George Zimmerman Smokes Cigar, Rips Hillary, BLM, ‘Racist’ Obama in Las Vegas!

"the racist bigot barack hussein obama"

"barack hussein obama said the black panthers are his buddies"

Still does not change the fact George Zimmerman is not in any form a hero...

Not only did George eliminate a wanna be street thug who would no doubt would have perpetuated his love of violence until he had killed one or more people. Thus a tremendous public service rendered by George's devotion to protecting his neighborhood and not to forget how he rescued people from a burning car though the media never gave him credit for that.

People have been given medals for a lot less.
the ultimate showman!

Yet he can't keep a job....burn through dat money rich niggah for a day...

Most employers will not hire him because he is considered a liability because of all the media attention and controversy...what employer wants a bunch of African-Americans picketing his place of business? Yet George has received a lot of financial support from admirers, made hundreds of thousands of dollars from his paintings and the sale of the weapon that ridded a neighborhood of a thug and he will make more hundreds of thousands of dollars selling other things and eventually writing a book and perhaps a movie deal.

Your use of the n woid phrase is waycist btw.
Bad way to move on getting rid of the gun. But I guess he's that broke...

Not broke at all...he has made hundreds of thousands of dollars selling his art all the donations from his supporters. He no doubt could buy and sell you many times over.
the ultimate showman!

Yet he can't keep a job....burn through dat money rich niggah for a day...

Most employers will not hire him because he is considered a liability because of all the media attention and controversy...what employer wants a bunch of African-Americans picketing his place of business? Yet George has received a lot of financial support from admirers, made hundreds of thousands of dollars from his paintings and the sale of the weapon that ridded a neighborhood of a thug and he will make more hundreds of thousands of dollars selling other things and eventually writing a book and perhaps a movie deal.

Your use of the n woid phrase is waycist btw.

Well, wanna borrow my phone and call someone that gives a shyt?
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
George Zimmerman is an American hero.
you have a pretty simple view of what a hero is....

So...what is your 'complicated' view of heroism? Now, granted perhaps the term 'hero' is over-used in our society...but when a innocent man like George Zimmerman is targeted for persecution by the President of the United States but courageouosly stands up...defends himself and finally comes out on top and makes the POTUS look like the pos waycist idiot that he is....George deserves much support, admiration and for sure the status of a hero.
if you followed the thread you would know....try post 15....
Zimmerman is OJ.

No. O.J. murdered his wife and her a fit of jealousy and though a kalifornicatred jury let him walk....karma eventually kicked in and now he sits in a Nevada prison cell where he deserves to be.

Meanwhile...George has never been convicted of anything, is a free man making lots of money and with supporters nationwide and deserves everyone's admiration.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.
Personally I think Zimmerman is a couple of fries short of a Happy Meal but I have to give him props for how he antagonizes left loons

the left wingers will cling to the myth of black victimhood until some African American beats the crap out of them or kills them.

They simply cannot let go of the liberal narrative of black victimhood despite the dept. of justice statistics that shows .... blacks a minority population that comitts the most violence in America.

Blacks kill more blacks in Chicago in 6 months than the klan did in all of its history....yet some want to claim black lives matter...obviously only when the media gets involved and it is a white cop involved that gets the shyster lawyers all excited at collecting a big paycheck.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

No...he had two arms and was a expeirienced fighter...loved to get high and fight...but he did occasionally attend school when he was not under suspension....yeh such a bright future he had. LOL
I was unwilling to commit to 33 minutes of my time for this interview. I gave it a try. My interest lagged quickly. Zimmerman needed the first question to be rephrased. Does that mean GZ is stupid? Does that mean the interviewer was playing games? My guess is yes and yes.

Here's the thing. Zimmerman was acquitted of charges against him in the death of Martin. Why he keeps hanging around in the spot light, beats me. Why we are spending time talking about him, also beats me. LOL

George probably had a few...thats one of the things people do in Vegas.....irregardless he came off very should have watched the whole thing then your comments might be more on the mark.

George is famous and the spotlight follows famous people.

Also.... Like George said the BLM and the others who have given him so much attention are the ones who enabled him to collect 250,000 dollars for a 300 dollar pistol....not even to mention the hundreds of thousands of dollars he made selling his paintings.

One of the benefits of fame....allows you to make the big bucks.
He "smokes a cigar"? Bill Clinton shoved a cigar where the sun don't shine when he abused an intern barely older than his daughter. Why are Zimmerman's opinions newsworthy?
"black slime matters"
a hero is someone who runs into a burning building to save someone.....takes a bullet for someone....pulls someone out of a burning car....georgy is no where near those levels....
Yes he is. By taking this feral negro out in a defensive posture under a savage primate attack, he helped save the residents of the apartment community from getting probably thousands of dollars of their property from being stolen and pawned.
How is it that this bigoted, murdering mouth breather enjoys celebrity status? Perhaps from the bigoted, murdering mouth breathing community.

hehheh The social justice warrior is irate bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The above poster is a good exhibit of how so many have fallend down a wabbitt hole ya know where up is down and black is white etc. In a more sane America that existed not that long ago...anyone who took out a menace to the community like trayvon would have been admired by all.
Trayvon was unarmed.

No...he had two arms and was a expeirienced fighter...loved to get high and fight...but he did occasionally attend school when he was not under suspension....yeh such a bright future he had. LOL
How do you reckon he deserved to be shot to death?
"black slime matters"
a hero is someone who runs into a burning building to save someone.....takes a bullet for someone....pulls someone out of a burning car....georgy is no where near those levels....
Yes he is. By taking this feral negro out in a defensive posture under a savage primate attack, he helped save the residents of the apartment community from getting probably thousands of dollars of their property from being stolen and pawned.
sure he did steve....were you there?....

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