George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!
The dude is certifiable. He says God knows what he did, like God justified it. He's missing more than just a few fries in his Happy Meal. It must be easy to have no regrets, when he's totally devoid of a conscience. I'd really like to see it, when God gives him his wake up call.
If you were innocent, but half the country believed you were guilty and wanted your blood, you'd probably be scared to go out and work, too.

If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.
If you were innocent, but half the country believed you were guilty and wanted your blood, you'd probably be scared to go out and work, too.

If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.

Whether George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, he has good reason to fear for his life.
If you were innocent, but half the country believed you were guilty and wanted your blood, you'd probably be scared to go out and work, too.

If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.

Whether George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, he has good reason to fear for his life.

God will protect him if he is innocent. He should relax.
This is how it works. The prosecution gets to put on a case where they present all the evidence they have that someone committed a crime. The defense doesn't need to produce any evidence that they didn't commit a crime. The defense refutes the evidence that the prosecutor presents.

If there is not sufficient evidence that a crime occurred or the person charged committed the crime, there is an acquittal. George Zimmerman was acquitted. Get over it. He was found not guilty of murdering Trayvon "Thug" Martin.

Why were you running your mouth then if you didnt know what we were talking about? Are you always so clueless?

Hey dumbass, sometimes a discussion can go off on a tangent. Someone makes an idiotic statement and someone like me jumps on it. It happens.

The mud between your ears starting to clear up a bit now?

Hey dumbass. You were the only one that went off on a tangent then claimed i changed the question. What the fuck is wrong with your illiterate ass? No things like that dont happen unless you are brain damaged. What a fuckup!

I was right. You are so invested in your ignorance that you won't see what is right in front of you. Good luck with that moron.
If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.

Whether George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, he has good reason to fear for his life.

God will protect him if he is innocent. He should relax.

Get real. Innocent people are murdered every day. Like Travon Martin.
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

Maybe he can become a paid spokesman for the NRA or a FOX talking head. With all the support he had from the right before his trial, I'm really surprised that no one has offered him a job or some kind of support. Where are all his peeps?
Hey dumbass, sometimes a discussion can go off on a tangent. Someone makes an idiotic statement and someone like me jumps on it. It happens.

The mud between your ears starting to clear up a bit now?

Hey dumbass. You were the only one that went off on a tangent then claimed i changed the question. What the fuck is wrong with your illiterate ass? No things like that dont happen unless you are brain damaged. What a fuckup!

I was right. You are so invested in your ignorance that you won't see what is right in front of you. Good luck with that moron.

The only thing that was right in front of me was proof your retarded ass cant follow a thread without someone showing you the order of posts. It must hurt to be as stupid as you are. Stop trying to justify your fuckup and blame it on someone else you illiterate fool.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

You cant even get the order of posts in a thread correct. Do you really want to bet all the marbles on your judge of character?
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

You cant even get the order of posts in a thread correct. Do you really want to bet all the marbles on your judge of character?

Im right again. Thanks for responding and offering yourself up as exhibit A.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

You cant even get the order of posts in a thread correct. Do you really want to bet all the marbles on your judge of character?

Im right again. Thanks for responding and offering yourself up as exhibit A.

Look at you. You spelled wrong incorrectly. Its "wrong" not "right". Your welcome for the spelling lesson.
Im right again. Thanks for responding and offering yourself up as exhibit A.

Look at you. You spelled wrong incorrectly. Its "wrong" not "right". Your welcome for the spelling lesson.

Wow! You don't take getting defeated very well do you?

I have no problem being defeated. I just havent met anyone of your intelligence level with the ability to do that to me. How is does it feel to be defeated? Is it anything like arguing over something then realizing you have not a clue about the subject like you did?
Look at you. You spelled wrong incorrectly. Its "wrong" not "right". Your welcome for the spelling lesson.

Wow! You don't take getting defeated very well do you?

I have no problem being defeated. I just havent met anyone of your intelligence level with the ability to do that to me. How is does it feel to be defeated? Is it anything like arguing over something then realizing you have not a clue about the subject like you did?

Ha ha dumbass, you are too easy. But now you bore me. Goodbye idiot. :cuckoo:
Wow! You don't take getting defeated very well do you?

I have no problem being defeated. I just havent met anyone of your intelligence level with the ability to do that to me. How is does it feel to be defeated? Is it anything like arguing over something then realizing you have not a clue about the subject like you did?

Ha ha dumbass, you are too easy. But now you bore me. Goodbye idiot. :cuckoo:

Thats what I would say after spending the day getting my ass handed to me in a futile effort to cover up the fact I looked stupid arguing about something no one was discussing.
Changed the question I see.

Well, I'm too lazy to look for it. What I'm not too lazy to do is point out what an idiot you are.
No, that actually was the question. Here, take a look yourself ....

Asclepias: What evidence showed TM started the confrontation? Z's word?

Katzndogz : He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Asclepias: Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

PredFan: Are you really REALLY that stupid? Of course there was evidence that led to the acquittal.

Asclepias: Well lets have it. What was it? What was the evidence that said TM started the confrontation?

PredFan: Changed the question I see.

I took the liberty to highlight the relevant portions of that dialog.

So what's your excuse? Too stupid to follow along or do you suffer from ADD like Zimmerman?

It's always fun watching folks who celebrate like you end up being the butt of their own joke. :clap

... oh, and I'm still waiting for you to answer ....

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying he was lying??

Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation. I was responding to a particular question. One that you didn't bother to highlight. I suppose you don't have the mental capacity to follow when a discussion takes a little sidetrack. But hey, don't let me interrupt your idiotic ranting.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You really are as rightarded as your posts indicate. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

His question that you claim you weren't part of the conversation -- was in the very post you responded to. :eusa_doh:

Here's what you saw when you clicked to reply to his post....

What evidence showed TM started the confrontation? Z's word?

He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

... you didn't have to be "in the original conversation." His question was right in front of your dumbass face. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

And why are you refusing to answer my question ... ?

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying the defense witness, George Zimmerman's personal friend, was lying??
No, that actually was the question. Here, take a look yourself ....

Asclepias: What evidence showed TM started the confrontation? Z's word?

Katzndogz : He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Asclepias: Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

PredFan: Are you really REALLY that stupid? Of course there was evidence that led to the acquittal.

Asclepias: Well lets have it. What was it? What was the evidence that said TM started the confrontation?

PredFan: Changed the question I see.

I took the liberty to highlight the relevant portions of that dialog.

So what's your excuse? Too stupid to follow along or do you suffer from ADD like Zimmerman?

It's always fun watching folks who celebrate like you end up being the butt of their own joke. :clap

... oh, and I'm still waiting for you to answer ....

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying he was lying??

Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation. I was responding to a particular question. One that you didn't bother to highlight. I suppose you don't have the mental capacity to follow when a discussion takes a little sidetrack. But hey, don't let me interrupt your idiotic ranting.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You really are as rightarded as your posts indicate. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

His question that you claim you weren't part of the conversation -- was in the very post you responded to. :eusa_doh:

Here's what you saw when you clicked to reply to his post....

He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

... you didn't have to be "in the original conversation." His question was right in front of your dumbass face. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

And why are you refusing to answer my question ... ?

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying the defense witness, George Zimmerman's personal friend, was lying??

OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.
Oh, and btw:


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