George Zimmerman Smokes Cigar, Rips Hillary, BLM, ‘Racist’ Obama in Las Vegas!

Personally I think Zimmerman is a couple of fries short of a Happy Meal but I have to give him props for how he antagonizes left loons
I was unwilling to commit to 33 minutes of my time for this interview. I gave it a try. My interest lagged quickly. Zimmerman needed the first question to be rephrased. Does that mean GZ is stupid? Does that mean the interviewer was playing games? My guess is yes and yes.

Here's the thing. Zimmerman was acquitted of charges against him in the death of Martin. Why he keeps hanging around in the spot light, beats me. Why we are spending time talking about him, also beats me. LOL
He might be the biggest douche bag in America. I sided with him on the legal aspect of his incident. But other than that...he disgusting.

Dude better realize you can only tempt karma for so long.

Oh? What makes you think he has bad Karma? Do you not understand the concept of self-defense?
Strange chap.

You have been watching too much msnbc.

George is a regular guy that through no fault of his own became the victim of a conspiracy to send a innocent man to jail in order to attempt to further the liberal narrative of black granted a lot of low information people out there do not understand that...but to the shame of America that is the reality of what happened.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.
you have a pretty simple view of what a hero is....

So...what is your 'complicated' view of heroism? Now, granted perhaps the term 'hero' is over-used in our society...but when a innocent man like George Zimmerman is targeted for persecution by the President of the United States but courageouosly stands up...defends himself and finally comes out on top and makes the POTUS look like the pos waycist idiot that he is....George deserves much support, admiration and for sure the status of a hero.
"the racist bigot barack hussein obama"

"barack hussein obama said the black panthers are his buddies"
"the racist bigot barack hussein obama"

"barack hussein obama said the black panthers are his buddies"

barrack hussein obama should have been impeached. The cowardly congress and media enabled obama and all his anti-americanism....a rogue president who has done much damage to America and will undoubtedly do more before he leaves.

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