George Zimmerman is starting to look good....


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
It's a bad day when George Zimmerman is starting to look good in comparison to Darren Wilson. I mean after all, Zimmerman stayed put, called the police and waited for their arrival then willingly gave himself up to authorities for questioning. The transcript can be found online.

Darren Wilson has shown himself to be a total coward. Worse actually, because anyone who needs to shoot a suspect 6-8 times has no business being a law enforcement officer much less issued a firearm. How did he ever get through the police academy?

Couple this with the ineptitude and shabbily crafted cover up by the Ferguson PD and this situation is Rodney King and Trayvon Martin on steroids.

Stupid white men really know how to fuck things up. The GOP is going to lose badly this fall. The minorities are going to make sure of that.
I'm assuming you've never pulled a trigger... Do you realize how quick that many shots take to unload? In the heat of the moment, with a perp charging, surprised the officer didn't unload the whole clip.
NoPeePee is on a role, spewing the most ignorant crap on this board.
6-8 shots positively looks like restraint. Yes, typically you keep pulling the trigger until the threat stops. Sometimes even longer. The officer's adrenaline level must have been through the roof.
I'm assuming you've never pulled a trigger... Do you realize how quick that many shots take to unload? In the heat of the moment, with a perp charging, surprised the officer didn't unload the whole clip.

So you are saying that people that carry a weapon everyday and other non-lethal forms of weapons, do not know how to control themselves anymore than a street man?
NoPeePee is on a role, spewing the most ignorant crap on this board.
6-8 shots positively looks like restraint. Yes, typically you keep pulling the trigger until the threat stops. Sometimes even longer. The officer's adrenaline level must have been through the roof.

I've done it with zero shots.. several times...
So you are saying that people that carry a weapon everyday and other non-lethal forms of weapons, do not know how to control themselves anymore than a street man?
Why do you put words in his mouth?
Typically adrenaline level is sky high. Small muscle coordination is poor. Things happening very fast. The natural reaction is to keep doing what you're doing until the threat is over.
So you are saying that people that carry a weapon everyday and other non-lethal forms of weapons, do not know how to control themselves anymore than a street man?

Gun was already out due to the struggle at the vehicle. Perp runs off then, 6'4' 300+Ibs. behemoth, turns around and charges at you... Not rocket science.
Gun was already out due to the struggle at the vehicle. Perp runs off then, 6'4' 300+Ibs. behemoth, turns around and charges at you... Not rocket science.

I had to wrestle dudes like that in Greeco-Roman wrestling matches when I was 13-14 in the heavy weight division. No weapon used...well my hands and legs..But then again I weigh 250 and am 6'1", worked hard to keep in shape...Played football for 12 years, weight lifter. Cops need to be in shape to do their job better...
It's a bad day when George Zimmerman is starting to look good in comparison to Darren Wilson. I mean after all, Zimmerman stayed put, called the police and waited for their arrival then willingly gave himself up to authorities for questioning. The transcript can be found online.

Darren Wilson has shown himself to be a total coward. Worse actually, because anyone who needs to shoot a suspect 6-8 times has no business being a law enforcement officer much less issued a firearm. How did he ever get through the police academy?

Couple this with the ineptitude and shabbily crafted cover up by the Ferguson PD and this situation is Rodney King and Trayvon Martin on steroids.

Stupid white men really know how to fuck things up. The GOP is going to lose badly this fall. The minorities are going to make sure of that.
How about putting a 9mm against your ear and see if you can hear the first shot?
I had to wrestle dudes like that in Greeco-Roman wrestling matches when I was 13-14 in the heavy weight division. No weapon used...well my hands and legs..But then again I weigh 250 and am 6'1", worked hard to keep in shape...Played football for 12 years, weight lifter. Cops need to be in shape to do their job better...
That's impressive...but I'll bet a cop built like you would still opt to pull the trigger rather than risk a wrestling match.
I had to wrestle dudes like that in Greeco-Roman wrestling matches when I was 13-14 in the heavy weight division. No weapon used...well my hands and legs..

Kudos to you, I commend you for your self control and the intelligence to realize you would be under more scrutiny if you would have been under if you had pulled out your weapon... wrestling drunks apposed to fighting off the unknown is a lil different though.
No inveatigat
It's a bad day when George Zimmerman is starting to look good in comparison to Darren Wilson. I mean after all, Zimmerman stayed put, called the police and waited for their arrival then willingly gave himself up to authorities for questioning. The transcript can be found online.

Darren Wilson has shown himself to be a total coward. Worse actually, because anyone who needs to shoot a suspect 6-8 times has no business being a law enforcement officer much less issued a firearm. How did he ever get through the police academy?

Couple this with the ineptitude and shabbily crafted cover up by the Ferguson PD and this situation is Rodney King and Trayvon Martin on steroids.

Stupid white men really know how to fuck things up. The GOP is going to lose badly this fall. The minorities are going to make sure of that.

Investigations just starting, autopsies not released (three of them), and you are ready to CONVICT? see US Constitution, read it.
I'm assuming you've never pulled a trigger... Do you realize how quick that many shots take to unload? In the heat of the moment, with a perp charging, surprised the officer didn't unload the whole clip.

No, but I've had a gun pointed in my face.

So you know what kind of gun Wilson was using? Interesting. Seems you might want to speak to the FBI. And since you seem to understand what happened, please explain the north-south trajectory of bullet that went through the kid's head while you're there.
How about putting a 9mm against your ear and see if you can hear the first shot?

So no one here can dispute what I wrote.

Zimmerman indeed owned up to his actions and the girlie-man Wilson is in hiding and scared shitless. Ferguson PD is like mama with her little boy hiding behind her skirt. "Oh, but that dead kid in the street hurt my little Darren!"

Attack the messenger and divert from the message. It's what you righty gun-lovers do best.
No, but I've had a gun pointed in my face.

So you know what kind of gun Wilson was using? Interesting. Seems you might want to speak to the FBI. And since you seem to understand what happened, please explain the north-south trajectory of bullet that went through the kid's head while you're there.

I only know what's been released. From what I see, personal opinion, it looks like Brown charged with his hands forward and the officer hit him on the right side with the last shot hitting Brown in the head as he fell forward... Everything I go off of is assumptions, hence chatting about it on a message board.
As for the gun, I can't imagine an LE using a single action revolver so...

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