George Zimmerman: Homeless, Jobless, Has PTSD. But no regrets!

Riiight. :cuckoo: He was protecting their property from an unarmed teenager who had every right to be there.
That's silly. He was protecting himself from an attack by a thug. He also had every right to be where he was while he was and do what he was doing. The dead dipshit Martin got himself killed.

A "thug" is a person who commits violent crimes. What violent crimes had Trayvon Martin committed?

Wrong moron. And Trayvon Martin committed felony assault. He paid for that with his worthless life.
That's silly. He was protecting himself from an attack by a thug. He also had every right to be where he was while he was and do what he was doing. The dead dipshit Martin got himself killed.

A "thug" is a person who commits violent crimes. What violent crimes had Trayvon Martin committed?
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?

He's a sorely butthurt, left wing nutter.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

Its not ignorance, its willful disregard. Once a progressive has a goal in mind, all they want to do is achieve it, method and consequence be damned. So if they WANT Zimmerman convicted of Murder, then all the evidence, all our laws, and all our jurisprudence doesnt matter, and must be ignored to achieve the result. If they want gay marriage, then public opinion in some States, the fact that the constitution is silent on it doesn't matter, they go and make up a "right" to it. If they want gun control, people's opinions and the fact that the 2nd amendment is EXPLICIT on the issue doesn't matter, they will create laws they KNOW are unconstitutional to achieve their goal.

An AVAILABILITY CASCADE is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that give the perception increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse. The driving mechanism involves a combination of informational and reputational motives: Individuals endorse the perception partly by learning from the apparent beliefs of others and partly by distorting their public responses in the interest of maintaining social acceptance. Availability entrepreneurs -- activists who manipulate the content of public discourse -- strive to trigger availability cascades likely to advance their agendas ("Availability Cascades and Risk Regulation," Timur Kuran and Cass Sunstein, Stanford Law Review, 1999).
Shown here too
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.

Who initiated the confrontation doesn't matter. Kim Pham was beaten to death outside a Santa Ana night club. Her killers said they were not at fault because Pham threw the first punch. That's not a defense and why the murderers have been arrested right now.

Of course it matters, don't be ridiculous. You're citing a case where a) it hasn't yet been proven who threw the first punch; and b) if they will be acquitted if they prove Pham threw the first punch. Also, the laws in California don't apply in Florida.
A "thug" is a person who commits violent crimes. What violent crimes had Trayvon Martin committed?
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.

We don't have to have proof you idiot. Zimmerman said that is what happened and the testimony and evidence sided with him.
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.
The burden of proof was on the prosecution so to establish that Martin was defending himself by beating up Zimmerman. They failed miserably just as you are doing now. Zimmerman had the right to be where he was and to defend himself - case closed.
This failure is all yours. Embrace it. You're the one claiming Martin was a thug because he was winning a fight with Zimmerman, but you can't prove he wasn't provoked into the fight by Zimmerman initiating the physical confrontation. Makes your case that Martin was a "thug," wrong.
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.

We don't have to have proof you idiot. Zimmerman said that is what happened and the testimony and evidence sided with him.
Of course rightards don't have to prove their claims. I have no qualms disregarding such unprovable claims.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

Its not ignorance, its willful disregard. Once a progressive has a goal in mind, all they want to do is achieve it, method and consequence be damned. So if they WANT Zimmerman convicted of Murder, then all the evidence, all our laws, and all our jurisprudence doesnt matter, and must be ignored to achieve the result. If they want gay marriage, then public opinion in some States, the fact that the constitution is silent on it doesn't matter, they go and make up a "right" to it. If they want gun control, people's opinions and the fact that the 2nd amendment is EXPLICIT on the issue doesn't matter, they will create laws they KNOW are unconstitutional to achieve their goal.

Nail head, hammer, wham! Good job.

I hope Marty appreciates you giving him a reach around.
Its not ignorance, its willful disregard. Once a progressive has a goal in mind, all they want to do is achieve it, method and consequence be damned. So if they WANT Zimmerman convicted of Murder, then all the evidence, all our laws, and all our jurisprudence doesnt matter, and must be ignored to achieve the result. If they want gay marriage, then public opinion in some States, the fact that the constitution is silent on it doesn't matter, they go and make up a "right" to it. If they want gun control, people's opinions and the fact that the 2nd amendment is EXPLICIT on the issue doesn't matter, they will create laws they KNOW are unconstitutional to achieve their goal.

Nail head, hammer, wham! Good job.

I hope Marty appreciates you giving him a reach around.

At least I have the decency thank someone after said reach around, unlike you Private Pyle.

Now get off my Obstacle course.
Other notable moments in Zimmerman’s interview, seven months after the trial:

  • He says he never realized that Martin was unarmed, but that Martin was clearly trying to grab the gun from him.
  • He initially thought that his bullet had missed Martin and potentially struck a neighbor’s house.
  • He expresses no regrets about the shooting.
  • He has a debt of $2.5 million owed to his lawyers, Mark O’Mara and Don West. He has raised more than $300,000 from online donors and said he hopes to collect additional funds through a lawsuit he’s filed against NBC News over an edited 911 call, which he alleges made him look racist because a question and answer were mixed.
  • He says he hasn't collected welfare and will work as a cook if he has to. He’s living off his family for now.
  • He blames sensationalized media coverage for making him notorious, saying people recognize him everywhere because “of what the press did with the incident in 2012, in February.”

George Zimmerman says he's homeless and suffers from PTSD -

He's living off his family right now. Why? If he can be a cook, go be a cook. What's he waiting for?

