent mans life b/c he could now get a job at FOX.

leftist are such fucking filth, the depths you sink can still amaze me

Filth? Who the hell you calling filth, Mr. Used tissue paper? What ruined that murdering bastards life is his taking on the job of law enforcement and killing a unarmed black shut the fuck up and smoke your meth, you clown!!
Notice how Looney liberals can tell when someone is on drugs. Lol Look in the mirror.

I did and you looked marvelous in that dress, boyfriend

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