George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

No, that actually was the question. Here, take a look yourself ....

Asclepias: What evidence showed TM started the confrontation? Z's word?

Katzndogz : He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Asclepias: Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

PredFan: Are you really REALLY that stupid? Of course there was evidence that led to the acquittal.

Asclepias: Well lets have it. What was it? What was the evidence that said TM started the confrontation?

PredFan: Changed the question I see.

I took the liberty to highlight the relevant portions of that dialog.

So what's your excuse? Too stupid to follow along or do you suffer from ADD like Zimmerman?

It's always fun watching folks who celebrate like you end up being the butt of their own joke. :clap

... oh, and I'm still waiting for you to answer ....

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying he was lying??

Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation. I was responding to a particular question. One that you didn't bother to highlight. I suppose you don't have the mental capacity to follow when a discussion takes a little sidetrack. But hey, don't let me interrupt your idiotic ranting.

Hey moron next time catch up before claiming I changed the question. How stupid can you be to miss that?

That rightard didn't even need to catch up -- your question was in the very post that stared him in the face when he clicked on [ QUOTE ]


It was right in front of him and he still couldn't figure it out. :cuckoo:
Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation. I was responding to a particular question. One that you didn't bother to highlight. I suppose you don't have the mental capacity to follow when a discussion takes a little sidetrack. But hey, don't let me interrupt your idiotic ranting.

Hey moron next time catch up before claiming I changed the question. How stupid can you be to miss that?

That rightard didn't even need to catch up -- your question was in the very post that stared him in the face when he clicked on [ QUOTE ]


It was right in front of him and he still couldn't figure it out. :cuckoo:

I was trying to give him a way out but a dumbass will always be a dumbass no matter how many chances to save face you give them.
George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!
The dude is certifiable. He says God knows what he did, like God justified it. He's missing more than just a few fries in his Happy Meal. It must be easy to have no regrets, when he's totally devoid of a conscience. I'd really like to see it, when God gives him his wake up call.

In an earlier statement, he said it was god's will.

Handy excuse - blame god.
Changed the question I see.

Well, I'm too lazy to look for it. What I'm not too lazy to do is point out what an idiot you are.
No, that actually was the question. Here, take a look yourself ....

Asclepias: What evidence showed TM started the confrontation? Z's word?

Katzndogz : He was acquitted. Whatever you think about evidence, it's over. You can only make it up from here.

Asclepias: Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

PredFan: Are you really REALLY that stupid? Of course there was evidence that led to the acquittal.

Asclepias: Well lets have it. What was it? What was the evidence that said TM started the confrontation?

PredFan: Changed the question I see.

I took the liberty to highlight the relevant portions of that dialog.

So what's your excuse? Too stupid to follow along or do you suffer from ADD like Zimmerman?

It's always fun watching folks who celebrate like you end up being the butt of their own joke. :clap

... oh, and I'm still waiting for you to answer ....

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying he was lying??

This is how it works. The prosecution gets to put on a case where they present all the evidence they have that someone committed a crime. The defense doesn't need to produce any evidence that they didn't commit a crime. The defense refutes the evidence that the prosecutor presents.

If there is not sufficient evidence that a crime occurred or the person charged committed the crime, there is an acquittal. George Zimmerman was acquitted. Get over it. He was found not guilty of murdering Trayvon "Thug" Martin.

What on Earth does that have to do with what's being discussed???

Can't any of you rightards pay attention for more than 12 seconds?

Do all of you suffer from some kind of RADD (Rightarded Attention Deficit Disorder)?

One of you imbeciles made the idiotic claim that the trial's ruling somehow establishes that Martin attacked Zimmerman first. Trying to get you brain-dead righties to explain how that works here on Planet lucid has been pretty much impossible though, I must say. All we're getting from you rightwing freaks is complete nonsense.
Gotta love George Zimmerman; he's a free man, a worthless thug is dead and the lefties are so badly butthurt that it has sent them even further off the deep end than they already were if that's possible. It's hilarious to watch.

Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation. I was responding to a particular question. One that you didn't bother to highlight. I suppose you don't have the mental capacity to follow when a discussion takes a little sidetrack. But hey, don't let me interrupt your idiotic ranting.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You really are as rightarded as your posts indicate. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

His question that you claim you weren't part of the conversation -- was in the very post you responded to. :eusa_doh:

Here's what you saw when you clicked to reply to his post....

Acquitted does not equal evidence. What evidence led to the acquittal or are you just assuming there must have been something.

... you didn't have to be "in the original conversation." His question was right in front of your dumbass face. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

And why are you refusing to answer my question ... ?

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying the defense witness, George Zimmerman's personal friend, was lying??

OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You really are as rightarded as your posts indicate. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

His question that you claim you weren't part of the conversation -- was in the very post you responded to. :eusa_doh:

Here's what you saw when you clicked to reply to his post....

... you didn't have to be "in the original conversation." His question was right in front of your dumbass face. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

And why are you refusing to answer my question ... ?

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying the defense witness, George Zimmerman's personal friend, was lying??

OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Some people will never admit how stupid they look even while looking idiotic denying it.
OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Some people will never admit how stupid they look even while looking idiotic denying it.