And what's the hold up on the NBC/MSNBC court case.

He's probably afraid to work anywhere because as soon as it is found out it will be all over the media news. Then the rabid liberals will show up to harass him, threaten him, or worse even try to attack him.

Many of the shitbag liberals on this site alone are convinced he is a "murderer" and say he deserves to die. All it takes is one looney toon liberal to spot him and go crazy carrying out their version of "social justice".

Hell, remember when liberal celebrities were tweeting his parent's address?
That's not what one would expect him to regret. The obvious regret, IMO, should be ever getting out of his car and not simply waiting for the police to arrive to do their job. Had he remained in his car, he wouldn't have taken a life, he wouldn't be $2½ million in debt, he wouldn't have had to experience the stress of fighting for his freedom in a court of law, his former wife would not be a convicted criminal, he would not be receiving death threats from total strangers, he would likely still be working at his former job, he would likely still be married to his ex-wife, his life would not have been flipped upside down.

It's one thing for him to defend making his decision for getting out of his car. It's quite another to not have any regrets by the results of that choice.

He was protecting his neighbors property by observing what that little shit Martin was u p to.

The burglaries have since become almost entirely gone since.

Good job George.

As to his 'plight', he will have plenty of cash once his lawsuits get done. The Big Lie Media told some real big lies on him and the courts are likely to let George have plenty of compensation.
Riiight. :cuckoo: He was protecting their property from an unarmed teenager who had every right to be there.

He was protecting his neighbors from a gang of robbers who Martin was apparently working for, scouting out likely apartments to target.

FACT: the robbery spree ended with Martins life.

Not a coincidence, most likely.

Of course leftards like you have been cheering on criminals for decades now.
Riiight. :cuckoo: He was protecting their property from an unarmed teenager who had every right to be there.
That's silly. He was protecting himself from an attack by a thug. He also had every right to be where he was while he was and do what he was doing. The dead dipshit Martin got himself killed.

A "thug" is a person who commits violent crimes. What violent crimes had Trayvon Martin committed?

You mean the ones his parents and the race baiters got sealed by court order?
CaféAuLait;8636682 said:
In the same interview he says he lives in fear of his life...

Well, of course! Under the modern law of sansculottism he could be gunned down for any reason--or even for no reason whatsoever. And now that people know what he is capable of, they have every reason to think their life is in danger any time he is in their vicinity. That must be quite daunting :eusa_eh:

As long as you don't plan on jumping GZ and beating his head into concrete, you should feel pretty safe, pussy.
A "thug" is a person who commits violent crimes. What violent crimes had Trayvon Martin committed?
Beating up Zimmerman. What the hell is wrong with you?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.

There is the forensic report and autopsy that showed no other injuries to Martin the thug other than the gun shot wound he so richly deserved.

How can you be so fucking stupid?
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.
The burden of proof was on the prosecution so to establish that Martin was defending himself by beating up Zimmerman. They failed miserably just as you are doing now. Zimmerman had the right to be where he was and to defend himself - case closed.

And similarly anyone he encounters may consider him a threat as well. That's the brilliance of SYG, it leaves the matter of life and death entirely to the judgement of the killer.

The Stand Your Ground Law had nothing to do with the Zimmerman case, idiot.
The cool thing about George Zimmerman is that he exposes the left for the ignorant, racist, haters they are. In 25 years Rush and Hannity, and Beck, and others have benn trying and having some success. But George did it better that all of them put together.

First he exposed their racism when they assumed he was white. Even referring to him as a white Hispanic. Then all during the lead up to the trial and the trial itself he exposed their stunning ignorance of the law, how trials work, and the Bill of Rights. Their racism, ignorance and hatred is still on display today. The acquittal only made it worse.

When I watch the lefties continue to post their ignorance and hatred it serves as a reminder to me that I am on the right side, and for that I'd like to buy Mr.Zimmerman a beer.

Nut job con illustrates the power of his dilution.

That's silly. He was protecting himself from an attack by a thug. He also had every right to be where he was while he was and do what he was doing. The dead dipshit Martin got himself killed.
Yep, meathead is a fitting name.

Hangover is an example of why you shouldn't smoke pot and post at the same time.

Or snort Draino.
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.
The burden of proof was on the prosecution so to establish that Martin was defending himself by beating up Zimmerman. They failed miserably just as you are doing now. Zimmerman had the right to be where he was and to defend himself - case closed.
This failure is all yours. Embrace it. You're the one claiming Martin was a thug because he was winning a fight with Zimmerman, but you can't prove he wasn't provoked into the fight by Zimmerman initiating the physical confrontation. Makes your case that Martin was a "thug," wrong.

Lol, you are wrong in ever respect; by law, by the jury's verdict, by not being able to present valid arguments on a fucking message board.

You are just a butt-hurt loser fascist.
You have no proof that Zimmerman didn't initiate the physical confrontation. If that's all you've got, you have nothing.

Who initiated the confrontation doesn't matter. Kim Pham was beaten to death outside a Santa Ana night club. Her killers said they were not at fault because Pham threw the first punch. That's not a defense and why the murderers have been arrested right now.

Of course it matters, don't be ridiculous. You're citing a case where a) it hasn't yet been proven who threw the first punch; and b) if they will be acquitted if they prove Pham threw the first punch. Also, the laws in California don't apply in Florida.

You are wrong, who threw the first punch does not entitle the victim of that punch to beat the attacker to death. The laws in California and Florida aren't THAT different. If some punk hit me, even so much as a slap on the ass, I would LOVE for that to be license to beat them to death.

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