What's truly sad is how starved for attention he is.
If you were innocent, but half the country believed you were guilty and wanted your blood, you'd probably be scared to go out and work, too.

If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.

Whether George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, he has good reason to fear for his life.

Why would he? Republican/conservatives are all defending/protecting/supporting him and they're the ones with the guns......:eusa_whistle:
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

You really are as rightarded as your posts indicate. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

His question that you claim you weren't part of the conversation -- was in the very post you responded to. :eusa_doh:

Here's what you saw when you clicked to reply to his post....

... you didn't have to be "in the original conversation." His question was right in front of your dumbass face. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

And why are you refusing to answer my question ... ?

The defense put up a witness who said Zimmerman told him he had to pry the gun from Martin. Are you saying the defense witness, George Zimmerman's personal friend, was lying??

OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.
OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.
Cries the forum jester who cried he wasn't privy to a question which was staring him in the face. :lmao: Could this vacuous post of yours be any more empty? Hell, you're at the point where you can't even defend yourself and so now you're reduced to gumming my ankles because you've fallen and can't get up. :ack-1:
Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.
Cries the forum jester who cried he wasn't privy to a question which was staring him in the face. :lmao: Could this vacuous post of yours be any more empty? Hell, you're at the point where you can't even defend yourself and so now you're reduced to gumming my ankles because you've fallen and can't get up. :ack-1:

Perhaps if you spent more time learning to read, instead of learning smilies, you wouldn't be so damn ignorant.
Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.
Cries the forum jester who cried he wasn't privy to a question which was staring him in the face. :lmao: Could this vacuous post of yours be any more empty? Hell, you're at the point where you can't even defend yourself and so now you're reduced to gumming my ankles because you've fallen and can't get up. :ack-1:

Perhaps if you spent more time learning to read, instead of learning smilies, you wouldn't be so damn ignorant.

You were the one unable to read the question I posed even though it was right in your face. What a dumbass! Never mention the word read to anyone. You are forbidden.
Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.
Cries the forum jester who cried he wasn't privy to a question which was staring him in the face. :lmao: Could this vacuous post of yours be any more empty? Hell, you're at the point where you can't even defend yourself and so now you're reduced to gumming my ankles because you've fallen and can't get up. :ack-1:

Perhaps if you spent more time learning to read, instead of learning smilies, you wouldn't be so damn ignorant.
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

For fuck's sake, stop doing this to yourself. :ack-1: You should be in the Special Olympics where you would easily win gold for your lack of self-awareness. Let's review, shall we ... ???

This is what you posted ...

Hey moron. I wasn't in the original conversation.

... right after you replied to the quoted "original conversation." :eusa_doh::eusa_doh::eusa_doh: It was right in front of your face when you typed your moronic denial. How the fuck did you not see it?? If it could have reached out, it would have poked you in the eye. <rhetorical>are you really this fucking rightarded??</rhetorical>

At any rate, I am done with this idiocy of yours. It's a complete waste of disk space on the forum's servers. You will continue since you're so desperate for attention, but I am done as I'm actually starting to feel pity for your dumb ass, which is a warning signal to stop picking on a complete fucking imbecile who's too illiterate to even defend himself.
If you were guilty and tried to convince others that you were innocent, you'd probably claim to be the victim. Dunn is about to get his, Zimmerman thinks he got off....We'll see.

Whether George Zimmerman is innocent or guilty, he has good reason to fear for his life.

Why would he? Republican/conservatives are all defending/protecting/supporting him and they're the ones with the guns......:eusa_whistle:

Like Democrats don't have guns.
Why would he regret not letting Trayvon kill him?

That's not what one would expect him to regret. The obvious regret, IMO, should be ever getting out of his car and not simply waiting for the police to arrive to do their job. Had he remained in his car, he wouldn't have taken a life, he wouldn't be $2½ million in debt, he wouldn't have had to experience the stress of fighting for his freedom in a court of law, his former wife would not be a convicted criminal, he would not be receiving death threats from total strangers, he would likely still be working at his former job, he would likely still be married to his ex-wife, his life would not have been flipped upside down.

It's one thing for him to defend making his decision for getting out of his car. It's quite another to not have any regrets by the results of that choice.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

Its not ignorance, its willful disregard. Once a progressive has a goal in mind, all they want to do is achieve it, method and consequence be damned. So if they WANT Zimmerman convicted of Murder, then all the evidence, all our laws, and all our jurisprudence doesnt matter, and must be ignored to achieve the result. If they want gay marriage, then public opinion in some States, the fact that the constitution is silent on it doesn't matter, they go and make up a "right" to it. If they want gun control, people's opinions and the fact that the 2nd amendment is EXPLICIT on the issue doesn't matter, they will create laws they KNOW are unconstitutional to achieve their goal.
OK, why don't all you dumbass lefties line up. Why don't you invite all your idiot lefty friends, get them all together and on your side. That way when I spend my valuable time showing you how stupid you are, I can get a bunch of you at once and I won't feel like I'm wasting my time.

Dumbfuck, his question was in the quote you clicked on. Exactly how fucking brain-dead are you not to see it??

Keep doubling down on stupid, hope that strategy works for you.

Lol, know what you mean.

Once these idiotlogues get into their herd frenzy, nothing can reach them except hard knocks from cold reality.

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